Beasts of Beyond
PARIS — JOINING - Printable Version

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PARIS — JOINING - emil - 07-24-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 500px; padding: 10px; height: auto; overflow: auto;"][div style="width: 400px; padding: 0px; line-height: 14px; text-align: justify; font-family: helvetica;"]despite this place's reputation, it was quite a beautiful sight. at least it was from where she stood, wading through the water on a sunken railroad track to reach the island. the water was as clear as it had been back home, crystalline blue and green rippling over coral reefs and forests of seaweed. ahead of her a huge island, covered end to end by a thick rainforest. somewhere in the distance a ship creaked, large ears swiveling to the sound, and quietly peachpit decided she wanted to stay.

the unicorn set damp hooves on the island's sand after some time of walking, pink eyes drifting over the outer layer of the jungle almost fondly. her iridescent coat glittered brightly in the mid-afternoon sun, and after a few moments of standing there, she finally let out a soft bleat. "hello?"

Re: PARIS — JOINING - Luca - 07-24-2018

Luca loved the Typhoon. The noises of the jungle and the beach in combination with the fresh air were a refreshing change to the tired scenery of the mansion he used to reside in. Actually being in such an exotic place was much better than viewing it through a screen; it almost made him wish that he'd picked up his courage earlier. He was admiring the ocean from the shade, his lashes lazy and low over luminous eyes. He didn't like swimming much - too many bad memories associated with it - but the sea was quite pretty to watch from afar. His attention only wavered at the sound of an unfamiliar voice, causing him to flick an ear and raise his head from his paws. A joiner? Probably. He pulled himself upwards and headed in that direction, curiosity only growing as the stranger came into view.

The hellhound had never seen anything quite like her, and his curiosity was evident in his eyes as he came upon the unfamiliar form. "Hey," he greeted in return, gaze skimming the shifting colours of her coat. He had always had a fondness for all things beautiful, and this creature surely fell underneath that term. "This is the Typhoon, ya need something?" He was as casual as ever, but his interest was evident in the intensity of his unwavering stare.

Re: PARIS — JOINING - emil - 07-24-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 500px; padding: 10px; height: auto; overflow: auto;"][div style="width: 400px; padding: 0px; line-height: 14px; text-align: justify; font-family: helvetica;"]ah, that was quicker than she had expected. the unicorn lowered her gaze to luca as he emerged from the shadows to greet her, a sweet smiling gracing her features. "the typhoon," peachpit repeated softly. "what a lovely name, and an equally lovely place." she tapped a shining hoof in the sand, scraping it as she thought. it was a long, long way from her old home, but oh, it was beautiful. she didn't think she would ever want to leave. the cervidae's tail gave a soft swish. "i'd like to join. my name is peachpit, but you may call me peach if you'd like." the ethereal creature cooed to luca, hoping to be accepted into the group. she didn't know anything about group customs, but maybe she would get lucky this time.

Re: PARIS — JOINING - no more - 07-24-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 420px; font-size:10px; font-family:verdana; text-align: justify;line-height: 110%; color:black"]The gentle lull of the ocean, a soft murmur of sound as it rasped over sand, mixing with the harsh call of birds which wheeled about on short wings, catching the chilled drafts rising from the water. It was all Aita knew, the song of sea and land coming together until it seemed a siren call for the youth, intoxicating to a point they had no care to think of the world beyond, uncaring as to what might await them if only they dared to cross the tracks. From the beginning it had been their home, the salty tang within the air embedded in their lungs for it had tinged their first breath, the luminous sea, a wondrous jewel within their eyes, the first sight they had come to fall in love with.

Quickly they had taken to walking the beach, all too little was present for them to do within such an early stage of life, seeking the treasures left behind by the sea, a soft hum rising from dark lips. An ear flicked, their soft hum shifting, gaining a tone of annoyance as a voice rose, yet their attention turned towards it, piqued for they had yet to come upon a joiner. Having much of their time split between such escapades and the submarine it was a change they welcomed somewhat grudgingly, moving towards where the voice had originated.

“What are ya?” Lacking common decency Aita saw nothing wrong in blurting out the question, a hard stare moving along the unicorn, taking in each detail.

Re: PARIS — JOINING - B.Y.T.E ! - 07-24-2018

"'Una cornus' or Unicorn as they are called. Literally one horn."

Plane called out before he moved over to the group, his bob tail flicking around in excitement as he looked up to the equine with fascination through his thick goggles. I mean, it wasn't everyday in which you'd see a rare creature like this lady here just waltz over to a clan, despite what he had heard of one actually ruling and founding Snowbound a while back before he had come into clan life himself. The feline adjusted his lab coat slightly and cleared his throat. "Anyways, my names is Planecrash! I don't see why we couldn't let you in, Miss Peach. T-T-Though, most initiates have to participate in drinking a hallucinogenic drink for some reason and besides that we're a rather cool here! " The tom explained, hoping this news wasn't a something that would drive this woman away despite the fact everything afterward was quite calm. The tropical environment was relaxing despite the typhoon they had recently had to deal with, along with a few personal skirmishes people around here dealt with that most clans had anyways.


Re: PARIS — JOINING - VANDAL R. - 07-24-2018

"Hallucinogenic drink? More like nightmare fuel." Vandal is quick to make her approach from the skies, satisfied with hovering just a little above the others' heads, four black wings flexing to churn the air and keep herself airborne. Her neon gaze watches the tall mare for a moment, particularly curious of the horn adorning her head. It's a pretty piece, nice and decorative but likely effective as a weapon - she shouldn't get distracted.

"Anyway, yeah. Y'can find a place to hole up in and whatnot but before you're really in, y'gotta drink the jungle juice," she admits with a shrug of her shoulders. She herself had spent a few days just lounging around the camp until she decided it was time for her to down the drink - she'd thought it would be nothing more than just another drunk siesta but alas! The jungle juice managed to get a kick out of her. "I's not pretty, but it ain't gonna poison you or nothin'."

There's a period of silence coming from the wolf before speaking again, the rune on her chest flickering slightly at a memory she files away for later. "Anyway, other than that, you're good to go. Vandal Roux, by the way, at your humble service! If you'd like to be toured around or led back to Camp, lemme know and we can probably make that happen."

Re: PARIS — JOINING - PINCHER - 07-24-2018

CAPTAIN PINCHER ROUX | resides in the typhoon and is the demigod of rough seas. he is a muscular dark gray jaguar with frigid glacier blue eyes, marked with scars and glowing tattoos. he is the head of the roux family and is currently engaged. he is known for being a charming strategist with dark secrets. be cautious around him. —— ⚓
The volcanic island was certainly a sight for everyone that decided to join. Surrounded by rich coral reefs that were filled with various colorful species of fish and other sea creatures was the land that they inhabited. With the lighthouse nearby and being an attraction in the dark, it wasn't surprising to see creatures allured by the distant island that was nothing like the other current groups that Pincher was aware about. He had chosen the island out of strategy and as well as longing to return to his birthplace for months ago, he had been a simple child wandering the ivory beaches with a sense of wonder. He had lost the innocence that everyone grew up with in the very beginning of their lives but he had never ceased to find the beauty that the island offered. With the volcanic earth being one of the most fertile types of grounds, various types of flowers and life rose from it and he was always pleased in finding something new. Something different. You could say that was why the Typhoon suited the island so well. They were different and he was glad that the island represented that.

The dark captain was underwater when the crowd had begun to gather around the figure of Peachpit, the voices muffled due to the layer of water but he was able to catch most of what was being said before stepping out nearby, his lean figure drenched with sea salt as he gave a light shake to allow the crystalline droplets to fly off and playfully strike his sister as he trotted towards her. He allowed a light smirk to trace his muzzle as he arrived to halt beside the others, glancing down at Aita with an amused snort at her bluntness but was glad that Planecrash had decided to answer. He tipped his head up to lock his calculative glacier blue eyes onto the female that seemed rather soft-spoken but Pincher didn't mind. He understood that not everyone here was going to be a rowdy pirate and frankly, he was happy with that. It added a new sense of uniqueness and their openness to mingle with various types of personalities. "Sorry I didn't catch your name but I'm Pincher, the captain here. I do hope you enjoy it here and if you got any questions, feel free to find me." He commented with a light nod of his storm gray colored head as he grabbed a white cigarette from his armband, letting it hang on his lips so he could go smoke once it seemed things were finished. However upon hearing them speaking about the entrance ritual, he allowed a soft chuckle to roll out of his salmon pink tongue before adding "It's a tradition that I do prefer for joiners to do but it is not a requirement. If you don't see yourself to be ready in turning a new leaf then don't worry about trying it...unless you are." He drawled, a sly glint in his cunning snake blue eyes. Pincher himself had never tried the concoction that everyone had to drink for the ritual but he had seen how it affected many though everytime it happened, it interested him.

( welcome to the typhoon !! <33 )

Re: PARIS — JOINING - emil - 07-24-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 500px; padding: 10px; height: auto; overflow: auto;"][div style="width: 400px; padding: 0px; line-height: 14px; text-align: justify; font-family: helvetica;"]as the group grew larger and more questions were tossed her way, peachpit smiled softly. quite a diverse group, most of the ones gathered seeming a bit rowdy. not that she minded. it was a welcome change from the dull quiet of her home, and she knew right away she would like it here.

though aita's question had already been answered by planecrash, she still smiled down to them. "unicorn, yes, i suppose that's it. though i've been told i look more like a strange deer." peach added lightly. she fell silent as a hallucinogenic concoction was mentioned; part of a joining ritual. truth be told, at the words being uttered she felt a slight pang of fear in her heart, but if it was something that she had to do to be accepted here, she would try it. the cervidae shuffled her hooves slightly in the sand, tail swishing gently behind her as she turned her eyes to pincher. she took note that it wasn't a requirement, but what caught her attention more was his position of captain.

an bright smile lit up her features and she looked between all the members gathered, before her pink gaze landed on pincher once more. "are you pirates?" she asked, voice trembling with an excited laugh. "do you have a ship? stolen treasure? oh, this is wonderful!" peach hopped in place as she spoke, eyes twinkling with wonder. she was going to be a pirate!

Re: PARIS — JOINING - VANDAL R. - 07-24-2018

"Well, looks like the jig is up, Pinchy! We ain't as good a bunch of actors as we are a bunch of scoundrels!" There's a relieved tone in Vandal's voice, clearly pleased that this new joiner seems to be mostly unperturbed by their lifestyle. The newcomer's excitement is infectious, spreading like wildfire in the maned wolf's body until she's whirling around to face her brother too. Hey, he'd already given her the go ahead to join them, anyway. That should mean it's alright to... "Pinchy! D'ya think we can bring her over to the ol' Anchored Tempest?"

While Vandal has certainly visited the old girl a few times, it never gets tiring to marvel at her ornate beauty. She continues to dream of setting sail in the massive wooden brig, taking to the oceans and plundering what they could from smaller merchant sloops that may be out here - somewhere - or plundering from small towns and keeps and castles, repacking what they have stolen to sell again in the market. It's a life that bleeds excitement into her very veins, one that comes alive every time she sees the Anchored Tempest. She's just as eager as Peachpit to give her a visit.

Re: PARIS — JOINING - no more - 07-24-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 420px; font-size:10px; font-family:verdana; text-align: justify;line-height: 110%; color:black"]Unicorn. For a time they were silent beyond a soft little hum, teeth caught upon their lower lip, worrying at it. The word was odd to them, unlike any other they had heard, though their vocabulary was not all that extensive and seemed primarily made of various curses for the time being, something about it oddly mythical. Their tongue clicked against the roof of their mouth before they spoke, drawing out the word as though to taste it, stretching it beyond it's limits. “Onicorn. Da fuck is a der?” Tacked on at the end a brow rose in a quizzical look as Peach continued to speak, none trying to stop them only leaving them to continue on their rather crude questioning.

An ear flicked back in response to the snort, head tilting back to look up towards Pincher, the grin which stretched their lips seemingly all teeth, their own short laugh rising in answer.