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A DARK ALLEY AND A BAD IDEA ; ascendants ambassadors visit, o - Printable Version

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A DARK ALLEY AND A BAD IDEA ; ascendants ambassadors visit, o - Suiteheart - 07-23-2018

Suiteheart had told herself she was going to do this earlier. She made plans and gathered supplies. And then everything went to hell. Family problems arose. Problems within the group arose. It was bad all over. Things were more difficult, more tense now. Everything had become much more complicated. Suite twitched an ivory colored ear. She wished she could go back to those first few days in the Ascendants when she wasn't attached to anyone or anything, but that was selfish thinking.

She had a job now. She had tasks. She needed to get stuff done. The white feline inhaled through her nose and exhaled around the basket she was carrying, pushing the thoughts away with it. She needed to get out of her own head. God, since when did she become so tragic, she thought, a wry smile burning on her lips.

"You wanna do the greeting this time, babe?" Suiteheart asked, setting the basket down and turning to look at Margaery as they came to a halt at the border. She offered the chocolate point a soft, tiny smile as she moved various items around in the basket to situate them.

[b]suiteheart folie-mikaelson . ecliptic admiral . the ascendants . tags
© [color=black]MADI

Re: A DARK ALLEY AND A BAD IDEA ; ascendants ambassadors visit, o - madster - 07-24-2018

malphas wasn't a fan of the ascendants. they weren't tanglewood and that made them terrible in his mind, especially since his slut of a brother was a part of them. still, he was still dealing with nayru's death, and thus had no energy to be mean now. he approached the two, red eyes dull.

"hey. what are you doing?" he asked, monotone as ever, no emotion on his face as he looked at the two. he didn't know them and didn't care for them, but he wouldn't be outright rude.

Re: A DARK ALLEY AND A BAD IDEA ; ascendants ambassadors visit, o - aya - 07-24-2018

[div style="margin: 0 auto; width: 55%; font-family: arial; font-size: 11pt; text-align: justify;"]Fortunately, this time Aya was not immediately emerging from the swamp. However, she had been in the swamp that day, so she absolutely stank and absolutely didn't care. Still, over the tortoiseshell came, flopping onto her haunches by Malphas. "A basket! Exciting! Is it organs?" Maybe it would be perceived as a joke, but no, Aya was completely serious. She needed organs. For reasons. Very normal reasons. Obviously. She gave it a sniff. "Oh, it's not organs. Still, thank you! My name is Aya, I'm a chaser here." She was plenty friendly, and in a better mood than usual, her voice and manner bouncier than ever. As such, it was a frightening thought to imagine why Aya, the cat version of Victor Frankenstein and in need of organs, was so happy. A very frightening thought.

Re: A DARK ALLEY AND A BAD IDEA ; ascendants ambassadors visit, o - arrow - 07-24-2018

"Aya, don't scare the star ladies." Arrow said with a grin, failing to hide her amusement from the fellow chaser demanding organs. She strolled over on her lanky ass legs, stopping beside Aya and peering over to look at the basket. Her tail swished in the air, green eyes widening in curiosity. This would be the second time she interacted with the Ascendants and hopefully this time would be much better. "Arrow, fellow chaser." She gave a small nod with a smile.
we should be lovers instead  ━

Re: A DARK ALLEY AND A BAD IDEA ; ascendants ambassadors visit, o - VIGENERE CIPHER. - 07-24-2018

Re: A DARK ALLEY AND A BAD IDEA ; ascendants ambassadors visit, o - Morgan - 07-24-2018

Morgan approached the gathering with a smirk on his face, taking confident steps up to the familiar Ascendants. Without his mask on, his expression was fully visible. He nodded to each of the visitors in turn before muttering, "Good to see you."

He still remembered the brief spar he had with Suiteheart; he turned to her and asked, "Still training, then? I might want to show you some new strategies sometime." Indeed, there were many unique feats one could pull of using the power of water; Morgan himself felt that he had only ever scratched the power's surface. "Anyway, thank you both for these gifts." He walked back toward Vigenere after echoing his comment, giving his side a playful nudge. "It feels like it was just yesterday that we visited the Ascendants, too. I hope someone got to enjoy the book we brought."

Re: A DARK ALLEY AND A BAD IDEA ; ascendants ambassadors visit, o - ABATHUR . - 07-25-2018

An ambassador mission - that was something to really entice him, he thought, as someone who didn't exactly know about the political climate of this place. He had done some asking around and learned that there were four major groups ("Only four?" he had incredulously asked, shocked at such a small number) each with their own quirks, as usual, but all he knew about political tensions was that the Ascendants and Tanglewood were sort of getting heated towards each other due to one bad apple here in this hell swamp. As long as it didn't affect what work he was doing, he supposed, he would be fine. One hundred percent fine. Not really, but telling himself anything other than that didn't help, now did it?

Gift baskets, ahh, what a nostalgia trip. He was used to a clan with less alliances, really, but it was a reminder of what life was like for those who were less prone to murder. Although he used less very tentatively - he hadn't seen any corpses being flaunted yet, so he assumed that they were more peaceful, but radiation could do things to peoples' brains. The notably large arachnid crawled over, sitting his domestic cat-sized form near the front of the group, peering into the basket full of all sorts of stuff that these Ascendants liked that might not actually be all that useful. He offered only a small  "greetings," sure to be passed over if one wasn't looking for him to speak, although he didn't really expect that to happen. Most people couldn't keep their two eyes off him, unfortunately.

Hopefully his presence didn't freak any of the ambassadors out, actually - he'd hate to strain relations further.
tags - "speech"

Re: A DARK ALLEY AND A BAD IDEA ; ascendants ambassadors visit, o - axiom - 07-26-2018

The teal utahraptor found herself curious about the two tiny cats - they smelled like carrion, killed far larger prey than they should be able to manage, and left uniquely dry corpses. Delta's experience thus far with the mammal packs led her to the conclusion that plenty of them were capable of intelligence and odd abilities that other creatures simply lacked. Usually, those with powers ended up pissing Delta off with their offensive attacks aimed at herself, but otherwise, she didn't care about them at all.

Except for the fact this odd couple liked to feed her the interestingly dry carrion. It seemed unlikely that they intended to threaten her or her pack because of that - though, she saw occasionally that Favourite wouldn't mind turning on her if she pissed him off. How irritating: these mammals liked to play by rules they made up on the fly.

As she emerged from behind Suiteheart, the large beast let out a loud warning hiss to the Tanglewood mammals. She could smell their own mammal pack stench clinging to their pelt, though she didn't recognize it. Obviously, she didn't know why the white cat bothered to lug a bunch of random shit with her just to visit another mammal pack - but she did assume that these other mammals might make for a tasty snack.

Re: A DARK ALLEY AND A BAD IDEA ; ascendants ambassadors visit, o - Luciferr - 07-26-2018

But Heed this lesson well,
When the weak court death, They find it -

a low growl at the raptors threat as Fenris emerged from the trees to faintly loom over the procession like the large spine bristled bodyguard he so often preferred to play - but war wouldn't take chances with ferals these days,

especially with smaller much more vulnerable clanmates - but he tipped his head to suite "Our thanks" he motioned to the gifts while the the others did the talking.

/oh look suite meets another grimm |D

[sub]TANGLEWOOD - REGENT - TAGS - REF (9FT) - EXTREME[W]isker[/sub]

Re: A DARK ALLEY AND A BAD IDEA ; ascendants ambassadors visit, o - — MALKYN. - 07-28-2018

[ no fancy and mobile post- cue screaming ]

The hound has preferred to keep to the dingiest, darkest parts of the swamp, settling herself within the mud and sludge, hiding herself to wait in tense silence for prey to get a little too close. Not that she’s actually hunting for the Clan- no, she’s hunting simply for herself. Bigger animals do need to sustain themselves more. With the phantom partial paralysis and complete vision loss, she’s at a disadvantage, and has to learn to use other ways to draw things in.

Which includes, but isn’t limited to, a scratchy and highpitched clicking, her jaws parted just enough to allow the sound to escape, using it to ‘see’ what was around her, echolocation much like a bat. Her paw steps are slow, calculated against the mud caked and drying against her sides, shaking away some that had gotten on to her face as she gets around the territory. Her head swings around towards another high pitched sound then, threatening, a warning and the hound feels her fur begin to raise in vague hostility, territorial defense written all over the way she tenses.

She picks up her pace, lopsided gait leaving heavy footprints behind her, the clicking getting a little louder as she follows both scent and sound to the strangers and the dinosaur on the fringes of the territory baring gifts. Malkyn hasn’t caught that the others have already thanked them, more focused on the young raptor. Malkyn steps out from behind Lucifer slowly, keeping her distance and clicking growing a little quieter to just keep the smallest image in her mind. The hound tips her head just a bit, cloudy and blank eyes trained on Delta just the slightest bit of lag as the echolocation gets back to her.

Delta isn’t forgotten, however she turns her attention to the more approachable of the group- the two in front of the raptor. ”Anything in particular you’re wanting?” The clicking stops for a second for her to speak and the black nothingness she’s left in for the duration of it makes her uncomfortable, fur prickling uneasily.