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trampoline ;; ezra - Printable Version

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trampoline ;; ezra - MARKO ! - 07-24-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 45%; text-align: justify; font-size: 11pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: verdana;"]♦ — marko was, like, really bad at self preservation. he rarely slept much, sometimes spending entire days out in the sun. he performed daring, often likely deadly stunts on a nearly daily basis (see, speeding through the town on his motorcycle or climbing to the top of a half-rotted rollercoaster), and when something did go wrong, he was let off with rather minor injuries. perhaps he was way too lucky, perhaps he was invincible. it didn't really matter, seeing as the worst affliction he'd really managed to sustain in the past ten years was a broken arm, and his twisted ankle probably wasn't even as bad as that, really.

his nature to do dumb shit like climb buildings for no real reason was the direct cause of him tearing some of the stitches he was given after his biking accident. apparently a leather jacket heavily armored with at least a layer of patches couldn't protect against a fall that was nearly two stories tall.

of course, it wasn't in his utmost attention to get that looked after. he was a busy guy, he had things to do and god damn it, he'd get them done.

so marko was on the boardwalk, moving himself in the general direction of ezra's beachhouse as he searched for what he really wanted to have with him. it was no secret that he loved the birdlife of the town, and spent a lot of his time making friends with the pigeons and crows that frequented san creado. they were just easier to befriend than people, a lot of the time, and as confident as marko usually was, they were just... less stressful. that was all, really. he was more anxious of a guy than he cared to admit, and having someone around that would never, ever judge him was just a lot easier on his mental state. the other vampires' constant chidings did get to him eventually, no matter what he really cared to admit. it was easy finding a pigeon to bring with him; crows were more difficult to convince, but he didn't really like them as much, anyways. after about a minute confrontation, the pigeon allowed itself to be picked up, and marko pet its head with a careful finger.

his gloves were still super scuffed up, he'd have to find a another good pair of leather gloves and cut the fingers off. it was his fault he only had a couple good outfits, anyways, but that didn't necessarily matter. hell, he probably needed new chaps, too. and boots. at least he had enough wifebeaters and jeans to get him through life with the style he liked.

that was besides the point, though, seeing as he was now at ezra's front door. he contemplated knocking, instead just opening the door. good, ezra was right there, right next to all of his plants! not like you could really be anywhere in his house without being next to plants, though. "hey, i, uh..." he started, trying and failing to conceal a chuckle. he felt pretty stupid, now, seeing as his disregard for safety had ended up working against him. ez would probably be pretty disappointed in him. "i broke a couple stitches on my, uh, my side, could you patch 'em back up?"


Re: trampoline ;; ezra - EZRA! - 07-24-2018

Re: trampoline ;; ezra - MARKO ! - 07-25-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 45%; text-align: justify; font-size: 11pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: verdana;"]♦ — marko felt more disappointed in himself than he was expecting; mostly because he wasn't assuming he'd get as harsh of a reaction. he stepped in slowly, trying to keep himself from squeezing the pigeon too harshly. it wasn't his fault that pigeons were living creatures who needed food to eat, really. sure, ez told him to keep the birds out of his house, but... "they help me out," he mumbled, pulling it closer. hopefully the medic (former? marko wasn't sure, and he sensed that digging into the vamp's history wouldn't be right for the time) would understand where he was coming from. he was... getting a little nervous. that was all.

the next question ezra threw at him also hurt, though maybe not as personally. he was being a bit too reckless for his current state, and it was backfiring. he kept his eyes on the floorboards, half-rotted from the tsunami and practically covered in plantlife, brow furrowed. thinking wasn't something he had to do that intently very often, but he found himself almost intimidated by ezra at times, and he cared probably too much about what others perceived him as.

"i was climbing a building and they broke while i was pulling myself onto the roof," he said curtly, laughter bubbling up again despite his best attempts at keeping his habits at bay. marko felt like a complete idiot, really. "it wasn't my intention to break them, ez."

he sat himself down on the floor, knowing from the regular visits that he really shouldn't expect anything nice to sit down on. he put the pigeon in his lap, trying to make sure it didn't try to fly off and eat any of ezra's plants. he then pulled off some clothing in the following order: gloves, jacket, and shirt. marko wasn't a person who felt self-conscious about his body; he was absolutely confident, at least, when he wasn't feeling as nervous as he did. he leaned back on his palms, trying to make himself comfortable. "can you just patch it up?" he said, tone almost whiny.

he felt guilty. actually, he mostly just felt stupid. marko took a deep breath with the intent on relaxing himself, wishing ezra would be a bit more compassionate.