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laguz [ power discovery / open ] - Printable Version

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laguz [ power discovery / open ] - adomania - 07-24-2018

[align=center][div style="borderwidth=0px; width: 55%; line-height:115%; text-align: justify;font-family: calibri;"]// wheezes this was entirely made on mobile because I was tired,, it’s hardly my best but I couldn’t for the life of me sit down and write anything better and I wanted to get it over with

TLDR; kid got up in the middle of the night because no one gave him supervision and he heard voices, so he ended up going to the star pool where he got water powers that allowed him to walk on water to chase after a self-perceived shard of light that the voices told him to get. Someone probably found him and shouted something, causing his concentration to end, and resulted in him falling into the deepest part of the water. This is also the first time he is seen without his skull, feel free to point out the fact that he is heavily scarred and blind.

It was the dead of night when the whispers returned.

They were not an uncommon thing for Myliu to hear, a steady part of his life that was stranger when they actually werent actively talking. It had been a while since they had been heard however, disappearing shortly after he had been taken in and treated, and just as Myliu started to expect them to never returned… they did.

They started softly, tugging at his subconscious and urging him to step out of bed. Perhaps the first mistake that this clan had made was to offer a child such as him a room of his own, with no supervision. He was hardly old enough to take care of himself, but no one expected there to be something wrong enough with Myliu for him to need special attention.

No one expected the voices, for he had never had the words to mention them.

At first they were easy to ignore, although the child wished for them to disappear as soon as possible for he was tired after a long day of exploring. They were both unwanted and unneeded, but seemed impossible to get rid of, and after a while Myliu couldn’t help but rise and follow their will, sneaking out in the middle of the night in a direction he only vaguely recognized, his skull left safely behind in his room.

The words got steadily louder, whispers that had been this intangible filling his mind with a newfound fervor. It wasn’t one voice or two, but had long since amassed into a number that Myliu couldn’t compound. He didn’t understand the words, but he followed anyways, for they told him to go and he followed, eager to please and afraid whenever they were angered if he wandered in the wrong direction.

It didn’t take him long to arrive where the voices seemed to be goading him towards. The starpool was hardly far considering how long Myliu had walked to get to the Ascendants to begin with. It had been nothing but a short trip comparatively, significantly shortened by how lost he was inside of his own mind to care about trivial things such as distance. Once he was there, the child half expected the words to stop, to become content with his arrival… but that proved to be untrue.

They only grew louder, as a pale shard of what appeared to be glass formed right above the center of the pool. They urged him forward, to reach for it and grab it, to walk upon the waters and take back that which was his…

When his paws met water, Myliu expected them to sink down into liquid. He knew what happened instead should not have been impossible. The water beneath his paws was just as solid as the land had been just seconds ago, as if it had become ice but wasn’t. Something inside of Myliu warned him, a feeling tugging at his core that told him to be careful, to be afraid… but the voices calmed him. The voices said it was alright, that he had to finish his goal.

And so finish his goal he would.

With a decisive grunt Myliu crept forward, still cautious and making sure to disturb the water beneath his paws as little as possible, towards the light in the center of the pool. The world around him seemed to freeze, time pushing through like molasses, and the closer he got to the shard floating above the water’s surface, the less he could hear from the outside as the whispers got louder, repeating words he did not know but knew he vaguely remembered. His heart thrummed to the rhythm, and Myliu swore he could feel it slow down to match the dull drum beat in his ears, until his very movements seemed to gradually slow as well, freezing him right before he could touch the light.

A beat passed. Two. Myliu’s face was contorted into a strange mask of sickening awe, gaze trapped by the light that was there. The noise in his head seemed to get louder with each passing second, his heart hammering against his chest as if it was loathe to stay in, as if it wanted to escape at that very moment and shatter through his ribcage…

The illusion shattered almost unceremoniously. It took nothing but a shout from someone in the real world to have everything crumbling down around Myliu. There was no more light. There were no more voices. There was just him, the night, and the water underneath his feet that was steadily getting more and more liquid…

And with a silent shout it swallowed him whole, dragging the child down with it.

Re: laguz [ power discovery / open ] - GABRIEL - 07-24-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 500px; text-align: justify; font-size: 9.4pt; line-height: 1.4;"]/he is getting a constant guard after this
also this is an awful reply im so sorry

Gabe hadn't been the one to shout. If he knew who had, he would have immediately throttled them, and later, found some other way of reinforcing how idiotic that had been. The sight had been alarming as much as it was enthralling; it was the latter because it wasn't every day a child managed to walk on water, demonstrating an enviable control over an ability; and it was the former for the same damn reasons.

When Gabe had first noticed Myliu, he had been attempting to wear himself out, his hybridization resulting in a complete schedule fuckery that gave no consistency to his sleep, so despite catching no more than three hours during the day, he was awake. Wide-awake, despite the pull of exhaustion, and he had hoped that a brisk patrol through the territory might be enough to drain his nonexistent energy reserves, at least enough for Gabe to curl up somewhere and catch some shut-eye. However, as soon as he arrived at the lake, what drowsiness he began to experience scattered, chased away by the sight of Myliu's small body stepping out onto the water.

Then the shout, and as Myliu plunged into the water, the damned thing beating so hurriedly in his chest fell into his gut. Gabe shot forward, taking into the sky to faster reach where the child went under, and though he'd never swam in this body before, he wouldn't allow that to stop him. He dove, wings folded back, talons oustretched. When he broke the surface of the water, he pushed past the shock, closing his claws around the child and kicking upward as best he could, considering his wings were little more than dead weight. When his head escaped the lake, desperately keeping Myliu above, he gasped, forcing calm to settle despite the fact they were still far from the shore, and Gabe wasn't so certain he could manage with them both. He couldn't carry Myliu with his beak, although he was lighter than he would have been with the mask. All things considered, however, the kid's appearance wasn't at the top of his list

"¿Qué estabas pensando, eh? Where's a dog to retrieve when you need one?" The last part he muttered, taking a bit of water in, which was uncomfortable to say the least. Gabe began to swim them both toward the bank, although it would be much easier if he had a body better suited to the water, as his wings dragged and his talons were occupied with keeping Myliu afloat. If he went out via drowning, Laz had every right to kick his ass.

/edit because i forgot a bit oops

Re: laguz [ power discovery / open ] - adomania - 07-24-2018

[align=center][div style="borderwidth=0px; width: 55%; line-height:115%; text-align: justify;font-family: calibri;"]

It enveloped Myliu the moment he fell, sinking down into the darkness of the placid lake, crushing him with its weight. It was never this quiet before, never this peaceful; and although it wouldn’t have been spared even a thought by anyone else, Myliu found himself panicking over it.

The silence was overwhelming.

Small paws churned frantically at the water, trying yet failing to move himself out of the position he had found himself in. His lungs were bursting with the need for air, but he held on to the last remnants of oxygen he could spare, still trying. Still failing. He moved nowhere, and after a moment of violently thrashing around, Myliu fell still once more.

He was far from done, however. He had not given up on his plight, but instead had moved back to observe it for as long as he could spare. He sunk farther, slowly moving ever downward until the stars and moon where invisible to him, swallowed by the darkness.

A beat passed. Two. He could feel his heartbeat thrumming steadily in his chest, a constant rhythm that urged him to live. There was still blood running through his veins (warm, gushing.. Myliu could feel it throughout his entire body, in every nerve and fiber) and still oxygen in his lungs (faint, growing weaker, his eyes burned) and after a few more seconds in the silence… it was all gone.

”As tave myliu.”

The whispers returned.


They told him to live.

They amassed into one, inseparable mass, whispering and urging him. Some told him to live. Others commanded him to control it (it? What was it?) but most of all they murmured that same, constant phrase, a broken mantra of what Myliu could only remember as his name.

”As tave myliu.”

They surrounded him. Hundreds of white faces, peering at him from the darkness, their cold hands tugging at him, but never down. Only up. They wanted him to go up. Live. That word got stronger, until it overshadowed all the others, and with one last, desperate attempt… Myliu did what he was told.


The voices fell silent as the faces watched him be lifted by an unknown force, one that seemed to struggle with the weight of the water as well. He did not know who it was, could not tell what he was saying, but one thing was for certain. If he didn’t do something, Myliu was sure they’d both die.

And he wasn’t ready to die.

He inhaled, a lungful if water entering along the air as he broke the surface, gaze settled intently back on the center of the pool, where the light hovered once more. He would not fall for its tricks, not again. An anger filled the child, a determination to save not only himself but whoever had become his savior, and it took nothing more but another breath and he was gone.

The world seemed to light up around him, the shard exploding and the water around him churning and shifting until both Gabriel and Myliu were settled comfortably on top of it. The lake had parted, a clear pathway set before them, solid and untouched as the faces peered out from the darkness once more. Watching. Waiting. He would not join them today.

Myliu’s face turned to Gabriel, watching but not seeing him. The child’s gaze was distant, staring at something else completely with a gaze normally purple now turned blue, blazing with a determination and power.

”Come,” the word was simple, his voice not his own, for nothing else was needed. Without waiting for Gabriel the child turned, and guided by voices unheard to the others, started to make his way back to the shore.

/ just to keep things clear: voices + light over lake + faces are all in Myliu’s head, and his voice did change in actuality towards the end ;D and rip Gabe u don’t know what you’ve gotten yourself into

Re: laguz [ power discovery / open ] - MOONMADE - 07-24-2018

[size=9pt]Moon wasn't the one to shout, either. Some might say it's something he'd do, but he might say that they should shut the fuck up and get to know him better. He wasn't as dumb as he looked; when he spotted Myliu, quite literally on thin ice, he'd frozen in his step and avoided making even the slightest of noises. This was clearly some magical shit, but it was also clearly some dangerous shit, and one distraction would bring the kid 6 foot under.

Alas, the shout. A brief noise, and Moon's too enthralled in the sight before him to even glance in the voice's direction. Instead, he steps forward, one paw outstretched, as if he only had to reach forward and grab the kid by the scruff to save him from the water's depths. But he couldn't, and he didn't. Instead, he watched, too far away to do anything, as Gabriel thrashed through the lake after the boy. On edge, the lion stumbled to a halt at the shore and waits for Myliu to arrive.

"Jesus, kid," He pants, eyes scanning him for any potential injuries, though he's not sure what cut or gash water can cause. The lion doesn't even spare his face a glance; truthfully, he couldn't give less of a fuck how he looked. You can't get uglier than Feathers.

"You alright? Do you need me to get you something?" Says the lion, in medic mode. As he speaks, he slowly picks up on the youth's body language, the eeriness with which he carries himself, and Moon instantly cuts off his Worried Halo spiel. He purses his lips, glances back at Gabriel in the water, silently hoping that he'll know what to do. He'd say something, but he's not entirely sure what he can say. He's about the least experienced you can possibly be with this supernatural shit. Another power, another thing he can't help with.

Re: laguz [ power discovery / open ] - Suiteheart - 07-24-2018

Suiteheart was no stranger to powers, especially of the water variety. The white feline had acquired water elementals a bit ago, and after some practice, she was pretty well versed in that type of "magic." Hell, she practically had saltwater in her veins now. 

The shout of an unknown individual prompted her to move towards Starpool. The voice was concerned, teetering on the edge of anger - like an exasperated parent or something akin to that. The white feline hurried for the landmark, worried a terrible instance was about to befall one of her members. She arrived just in time to see Gabriel and Myliu emerging from the waters of Starpool.

"What the fuck happened?" she questioned, eyes moving from Gabriel to Moonmade to Myliu and back again. Worry was alive in her chest, but seeing as how Myliu seemed okay, it began to ebb away. The mother in her was finally beginning to calm down enough for her breathing to settle. "A midnight swim doesn't seem like the best idea to me," the feline chuckles, waving her paw to clear the water off the pelts of Gabriel and Myliu.

[b]suiteheart folie-mikaelson . ecliptic admiral . the ascendants . tags
© [color=black]MADI

Re: laguz [ power discovery / open ] - GABRIEL - 07-24-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 500px; text-align: justify; font-size: 9.4pt; line-height: 1.4;"]/gabe is so confused right now lmfao

One moment, Gabe had been semi-convinced he was about to drown and take the kid with him; the next, the water shifted around them, sides parting and leaving a clear exit for the shore. It was all relatively simple, in terms of an escape, but Gabe needed a moment for a profound what the fuck to ricochet through his mind. What the fuck. What the fuck. He glanced to the walls of water, then to Myliu, whose eyes were a different color than Gabe remembered; these ones honestly gave him the creeps a bit, and not because of the kid's face. It was almost like he was another person entirely, not to mention he seemed fixated on something beyond the situation at hand. "Holy Moses." This was fine. Everything was fine. Gabe swallowed, and trailed after the child, sending glances toward the water every now and then, to make certain he hadn't just imagined it. What if he was dying right now? All this could just be the last images of an oxygen-deprived brain, and any moment now he was going to drown completely. Except they both made it back to the shore without incident, where Moon was standing.

Perfect. Just the person he wanted to see, if this really was some kind of death's door hallucination. One last laugh at Gabe, was that it?

Exhaling, his heartrate finally relaxing some, Gabe gave his wings a shake, disgruntled by how much grooming he would need to do after this. Not to mention the kid who just walked on water and then parted it, with eerie eyes and a sense of being beyond himself. The hybrid caught Moon's glance, and his returned look seemed to say, "don't look at me I don't know shit." "Myliu," Gabe started, gaze back on the boy, "help? And thank you." He probably would have drowned without the kid's interference, which was a sobering thought, and he gave a visible start when Suiteheart spoke, having missed her arrival.

"Kid was walking on water, got startled and fell in, so I went after. Turns out I can't swim, and he had more tricks up his sleeve, so we're still alive." He grimaced at the sensation of water forcibly leaving his pelt. "Wasn't really much of a swim."

Re: laguz [ power discovery / open ] - adomania - 07-24-2018

[align=center][div style="borderwidth=0px; width: 55%; line-height:115%; text-align: justify;font-family: calibri;"]// rip gabe and rip suite,,, she doesn't deserve this but what can you do

It all dissipated around him like a dream once more the moment his paws hit the sand and he heard Gabriel's soon follow suite. Everything shattered around him, the darkness returning once more, and for the first time since that night... he felt like a child again. He felt lost, and hopeless, and terrified... a soft whimper left his throat as he realized that he had left without his skull, that he was bare and alone in a world that wanted to kill him, and upon instinct he tried to make himself bigger, to try and scare both the visions and the voices and the people now crowding around him away.

He didn't want any of them. He wanted to go back home.

But where was home? Home wasn't here, home wasn't the cold and empty room he had gotten to himself, full of nothing but the still-present scent of "newness." He had nothing there to mark his presence, nothing that could have even pointed at the child save for the one prized possession he held. Once that was gone, it was as new a room as any, and he could not call it home. Home was a feeling. Home were the faces telling him to exist, the whispers in the shadows that told of something more, the symbols that were carved into his flesh and bones that thrummed with a rhythm unlike the one beneath his paws.

This wasn't home. This was only a sorry attempt at a replica, and Myliu felt lost.

It seemed like everyone still forgot that the child knew nothing they were saying, even though he was slowly starting to pick up on words and questions and how to differentiate statements from inquiries. Nothing what they said, however, had any familiar words that could have helped guide him, that could have made him understand that what they were doing was trying to help.

Suite's words, as a result, as motherly as they were attempting to be and make light of the situation, did nothing but ensue a deep, bone-aching panic in a child still shaken by something he did not understand more than any language that could have been spoken to him. He understood that he hurt, and that water was suddenly sliding off of his fur in a way that was unnatural from a simple wave of Suite's paw... and neither of them comforted him.

The silence returned, heart thrumming desperately inside of his chest as it screamed for him to live, live, live and not let her kill him... and the water droplets that had returned to the ground and were about to make their way back to the starpool rose right back up without a second's delay, sharpened into what resembled tiny shards of hail, and were thrown right back in her direction with a snarl. They would hardly hurt, as the child was both drained of power and energy to be a real threat at the moment, and the voices that had guided him before were silent.

He was tired, and he didn't want to be eaten. That was all.

And then the sounds of the night returned, along with Gabe's voice, something calm and soothing that allowed Myliu to ground himself more. Subconsciously, as if drawn to a magnet, he turned towards the hybrid, soft, uncertain noises leaving his throat before he finally moved forward and laid down at his feet, gnawing at his own leg and peering up from underneath Gabriel's shadow at all the faces before him, specifically at Suite, terrified and anxious.

"Help?" this time it wasn't a whisper, it was something solid and with weight, Gabriel's voice asking him if he needed anything. If he was okay. He wasn't, although physically everything was alright, and despite knowing this he still released a low whine and nodded, returning to chewing at his own paw after murmuring a low, defeated, and wholly desperate 'help.'