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FREE TO EVER SLUMBER | joining - Printable Version

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FREE TO EVER SLUMBER | joining - CELESTE G.M. - 07-24-2018

[align=center][div style="text-align:justify;width:55%;font-size:10pt;font-family:verdana"]It is safe to say that Temulin does not know where she is. She faintly remembers a storm and praying through the list of deities that she hoped would protect her. Tengri, that he might spare her from the storm and Erlik in particular, that he may spare her from his clutches so that she could do his work here.

When she woke up on foreign shores, her fur drenched and feeling as she had swallowed a gallon of water, it seemed her prayers had been answered. Not in the way that she expected or intended but... She was alive. Temulin would be ungrateful to not give thanks for that at the very least, now wouldn't she? Still, her thoughts turn to the land itself, and she must admit that she's unfamiliar with... Well anything. The trees look strange to her, the sea is not one that she finds familiar.

The siamese is, for all intents and purposes, completely and hopelessly lost. She hadn't even intended to still be out on the waves by the time the storm hit - she had even heard it coming! It was like, thousands of whispers on the sea to her. And yet, the sea still swallowed her and spat her out somewhere completely foreign to her.

"Suga..." She mutters underneath her breath, scanning around the beach. Her vision is not what it used to be, but she can't spot anyone there either. She can also faintly hear her stomach growling, reminding her that she has no idea how long it's been since she was last on solid ground. With a soft sigh, she starts moving in land to try and find another person to talk to.

Surely they wouldn't hurt a shaman?

Re: FREE TO EVER SLUMBER | joining - rochelle - 07-24-2018

[align=center][div style="borderwidth=0px; text-align: justify; width: 520px; padding-bottom: 17px; overflow: stretch; font-family: verdana;"]Fischer would surely never hurt another soul, shaman or not. It was a vow she'd taken a long time ago, that her claws remained withdrawn and clean, that her words remain soft and careful. Years of living in violence, her home more close to a morgue than a place she lived in. Every day in that tribe, it'd been glancing over her shoulder, waiting to see a knife going into her back. And it wasn't like she ever trusted anyone there not to betray her. Those years had truly shaped her, into a full and rounded being, not the hollow and defensive girl she used to be. Not that there wasn't some emptiness sometimes, but often times she could bare through it, especially in the Typhoon now.

The wolf had been making her way around a portion of the shore, eyes swept up into the horizon. The light was making her dark fur appear black, though a halo of deep umber silhouetted her tall figure well enough. Amber eyes glancing to the beach ahead, she caught sight of Temulin. The pale Siamese appeared ... unfamiliar with the land, and Fischer could instantly tell that they were a stranger. "Excuse me ..." She said gently, hoping to get the other's attention. "This is the Typhoon's territory, how can I help you?"

Re: FREE TO EVER SLUMBER | joining - VANDAL R. - 07-24-2018

Vandal wouldn't hurt a shaman unless they were directly threatening her clan. As big and threatening as she likes to pretend, she's not exactly the type to 'hit first, ask questions later' if she can help it. Battle has far, far too many consequences - consequences that she's seen with her very eyes, consequences that she continues to regret with every second her heart remains beating in Midgard. For all her bluffing, she's scared... scared of what else she'll lose. With each passing day, closer and closer to the raid, she feels that fear growing stronger and stronger, sinking its frigid teeth into a heart that's only barely started to heal.

She holds it well, though, hides her secret fear under heavy locks. The key, she's split into several pieces, each one given away to different people out of habit - out of necessity, she trusts them with it, just as she trusts them all with herself. While hidden within layers, Vandal's bone-chilling fear runs deep, she holds herself outwardly with as much bravado as she can muster - which is, suffice to say, a lot given the reputation she continued to uphold. She's someone who needs to be someone almost constantly. Being fearless is something that she can pretend to be.

The maned wolf wanders over, parts her lips to speak but stops shortly after realizing that Fischer is also there. Her ears heat up almost instantly, but Vandal pushes herself to act naturally (or, more accurately, even more naturally since she has twice to hide now). She gives herself one last pep talk and moves forward to stand beside the umber wolf, to address the - the siamese, who looks like she feels completely out of place in the island, and the expression is so, so odd and unexpected that Vandal tries and fails to speak again. Her jaws open, close, open again - and she finally manages to push out a strangled, "You a'right there?"

Re: FREE TO EVER SLUMBER | joining - CELESTE G.M. - 07-24-2018

[align=center][div style="text-align:justify;width:55%;font-size:10pt;font-family:verdana"]Strangers. And they're both quite considerably bigger than her which isn't hard, considering her size. Temulin has always been small, petite, weak in the eyes of her tribe. It didn't trouble her, but there was a small nagging feeling that if they did turn out to be hostile ( which they didn't seem ), she would be utterly and truly fucked. Still, she offers them both a shallow bow and an almost aggressively polite smile.

"I apologise for trespassing but... I appear to be very lost." She laughs at how much of an understatement that is. She's never heard of this group before, she knows the tribes of the planes and here she is, on a island, with not a sea of grass and wide open plain in sight. It's clear to tell the feline is definitely uncomfortable with it, although the reason why might come off as more odd than anything else.

"I... I would assume that I am not alright. I don't know how long I've been unconscious... I am sorry Miss, I truly am. My name is Temulin, and I simply wish to return to the plains." She replies to Vandal honestly. That being said, it's rude to impose upon the group that she doesn't know. "I... I truly am sorry to trouble you lovely ladies but... What is the Typhoon?"

Re: FREE TO EVER SLUMBER | joining - goodsprings - 07-24-2018

captainpaw couldn't imagine being so far from home any time in the future. or, at least for long periods of time. he was rather comfortable seeing his crewmates. saying goodnight to them on his way back home. sleeping in a warm bed with cozy sheets and soft pillows. a ship that he required for his future career might not have that, of course, but he wasn't at that age just yet. he would need to achieve some important life skills first. definitely some life lessons to see to first.

he's never seen someone wash up on shore before, though. the young toms eyes search the waters, but not even a wreckage seems to be anywhere in site. she must be exhausted... he wonders how she's even standing.

"the typhoon is here!" cap jumped to answer, popping up from behind vandal to offer a cheery smile. "we live on some islands, and sometimes loot other people for big treasures! our leaders name is pincher, he's really cool sometimes. i'm captainpaw, by the way." it's all a rambling mouthful that he can't quite contain, too eager to answer her question.

"what are 'the plains'? are they a pirate crew too?" he had never heard of them, before. only the snowbound and the ascendants had ever come up in conversation before.

✯ — male. the typhoon. easy. REF. BIO. — ✯

Re: FREE TO EVER SLUMBER | joining - Luciferr - 07-24-2018

You will always be a monster, there is no turning back from it.
But what type of monster you become is entirely up to you -

ah, another displaced ?

He'd known other lands even after the fall of his families might - and in those times he'd worn other names too, vaako, visceral, Khabeleth, there were quite a few - with clans to follow, Sky, Blood and Rivers.

The dragon's brow rose slightly as he joined the group but otherwise kept quiet, his massive shadow a simple backdrop to those that would and have answered this strangers question.

Hm, interesting.


Re: FREE TO EVER SLUMBER | joining - CELESTE G.M. - 07-24-2018

Ah, pirates. She supposes that pirates aren't too different from the raiders that she grew up with. In fact, they were probably the closest equivalent and her face flickers with a subtle sort of understanding. The tribes, her tribe, her home - they are savages to most. A group which pillages shouldn't sneer upon a group their equivalent on land.

The apprentice strikes her as naive instantly. It isn't a bad thing, she wishes she was still young and naive herself. Her childhood didn't last that long due to several factors, the antics of her brothers, the loss of her sisters. Better to stay a child and a happy child for as long as you can. "The plains are much larger than your island, imagine a sea of grass stretching as far as the ocean stretches into the horizon, and you will have the great plains. No one tribe owns the plains, I myself hail from the Dotharli tribe.

That being said... I think you would recognise our raiders as land-bound pirates yes."
She hopes that answers his question, although she has no idea of the proximity of the plains to the island she finds herself on now. That means that she for now, lacks a home. Her sight catches the large figure of the dragon, which she watches with a detached interest. There is something off about him, but nothing concrete enough to cause her to form anything too damning of an opinion.

"If you raid, perhaps you have contact with the mainland? I could perhaps find my way home from there. I'd be happy to pull my weight until then."
[div style="text-align:center;width:55%;font-size:11pt;font-family:times new roman;padding-TOP: 3px;"][color=white]SO STILL THIS BROKEN MELODY AND HEREWITH SHOULDER THEE