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moon reviews storage - Printable Version

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moon reviews storage - MOONMADE - 07-23-2018

[size=9pt]don't post pls n thanks
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Re: moon reviews storage - MOONMADE - 07-23-2018

[color=black]its been like a week since I joined, and i just realized that she wanted to fucking eat me. i swear, id been joking when i'd said i looked juicy, but now that i think about it, she'd had that look and if that massive dog guy hadnt of found me first, i wold have been some chic's lunch. what the fuk is up with that, anyway? everyone wants to eat me. i swerea this place is a closeted cult.

anyway, she seems pretty cool. she's got that im all loving and composed but ill fucking crush you mom thing about her. calling people love, and shit. her kids-- she seems to care about them a whole lot, her and her wife. theyre really good moms. makes me think about some stuff i don't wanna think about. but, you know, good for her. maybe i'll get to know her some day, if she's got her fangs sheathed.

is that candy corn in your mouth or are u just happy to see me? fuckin vamps.


Re: moon reviews storage - MOONMADE - 07-23-2018

[td][div style="background:#F5F5DC; width: 520px; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; padding:10px; font-family:courier"][color=black]1, THIS FUCKIN GUY. man. talk about minding your own goddamn business. so what if its lune and not luna? can a guy not try out a bad line in peace? he's just fuckin bitter because the only action he gets is flicking through the pages of his multilingual dictionary. i mean, it's close, it starts with dic, but you're missing the k, feathers. get some.

2, so gabe got stuck in a fucking log and im on a high. i can't blieve god actually loves me. im gonna find a bible, start dressing all modest and i'll never curse again, i fucking swear.

3, i mean i dont actually hate him. he's all uptight and he can see right through me, which pisses me off, but hes probably a good guy. he seems all... wholesome, especially with the messed up kids. it's good to have someone around who genuinely cares about that shit, i guess. kinda wish i'd met him sooner. maybe then i wouldn't of looked like such a dumbass when id first met peri. maybe i'd have some sort of dad

if anyone finds this shit just know i've got big paws and ill burst your balls like bad quality birthday balloons

Re: moon reviews storage - MOONMADE - 07-25-2018

[td][div style="background:#F5F5DC; width: 520px; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; padding:10px; font-family:courier"][color=black]the cats who run this clan could not be less celestial

im not saying that's bad. it's just weird when im standing next to the All Mighty Second In Command Of The Stars and Some Shit and she says, "fuckin hell, man." kinda ruins the whole poetic oh holy divintiy, ascendants of the constellations, mercury in Gatorade or whatever the fuck vibe.  but it's cool. i like it

suite's the vamp mom's wife. it's cute and all, but, fuck, the hickeys must be killer. if she turns up at the cleric's den some day with some neck punctures, im gonna know what's up. talk about lovebites.

but she's nice. i like her. not sure why. its probably the sailor mouth. i know she's got peri's back, too -- her and fangs -- if the freak ever decides to visit Atlantis again when I'm not around. moms make the best bodyguards. [/td][/tr][/table]

Re: moon reviews storage - MOONMADE - 07-25-2018

[td][div style="background:#F5F5DC; width: 520px; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; padding:10px; font-family:courier"][color=black]he's clearly been through some shit. no chance does a guy know that much about amputation if he hasn't got up to some questionable stuff in the past. i'm both weirded out and impressed.

peri likes him, that's for sure. dunno how i feel about that. how old is that guy, anyway? i feel like hes been around long enough to be neighbors with a stegosaurus. anyway, mght be some puppy love type stuff, but im keeping an eye out and if he thinks he can get up to some Halo-on-Cleric midnight rendezvous with frenchie, i'm telling bast.[/td][/tr][/table]

Re: moon reviews storage - MOONMADE - 07-25-2018

[td][div style="background:#F5F5DC; width: 520px; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; padding:10px; font-family:courier"][color=black]so when i first met this chic i thought i had her pegged. "im versaillespalace, you can call me versaillespalace", hah. she was clearly some high functioning robot. i was getting all excited about introducing her to normal animal shit, teaching her how to talk to girls and watching her bloom into the class A player i'd raise her to be, but then she whips out the dry wit and now i dont even know who she is

so, yeah, she can get off my back, (especially with that look she gave me when that emo lion turned up at the border the other day. mind your own business v) but i think maybe that's not all there is to her. i see her get all tense and uncomfortable around bast sometimes and i wanna help but i also wanna mind my own business (unlike her). i dunno. hit me up, v, and ill dose you up with so many poppy seeds you'll forget you even have a brother.

oh, yeah, and she can knock it off with the big guy thing. i'm not even that big. she's just small and angry about it.


Re: moon reviews storage - MOONMADE - 07-25-2018

[td][div style="background:#F5F5DC; width: 520px; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; padding:10px; font-family:courier"][color=black]this took me a while to write. dunno why. i guess its because i know peri better than the others, so its harder to sit in the dark, scribbling shit about her on a piece of crumbled paper. i feel like i should have gotten better paper.

i remember - and yeah i know it was only a fucking week ago, leave me alone - but i remember when i turned up at the border and she came up, smiling. still dunno if she was laughing with me or at me. i like to think it was the former but it probably wasn't. i don't know french for shit but i guess it was worth making a fool of myself.

she's some kinda genius, i just know. she's so smart-- so much smarter than me-- and I'm just waiting for the day she takes over the world. maybe I'll be there to calm her down if world domination gets too much and she gets like she did the time we got locked in the underground; all panicky and stuff. not that I'm any good at that. i'll learn.

(by the way, who the fuck made her like that? ill go full Hannibal and ill fuckin eat you, i swear. no hesitation.)

it feels weird to get all attached to someone so quick. guess it feels weird to get attached to someone, period. i had this weird fucking feeling when i saw her disappear into the water the other day, and i don't ever wanna feel it again. not to sound like some failed poet, but it felt like i-- actually, you know what, im not gonna write that. there's no way in hell im writing the words 'it felt like i was drowning, too' unless i plan to off myself within the next five minutes. fuck that. i need some semblance of dignity after i finish this shit.

doesn't matter, though. it's late and i can't sleep, and i turn into a little bitch on nights like this, so this whole thing is probably nauseating. i'll probably read it in the morning and burn it to a crisp. i'm gonna go try sleep. why did i just write that? i know  thats what I'm doing. who the fuck am i even talking to? jesus.[/td][/tr][/table]

Re: moon reviews storage - MOONMADE - 09-19-2018

[td][div style="background:#F5F5DC; width: 520px; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; padding:10px; font-family:courier"][color=black]how the fuck do you fix a dehydrated vamp.

i need marg back. jesus. i need her to tell me how to fix this because i haven't the first idea and its scaring me man. i cant fuckin sleep over it and i never could but this isnt just nightmares, okay. its exposed ribs and sunken cheekbones and i dont know what to do about it. and i think im freaking out. im freaking out

i love this kid so much. thats weird for me to write. i put the pen to paper at least 10 times trying to scribble that out cause im a coward and i cant function like that. but i. i would die for har. i swear to god. id give anything for him. drain my own blood into a juice box and label it cranberry if it just means he'll feed himself.

this sounds like im tryna be deep and im not but the world doesnt take nice to good people. and that's har. he's got too much heart for his own good. and he thinks he's a fucking monster and i need to fix this but i never had a dad and i dont know what theyre supposed to do. i was never a vamp and my old man was never tryna convince me to suck some blood so i didnt drop dead in front of him, but im scared thats exactly whats gonna happen one of these days and jesus christ im losing it

i need to go check on him[/td][/tr][/table]