Beasts of Beyond
WHAT'S YOUR NAME, MAN? - open, stranger on territory + joining - Printable Version

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WHAT'S YOUR NAME, MAN? - open, stranger on territory + joining - cashew - 07-24-2018

( sorry for the shitty first post, its late here and im exhausted uwu but basically he needs someone to help him and bring him into the clan! also i made this before reading all of the territory so im extremely sorry that it's inaccurate </3 )

tha-thump - tha-thump - tha thump

The rhythmic noise coming from within was the only thing that Volkrath could hear — it was all that he could truly muster enough energy to concentrate on. The pounding vibration slowly continuing was within the lion’s heart whilst it was beating blood to the rest of his dreary self. For a badly bruised body, the precious organ seemed to be the only part that was still fully intact and making somewhat of an attempt to keep his mammoth sized self working and alive. Everything else upon and inside of the adolescent had some sort of malfunction or injury occurring had it not already been previously battered. Every time he ate he simply couldn’t stomach anything and his meal would come back up for an appearance. His hind left leg was limp and most likely broke. Gaping gashes sweltering with pus and blood littered his body followed by the immediate presence of dirt and leaves stuck by the very liquid pouring out of him. The lion’s albino mane was stained crimson by his very own blood. His pelt was a complete mess, but there wasn’t anything he could do about it. The life within him had been kicked, beaten, and thrown out.

In normal circumstances Volkrath was incredibly upkept and put together quite well. Despite being a loner, he managed nicely on his own and hadn’t required the assistance of anyone else for quite some time (although he did long for the company of another soul). The young male had his own schedule that kept him on the right path  to gain an adequate amount of food all the while bringing him on a daily escort around his “territory” to make sure nobody had taken claim. It was a simple, organized layout that he relived every day. It worked in his favor for the past few moons. He was lucky not to have any outsider threats trying to take over his land, but after-all, he was quite secluded.

Yet eventually luck runs out.

It had been a normal day with his normal routine walking about his normal territory. The sun was shining, the birds were releasing their melodic tunes and the frogs were happily hopping along the pond that he had decided to stop at for a quick sip. Perhaps it was his naive nature to his land lately that caused Volkrath not to survey the scene for any intruders beforehand. There had never been a stray threat from another loner before and the lion had begun to relax about his patrols. Unfortunately this was the wrong day for him to be so modest in his routine.

It happened quite quickly with no forewarning for Volkrath to prepare himself. A traveling male bear had appeared out of nowhere behind him and hadn’t taken a liking to the lion’s presence, deeming the albino as an immediate thread. The attack was completely one-sided and had caught the young wildcat off guard; he had no hand in the fight and had completely been pummeled by the bear’s brute strength. Everything was a flash of fur and claws slashing upon Volk’s flanks, the fiery sound of the bear’s determined roars ringing within his pinned ears. There truly was nothing he could do at his vantage point besides endure the strike and try to protect his vulnerable underbelly from the killing blows. Had it not been for the cliffside that the lion managed to jump off of during the blur of the onslaught then he surely would have been dead.

As if jumping off had been any better.

Volkrath found himself at base of a mountain a few hours after his spontaneous life-saving maneuver of throwing himself off the side of the cliff. His body had understandably blacked out and stayed within the same pose for hours. As time passed and so did the sun from the sky, the badly injured lion would slowly stir to life with an immediate wince and an instinctive roar of pain parting from his jowls. Every part of his body was aching and yet he managed to slowly pry himself up from the ground - only to fall back down. Gee, so much for an easy getaway.

tha-thump - tha-thump - tha thump

Re: WHAT'S YOUR NAME, MAN? - open, stranger on territory + joining - MOONMADE - 07-24-2018

[size=9pt]Long nights lead to long mornings. Exhaustion leads to boredom and boredom leads to restlessness, and so, Moon was as far from camp as he could possibly be at that moment. He wasn't looking for herbs today; he needed a goddamn break from finding flowers in his teeth. No, today, he was just going for a walk. He'd heard the phrase used many times on the Big Screen, 'Hey, Honey, I'm just nipping out for a walk--!' and even though, so far, it was doing fuck all for his well being, he was persisting and maybe, possibly, hopefully, whoever sits in the clouds would take pity and drop him a distraction.

That's when he found his twin. It took him a moment to fully register it all, because his gaze was more lidded than usual and he felt kinda distant, but once he did, he scowled. What was up with lions randomly appearing on their territory, lately? He's not sure if he likes it. It's like he was the only child and now his parents had triplets and he's not so nice and shiny anymore. They're ruining the Brand. "Hey--" he starts, voice more accusing than welcoming, but then he sees the stranger crumble to the ground and he shuts hit mouth.

The lion heaves a sigh, internally slapping himself because this was the one day he'd gone without herb hunting and, with Imperia's whole thing, he was running a little bit low. It's fine though, they had a little bit left. Maybe enough for this big guy. "Alright, Mufasa," Moon says  as he approaches, hanging head analyzing his body for injuries. He'd fallen, that much is clear. Perhaps some fractures or broken bones. Moon lays down some dandelion leaves in front of the stranger. "Chew this stuff for me, real quick. I know it probably tastes like shit, but you're gonna' need it. Can you tell me what hurts? Then we can cut to the begging for forgiveness for trespassing on our territory."

Re: WHAT'S YOUR NAME, MAN? - open, stranger on territory + joining - Suiteheart - 07-24-2018

The white feline had scented Volkrath before she caught wind of Moonmade - and all of this was way before she spotted the twin-like pair. The wounds that littered the albino lion's pelt were old, infected. Even though the unknown male had fallen and was now covered in dirt from his plunge, she could scent the sickness he harbored inside of his body.

"Fuck, man," Suite called, trotting forward. "Guy looks like fucking hell." She shook her head as a look of concern traipsed her alabaster features. He appeared to have been in a fight recently, but most of the wounds he carried were weeks old. 'Does he not know how to take care of himself?' she thought as baby blues scanned the injured male. Looking to Moonmade, she said, "Let me know if you need any help. I know my way around healing."

She let a chuckle pass through her lips as Moon's final words towards the trespasser. She liked the new Halo quite a bit. He had a good edge to him. "Easy, Moon." The notes of amusement were not hard to find in her speech.

[b]suiteheart folie-mikaelson . ecliptic admiral . the ascendants . tags
© [color=black]MADI

Re: WHAT'S YOUR NAME, MAN? - open, stranger on territory + joining - MirrorEdge - 07-24-2018

"Is he okay?" The young Fireball made her way over, beads hitting against one another on the cord as she did so, looking to Moonmade, then to the stranger, curiousity getting the better of her. "You guys look alike." She mewed quietly, the Arabian leopard offering the injured stranger a smile. Because if you smiled, it would be alright.

For now, she stuck near Suite, tail curled around her front paws and pale blue eyes glancing towards her, as if hoping for answers.

Since she had little to no medical experience, minus the whole, 'if you're bleeding, you should put bandages on it', she choose not to offer her help.

Re: WHAT'S YOUR NAME, MAN? - open, stranger on territory + joining - VERSAILLESPALACE - 07-24-2018

Versailles startles to the sound of a thump.

She'd been wandering the territory with her eyes closed, trying to test her memory of which is where and how to tell whether she's supposed to take a right or a left. It'd been going rather well - meaning, she'd run into at least ten boulders in the last five minutes - and had been nearing the end of the stretch of border when she hears the sickening sound not too far off. Her eyelids peel apart almost as quickly as her paws start moving, golden eyes dimming low as she ricochets towards the source.

When she arrives, it's to Moon and Suite and Thea, surrounding what appears to be a conscious white lion. She wonders why he had fallen in the first place - from how high up, if he even has any chance of survival. Moonmade seems to think that he does, though, and she trusts his judgement enough to think that he knows how to identify the answer better. If he's insistent on trying to heal him, then she's inclined to believe that the lion can still be saved.

The she-cat peers at the stranger from somewhere behind the much larger Halo, squinting, watching, observing, before pulling back and returning her attention to her fellow Clanmates. She notices that Moon doesn't have an entire bundle of herbs on hand and figures she can at least offer herself to be told what to do. "Moon, any herb I can retrieve for you?" She pauses for a second, folds her ears back in embarrassment. "I know what most herbs look like, if you're wondering. I promise I won't bring you dock leaves thinking they're burdock leaves."

Re: WHAT'S YOUR NAME, MAN? - open, stranger on territory + joining - imperia - 07-24-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 51%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: georgia;"]She is tired and her body hurts, but Imperia cannot simply sit around and do nothing. A concussion is slightly debilitating, but it is not serious enough to keep her from doing her duties. Besides, the girl does not do well when she is cooped up for too long. The she-wolf has grown far too accustomed to being able to freely roam to ever be able to stomach being trapped in a tiny room ever again. Even being inside the Observatory or the Barracks for too long gives her the heebie jeebies. Not to say that the gentle creature is suited for roughing it in the wilds, but Imperia certainly values her freedom to go where and when she pleases. That's what close to year of life trapped in a damp, dark cave will do to a person.

The elegant creature's gait is slower than usual, but still just as smooth. Her mind seems to wander a million miles from her body, lost deep in the realm where thought and imagination blend together. Wild poppies seem to distract her, and the dainty canine pauses momentarily to gaze upon them adoringly with big, saucer-like eyes of pure sterling steel. Marguerite's favorite flowers were poppies. Those doe eyes begin to shine with emotion before Peri swallows it down and composes herself. But she does pick a flower for the road; tucking the striking red bloom behind her right ear. Just a little something to keep her mother with her in spirit. Maman would be so proud to see Imperia now. Who would have believed that she could ever become the cleric?

A warm smile tugs faintly at her lips as the lovely creature continues on her path, soaking up the beauty of her new home. She loves it here. In the distance, Imperia spots a group gathering in one particular spot. Curiosity piqued, the young she-wolf turns to go investigate. "What happened here?" she asks as she weaves through the crowd, arching her neck to try and get a better view of the situation. All she can discern at the moment is that Moon is treating a collapsed lion. She studies the unknown male for a moment before her gaze shifts to Moonmade. Peri offers him a smile, an apology glimmering in her eyes. She feels bad for freaking him out the other day.

Re: WHAT'S YOUR NAME, MAN? - open, stranger on territory + joining - cashew - 07-24-2018

At the sound of Moonmade’s voice, the ivory shaded lion would instinctively tense, his ears pinning and maw furrowing into a low growl. Great, another lion. Why couldn’t a rabbit have come across him? At least he might have had the chance for a meal.. Well, only if the bunny decided to drop dead right in front of him. He was useless, completely broken. ”Leave me al-“ Volkrath began towards the other male. However, he quickly halted his words from finishing into a sentence as soon as the foreign feline seemed to be helping him.

How weird. Well, he didn’t mind. If this dude was going to offer him aid then he sure as hell was going to hop upon that advantage.

Without saying a word, Volkrath would weakly move his paw to press the dandelions towards his jaws. His chewing was slow and pathetic even. He was a young lion, barely over a cub, and here he was; trusting his life in the hands of a stranger. What would his father think?

Volkrath barely awknowledged as others showed up. All he could concentrate on was completing the task of chewing those disgusting flowers and mustering up enough strength to respond to Moonmade. ”Leg, back left leg. My stomach hurts, broken ribs?” His voice was hoarse and dry, evident of dehydration.