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I WILL CARRY HELL TO YOUR DOORSTEP - open, joining - Printable Version

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I WILL CARRY HELL TO YOUR DOORSTEP - open, joining - madster - 07-23-2018

you were destined for something great, henri. you will rise up the general populace and show them the way of true salvation.

those were the last words henri's father had told him. he was a stocky, pure white cat with empty grey eyes, devoid of any soul. henri's father was blind, and it was genetic. henri had never seen the world. henri shared the same clouded, dead eyes as his father, navigating the world using smell and scent, and having grown up blind, he was pretty good at navigating the world. his hearing and smell was better than the normal person and he had little issues not running into things.

henri was raised in a cult, his father being the leader. the cult was dedicated to a king of hell, belial, and henri believed in all of it wholeheartedly. he believed that he was blind because of the world's lack of faith, and that his dead eyes were a blessing from his patron demon, used to shield him from the horrors of the faithless. once his father died, henri took over, but was dissatisfied with the number of those believing in what he taught. thus, he decided to go and spread his mission. his father had told him of a little clan called snowbound, and he decided they could use his blessing.

it was cold, and so the cat wore a purple scarf and sunglasses. the sunglasses were there to protect his useless eyes from the sun, and because he knew that the seeing folk would possibly be unnerved at the sight of them.

padding to the little village, he shivered. "greetings! my name is henri, and i am here to join!" he said, grinning. he could tell this was the place because of all the different scents and the feeling of stone on his paws. he decided he'd explain his purpose and his disability later- he didn't want it to define him, after all. eyes or not, he was gonna save this clan.

Re: I WILL CARRY HELL TO YOUR DOORSTEP - open, joining - Dimitri - 07-23-2018

He.... didn't like the look this guy. Then again, people thought he was weird too, so he felt he couldn't judge. He approached slowly, smelling and staring at the joiner. Looking him up and down. Needing to judge him. Insecurity.

"Well, nice to meet you, Henri.... well, uh, this is Snowbound. I'm Dimitri."

Re: I WILL CARRY HELL TO YOUR DOORSTEP - open, joining - madster - 07-23-2018

henri visibly flinched when he heard somebody approach, seemingly caught off guard. he adjusted his sunglasses, then flashed a wide, toothy grin. "ah, i knew it! got it right this time," he joked, relaxing his shoulders. so he was in the right place. dimitri smelled pleasant, and henri's mind automatically matched the smell and his voice to a name. there was no face, obviously, but he'd make do. "dimitri! it's a pleasure to meet you," he greeted.

he realized that snowbound was completely alien territory, and he would be spending his first week slowly shuffling around, making sure he had a mental map of the place. "dimitri, would you be a dear and show me around? i mean, you can't really- show me things-" he grinned, not having revealed his condition to the other. "but i'd like to know where things are, if you don't mind!"

Re: I WILL CARRY HELL TO YOUR DOORSTEP - open, joining - ATBASH CIPHER. - 07-24-2018

i should've said what i hear
i should have let myself fear
Atbash happened to come just in time to catch the tail-end of Henri's conversation with Dimitri and the she-cat head tilted as she caught onto what he said. "What do you mean 'you can't really show me things'?" She asked in an innocent tone. Of course, with those sunglasses on, it was hard to assume that Henri was blind. And besides, wasn't it rude to just blurt out, hey are you blind? Atbash mentally shook away the thought, realizing she hadn't introduced herself. "Oh! My name's Atbash Cipher, by the way. Welcome to Snowbound!"
bio | female | hailcaller [leader] of snowbound
© madi

Re: I WILL CARRY HELL TO YOUR DOORSTEP - open, joining - Dimitri - 07-24-2018

Okay, yeah, this guy was way too nice. Creeped him out already, but the tom tried to hold his reserve. Got it right this time?Noticing the sunglasses, he raised a paw and waved it back and forth, watching for any head movement. Is he blind? That wasn't his business. He knew better, and he wouldn't bring it up. The tom revealed itself anyways as he went on to talk. Dimtiri wasn't sure if he was just trying to be funny or... what. Dimitri felt distrust and the sunglasses didn't help. Maybe it had to do with being unable to see Henri's face.

"Hey, I'm sorry, but could you take those off?" He asked staring at the tom and coming closer to him, to try to lead him around soon.

Re: I WILL CARRY HELL TO YOUR DOORSTEP - open, joining - madster - 07-24-2018

henri didn't flinch this time, and relaxed as he smelled her. she smelled nice, and carried a sweet scent with her. she sounded young, innocent, especially as she asked him about his condition. he didn't really like announcing it every where he went- he was more than his disability, he thought, and if he just announced it to everybody that would seem like his only trait. however, he was more than happy to tell people if they asked. he glanced over to dimitri. "i need them sometimes. you see, my eyes are really sensitive."

he pushed his sunglasses to his forehead and opened his eyes, revealing his grey and clouded-over eyes, dull and dead. "i'm completely blind. i can't see shit," he grinned, then laughed. "don't worry about it. i'm an adult, i've lived with this my entire life, i'm just a slow walker. i have to kind of shuffle along when i'm going to new places." he left the sunglasses off and his eyes open, as it was night and the sun couldn't bother his eyes here. "it's such a pleasure to meet you though, miss atbash!"


[align=center][div style="width: 500px; padding: 10px; height: auto; overflow: auto;"][div style="width: 400px; padding: 0px; line-height: 14px; text-align: justify; font-family: helvetica;"]huh. another blind guy. it was a common disability, he knew full well, but he didn't think he'd ever actually come across another blind person. it was strange to him that this guy didn't know his surroundings, but he supposed that was a thought that came from him having heightened senses his whole life.

bubonicplague approached silently, coming to a stop a few steps behind atbash. the dire wolf twitched an ear. "bubonicplague." he drawled. "pleasure." he fell silent after that, his own sightless eyes drifting over the small feline.

Re: I WILL CARRY HELL TO YOUR DOORSTEP - open, joining - arcy - 07-24-2018

Izuku knew the clans' tendencies to allow just about anybody into their memberbase was going to lead to some more .. unsavory characters taking advantage of that. He was honestly just kind of prepared to deal with that day when they got to it. I mean -- the number of good things that came from such easy joinings would easily outweigh the bad things. But, well, regardless, Izuku didn't mind. As long as people didn't start big, proper trouble he wouldn't count it as bad.
[color=#3d965e"Welcome to Snowbound!"[/color] Izuku chirps as he wanders over, head tipped. Blind? That was interesting, but not a big deal. The Maine Coon's tail swishes as he wobbles over to stands next to Atbash. His paws are .. not in working condition. Not his front paws, at least. But regardless, Izuku manages to force himself to conjure a flask of hot chocolate, and -- oh, right. Henri can't .. see it. Izuku attempts to place it against Henri's paws. "I'm Izuku, the Frosthealer. That's .. hot chocolate, that I gave you. Sorry," How does .. Izuku deal with .. blind people. He's trying not to be offensive. But that was probably kind of awkward of him. Oh well, too late now. So Izuku just grins awkwardly. Even if Henri can't see it.
[glow=black,2,300]I WONT BE HERE LONG AT ALL [/glow]

Re: I WILL CARRY HELL TO YOUR DOORSTEP - open, joining - madster - 07-24-2018

henri heard more people approach, and the scents all mingled. if henri knew bubonicplague was just like him, he'd be delighted- but bubonic said nothing, so he was left to assume he was seeing like the rest. henri did feel the name bubonicplague was a bit... unfortunate. did somebody name their child bubonickit, he wondered? he smelled strange, but henri offered him a nod. "it's super nice to meet you, mister bubonic!"

then he heard izuku and beamed. "frosthealer? ah, so like a medic of sorts? that's neat," he said, and then felt a warm flask placed between him. izuku politely informed him it was hot chocolate, and he used his teeth to unscrew it, taking a sip. "oh! it's really good!"

Re: I WILL CARRY HELL TO YOUR DOORSTEP - open, joining - ATBASH CIPHER. - 07-24-2018

i should've said what i hear
i should have let myself fear
So he was blind. Atbash opened her mouth to speak, but Henri continued on talking, saying he's been like that his entire life. As much as she wanted to apologize, it really wouldn't make sense, would it? Not when he's been used to it and never saw anything different. "Glad you like it!" The Hailcaller purred, deciding to just put the whole disability thing behind her. After all, what was the use of dwelling on it. Atbash shuffled back a bit to allow Bubonicplague to greet Henri. "It's a tradition we have here." She went on. "We offer it to everyone, joining or not." It was cold, after all.
bio | female | hailcaller [leader] of snowbound
© madi