Beasts of Beyond
Until you can't // open+joining // see the box at all - Printable Version

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Until you can't // open+joining // see the box at all - vellichor - 07-23-2018

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Something was... wrong. I knew that the moment I woke up. I could remember going to sleep. I had been by Carlos. I had been in my bed, expecting to get up the next morning and expecting to go to the station and record another broadcast the next day. We all had expectations, though, and maybe I was wrong to have them. If I did not have any expectations, I would not be surprised or confused. I would just be... me. While I did not know where I was, I hoped that I would soon. So, I got up and I noticed there was something wrong with my legs. Or maybe this was the way they had always been meant to be. There was no way of knowing what the universe had in mind. I did not like that the universe had decided to take me from Night Vale, from Carlos, from my radio show. What was I without those things? This was the first unexpected vacation I had taken, though, and perhaps I should have expected for it to happen again. I would have to find something to record all I saw as soon as possible. After all, with something like this I couldn't come back to station management empty-handed. Did I have hands anymore? Had I had hands before? I wasn't sure. What were hands anyways?

I continued to wander into this strange land. It was so much colder than the desert and I wished for the heat and Sun. Everything would be fine. I was sure that everything would be fine. But even while I thought that everything would be fine, I thought about how much I missed Carlos and how much I missed Night Vale and how much I missed the station. I missed too many things to count or list. I did not want to miss them. I wanted to be with them. More than anything, I wanted to be with them. But this was fine. Everything was totally fine and okay. And yet it was neither fine or okay. I did not want to be in this cold, desolate place. I wanted to go home. I wanted everything to be fine but everything was not fine and it would not be fine until I could go home. 

Re: Until you can't // open+joining // see the box at all - ATBASH CIPHER. - 07-24-2018

i should've said what i hear
i should have let myself fear
//Retro to injuries!
The yearning for home was something Atbash could relate to. It's all she ever felt, really, was a longing to go back home. And yet at the same time, Snowbound was her home. Every single person here was almost like a family to her, save for a couple. Atbash had grown used to the weather Snowbound had and embraced it, enjoying the feeling of the cold on her fur. Not only because she had been used to it before joining, but because it ironically warmed her. But she knew that the tundra wasn't a place for everybody, and those who did join were very special to her.

"Hey there!" Atbash called out to Cecil, although she was completely unaware of his name. The Hailcaller made her way over to him in half-jog (as much as a cat could do, anyway) and smiled, her short tail sticking straight up as much as it could. "I'm Atbash Cipher, the leader here." She introduced herself. "What brings you to Snowbound?"
bio | female | hailcaller [leader] of snowbound
© madi

Re: Until you can't // open+joining // see the box at all - madster - 07-24-2018

henri had a home, but it was far from here. after his father died, he had no family, but he considered his cult his family, so really he was never alone. except he had no power here, he realized. so he was alone. he walked alongside atbash, finding comfort in her scent- if she was near, then there probably wasn't anything overwhelming around. he he was intelligent, and had quick feet, but obviously couldn't fight- without sight, he was useless for now.

he shifted his weight and adjusted his sunglasses. "i'm henri. it's a pleasure to meet you, whoever you are!" he said in an eager voice, a grin from ear to ear, which was a little unnerving.

Re: Until you can't // open+joining // see the box at all - Character Graveyard. - 07-24-2018

Kirishima had known something was wrong when he had awoken in the loner lands three or four months ago. He had woken up with blood all over him yet he hadn't been injured. He managed to learn how to walk on all four legs instead of just two. It had taken him at least a week to learn.

The tall lupine had made his way over to the growing group of his fellow Snowbounders and he noticed Cecil. Was he joining? He'd have to wait and see, as Atbash had beat him to the question.
tags :: updated 7/23:

Re: Until you can't // open+joining // see the box at all - arcy - 07-24-2018

.. Just like his classmates, Izuku .. misses home. His other home. There's something hollow about the ache, because he knows there's not a chance in hell of being able to go back. And that's kind of .. exhausting. Especially when he's crowded by classmates and people and Izuku would almost rather be alone than have all of these reminders. He was content enough with all of the friends he had here without them, anyways. This is besides the point, though. Sure, he missed his home and UA and being human, but he had another home right here, see? Home with ever-changing faces and people and it was actually kind of comforting when people joined.
"Hello," Izuku greets as he follows with the crowd of clanmates, eyes curious. It hurts to walk. Of course it does. He gave up on walking off of his front legs ages ago, and so he's walking on his burnt leg. His burnt leg which .. is so burnt that he won't be able to feel anything in the limb anymore. But. It hurts on the not-so-deeply burnt part of it, which is what he's saying. Anyways. Atbash had already questioned the strange feline, and so Izuku seats himself with curious eyes. A joiner? A visitor? Izuku isn't sure. But, regardless, he conjures a hot chocolate in preparation for however this conversation would go. He liked being the one to give the visitors the hot chocolate, it gave him some way to greet them.
[glow=black,2,300]I WONT BE HERE LONG AT ALL [/glow]