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Grasping what pain is like (private for now) - Printable Version

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Grasping what pain is like (private for now) - MirrorEdge - 07-23-2018

[member=590]CAESAR CIPHER.[/member]
The Fireball had considered venturing beyond the borders, go pick a fight with somebody, but refrained from it, opting to traverse through the woods of the Ascendent's territory, maybe rile up a feral boar or something. Usually, feral animals were wise enough to avoid getting too close to the Observatory, maybe due to the fact there were so many predators, so it was no fun. Especially because she had to hold back, too much in her opinion, when it came to fighting other Ascendents.

Thea could be seen, and heard, trampling through the woods, paying no mind to the fact the racket she was making could give away her location. Actually, more like hoping it would.

She wanted to prove her strength.

Re: Grasping what pain is like (private for now) - CAESAR CIPHER. - 07-23-2018

The last time Caesar had been here, it had been to kidnap another young member of The Ascendants. Pele, he believed her name was. Yeah. But unfortunately for The Ascendants, Caesar was not done with them. He wanted more. He enjoyed the attention Pele's capture got him and he was here yet again to find another poor sap to capture. So that explained why Caesar was here.

For unfortunately for his demon, his bright yellow fur might alert Thea of his presence here. But that didn't stop him nonetheless. Caesar was in a hunter's crouch as he tried to stalk after the fireball, and once he felt he got close enough, he leaped, aiming to knock THEA over by trying to rake his claws across her.

Re: Grasping what pain is like (private for now) - MirrorEdge - 07-23-2018

Of course, with Thea making such a racket to draw attention, she was a bit more than pleased to get it, and from somebody hostile, no less.

Despite her larger size, she was knocked off balance, the young leopard's face morphing into a grimace as she felt claws rip the skin right below her ear. Blood dripped down, splattering onto the leaves below.

"Brave." She muttered, a noticeable amount of less cheerfulness in her tone as she turned her eyes to him, and offered him a grin all the same. "You wanna fight, mister?"

She might've had the advantage of size, but Caesar had the advantage of experience. This would be interesting.

//Feel free to do anything to subdue her, since she'll fight back. And do you want this thread to be quick or drawn-out?

Re: Grasping what pain is like (private for now) - CAESAR CIPHER. - 07-23-2018

//Quick, please! Feel free to do damage to Caesar too btw !

Perhaps it was brave of him to go up against a bigger animal, though it was mostly because he didn't feel fear. Not from this kid, anyway. Besides, if he had to, he could just possess another body within the territory and continue attacking from there. Unfortunately if he did so, he'd be stuck in that body for a couple of days. Caesar lowered his body as Thea spoke to him, narrowing his eyes at her. She didn't fight back quite yet, but her words definitely portrayed that she was going to. Good. He liked people who fought back. Plus nobody could yell at him for capturing a child if a) said child was better than him, and b) the kid fought back. Although that may cause some taunts about him getting beaten up by a cub, but whatever. At least the rage could be taken out of Thea, if he was able to do what he wanted.

Now Caesar was (for the most part), a guy who believed your actions spoke a thousand words. So he didn't responded verbally to Thea's taunt, and just ran at her and ducked, trying to slide under THEA and, if successful, he'd try to kick her with his hind legs.

Re: Grasping what pain is like (private for now) - MirrorEdge - 07-23-2018

Thea's grin slid off her face as she felt the wind get knocked out of her, the young Fireball gasping for breath for a few moments, before rearing up, attempting to slam her paws into Caesar's body, hoping to return the favor. If that worked, she'd aim to bat him to the side with unsheathed claws, to gain more distance, while the price was she was off balance. A good hit would probably make her lose it, and she kept that in mind as pale blue eyes remained on Caesar, the grin on her face growing more unnatural. "You're strong. I'll give you that!" Her sides heaved a bit, still a bit out of breath. Maybe from the hit, maybe from not being able to spar in so long. Maybe a mixture of both.

//feel free to bash her head against a rock or something. I really don't mind what you do! sorry for putting you through this! I've actually rarely done captures

Re: Grasping what pain is like (private for now) - CAESAR CIPHER. - 07-24-2018

//Gotcha!! And it's fine lol I haven't done one in a while either sdjk

Caesar hissed as he felt the wind being knocked from him, unable to properly be able to dodge the attack. He was whisked aside as Thea batted at him. The demon felt a tiny shock go through him, which was his way of feeling pain, that send shivers through his spine. Growling, Caesar got to his paws as quickly as he could and ran at THEA, trying to bowl her over. Predictable this time? Sure, but he's got tricks up his sleeve.

Re: Grasping what pain is like (private for now) - MirrorEdge - 07-24-2018

This time, his move to barrel into her was successful, due to her being unbalanced before, and her head hit the ground, quite hard in fact, and struggled to get up, ears ringing, and her movements were more clumsy now.

It was difficult for Thea to accept this right now, and that, along with the pain and ringing ears, was distracting her. She didn't like this, yet still aimed another blow to Caesar's body, but it was clumsy and slow. She was a bit nauseous, and she struggled to stay on her feet.

//really gross post, wanna end it after yours?

Re: Grasping what pain is like (private for now) - CAESAR CIPHER. - 07-24-2018

//Making the torture thread now!

As Thea moved to attack again, Caesar hopped backwards, narrowly dodging the movement. He grinned upon realizing how slow she was moving and decided to take advantage of that. Caesar once again moved forward, this time aiming for THEA's throat as he rushed forward. If successful, he'd try to put so much pressure to the point that it'd cause her to pass out. Of course, if he wasn't able to get a hold of her throat, he'd have to try something else, but he'd deal with that when they got there.

Re: Grasping what pain is like (private for now) - MirrorEdge - 07-24-2018

No. Nope. Nonono. Thea could feel her mind want to lash out so badly, almost screaming, as if that would make a difference. That she had lost. This was hard for her to comprehend, and it wasn't helping that she was slowly losing conciousness while this realization was sinking in.

The feeling of... uselessness. Defeat. It left a bitter taste in her mouth, and it was as if she was fighting to stay attached to the side of a cliff she had been pushed off of, that's how strong her emotions were.

The fragile world that was Thea's mind began to crack, letting reality in, slowly at first, and it was like a dam beginning to weaken.

Sooner or later, it would burst.