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ISLE OF DOGS - open, joining - Printable Version

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ISLE OF DOGS - open, joining - darci - 03-26-2018

    ​​"Don't be such a chicken!" ​She huffed and rolled her eyes. ​"​Dad​, stop talking. You're not helping." ​At first, she thought wearing the necklace her father currently possessed was a grand idea. Now, she was tempted to pawn it. Nosferatu was her father, Anders her... Other father. The old bat had finally given up his physical form, locking himself inside the silver cross necklace he always wore. Now, Marceline wore it.
    She was truly was her father's daughter. The dire wold had Nosferatu's trademark emerald eyes and his small, lanky stature. From Anders' side of the fence, she looked of him in color. A beautiful strawberry blonde coat with white socks, a white bottom jaw, and a white chest. She was a perfect combination of both their personalities. ​"Just sit your ass down and stop twitching. It's annoying." ​Marceline growled. The trick was getting her father to shut up. He never did. For the most part, only she could hear him. Lately, though, Nos made himself audible to everyone. Whenever she walked by a rather attractive male, her father would always make a comment. She could not count how many times he embarrassed her for his own shits and giggles. The blonde wolf took a seat at the border's edge, her body slightly hunched. Anxiety did her dirty. ​"Sit up. You're a queen after all." ​​​​"I'm not a queen. Now, ​shut up!" ​​And Shut up he did. ​

Re: ISLE OF DOGS - open, joining - beck. - 03-26-2018

    She didn't know how fortunate she was to still have ties to relatives. Creatures stolen away from their family, or in Beck's case the opposite, would give anything just to say one final goodbye. While centuries of memories had overwhelmed the remnants of whoever he could say were his parents, bitter regret weighed down his grimy apparition at the mere thought of a mother or father. But why? Hell if he knew. He was just a meaningless ghost clinging onto a childhood that never happened. Yet he had busied himself with a clan, a group already forming bonds to create a makeshift family, and it keep the pain and worries away -- for the most part. The poltergeist still preferred isolation over every feigned interaction with the living, and half the time he lost himself within the swamp only because he couldn't have a normal, cheery conversation.

    And yet here she was, having a conversation with herself and a disembodied speaker. Not the strangest scenario he had witnessed over his eternal existence. Glancing up at the direction of Arceus from his work carving mindless doodles into cypress roots, Beck sheathed pearly little claws and quite effortlessly tracked the direwolf down. A frilly-looking thing, but a thing nonetheless. "Finally, someone smart 'nough to stay on that side of the line." the boy sneered from the brambles, posture just as horrid as her apprehensive form, if not worse. Backhand wiping the vibrant blue toxins leaking from a missing cheek, the wiry mess of a feline warily kept his distance. Beck promptly flopped back onto bony haunches and nosily inquired with a owlish tilt of his skull, "Who ya talkin' to?"

Re: ISLE OF DOGS - open, joining - darci - 03-26-2018

[font=georgia][size=11pt][color=black]    Marceline always got funny looks when she talked to her father. Some said she was crazy and belonged in the loony bin. She would get embarrassed, but it was too complicated to explain. Some would start to question why and how. Marceline was never good at detailed and lengthy conversation. Keeping things rather short and simple towards strangers was the best approach. Her ears perked up when she caught the scent of an approaching creature, and rose to her feet.
    A small, awkward laugh escaped her at the comment. Marceline had manners. She knew better than to stray to where she did not belong. Her fathers did not raise no fool. For the most part, Marceline was kind, compassionate, and collected. Despite this, she could flip on a dime. She had very little patience with ignorance. "Umm," she hummed, "Just my dad. I'm not crazy or anything, heh." She adverted her gaze away from a brief second, trying to compose herself. Lowering her head and slightly pinning her ears back, she spoke, "He is in this necklace - possessed it, that is." Her father remained silent, to her relief. Maybe he fell asleep. Old goat. "I'm Marceline. It's nice to meet you... I don't think I caught your name."

Re: ISLE OF DOGS - open, joining - happycamper - 03-27-2018

[color=#60586f]★ happycamper hadn't had any sort of interaction between his parents in more than a year. the last time he'd ever even seen them were the first days of his adolescence, where they had left in a... not so positive way, to say the least. happycamper had expected time to be on his side, allow his mind to be filled with other memories to push that specific one back to the point that it was just blurry. yet he'd been alive for more than 2 years already and the faces of his parents were still all too real. although he did manage to find many ways to block it out and focus on the much more positive things in life, it sometimes came back to haunt him in the most unexpected times.

other than spending time trying his best to converse with other tanglewood members and doing his hoodies, happycamper could often be found around the borders of tanglewood. though the territory scared him most of the time, being able to see new joiners and give them a warm welcome to their new home always brightened his frightened mood. as such, the ginger male was out in one of his daily walks when somewhat unfamiliar voices caught his attention. making sure he had his satchel closed (many times the bag he'd carry around with him daily was left open, and the content inside were often spilled or stolen), he made his way over to the area where the voices originated from with a skip in his step and humming a sweet tune. he easily stepped over any of the natural flora that grew in the woods. eventually he had gotten all the way to the certain part of the border where two people were at.

beck was someone he himself had seen only a few times, and even then he'd never been in a conversation with the leader. he made himself a mental note to bring him some warm cookies at one point as a way to show his appreciation for operating this place- and maybe meet someone else that enjoyed his treats besides belladonna. the other person, though, was a stranger to him. happycamper planted himself next to beck, chipper smile plastered on his face. oh golly, he sure hoped that she enjoyed this place! well, if she wanted to join in the first place. he waited for her to finish her little introduction before he butted in, "well hello there, miss marceline! it's a pleasure meeting you, and welcome to tanglewood! oh, and a warm welcome to your father as well! pretty sure he's a swell guy, even if he's in that necklace." he felt a bit weird saying that, and some part of him had trouble believing such a thing. yet he did live in a world filled with supernatural beings roaming it, so he wasn't keen on rejecting it right away. he pushed his question down on why he decided to possess it in the first place, finding it possibly too personal. at the sight of her lowering herself, he offered her a more compassionate smile. he couldn't imagine how stressful all of this could be on her. he wouldn't want her to feel more bad than she already could possibly be feeling. "this right here is beck, a swell little guy! ah, i'm wondering, why are you here, miss marceline? are you going to join, or visiting? either one is a-okay!"