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ticking like a clock ❆ dual joining - Printable Version

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ticking like a clock ❆ dual joining - arcy - 03-26-2018

This may be the biggest trainwreck that Lance has ever had the honor of participating in. Like -- there were so many layers to this absolutely universe-defying drama. Lance has been a lion for like -- two weeks, and Keith has been a kitsune for about a day. Lance was at least aware that clans and groups existed, and Keith was -- a little out of the loop. Lance told him at least a little bit, he promises -- no details, just that they'd be joining some group until they could find their way back to the team.
Here's the kicker, though -- pirates. Real animal pirates. That's the gist of what Lance got from that conversation, and he knew they were open to join, though they'd have to go through some sort of -- initiation. Lance is a little concerned, but it's not enough to dissuade him. Like -- this is Lance's chance to be a literal pirate, who cares how hard it'll be. Though -- he is a little concerned about like, hurting people, or stealing. Like, this goes against a lot of team Voltron's morals, and he probably should have thought it through before enacting this scheme. Oops.
"Hurry up, mullet, we're almost there," The lion whines. He's moving quickly -- he looks absolutely eager, grinning like a madman as he splashes through the shallow water over the train tracks. His fur is heavy with water, and the salt itches, but he feels more at home here in the water than he has in -- a while, at least. Another minute, and they're on dry land again, the sand under his paws. He's not actually sure where the camp is located -- just that they live on the island or something. At the very least, he knows people are here -- he can certainly smell them. But whatever, they're here, or they're not, for better or worse. Lance shakes out his pelt, heavy with water, and he may or may not have only done it once Keith was close enough to get caught in range of the droplets -- or maybe not, if Keith just didn't, or if he stepped away. The original intent is still there, and Lance would grin at the kitsune almost smugly, before turning his attention back to the island. It's very lush, and Lance can see an old, crashed train, an overgrowth of plants over it and -- also some sort of skull something. Hm. Intimidating.
"Hello?" Lance calls now, raising his head with his eyes gleaming. Just to get the attention of anyone potentially nearby -- patience wasn't really Lance's thing, especially not with this. Like -- seriously, pirates.

//please wait for [member=222]Keith,[/member] to post first!!!


Re: ticking like a clock ❆ dual joining - galexiux - 03-27-2018

  Bee would be lying if she said she wasn't following the two since she saw them on the other side of the shore.  The little cat did indeed love the flowers that grew on this side of the island, so she spends a lot of her spare time here. It was one of her favorite things to do. To just bask in the blossoms and pollen of the small yellow flowers (though she had to watch her lungs and watch out for actual bees). The girl was sitting in the undergrowth of the flowers, staring in awe at the larger creatures. At first, she thought they were being invaded, causing her heart to start to flutter. She coughed silently, taking deep breaths to calm herself out of an attack.

  It was only when Lance called out for help that she calmed. The feline's ears pinned back. They seemed to be friends. Th... that was nice. A hopeful smile spread across the cat's face. She slowly stood up, shaking her head from the dizzy spell cast upon her. She was cursed, after all. She took a deep breath, shutting her blue eyes. She could do this.

  She slowly walked out of the bushes, shaking the petals off of her. She didn't want to startle the others, after all. Though... she was a bit on the small size, and sneaking up on them, even on accident, could be a possibility. The spotted cat turned up to the largers, offering a small wave. ... Well, that didn't work.

Hey! She called out, Can I help you two? Her small voice called out. There was no reason to stay hiding. These two looked friendly enough. She took a deep breath, trying to level out her heart. Don't be afraid. You're fine. She told herself.


Re: ticking like a clock ❆ dual joining - PINCHER - 03-27-2018

the devil's backbone
pincher always found the idea of being a pirate rather odd. he was a criminal but in a sense, one with style and hell of a decorative way of showing it. pirates were seen as lowlife that attacked others to get what they didn't have and to be fully honest — pincher liked it that way. he was no saint, not any longer after all he had done and the sins that had been committed by his very own paws. so instead of seeking redemption, pincher knew well enough that heaven would not let him in so he might as well be as "evil" he could be. in a way, the life of a pirate was one that sought out freedom in a sense of ruthlessness and greed. but perhaps it even taught the value of taking whatever was being placed in front of you before it was too late. life was short in the captain's eyes and he believed that if this was how things were then well, might as well enjoy it that he could later tell stories about. and it seemed there were others beings that had a similar mindset or perhaps they had heard of how different the typhoon was compared to the other groups. or they just wanted a place to crash. pincher's reactions tended to vary and depended on his mood. would he turn them down and even use the visitors as sacrifices? or would he gladly let them in with open arms? who the hell knew with pincher.

the obsidian colored doberman had been trotting lightly on the porcelain white beaches of barracuda bay, his pointed ears pricked for any scuffling sound as he was searching for food, specifically crab. he had not had it for a while and though he had been punished for messing with the hard crustaceans, pinch never learned from his mistakes and was craving some delicious cooked crab meat. his tongue began to water at the idea of having crab tonight when the canine faintly heard voices, one familiar and two others that he did not recognize. his vibrant aquamarine blue eyes narrowed with suspicion and he began to jog, his rich coffee brown paws softly sinking against the soft earth beneath him. it took him a few minutes to finally reach the outlined figures, noticing that bee had been the first to greet whoever the hell these strangers were. luckily, pincher was in a rather relaxed mood as the lean scarred captain followed shortly after bee, protectively standing closer to her with his piercing frost blue gaze locked onto the lion and the kitsune. he knew that bee and other certain members weren't as intimidating as some of the other crewmates or acolytes so he decided not to scold her for being so gentle with the foreign strangers. 

however, his attention was quickly snapped when he noticed the faint traces of crimson blood dance through the clear salt water that covered the railroad track strip of land. his muscles tensed beneath his short rugged pelt as he snapped "oi! did you seriously cut yourself on the track? now blood's in the water and it might attract some big ass fish fucks here." the doberman's upper lip slightly curled back as he glanced around the water. though he doubted that sharks would come this near the water, pincher knew that there were some that would go to extremities to find food. pincher didn't find them evil but he knew that the ocean carried more danger than land. tipping his head towards the lion that appeared to rather excited about being on typhoon's territory, pincher added "before bee and i help you, i need to know who the hell you are and whatcha business?" his good mood seemed to have been burned out by the sight of blood in the water but even with profanities slipping out of his tongue, his voice was clear and steady though he did appear a little impatient.