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IF HE'S A MAN OF HONOR [o, SNOWBOUNDER] - Printable Version

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IF HE'S A MAN OF HONOR [o, SNOWBOUNDER] - Dimitri - 07-23-2018

She changed their face. This was a Delta Mission and appearing as herself was smarter than appearing as Dimitri. The host wasn't watching her, neither were the others. Delta was scary to them in this "Attack Mode". All was quiet in the mind. They knew better than to distract her. Dimitri was an inherent pacifist, and fighting meant putting their body on the line. Delta would do whatever it took to do this, and get home safely. This was her purpose, her job. She shapeshifted Dimitri's body to appear as herself- an orange she-cat with two white front paws and a white stripe down her nose. She had radiant, orange eyes- intent and determined. Delta pressed on ahead, sitting and waiting at the border with her white tipped tail wrapped around her legs. She retained Dimitri's short fur- it was less for her would be opponent to grab.
She didn't step onto the territory, because she didn't know what it looked like and she would be respectful, at first. The change of environment was a welcome one- they were tired of being cold all the time.
Delta's posture straightened, her ears forward as she waited for them to arrive.


Re: IF HE'S A MAN OF HONOR [o, SNOWBOUNDER] - Luca - 07-24-2018

Luca had heard that the Typhoon was all bloodthirsty and fearsome, so he wasn't all too sure how he should be approaching people at the border. Was he supposed to be intimidating? Or maybe kind in the event that they were a joiner. Scaring away everyone who wanted to join was a dangerous practice, after all. Most of his clanmates seemed to be relatively laid back, so for now Luca would go for the kinder path, giving everyone the benefit of the doubt until it fucked him over. Luca liked it better that way; it was exhausting being cautious of everyone and everything, so he liked being able to feel safe while within his own territory.

He happened to be in the area as Delta arrived, so it didn't take long for the soft-furred hellhound to make his way over. He sat down in front of her, casting his rose eyes towards her orange ones. "Whatcha want with the Typhoon?" He asked, scratching at a cut on his neck as he observed her. Despite his open arms policy, he was obviously wary, eyes narrowed slightly as he observed the feline at the border. He wasn't well versed on all the groups yet, but he knew that she belonged to one, and he knew that the Typhoon wasn't all too friendly with the other clans at the moment. His spaded tail flicked as he awaited his answer, his only movement aside from the subtle rise and fall of his chest.

Re: IF HE'S A MAN OF HONOR [o, SNOWBOUNDER] - bubblegum - 07-24-2018

[Image: tiny_pixel_goldie.png]
goldenluxury "goldie" roux — female — the typhoon — tags
goldie, quite frankly, was angry at snowbound for dropping them. she didn't often feel a desire to fight, but this act was disrespectful to herself, her family, and her home. they worked their butts off for snowbound and got nothing in return, it seemed. not that she used to care so much about that - she was willing to be generous to friends. but, they were no longer friends, and she was left feeling used.

of course, it wouldn't make much sense for them to launch an attack on snowbound right now, either. while they had mostly recovered from the tsunami by now, they were still at a weakened state. they both knew each other's territories well. snowbound had an advantage at the moment. this worried her slightly, but she figured the group would not be so rude to attack them. atbash didn't seem the type.

before, the young, injured girl would be very happy to scent snowbound nearby, but now she only feels hostility. goldie cautiously approached, coughing a couple of times as she stood behind luca, her striking green eyes narrowed. "snowbound isn't welcome here." she warned in a cold tone in addition to luca's question.

Re: IF HE'S A MAN OF HONOR [o, SNOWBOUNDER] - Dimitri - 07-24-2018

Delta held true and looked over the pair with orange eyes. She didn’t even know about the broken alliance, much less know why. In their time since joining, she couldn’t recall an experience with the other group. She was sure Atbash had her reasons. They trusted Atbash.
”One of your members attacked our leader. If they are a person of Honor, I’m here fo an apology or a proper one-on-one duel.”
Was she doing this? Yes. She had to. It felt like the right thing. But without Atbash’s permission?


Re: IF HE'S A MAN OF HONOR [o, SNOWBOUNDER] - bubblegum - 07-24-2018

[Image: tiny_pixel_goldie.png]
goldenluxury "goldie" roux — female — the typhoon — tags
she huffed slightly at the female, twitching her ear at the response. somebody attacked atbash again? it was probably caesar, honestly. "if someone felt compelled enough to attack atbash, i doubt they'd apologize over it." she responded simply, tone blank. she didn't really care too much, personally. besides, she was given plenty of warning when she dropped them - her papa even told her that he'd attack her if they weren't repaid.

"i don't know who did it, but atbash was given lots of individual warnings when she visited our territory a few days ago. she should have prepared herself." goldie stated next. she wasn't trying to threaten the female in any way. but, she found no need in this whole interaction. she felt like this was almost insulting to atbash - the fact that she needed somebody else to do this for her.


It's funny.

It's so, so funny that they would have the nerve to come and demand repercussions for something that they should have had the foresight to expect, and Vandal approaches the tense interaction filling the air with a deep and bitter laugh. Funny how they thought dropping them to just neutrals would give them some sort of safety for the Typhoon's wrath, funny how they thought the Typhoon was the problem to begin with.

"Oi, Dee, Lu," comes the mutated maned wolf's response, four wings twitching as she holds herself back from attack. There's a hunger deep in her eyes, brimming-full underneath the glow of neon-green, and her lips peel back over her teeth in a wide smile. "This lil gremlin botherin' ya's?" Her gaze swivels to Dimitri then, hardens considerably. Insect. A low snarl ebbs into the flow of her voice. Pest. "Your leader, the traitor? Dropped us for bullshit reasons - tha' one? What, and then suddenly you have the right to be pissed off?"

Vandal takes a step forward. There's something different about the way her talons sink into the soft earth, almost as if she's anchoring herself to the ground. "Apology or duel, you ain't getting neither, kid, now beat it."


Sylvina didn’t know much about clan relations. The extent of her knowledge was that she lived in the Typhoon and that there were multiple other groups out there, enemies and allies were terms she had yet to learn. All she could comprehend and remember at the moment was that strangers meant danger ... unless the grownups said otherwise.

And it seemed that this was no exception. Upon hearing what seemed like the beginning of a tense argument at the border, she would run forward only to come to a screeching halt by Luca. She quickly regained her composure and the ebony pelted kitten would begin to observe her crewmate’s response to the foreign feline. Vandal and Goldie didn’t seem so happy about it. So why should she? It was exciting having such a range of emotions introduced to a young child like herself. Perhaps she’d even witness a fight break out!

Reacting to the atmosphere, Sylvina would turn her gaze on the Snowbounder and pin her ears flat upon her tiny skull. ”Yeah, what she said!” The bengal would blurt out after her maned wolf clanmate told the she-cat to buzz off.



"I suggest you beat it yourself." Caesar's tone was dark as he strode over, the growing group at the border luring him over here. He wasn't entirely surprised that somebody had come over to avenge Atbash. She's lucky I didn't kill her. The Officer thought to himself. Seriously, they were lucky that he didn't leave them leaderless or, hell - take over himself. Atbash was easily beaten, and now could be an even better chance to do so. "You've been given plenty of warnings. I'll give you three heartbeats." After all, he was an Officer here. He had a right to chase this Snowbounder off. Of course he had been the one to attack Atbash; he had been excited to hear that Pincher had dropped them. Or, well, apparently Atbash had, but still... Pincher announced them as free game. But this time he had done it as a Weekly Task instead of his own accord.

Re: IF HE'S A MAN OF HONOR [o, SNOWBOUNDER] - Dimitri - 07-24-2018

Delta raised a brow slightly at the insults. She was one for her stoicness and her defense- physical that may be. Dagon's response to verbal abuse was to tell people to fuck of. Usually. He was a volatile male. "I'm not here about the alliance, I don't know why we dropped you, and that's not the subject here." Delta wasn't in their territory. She was just outside it. She knew her rights.
"I'm here because someone trespassed on our territory and stabbed our leader in the throat."

Orange eyes glanced the lot of them up and down, noting the kids and pulling her lip slightly. They're only brave now because the adults are here. She gazed Cesar up and down, wondering why he was yellow like Atbash. "I'm not going to beat it, and if the person that attacked has any merit, I will battle them in a fair duel."
Three heartbeats. Fine. If she was lucky, this was the one she was looking for.
She tapped her tail against the ground, counting. One. Two. Three, she preemptively unsheathed her claws. 


Re: IF HE'S A MAN OF HONOR [o, SNOWBOUNDER] - bubblegum - 07-24-2018

[Image: tiny_pixel_goldie.png]
goldenluxury "goldie" roux — female — the typhoon — tags
goldie turned her gaze from the snowbound member once vandal arrived, eyeing the female's reaction before then looking to sylvina, and finally caesar himself. they all agreed the member was not welcome here, which brought some confidence into her. if she knew what's good for her, she'd leave. she looked back to the female, an unwelcoming frown on her features.

she grew frustrated as the female refused to leave, eyeing her with narrowed eyes. but, once she noticed her claws unsheathe, the injured girl would push herself forward, letting out a hiss. "you came here asking for a fight - don't expect a fair one. atbash was warned. you've been warned." she stood protectively in front of her crewmates now. a bit of electricity sparked off of her paws. "get away from my crewmates." she'd hiss next, aiming to harshly hit the female with her sparking paw.