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WHEN THE WORLD WAS SO BRIGHT | o, joiner - Printable Version

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WHEN THE WORLD WAS SO BRIGHT | o, joiner - tristitia - 03-26-2018

The lion cub had been awakened early. From what? Her slumber, of course. Moments ago, she had been stuck in the deep sleep, somewhere unknown, while her heart and soul was meant to be recovering. It was obvious that it stopped. She didn’t know where she was, or where to go. Venta knew there was a lot of snow, though. And she couldn’t remember anything for the life of her! Agh! It felt so stupid.

A sigh escaped her, with a small crystalline cloud of air following. Knowing this wouldn’t do anything, the lion cub forced herself to move until she scented a border line. And then she sat down. Crossing her paws, and then laying  down, she asked, "Hey. Any groups here I can join?"
✯ — and the stars, they will shine in your eyes. — ✯

Re: WHEN THE WORLD WAS SO BRIGHT | o, joiner - cry - 03-26-2018

The heck was a group? .... Don't answer that, me. Thanks me. Shut up me. Cry was confused. What the heck did this person mean by group? Group of what? Group of morons? Cuz she was sure the cub was already part of one. The raven inhaled, exhaling a puff of warmed carbon dioxide into the air around her. She blinked, tilting her head at the cub.

Cry, herself, was not one for words. She was a bird after all. A poor little birdy under the care of some dog here. Or... was he a cat? Meh. All large mammals looked the same to her anyways. She ruffled her feathers, trying to appear larger. She hopped over to the lion cub, tilting her head. While she could, she's not speaking to it. No reason to. She huffed. She supposed she could help the other find someone that would talk to her. It was just a cub after all. Cry opened her good wing, motioning to the direction where camp was. Go that way. Come on now. I won't let you get lost.


Re: WHEN THE WORLD WAS SO BRIGHT | o, joiner - JERSEYBOY - 03-26-2018

[align=center][div style="borderwidth=0px; width: 55%; color: black; line-height:115%; text-align: justify;"]His first impression? This kid had crazy "hair". This looked like a big cat of sorts, and although he knew that lions had manes or something, he was sure that this wasn't a full grown lion. Maybe it was a wig or something; hell, Jerseyboy wondered what it would be like to have one of those. He'd probably look idiotic for sure.

The tuxedo tom strolled forward. He took note of the raven's presence, though she was about as useful as a rock right now. Jerseyboy turned his attention back to the stranger, humming, "Groups? Well maybe there is, maybe there isn't." He hadn't exactly given her a straightforward answer, not wanting to jump the gun on anything. That was pretty stupid of her, to stroll up to a random border and join the first group she came across. They could've been a pack of bloodthirsty ferals for all she knew. He blinked and asked, "What's ya' name?"

Re: WHEN THE WORLD WAS SO BRIGHT | o, joiner - tristitia - 03-26-2018

Well, Venta has always known there were groups. Er, well, in her case, her friends oftened traveled to them on... business. Or if Master Eraqus had given them a mission. Of course; they were called “worlds,” and not groups. The kind, trusting cub watched the raven, turning her head and blinking her oceanic orbs a couple times at the movement. Was she trying to show off her good wing? Or was she actually pointing at something?

The cub’s thoughts were distracted when the tuxedo tom hummed. And she immediately frowned at his answer. Playing that game, seriously? Her eyes narrowed. She just wanted to be somewhere safe and find out what in Kingdom Hearts was going on. She should still be in a coma. She should still be laying down somewhere, waiting for her friends to rescue her. She shouldn’t have been awake yet and this tom certainly was doing some tomfoolery! Stomping on the ground with her cub-sized paws, she let out a huff, somewhat turning her gaze away from the Italian. Her tone seemed annoyed. "Venta. You can call me Ven. Now, can you tell me if there’s a group around here? I want to find my friends!"
✯ — and the stars, they will shine in your eyes. — ✯

Re: WHEN THE WORLD WAS SO BRIGHT | o, joiner - | KILLUA ZOLDYCK | - 03-27-2018

Over the time that he had lived in the clans, he came to the subtle realization that they had a better life than he had while he was growing up. Sure places like this weren't exactly always safe all things considered, but it was better than being forced to stay in a building for a majority of his life in the first place. The assassin didn't know what it actually meant to be a kid and actually have friends. Until he left the clan that he had been stationed in to kill their leader. He could almost be considered to be a leader killer, thanks to having two leader kills under his belt in populated areas. There was a chance that they could have been reincarnated but he wasn't exactly sure how that would work in a world like this one. Killua had a habit of studying faces, this way he could either use the information he gathered to black mail them or at least be prepared to interact with them in the correct way so that he could get them onto his side. He had no intention of growing close to anyone that lived in the first clan that he had arrived in. It wasn't his job anymore, and previously to arriving in the clan, he didn't know anyone or had very little social interactions with those that weren't his family or weren't the butlers that served the family in the first place. He watched as some animals started to grow in the positive environment that had practically been created for them. To see the smile on their faces. To watch them laugh as they didn't have a care in the world and could just take care of themselves. It didn't bring him any form of joy. Instead, it brought on along a lot of jealousy from him. He didn't care about those that were younger than him when they were just as weak as one could possibly think of. The assassin wondered what it would be like to at least have a little fun here and there. Of course, he wouldn't stoop to the stupidity of the clanners by just having a little bit of fun. Thanks to that group being the first interaction with others that he had in years, they immediately scrutinized the way that he talked to others. Not like he really cared what they thought of him, as he didn't plan on staying there for all that very long. He was an outsider. Someone that didn't belong and probably would never be welcomed in most places thanks to what he was capable of. Usually, if someone took one glance at him, they would immediately be able to tell that he was a threat. Just from the aura that constantly surrounded him and the look that he always had in his eyes. He wasn't someone to be messed with and some animals did try their luck. Which is how those animals end up getting their limbs broken.

Killua was able to somewhat figure out the name of those that were in the group. Although the one that he noticed around the most often would definitely have to be Jacob. The hybrid always seemed to be keeping him busy. Was there was something that the canine was trying to hide because of that? Killua wasn't exactly sure, but there seemed to be a little bit of uneasy that surrounded the other male. Killua wasn't the kind to pry about other's problems, so he wasn't about to change that now either. The assassin had his own issues to deal with after all instead of worrying about some clanner. He mostly need to focus on getting stronger so that he could fight his brother when the time really did come. He needed to be careful and keep vigilant for the other assassin that could easily stomp him into the ground with his current condition. The assassin had learned some lessons from the clans though, especially from someone that he could call a mentor figure. That figure being Circusclown, someone that had to deal with the same confusing feelings that Killua had back in the day. The other was able to help set him up on the right path, but even then, the assassin wasn't sure if he was even capable of doing that. If he couldn't bond with others, then what was the point? The albino serval knew that if he couldn't start caring about someone that whatever his brother said when they were fighting was just bound to come true in the end. He hated this. Not being certain about what to do next and what to expect. He was so used to having control over others, and now he had nothing again. Either way, Killua usually did patrol the borders here and there. This time he wasn't alone though, as there was a familiar snake friend that was wrapped around his neck. Killua didn't think about the snake as being a pet to him, not even remotely close. A companion. If Koru wanted to leave, Killua wouldn't think twice about letting him go to where he wanted. He was just surprised to have found the other in a place like this a couple of days ago. The only animal that followed him after he left that group of clans previous to this one. Killua was in the tree like usual when he heard voices that were coming from the border. Thanks to his large radar-like ears that were on his head. Despite his age, he was already the size of a fully grown domestic cat. A lion cub though? Would probably be a bit bigger than he was thanks to the species difference between them. Both species more suitable for warmer climates instead of colder one. Moving himself up on the branch that he was on, Killua would leap from tree to tree before he arrived on a branch that was directly above the group. His approach had been completely silent thanks to the use of his air elementals that cushioned each step and muffled the noise significantly so that it was almost impossible for anyone to hear him. Laying down on the branch, the albino serval would raise one of his metal claws paws and conjure up a lollipop that he was quick to stick into his mouth as he looked down at the female. He raised a nonexistent eyebrow, she was definitely young. Killua got used to the pattern of youngsters being abandoned on borders like garbage. No scent came off of the assassin as he laid there for a couple moments as he listened to the group talk. "Yeah this is a group here. Doubt your friends are here though. Place is pretty new." Killua said calmly with a shrug of his shoulders. The former deputy didn't seem to really care about anything at the moment, and he had a bored look spread across his facial features.
snowbound -- apprentice -- male -- 7 moons
[sub]template © olivan 
Tags | Updated 03/26/17:

Re: WHEN THE WORLD WAS SO BRIGHT | o, joiner - Ivylee - 03-28-2018

Of course, out of all things, it had been the f-word that had practically summoned the kid. Friends. This had caused the little samoyed to burst into the scene, nearly tripping on her own clumsy paws but managed to steady herself, giving her overly fluffy pelt a vigorous shake before rushing up to where Venta stood. This was perhaps the first creature Ivy had seen even somewhat close to her age, and so she couldn't help but offer herself up at an instant. "If you don't end up finding your friends here, then I can be your friend!" She woofed cheerfully, unable to prevent her tail from wagging in an expression of her excitement. "Oh, and this is Snowbound, by the way!" She quickly added, keeping a friendly smile visible upon her muzzle as she nodded.