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CAN I REGAIN WHAT I LOST INSIDE // open, Atbash injured *Weekly Task 7/23* - Printable Version

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CAN I REGAIN WHAT I LOST INSIDE // open, Atbash injured *Weekly Task 7/23* - CAESAR CIPHER. - 07-23-2018

//Note to staff: I roleplay both Atbash and Caesar!
Also small trigger warning for a brief description of gore in the 4th paragraph!

Oh, Caesar was absolutely loving this task. He was glad Rosemary was smart enough to get him a task he actually likes, rather than just make some dumbass flower crowns. With Pincher declaring them as open season, and Caesar knowing for a fact Atbash would not fight back, the demon was all over this task. With a grin, Caesar marched into Snowbound's territory, heading towards where he found Atbash last time. His gold blade reflected the sun badly but honestly? He didn't care. If he was caught, he was caught. He could fight off some pansy ass pacifists.

Unfortunately, his sister wasn't at the lake like she had been the last time he was here. Caesar's ears flicked as he took note of this, frowning in thought. Of course she wouldn't. She probably tries to avoid this place as much as possible, doesn't she? Caesar's tail lashed for a moment before he turned around, stalking through the territory in search of Atbash. Luckily for him, her having such a bright pelt meant she wasn't that hard to spot. The she-cat seemingly was patrolling the borders, and Caesar had gotten past them at the right moment. Atbash seemed to take note of his scent though and he tensed up. She knows I'm here. Which means she could probably call out to her groupmates.

Caesar wasted no time in rushing forward and leaping forward to pin Atbash down, his teeth bared in a snarl as he glared down at his sister. "Long time no see." He was mocking her now. He wasn't aware it had been her doing to call off the alliance, but he absolutely loved the fact that Pincher had declared them as enemies. Atbash writhed under his grasp, and Caesar only shook his head. "That's not going to work." His words were a growl, and with a flick of his tail, the demon set himself on fire.

"Caesar!" Atbash screamed, her entire body trembling as the flames slowly traveled down Caesar's body towards her. In defense, she lashed out with her claws and he felt her claws tear a bit of skin on his chest, but he didn't care. With a sickening grin, Caesar watched as the flames moved onto her own body. He knew Atbash couldn't feel pain just as he didn't, but what drove her screams were fear. Pure, unadulterated fear. Caesar loved it. The demon licked his lips as he moved off of her, leaving her to burn.

Caesar watched as Atbash put out the flames by rolling around in the snow, though it was clear that she didn't want to move around much. He knew that her entire body much be numb since that's how he felt pain, but it was quite amusing to see her body act as if it was in major pain. Atbash tried to run off, however Caesar leaped at her again, digging his claws into her backside as he dragged her towards him. "Not yet, Atbash." He hissed, unhooking the knife from its sheath and grabbed it as quickly as he could in his other paw before she could try to run off again. Almost immediately, the Officer pinned her down once more. Atbash continued to shake under his paws, tears in her eyes as she stared at her brother. The look in her eyes made Caesar chuckle, before he shoved the knife into her neck. Atbash went limp in his paws and Caesar stepped back, pulling the knife with him. Black blood came out of the puncture wound, spraying him in the face briefly. Caesar shook his head wiping it off him before he turned to leave.

Wait. There was one last thing to do. Caesar turned back towards his sister's unconscious body and forced the knife to go into her shoulder, and dragged it across, slowly forming a triangle on her shoulder. With that finished, Caesar licked his lips again and put the knife back in its sheath and headed back towards The Typhoon. His task here was done.

//Atbash's injuries: burns over her body, and her left ear tip is burned. Her right shoulder has a triangle brand and the most life-threatening one is the knife wound on her neck, where Caesar just jammed his knife into her throat (although the knife missed major arteries, the wound is just a massive cut in the skin). She's currently unconscious and Caesar is gone. It can be noted that it was him/The Typhoon attacked her if you want since he didn't bother hiding his scent.

Re: CAN I REGAIN WHAT I LOST INSIDE // open, Atbash injured *Weekly Task 7/23* - galexiux - 07-23-2018

  Cry was awoken from a mid day nap by the sound of screaming. She snapped awake. She was no idiot. She could tell different screams apart; and this one was in pain. She cawed out  to her clan before her wings and tail snapped open. She took off to the sky, flying with pin point accuracy to the spot. She flew overhead, spotting two yellow cats fighting. There was no denying who that was. There was only one yellow cat in this clan. That was atbash.

  Cry felt herself snarl. Her vision turned read and she closed her wings. She summoned Ice Breaker to her side, holding its hilt  tightly in her feathery arms. She dived. You bastard! She screamed out, trying to bring the frozen mallet down onto Ceasar. But it was too late. He was already gone. Cry huffed, puffing up. RUN! RUN BACK TO YOUR COWARDOUS HOLE YOU WORM. She huffed and puffed. She scanned the ground infront of her before sharply turning around to Atbash.

  She panted, reaching over to take hold of Atbash's pale face. No... no no no... This couldn't be happening. The raven teared up, her heart racing. Atbash! Get up you bastard! She went to tap the cat's cheeks. Get up!! Her voice cracked. She was falling apart. The raven sat uselessly, sobbing. I love you too much for you to die you cant leave me!


Re: CAN I REGAIN WHAT I LOST INSIDE // open, Atbash injured *Weekly Task 7/23* - Dimitri - 07-23-2018

Dimitri was too late. The smell of blood and the sounds of yelling attracted the tom, wondering if it was prey or some joiner.  Foreign scent hit his nose with confusion and he trotted o- ov-
He stared at the sight. He hadn't seen anyone else's blood in a long time. He watched Atbash's shriveled, bleeding body. Near frozen. A hit and run, more or less. Not many wounds, but mortal wounds.
He was at ends- two were begging him to find help and two more said to retaliate. Dakota wasn't a doctor and couldn't offer any support. He didn't know what to do, who to let make the choice- who to let take control.

"No, no, no, no-" We're going to stay until more help arrives then we will go after the attacker. Sound fair? He heard agreements and nodded, taking a deep breath as he went in. "Atbash?" He approached cautiously, looking over the wounds and landing on the triangle. He did that on purpose. He wanted to leave a mark. He felt his claws seep in the dirt. "I won't let this happen again." He swore, bending down and trying to apply some pressure to her wounds, her blood getting on his paws.
Stay calm. Stay calm.

Re: CAN I REGAIN WHAT I LOST INSIDE // open, Atbash injured *Weekly Task 7/23* - arcy - 07-23-2018

.. In a way, Izuku knew that ending their alliance would end badly. The Typhoon was volatile and petty and ending the alliance with them wouldn't end well. He knew that. And Caeser would be free to attack Atbash if he wanted, now. Izuku knew this, but he still voted for dropping them. And god, god. He hears Cry's screams and dread settles in Izuku's chest, eyes going wide. Oh no. Oh no. Legs be damned, Izuku drops to all four paws and makes a run for where he hears Cry screaming. It's -- worse than he imagined.
No. Nononono. Izuku freezes, blood pumping and generally in pain. And Atbash -- Izuku is shaking. Cry is sobbing, and Atbash is bleeding and she's so burned. Branded. And he doesn't -- the Typhoon. They did this. He cant scent them in the air and god nonono why'd he let this happen he should've been here should've kept watch over her when they were so vulnerable. Tears spring to his eyes. He's not even good enough for this. Her throat is bleeding and everyone is in the way and he's not good enough to keep Atbash from dying. He hates that the Typhoon did this and he wants so bad to make them pay. A flicker of electricity passes through Izuku's fur, but it's gone in a flash. Not because he's scared, for one, but because he'll hurt Atbash if he touches her life this.
"Ou -- Out of my way," Izuku's voice is shaky, and he straightens up to push past his clanmates. Maybe a little more forcefully than he needs to, but he can be forgiven. Anyways, he wants people away from Atbash, out of Izuku's goddamn way. Dimitri especially. Cry -- Izuku can allow Cry to stay close, she was small and would probably scream at him if he tried to shove her away, anyways. Even so, Izuku's ears flatten. The wound. First and foremost, that needs to be dealt with. His paws are shaking and he's trying so hard not to break into full-out sobs right now. As it were, tears are dripping down his face, tears gritted. He needed to .. stop the blood flow. Did it hit an artery? It wasn't -- wasn't bleeding hard enough, but the burns could wait. He -- marigold. He could do the marigold and then cover it with cobwebs and move on. He didn't have cobwebs, though. Needed those. "Cobwebs. S -- somebody fetch me cobwebs," He demands, and he sounds so choked up, and his injured paws are hurting so bad and they're shaking and he can't do this if his paws won't stay steady, nononono. He squeezes his eyes shut and, despite the block caused by his injuries, manages to conjure a jar of marigold mix. He needs to -- put that on. That'll be easy enough, right? It's so hard to see with all of the tears, but he can't wipe them away because of the salt and he can't waste time. So, after managing to shove whatever clanmates may be in his way .. out .. of his way, whether they wanted to or not, sorry, he starts making to apply the stuff to Atbash's throat injury.
[glow=black,2,300]I WONT BE HERE LONG AT ALL [/glow]

Re: CAN I REGAIN WHAT I LOST INSIDE // open, Atbash injured *Weekly Task 7/23* - guts - 07-23-2018

Aizawa didn't know a lot about Atbash's family or her past in general. He had heard whispers, mostly after her brother attacked her, but even then he didn't really think much of them. Now he knew he couldn't just ignore such things anymore. He hadn't trusted the Typhoon in general, and this came as almost no surprise. Of course they were going to be difficult and act like this. A bunch of toddlers, he muses inside his head, his hard gaze a mixture of anger and concern.

One day, he would get those damn wanna-be pirates back for this. But right now, he was only going to worry about his leader's safety. Bitter grudges could come later. "Izuku, will she be alright?" he asks as he looks the female over, trying to assess the wounds. At his request for cobwebs, he nods, quickly turning and hurrying off to find what it was he needed.

It doesn't take him long to return, a big ball of webs glued to his paw. It was somewhat difficult to find them, especially with the territory climate, but he had managed. Now all they could really do was wait and see. Aizawa definitely didn't want to be leader so soon.


Re: CAN I REGAIN WHAT I LOST INSIDE // open, Atbash injured *Weekly Task 7/23* - Dimitri - 07-23-2018

Dimitri stood and backed away, Atbash's blood on his paws. He saw Aizawa coming and backed even further away. He gasped as Delta finally took over. She deadpanned Dimitri's face and looked at the situation.
They weren't any help here now.
She moved towards the scent and followed after the typhoon smell, heading after the attacker.


Re: CAN I REGAIN WHAT I LOST INSIDE // open, Atbash injured *Weekly Task 7/23* - galexiux - 07-23-2018

  Cry, very reluctantly, let Izuku take hold of Atbash. She whined, hopping close to the cat's bare side, resting a wing on her flank. She wiped her eyes with her spare feathers, grossly sobbing and sniffling up lost liquids. This is all my fault! She blindly yelled, I should have been th- Should have been there to pro- She inhaled sharply, protect her! The bird stared up at Izuku and Aizawa, broken. Her eyes were foggy, a silent plea for help. Save her.


Re: CAN I REGAIN WHAT I LOST INSIDE // open, Atbash injured *Weekly Task 7/23* - NUI HARIME - 07-23-2018

// tracking

Re: CAN I REGAIN WHAT I LOST INSIDE // open, Atbash injured *Weekly Task 7/23* - ATBASH CIPHER. - 07-24-2018

i should've said what i hear
i should have let myself fear
Atbash should have fought back, she really should have. But the fire Caesar created made her freeze, and she couldn't move as it came in contact with her, which immediately send a wave of fear over her body. Fear made her freeze, fear made her unable to do anything. "You let fear make your decisions, huh?" One of the Typhoonites had said that to her whenever she visited to denounce their alliance. And it was true: she did let fear control over what she did.

The voices were fuzzy and faint, and Atbash could barely tell who was who as she faded in and out of consciousness. She could barely feel Cry and Dimitri on her body, and didn't feel Izuku putting stuff on her neck. She couldn't do anything to fight him off, even if she wanted to. In fact, Atbash wanted to sink lower into unconsciousness and she allowed herself to do so. It was just too damn welcoming.
bio | female | hailcaller [leader] of snowbound
© madi

Re: CAN I REGAIN WHAT I LOST INSIDE // open, Atbash injured *Weekly Task 7/23* - Character Graveyard. - 07-24-2018

The sound of panicked voices and yelling had brought Kirishima over. An alarmed look could be seen in both of his red-eyes as he came running upon the scene. He would hurry over to Izuku's side and look down at the injured Hailcaller.

He didn't think he could help Izuku at all in this situation, so he remained silent.
tags :: updated 7/23: