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tags — updated 7/23

name. thor
no nicknames
biological gender. male
creation date. july 23rd, 2018
age. young adult
clan. the typhoon

[glow=black,2,300]IMPORTANT NOTES[/glow]
faceclaim. alexander ludwig
voiceclaim. alexander ludwig
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☆ abnormally large for his age, possesses a mutated gene that caused him to mature at a fast rate
☆ has an intense fear of restraints and confinement and will go ballistic if he's put in any of those situations
☆ all actions and opinions ic

[glow=black,2,300]PHYSICAL APPEARANCE[/glow]
brown bear. — birth body 100% health
thor is an extremely burly brown bear, covered in a pelt that's thick and long and protective against his skin. he has large claws that are curled and often blunt, but are still built for tearing things apart. he has deep amber-colored eyes. he's huge, standing at near 5 feet tall at the shoulder (when on his hind legs, he can reach up to almost 10 feet). he's well over one-thousand pounds. thor has scratches and scars littered all over his body, though only fading pink ones can be seen across his muzzle.
injures. none

isfp && choleric && gryffindor.
main personality traits.
— more of an introvert, but can turn very loud and boisterous real fast
— dumb and reckless, will rush into situations without thinking them through
— utilizes brawn over brain. tends to express his emotions through his actions rather than his words
— violent and brutal, but isn't necessary malicious
— capable of being gentle and sweet. he just needs to be steered in the right direction
— adventurous and fun once you get to know him; is also quite curious
— can get embarrassed and flustered, which could lead to further frustration
— sensitive, but masks it through rage and anger
character tropes. wip

family npc x npc, unknown siblings
sexuality. unknown sexuality
relationship status. single
— ½ of ship
friends. tba
enemies. tba

physically && mentally. hard && medium
will start fights && will kill
self defense. not formally trained
fights with tooth and claw
can powerplay nonviolent/peaceful actions
ask for injury | no capture / kill / maim
mention [member=1629]THOR[/member]    or [member=106]BEATLES[/member]  when attacking
attacks in underline
powers. none


(07-23-2018, 01:16 PM)BEATLES link Wrote: oKAY character notes

Quote:- a Big Dumb,,, like he's really stupid. definitely brawn > brain
- "__, you're stupid!" "oh really? why?" "..... because you just ARE!"
- cocky? but not so much snotty or stuck-up or full of himself. he just thinks he can do pretty much anything. oh, a tree fell in camp? no worries, lemme just keEP ON BASHING AGAINST IT UNTIL IT MOVES LOOK I CAN MOVE IT DONT WORRY I GOT THIS STEP BACK
- a huge-ass bear. he's a stronk buff boyo (probably just a regular brown bear). has random scars,,, some are from fights but some are from just Stupid Things like falling out of trees
- if he doesnt like something? FIGHT IT (keyword: it. anything. he'll fight a tree branch if it's in his way)
- when he gets really mad or frustrated, he'll go into full Hulk mode
- aLRIGHT but the catch is: he's capable of being a sweetheart. he's not just some big baddie. i'd say he's even a chaotic good or something like that. but once he settles down and you get to know him and he opens up to you? he's a gentle giant.
- he's still Dumb but if he warms up to you then he'll Try His Best!!!! and he'll probably try and convince you to do dumb stuff with him
- think of beast except he cant Read and probably cant sing

- giant brown bear!! everyone in his family is hUGE, likely due to his ancestors ingesting some radioactive waste or possibly being tested on and passing it down the lineage. he's supposed to be fully matured at around 3 years, but due to the mutation, he's matured quicker and is now the size of an adult bear
- his family always had to move because they were being hunted. they were eventually captured and he was kept in a cage. he was going to go through testing and possibly be sold off for profit (he has an intense fear of confinement)
- faceclaim is alexander ludwig Wink)