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Empty mouths // open+hunting // to feed - Printable Version

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Empty mouths // open+hunting // to feed - jacob w.c. - 03-26-2018

JACOB W. corleone
✯ — he'll be the best of us
Leigh had told him to organize a hunting party. Jacob wasn't really sure how to go about this because he wasn't particularly good at hunting. This was for more reasons than the obvious fact he couldn't move very slow or very quiet. His legs were too clunky to step lightly and they were too prone to giving out at high speeds to even attempt running. However, there was also the fact Jacob had grown up in a city and generally preferred foods other than prey as a result. He wasn't against eating (most) prey but he preferred his pasta and soup over nearly anything else. Of course, being a canine he had to eat meat in order to stay healthy but he avoided eating some creatures, such as birds, due to keeping a few different pets overtime. No, Jacob was much more likely to patch such creatures up with the medical knowledge he had rather than try to eat them.

Despite his complete lack of skill and knowledge in the area of hunting, though, he was determined to help Snowbound and Leigh in the way he'd been told. So, the boy made his way near the edge of camp (with a few snacks in his bag, of course) and called, "If anyone would like ta' join me n' come huntin', come on over 'ere. Also, we'll be keepin' an eye out for any herbs n' things we find along the way. We 'aven't looked over the territory too much so it'll be nice ta' know what we got n' what we don't."


Re: Empty mouths // open+hunting // to feed - Ivylee - 03-28-2018

Hunting? What was that? Ivylee wasn't sure, but it sounded fun... like a game! Or better yet, an adventure! The fluffy white pup knew that she wasn't really supposed to leave the cave all by herself, so any opportunity she got to tag along with a group of her clanmates to explore she took, and this seemed like the perfect opportunity. She just couldn't help but ask. "Could I come along? Pleeeeaseeee?" Ivy inquired as she plopped her booty down beside Jacob, looking up at him with a wide, pleading gaze. She really wanted to go, even though she didn't know what hunting was exactly, she knew that missing out would be no fun.

Re: Empty mouths // open+hunting // to feed - jacob w.c. - 03-30-2018

JACOB W. corleone
✯ — he'll be the best of us
Oh, Jacob adored children. The moment he saw Ivylee, a wide smile spread across his maw and his tail thumped behind him. At her request, though, he had to hesitate for a moment. Was it wise to bring along a child who likely didn't know how to hunt? What if she got hurt outside the caves that kept them all safe from the harsh environment just outside? "Sure! Ya' can come along if ya' want." She just looked so hopeful and happy. Really, he'd never had any other option. "We gotta' wait for a couple more people ta' come 'fore we leave though. Maybe I can show ya' how ta' find some herbs n' stuff under all the snow. 'S pretty fun once ya' get the hang of it," he suggested with a light smile. It'd taken some getting used to after his arrival but now that he'd been here for some time, he was able to identify the light greens and browns of hidden herbs. There were some things that weren't trapped by the snow but not much seemed to escape it's icy grip.   

Re: Empty mouths // open+hunting // to feed - Ivylee - 04-02-2018

Wait, so she was really allowed to come? "Yay!" Ivy exclaimed, feeling extremely happy by Jacob's response, and the way her tail began to wag swiftly only showed off that excitement that she was experiencing. So she was able to come, and Jacob was willing to show her how to find herbs? This was clearly going to be the best day ever for the little pup, who was usually bored when cooped up in camp. But no... not today. Today she was going to be helpful and learn how to find the herbs! "Oh, okay! That sounds fun!" She added, now sitting back down to wait for others to come. Hopefully more would decide to come with soon. Ivy wasn't sure how long she could wait for.