Beasts of Beyond
YOUNG BLOOD / JOINING - Printable Version

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The ocean's surface was calm, serene. No waves were forming yet on the outskirts of the ocean, so it gave the brown bear plenty of time to make his way towards the shoreline. His large paws cut through the current like a knife, and he managed to keep his head above water so that he wouldn't drown. He had swam plenty of times throughout his lifetime, and while this was a longer trek for sure, his curiosity couldn't wait. The bear, named Thor, wanted to see what was awaiting him on the island in the distance. He didn't have a single clue on how to get back to the land of his birth, so he had no choice but to become a wanderer. It was fine with him, though. It was easy to get around in the world when you were at the top of the food chain.

The waves began to form and curl over him, and that was when he had gotten caught up in a large one that had carried him to the shore. The brute sunk into the wet sand before slowly getting to his paws, the water absorbed into his thick pelt making it a bit hard for his mobility. He simply shook it out, sending droplets flying in all directions, and he lifted his nose to the air to try and detect a scent. There were so many unfamiliar smells, even ones thatthe had never smelled before.

Thor didn't even know where to start. Actually, wait- he did. He had spotted a rotting log near the green undergrowth, and he made his way towards it. The bear took a deep, long sniff of the wood before proceeding to dig his blunt claws at the bark. He worked on ripping the shards of wood off of the log's surface so that he could access the buffet (or, in his case, termites and ants). Thor sniffed at the freshly clawed wood again and used his claws to rip away the surface so that the sprawling insects were revealed. He used his tongue to lap them up, feeling content in that moment. A big male like him needed much more than this to survive, but right now, he'd eat just about anything.

// a large brown bear washed up onto haven island and now he's near the jungle, lookin' for food >:^)

Re: YOUNG BLOOD / JOINING - VANDAL R. - 07-24-2018

Vandal has seen a lot of things in her lifetime. Shapeshifting animals. Unicorns. Hot jaglions and wolves. Goddesses. Bears. She's seen bears before - big creatures, terrifying creatures, gentle creatures when they're not being disturbed - and this one is hardly any different. In fact, for a few moments, Vandal hangs back and watches him continue his insect feast, lapping at the rotting tree like it's a popsicle on a hot summer day. While she doesn't necessarily understand the art of eating bugs, she figures that they must be healthy - in a very minute way. She doubts they'll be enough to completely fill the bear, though.

An idea pops in her head, and she's quick to fly away - to a nearby stream where she knows trout are often found lurking in the silver waters. Thankfully, fishing has become quite a skill to Vandal, given the fact that she has a passive passion for cooking dishes primarily centered around seafood. It takes her no more than ten seconds to find a trout and skewer it with her talons - god-bless those talons. It takes her twenty more to find the bear again.

Vandal wonders what she should do next. Does the bear speak? Is the bear sentient? Vandal's heard of bears being both, and she doesn't know what to expect; if she throws the fish at the bear's head at the speed of what-the-fuck, would the bear growl at her or curse her back? Might as well give it a shot to find out. The maned wolf takes the fish and lobs it at the bear lightly, hoping that it'll at least hit his shoulder and land on the ground by his paws.

; listen, vandal is not smart

Re: YOUNG BLOOD / JOINING - goodsprings - 07-24-2018

//tracking bc cap would have no ic reason or way of being on haven o:

Re: YOUNG BLOOD / JOINING - Luciferr - 07-24-2018

You will always be a monster, there is no turning back from it.
But what type of monster you become is entirely up to you -

one of the many advantages of his void black form was that from a distance - or even close up if positioned right to hide the bright red Marr - Lucifer could easily blend into or become a shadow - or be mistaken for a strange pile of rocks.

Another advantage was that he often could cruise the islands to his leisure, this one in particular he'd landed in shortly if only to curl up and try to gain a nap - one sans children for one day at least, large form meaning a climbing frame to the small ones, not that he begrudged them but it had been a long night patrol and even he whom didn't sleep much did need his rest now and then.

So when the bear had washed up, lucifer had done naught but snake open the one silver eye watchful - of course now it was much more wary with Vandal apparently tempting fate,

There was a saying about poking bears,

There was also a saying about sleeping dragons,


Re: YOUNG BLOOD / JOINING - THOR - 07-24-2018

// bless vandal tbh

Thor had come across plenty of animals in his travels. From the puniest mice to the largest hellhounds, he was no stranger to the mythical beasts that these lands possessed. He was hardly scared of anything; that was why he hurled himself into such dangerous situations. After being held behind bars in a cage and being constantly jeered at and prodded by humans, nothing much scared him anymore.

That wasn't to say that he couldn't get startled. Out of nowhere, something had hit his side, which had triggered his internal alarm system. Thor immediately jumped back, letting out a surprised grunt, and his amber eyes quickly darted to what had hit him. Ooh, a fish! It was considerably meatier than those tiny bugs. But then, it hit him: a fish couldn't possibly leap this far out of the water. It had gotten here somehow.

That was when the bear spotted the maned wolf that was standing in front of him, and he immediately assumed a defensive position. He furrowed his figurative brows and bared his teeth, and he demanded, "Who the hell are you?! Why did you throw that at me? Huh?" I mean... it wasn't the worst thing to be hit with. In fact, the bear had leaned down to sink his teeth into the fish before dragging it closer towards him in a possessive manner. Whatever happened, he was still going to eat it.


Haven Island. Caesar had a bad experience with this place, considering the only time he came here for the damn Entrance Ritual. But he supposed that getting rid of a bad taste in his mouth was a good decision, so that explained why the demon was here on this island. Hearing somebody call out, Caesar turned around from where he was heading and found himself heading towards where Vandal and Lucifer were. Lucifer being the one he noticed first because how the hell were you not supposed to notice a giant ass dragon? "Who the hell are you?" Caesar shot the question back at the bear with a growl, narrowing his eyes as he came to stand beside Vandal.

Re: YOUNG BLOOD / JOINING - VANDAL R. - 07-24-2018

Vandal can't help it. The moment the bear startles at the fish flopping against him, Vandal's rolling onto her back and clutching at her stomach with her paws, laughing - outright laughing over everything that seems to be happening all around her. "Damn, man, you shoulda seen your face! Oh gods, I -" And she laughs a bit more until she can feel it tapering out of her system in tiny, short bursts. She doesn't even care that she probably looks like a giggly mess to Lucifer and Cipher. She's just having a good bit of fun.

When she's finally able to breathe normally, she rights herself back onto her talons and paws, smiling wider when she notices the bear quickly pull the 'peace offering' closer to himself. She's satisfied by that. "Vandal Roux. Th'biggest pain in the ass the Typhoon has ever seen. Tha's my way of sayin', since you're on our turf, you're either one of us, or we get to toss ya in with th'fishes." She flashes the bear a wide smile, almost as if there had been no threat in her introduction at all.

; vandal: an actual mess

Re: YOUNG BLOOD / JOINING - THOR - 07-24-2018

Another one had arrived, this time with the same scent as the maned wolf but wielding a sharp tongue. He had the guts to give Thor attitude, and the bear produced a gutteral rumbling in his throat. His gaze burned into Caesar's, but surprisingly, no threats spilled from his maw. Instead, he huffed and answered plainly, "Thor." To anyone who followed Norse mythology that might have sounded a bit strange, but rest assured, he was not the God of Thunder. In fact, he possessed no powers whatsoever. He had his own versions of super abilities: tooth and claw.

He whipped his gaze over to where the she-wolf had fallen to the ground and rolled around, laughing presumably at his reaction to the fish. Hey, that wasn't funny! It was far from funny. The bear, clearly not appreciating the fact that he had been made a laughing-stock, snarled, "Hey, stop laughing! Or I'll make you wish you hadn't!" He threatened, though he was perhaps more pouty than anything. Thor did not like being laughed at. It reminded him of that dreadful place, the one where he was trapped in a small box and had no choice but to cower whenever anyone came close. It made him feel embarrassed, much like when he had been a subject.

The female had ceased her giggling, and was now getting down to business. Good, it was better that they had all moved on from that incident. Thor cocked his head out of confusion at her words, and he questioned, "What's a 'Typhoon'?" He had never heard of these groups before. Albeit he had grown up in a similar community setting, it had been far away from this land. So, it was stay or leave, huh? Thor could have just up and left; he was used to being on his own. But, then again... this place was surrounded by an ocean. And the ocean had fish. Fish were tasty.

Briefly licking his lips, Thor asked them, "So, if I join you guys... do I get to keep the fish? And can I get more?" Frankly, all he cared about at the moment was filling his stomach.


Thor. If Caesar did care of mythology, he probably would have recognized the name, but unfortunately he did not. "We're a group of pirates, more or less." The demon replied with a shrug, rolling his eyes for a moment by the way Vandal acted. "But yeah, ya can join if you want. And get all the fish you want, while you're at it." He didn't like fish so hey, the bear eating all of them would be great. "M'name's Officer Caesar Cipher, by the way."


”Let me at ‘em!”

The puny voice of Sylvina could be heard a few feet away from the gathered group and a bit lower upon the ground than the rest. (Afterall she only weighed a whopping three pounds.) Her face was furrowed in a poor attempt at a snarl and the hackles upon the kitten’s ebony pelted back would be raised in tufts of fur. ”You may have size on your side but you’ve never met an enemy like me, mister!” The brave little fluff would growl towards the bear briefly before her body faceplanted upon the ground, her hindleg becoming stuck behind a rock. Sylvina would frantically press both forepaws around the limb and pull as best she could. There was a seabear on their land and she had to protect her crewmates! Captainpaw had warned them all of this moment, how could they be so blatant to its threat?

Or.. Wait. Maybe it was here to join. Ceasing her attempts to loosen her leg from the pebbles, Sylvina would swivel her head back towards the behometh creature. Everyone else seemed calm .. Okay, that was a good sign. ”What are you doing here?”