Beasts of Beyond
ICARUS IS FLYING TOO CLOSE TO THE SUN / private, Lance - Printable Version

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ICARUS IS FLYING TOO CLOSE TO THE SUN / private, Lance - Character Graveyard. - 03-26-2018

Keith was tired. He'd woken up a while ago- but there had been no sign of any of the others, aside from Lance. It seemed Red or Blue weren't around. Alarmed, the red-paladin fast-walked to the lion, giving him a sharp nudge in the side. "Lazybones, get up." His voice sounded gruff and heavy, as if his tone of voice was slightly different.

He suddenly realized that his hands felt a bit more fuzzy. As if he'd turned into an animal- like Lance did. He had a red coat, a nuzzle, ears and three tails. Keith sighed. "We might've gone through another alternative universe, but this one we might not be able to escape." Swishing his three tails, the male took a seat by Lance and waited for him to wake.

Re: ICARUS IS FLYING TOO CLOSE TO THE SUN / private, Lance - arcy - 03-26-2018

Needless to say, Lance wasn't having a very good few weeks. In all honesty, he'd actually turned into a lion like -- before anyone else did, or whatever. It -- hadn't been a fun experience. Like, two weeks? On his own? As a lion? No thanks. It'd been very stressful -- his fur was dirty a lot, and he had to hunt and eat raw meat like a damn barbarian. He'd almost thrown up the first few times, honestly. And I mean, that was stressful enough, but then he went through the whole universe switch again. He'd experience it before -- a big blank in his memories, and somewhere completely unfamiliar. Fantastic.
"Ugh," Lance says with feeling. The lion lifts his head and blinks blearily, before his vision focuses on -- a fucking kitsune. Quiznak. He'd been hoping that this time waking up would involve, he's not sure, humans. "Thanks, captain obvious," Lance can't help but snark. He squeezes his eyes shut tight for a few moments, before blinking them back open. Keith. Oh, this was Keith. He'd know that dumb, angry voice anywhere, even though it sounded a little off. His glare softens as it registers, though, a swell of relief forming in his chest. He's glad he's not alone, at least, even if it is with mullet boy. Just the last person he'd want stuck with him. Fantastic.
Lance pushes himself to his paws, and opens his maw in a jaw-cracking yawn as he lowers his front half to stretch. His movements are somewhat jerky, though it's clear he's a little more familiar with this strange new body than Keith probably is. He tries to feel for Blue's presence again, but comes up with -- very little. The feeling is a little more clear than last time he checked, but she doesn't really have -- a specific location. His day is looking up, all things considered.
"So, what're the plans, mullet? 'Cause I can't pinpoint Blue's location, and who knows where our teammates are," Lance tries to sound like he's annoyed, but the little strain of relief in it is as clear as day. He's kick to kick Keith's butt if the kitsune calls him out on it, though.
//why are is the fancypost text so big im screaming


Re: ICARUS IS FLYING TOO CLOSE TO THE SUN / private, Lance - arcy - 03-26-2018

Ugh, nevermind, the relief is gone, and replaced fully by annoyance. Excuse him? Complaining? Lance sputters, his indignation clear -- what the hell, why couldn't it have been Hunk? Or literally anyone besides Keith? He didn't hate the other -- Lance was even kind of fond of him it's just that the other got on his nerves.
"Complaining?" Lance says, sounding incredulous as he ducks under Keith's tail. Like -- seriously? "How was I complaining?" Lance's face contorts as though he'd tasted something particularly foul, and his claws flew. Not threateningly, of course -- just a mimic of how he'd clench his fist in frustration, back when he was human. Seriously, this was tame -- captain obvious, mullet? Was it the ugh? The comment on not knowing where the rest of their teammates were? No, seriously, he's puzzled.
"Whatever -- I, for one, can still feel Blue pretty well, just -- weaker, and way different." He's a little distressed over how she doesn't have a location. She's somewhere, but she's also everywhere, and if that's not confusing, Lance doesn't know what is. He's just glad to have Blue's presence at all. He'd tell Keith about all of this, but, well, it wasn't something he could put into words very well.
"Thanks for acknowledging my perfect prince-liness, it means a lot," Lance snorts as he moves to follow the Kitsune. He hadn't flirted with anyone in like -- weeks, and he's probably not gonna for quite a while considering they're all animals. Aliens? Good, fine. Animals? However sentient they may be, it just puts Lance on edge.
