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chinese restaurant - character storage - Printable Version

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chinese restaurant - character storage - cherrypaw. - 07-24-2018

[div style="0px; width:400px; height:auto; text-align: justify; line-height:13px;"]
[align=center]/ cherrypaw /
to the me ten years from now
cherrypaw | cis male | the pitt
57 months (4 years, 9 months) | born september 12th, 2014 | ages real-time


domestic feline | pink and white fur | blue eyes
smaller than average | blue bandana tied around neck
physical health - 100% | mental health - 60%


esfp (the entertainer) | chaotic good | gryffindor
+ | energetic | positive | carefree | loyal
/ | bold | blunt | emotional | sanguine
- | begrudging | crass | impulsive | shallow


good is not soft | master of none | put on a bus | resurrective immortality | same character, but different | the bus came back | you gotta have blue hairĀ 


npc x npc | first generation | forgets parents | born on distant farm
single | heterosexual


easy mentally | medium physically
ask for maim or capture
attack in #FFBAD0