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PLAY THESE FEATHERED TERRORS? | free raptor ufa - Printable Version

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PLAY THESE FEATHERED TERRORS? | free raptor ufa - spacey - 07-23-2018

note: Grey and Emil will be able to give away a total of three small mythical creatures and dinosaurs item for free for this adoption, so please include in your form if you will need said item from either of them in order to play these raptors! adoptions end on the 3rd of September.
if you are buying the items yourself, you will need to purchase the 'small mythical or extinct creature' item from the shop at 25,000 in order to play these raptors.
we've also decided on the breed of these raptors. they will be utahraptors, ranging anywhere from 5.6 ft upward (as long as they're no taller than 6.5 ft) and weighing around 1,000-2,200 pounds when fully grown.
me and grey will be picking characters as we see them. the eggs have already hatched, and the baby raptors will be played as npcs until claimed. They are still up for adoption.

raised on the outskirts of the typhoon's island, these prehistoric creatures have only known the wilderness for their very short, four moons of living. they are raptors, prehistoric, ancient creatures of circumstance. young, raised on flesh and blood, feisty and covered in downy feathers. Hatched on the shores of the great island and raised by the group of pirates, these raptors will come to experience the world for themselves.

these feral creatures are heavily based off of sorrel's original raptor squad in feralfront, which had once been revived with the help of mirror and a few others after sorrel's departure. soon, the revived squad packed our bags from ff as well and headed over after to bob, we decided we'd like to keep playing these raptors-- but with a twist of our own.

these raptors are young, only four moons old, having yet to learn the way of the world, and still covered in downy feather which will soon molt and grow in new plumage. with the disappearance of their mother, they will have to stake a survival for themselves while they are still growing.

- please keep active with these raptors! we understand that real life instances may come up, and we ask that if you have to remain inactive for any period of time, that you must let us know. dropping off the face of the earth without alerting the rest of us may result in your raptor being rehomed.
- these raptors will have no powers, and they will stay feral
- these raptors must start out in the typhoon before branching out to other clans, preferably when they reach 6 months of age
- these raptors will age twice a month, only reaching their full age when they become 15 months old
- plots are whofully encouraged Smile

1: Ament

personalities, names and appearance (as long as it's all reasonable) are free-for-alls. in order to apply, a basic personality and roleplay sample is required.
if you have any questions, feel free to ask me or [member=1355]Grey[/member]

Re: PLAY THESE FEATHERED TERRORS? | adoption thread - MirrorEdge - 07-24-2018


Re: PLAY THESE FEATHERED TERRORS? | adoption thread - Grey - 07-24-2018


Re: PLAY THESE FEATHERED TERRORS? | raptor adoption thread - Keeekeeey - 07-27-2018

Track! I'll apply tomorrow! ^^

Re: PLAY THESE FEATHERED TERRORS? | raptor adoption thread - EXODUS-- - 07-27-2018

Track on sub Wink

Re: PLAY THESE FEATHERED TERRORS? | raptor adoption thread - Orion - 07-27-2018

please make sure to purchase these items as needed! i would let rpers know if they have to buy it themselves or if they will be given the item after you pay for it.

Re: PLAY THESE FEATHERED TERRORS? | raptor adoption thread - spacey - 07-27-2018

i made a note below in post regarding there being no set deadline in order for some to gain the currency needed to purchase the raptors, but thinking on it now, i better believe it will be better seen by others if it was placed at the top so they know what what is expected. i'll edit as suggested. thanks, orion!

Re: PLAY THESE FEATHERED TERRORS? | raptor adoption thread - VIRGO - 07-29-2018

maybe you should note the raptor's actual price of 25,000 gems excluding the 5000 gems you get for a new subaccount <33

edit;; i'm willing to pay for one person's raptor! since i'm hindered from my other character projects due to being busy with school, there's currently no need for the extra gems i've saved up so i'm willing to give a 'small extinct creature' item for free.

Re: PLAY THESE FEATHERED TERRORS? | raptor adoption thread - spacey - 07-29-2018

Oh, I'll do that!
And thank you grey so much for pitching in grey <3 I'll add the price and the free item giveaway at the top of the note.

Re: PLAY THESE FEATHERED TERRORS? | raptor adoption thread - Orion - 07-29-2018

moved to the animal board by request <3