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YOU WERE THE CLOCK ;; seabear prevention class - Printable Version

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YOU WERE THE CLOCK ;; seabear prevention class - goodsprings - 07-23-2018

there wasn't much cap would say he was afraid of, as most of his memroies remained on the safety of the shores in barracuda bay. though he did hear stories while in the capricorn tavern. on a particularly late night he had been enamored by the tale of the seabear. an old sea dog had rambled to whomever would listen at the table, and he had captured captainpaws undivided attention.

they seemed like a truly ravenous creature! while he wasn't old enough yet to go sailing so far, many of his crewmates were. the beta loved his family, and he would hate to see one of them come victim to a seabear.

luckily, he knew just how to keep one away.

with the help of an npc (though only slightly more literate than him) cap had several signs with arrows directing in his direction, leading up to one of explanation.

"seabare purrvenshun clas." it read in shaky black letters against the pale driftwood. then calmly the tom sat, looking serious for possibly the first time anyone had seen him. his long fluffy tail curled around his tiny paws, and he waited expectantly for those who cared to know what priceless knowledge he had to appear.

✯ — male. the typhoon. easy. REF. BIO. — ✯

Re: YOU WERE THE CLOCK ;; seabear prevention class - ANDRAS - 07-23-2018

rinto was the first to approach, flicking an ear. rinto could only read japanese, which was a pretty useless skill filled with english-speaking people, and so he saw the writing and couldn't read it. squinting, he looked up at captainpaw. "hi!" he said, trotting over happily.  "whatcha got goin' over here? some kind of circle?"


Re: YOU WERE THE CLOCK ;; seabear prevention class - CAESAR CIPHER. - 07-23-2018

Caesar didn't fear a lot of things. Or, well, he didn't let himself show fear. To him, fear was a sign of weakness, and he knew that he was better than that. So the demon often tried to hide his feelings of fear and pushed them away, which would ultimately end up with him breaking down in the middle of night. But luckily today was not one of those days where he was pushing back fear. Instead, the demon had an unamused look on his face as he followed the signs that lead to Captainpaw. "You should really learn how to fucking spell." The demon commented, his ears flicking. He stood next to Rinto, briefly narrowing his gaze to look at the circle that weirdass guy was referring to.

Re: YOU WERE THE CLOCK ;; seabear prevention class - VANDAL R. - 07-24-2018

"Don't listen to the big ol' meanie, Cap. You're doing great, sweetie." It doesn't take long for Vandal to appear, she seems to be everywhere Captainpaw is these days. He's a little trooper and she likes that about him, thinks he's a real good kid with some powerful potential. He already has so many parental figures in the clan, what's one more irresponsible aunt tossed into the mix? The maned wolf wanders over and settles herself on the other side of Rinto, flashing both him and Caesar an impish smile before returning her attention to Captainpaw. "I'd love to know what this is all about."

Re: YOU WERE THE CLOCK ;; seabear prevention class - goodsprings - 07-24-2018

oh good! some great volunteers, including someone he's yet to meeet. the young beta looks to rinto first, a big smile on his aw. "it's a very important lesson i think everyone needs to know! i'll tell more in just a few moments." he promised, his whiskers twitching as he stood up to move from the dirt-drawn circle he had been sitting in. there was an assortment of what seemed as though were random objects, but captainpaw knew just what they were for.

his attention turned to caesar as his harsh voice took him by surprise. oh no... "i'm sorry! i'm still trying to learn from my dad, i'll tell you when i get better!" he took caesar's words not as harsh as they were intended, believeing that some just come off that way. like pincher! argus, too.

then the all-too familiar face of vandal appeared, and the kitten purred at her reaction. alright, now to start.

"i don't think it's something well known, but there's a very dangerous creature called the seabear that lurks in the deep waters of the ocean. specifically near islands like us!" he began, emphasizing for good measure on how serious this was to him. "i don't wanna see any of you hurt, so i got all the resources and knowledge i could to teach everyone how not to attract a seabear. if one were to come, how to defend yourself!"

he first approaches the plate of assorted cheeses, sitting beside it. "seabears hate cubed cheese. the smell makes them aggressive and irritated, especially when they're cubed. when you're having fun with mermaids, or on a submarine, make sure you don't have any cheese on you just to be safe!"

he picks himself up, and goes on to the next vital objects. a bundle of clothes sat neatly next to each other. "clown shoes are very offensive in seabear culture, and seeing them instantly sets them in a rage. if you're in seabear territory, always try to respect their culture by throwing away, destroying, or simply not own clown shoes at all. then there is this hoop skirt! it disgusts a seabear, and just like clown shoes will set them in a frenzy. some believe that it's because hoops skirts are an outdated fashion, and they are much more advanced creatures than us. lastly for clothes, there's the som... sombrero! if you wear it normally, it's okay. but do not wear it upside down! it offends them, and some have translated it to be a threat in seabear language."

captainpaw would pause here, waiting for any questions to be asked before continuing.

✯ — male. the typhoon. easy. REF. BIO. — ✯

Re: YOU WERE THE CLOCK ;; seabear prevention class - ADAKIAS - 07-24-2018

( this is so pure i love it )

The lecturing of Captainpaw’s voice was intriguing enough for Sylvina to pad over and hear what he had to say. What could the male possibly know enough to be able to address everyone in such a speech? The two were around the same age and she barely knew anything! As someone with a natural sense of competition, the daughter of Pincher and Aphra would narrow her olive eyes, puff out her chest, and sit down with an intent to challenge his words as best she could.

The tale of the Seabear was quite interesting and, well .. Scary. Sylvina found herself becoming more absorbed in what Captainpaw was saying rather than her original intent to be an asshole. A bear living in the ocean.. Maybe she didn’t want to go swimming so much afterall. ”How big are they?” The ebony kit whispered in a slightly fearful tone. Thank goodness Cap was warning them all about this treacherous creature!

Re: YOU WERE THE CLOCK ;; seabear prevention class - VANDAL R. - 07-25-2018

Vandal listens intently to her little protege and likes everything that she hears. Something about the absurdity of it all makes it all the more amusing, but Captainpaw looks right at home hosting lectures in front of a crowd. She likes that, a lot, smiles proudly as the young little tom talks more and more about what and what not to do in the ocean, although she does eye the plate of cubed cheese every so often, already imagining each one spreading across her tongue.

Clown shoes. Hoop skirts. Upside-down sombreros. They are pretty simple enough to remember, and whether it's true or not, she figures she'd store them for later anyway. When Captainpaw opens the floor to questions, Vandal is quick to jump in with a soft but enthusiastic bark. "Yeah! I'm a little... err, worried about that cubed cheese being here. You mind if I go ahead and eat them, prevent any seabears from being attracted to the shore?"

; this bitch really out here asking for food i'm - vandal - vandal why

Re: YOU WERE THE CLOCK ;; seabear prevention class - CELESTE G.M. - 07-25-2018

Seabears? She can't help but think that they aren't real, no matter how much she knows about the ocean ( which is admittedly,, not that much ) but even so. Cheese, specifically cheese that is cubed and clown shoes are seen as offensive. There's also the mention of mermaids, and even she's heard of stories about mermaids. Enchanting beautiful women that lure sailors to their doom. And yet, the child is having fun with them? She can't really complain about his optimism.

"If Seabears are so dangerous, wouldn't it be a good idea to dispose of the things that enrage them?" She questions. The cheese actually smells quite good, so yes, she would certainly liked to dispose of that if she is able to.
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Re: YOU WERE THE CLOCK ;; seabear prevention class - goodsprings - 07-25-2018

captainpaw was glad to see they were engaging in questions, and he was more than happy to answer them of course. it meant they were listening to him, and they were taking him seriously!

"very big." he answered sylvina, stretching his forelegs to describe in size. "about the size of two great white sharks in bulk, and as tall as a bear. they're primarily described to have a large scaly body, and its fins have razor sharp claws to attack you with. it's head looks exactly like a grizzly bear though, and is very hard to miss."

then to vandal and temulin's inquiry about the cheese, he takes their suggestion into thought. "we're on land... they don't normally come up on the sand but i suppose so the waves to come wash it up you guys can! don't want any of them by the shallows for sure." cap gives them both a big smile and waddles toward the plate, pushing it closer to them.

"alright, are we ready to continue?"

✯ — male. the typhoon. easy. REF. BIO. — ✯

Re: YOU WERE THE CLOCK ;; seabear prevention class - VANDAL R. - 07-25-2018

A spark of excitement zips through Vandal as she plate is pushed towards them, the signal given that they can proceed to consume. She tugs the plate closer and, with a lopsided smile at Temulin, she divides the group of cubed cheese between the two of them (and splits the odd one out in halves with her talon). Hey, it's always better to share, right?

She plucks one up from the plate and tosses it into the air, snapping her jaws around it and letting the taste explode on her tongue. Oh yes, yes she does love cubed cheese. The seabear definitely won't be getting any. "Yep, no more questions from me! I'd like to hear more about the seabear!"