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Interest in Animal Group Idea? - Printable Version

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Interest in Animal Group Idea? - Luciferr - 07-23-2018

aight well I've had many ideas for groups - and if this one gets some interest I might indeed go ahead and make a guide etc, but I thought I'd ask first - and also so staff can come n tell me if certain things would be idk not allowed? (no nothing terrible - just this group idea is much more aggressive to others so idk how that would go?) - if anyone could point that out if so because I got kinda carried away thinking this up as an idea tbh bc I REALLY love world building.

PLEASE NOTE: these lot are huge ass holes basically given their ways of life, I wanted to make a group that would stand out and be different - and maybe a little more strict for those that want something challenging perhaps - it does tackle some not so nice themes (given their bigotry and hatred of other clans etc) and wanted to give others a challenge on that and this kinda environment being much different than the norm.

basically the territory is underground and I have a whole reference of images for when I can put that together,

but I'm most interested primarily if anyone would have interest in the groups dynamics in specific, mostly because its a big yay or nay on if the group'd work.

But a basic overview is that they are aggressive to ALL OTHER GROUPS, on the basis they see them as lesser and despise having to share any resources with such lessers - and laugh at the possibility they'd be any use to them as they need not the resources and their only possible virtue would be any strength they have as an aid in battle, but they dismiss this on the grounds they see other groups as inherently weak and softhearted anyway.

They're very insular - but they do let outsiders join the ranks - beware, if you are an ex-clanner you'd best be sure to shake off that scent or be attacked on sight (as thats a policy - pure loners they'll likely act wary/aggressive in attitude but they'd hear them out) - and they do venture outside their territory for raids etc and maybe their highly secretive spies are imbedded in these lesser cmmunities to observe fr any threat - or Apocrphal above, anyone spilling their secrets

but heres some of the notes I've had on it:

- They see themselves above all - other clans are only meat and blood to sacrifice and feed to the maw of their great lord (attack on sight any other clanner - raiding/attacks etc permitted, rape is not and anyone doing so is dead, their life forfeit to Great Catamunda's jaws)

- Three vertical scars? for the blooded aka an average member can be anywhere and size does not matter as long as they're visible in some way (Unblooded - usually a rank only for loners/those not born into the clan - wear a band upon their ear/horn of pure white signifying their status, upon becoming blooded the band is removed)

- Sacrifices do happen due to their mythlogy and religion (unlike most clans being lax in religion, they DO have a system around theirs but constant praise/worship is not necessary nor true belief as long as you do not defame the gods or attempt to intrude upon the ceremonies in a negative way)

- culling : would be largely reserved for 'inactive members' and even then with permission or NPCs as the clan believes the group must be strong and thus will kill off members - yes they'll be events where you can 'prove your worth' so to speak (aka one post where you prove yourself in some fashion) but no if you can't make it or post in it, your char does NOT get the death penalty/exiled etc but other players may (if they like in the setting) notice and/or comment/disapprove/worry about absences etc.

- arena fights / exactly what it says, often a favourite sport - maybe some famed fighetsr become the 'local gladiators' and often get betted on etc - these may be held in a specific season (summer for example) or bi-monthly - I'd want to involve a chance dice etc on who wins in some way and maybe have legit 'IC betting' for precious items etc if it pans out and enough people want to participate.

- slave fights / slave trade - other clans are lesser than them and thus they delight in torturing, killing or sacrificing them - but theirs also another lucrative business to them, slaves, mostly for them to do menial tasks etc or fight for the masses entertainment if the gladiator arena is in its off season/is slow (an escaped slave often will get a KILL MARK put out on them due to having seen the inner world of the group)

- KILL MARKS / SECRECY - as mentioned they're very insular and the guard their realm jelously, anyone escaping thats seen too much will get a kill mark on their heads and exiles if they haven't escaped before the judgement will be killed upon the 'sentence' being passed (or try to since again consent is needed, i'm not about to just up and kill your character without say so, but its recommended you escape beforehand) - anyone that is of the clan and wishes to leave may do so, but must swear an oath of secrecy about they and their ways/etc on the lives of themselves, their spouse and their children - and must do so in the presence of the Emperor/Empress and 'before the gods'.

- Commerce trade between themselves mostly - or they steal from others - which is another thing I'll expand on in a bit.
- Prejudice against other clans often calling them slurs etc? Refusing to use any individuals name from that group.
- Enormous wealth due to mining/smithing trade and their hordes of gems
- Serpent/lizard companions perhaps.

- their leaders in history often attain an adjective attached to their name to remember them by usually due to a deed/demeanour/appearance or such - for Example 'Atrova the Blind' 'Titus the Fierce' and for deeds something like 'Rixus the Breaker of [CLAN]' or 'Circe of the Fire Stones' (as in she discovered fire opals or such) - and statues are commissioned to honour them (death is seen not as a sign of divinity being false but simply as the time their gds decided their 'voice/vessel' must return to them fr duties the clan only wonders about)

RELIGION: its not fully fleshed out but if this gets interest it might be, but they have three gods - Great Catamunda the red, Cunning Seerus the black and the Almighty Apocryphal the Golden and each has rituals and oversights as the clan interpreted.
- Leaders are seen as 'vessels' or 'voices' to the gods and their word is law - divine law to the clan.

AIGHT now heres some more that might interest other groups for plot,

THESE GUYS ARE HUGELY AGGRESSIVE ASSHOLES, meaning they have an open policy on raiding/killing/capturing etc on any clan because they hate all y'all - and as seen above, that can lead to more interesting plots - they CAN AND WILL try to steal stuff from other clans too - maybe just because they want to or maybe they liked that necklace they saw you wearing in the last raid.

so there might be incursions on territories, maybe they'll cause some mischief, steal something, vandalise the property, kill people and such - basically give other groups a bit of drama outside the intra-clan interactions - heck maybe it'd be interesting to have conflicting views intra clan down the line, or maybe a few seek to 'enlighten' others of the gods (though being wary of saying to much about practices they do for them due to again the jelously guarded secrecy)

possibly if theres enough interest and I make the guide and it maybe gets in, I'll likely host a try out for a co leader depending on how irl goes atm (plus my other three chars) due to some complications lately + my own anxiety about not being good enough to lead/not there enough etc - but mostly I wanted to make this to see if people are interested and also to just provide an different environment for you guys to enjoy that would contrast greatly to the others ! c:

Re: Interest in Animal Group Idea? - batter - 07-23-2018


Re: Interest in Animal Group Idea? - Orion - 07-23-2018

i really enjoy this idea, both from a staff and personal point of view. as of right now, we need that group that is willing to bring the dark vibes and dirty work upon the table, so i look forward to having this added to the animal group suggestion thread so we can possibly make it a board.

the only thing i would advise is making sure that when cullings happen, the roleplayers have said that it is okay to kill their character, otherwise it's powerplay.

Re: Interest in Animal Group Idea? - galexiux - 07-23-2018

I went ahead and wrote two reviews of this idea after reading it over a few times. I’ve been told I have a fairly critical eye for things such as world building and group ideas so you can read whichever one  you want. The first one is a “yes man” sort of review that takes the concept as a ‘going to be imputed regardless’ point of view for me to give a few notes on. The second is a more critical outlook and my more purified thoughts and concerns. I will let you read whichever (or both) you want c:

I hope I helped, even if a little c:

Re: Interest in Animal Group Idea? - Luciferr - 07-23-2018

(07-23-2018, 01:35 PM)Orion link Wrote:
i really enjoy this idea, both from a staff and personal point of view. as of right now, we need that group that is willing to bring the dark vibes and dirty work upon the table, so i look forward to having this added to the animal group suggestion thread so we can possibly make it a board.

the only thing i would advise is making sure that when cullings happen, the roleplayers have said that it is okay to kill their character, otherwise it's powerplay.

Thanks Orion! and of course! everything would need permission and be sorted out OOCly so no one just gets killed on a whim for being inactive too long etc, since I'd be sure to ask c:

(07-23-2018, 02:18 PM)galexiux link Wrote: I feel like this is a very strong start to a world development. Despite being dark and, personally, not for me, I reminds me a lot of early southern american cultures like the Aztecs in their way of living and traditions. Something I’d like to note to maybe bring to your attention is the correlation between their violent tendencies and living in the dark. At least for humans, the sun supplies a huge amount of Vitamin D to us. Vitamin D (i think) has been correlated with a person's ability to be happy. The fact that they live entirely underground could be a cause for their violent and snappy nature. Just a thought. Im slightly concerned over the whole “joiners are hard to join” for if this were to become a group, it can drive away newer players. I understand your going for a whole “ic challenge” vibe, which i can get behind, but you still want to make it accessible for newer players. Don’t make your clan a popularity contest behind whos been there the longest. As Orion said, be sure to get permission with each and every character you guys will harm or slay otherwise its rule breaking. In fact, if this were to be a huge part of the clan, I suggest making an official post keeping track of them all. A simple forum people will have to submit for each successful attack. A like… ‘character name, character injured, thread link, screenshot of permission” sorta thing could go a long way. The whole slavery deal personally puts me very on edge, but i suppose if you want to put that in, you can. I personally don't see a ton of people lining up to play as a slave character though, lol. I can see the clan becoming successful as a catalyst to form trouble and chaos in other clans. They can balance eachother out.

forgive me if I miss bits, big blocks of text make my eyes skip a lot tbh aha, but I'll do my best to address this one and then the following, First though thanks for the praise! (and the coming secondary critique! c: )

- correlation on the darK; ooo thats a hood point - and while they do have one or two open areas MUCH nearer the borders so as to not infringe on security/secrecy, this is a very good point on what influences there behaviour, thanks for mentioning that c:

- on the newplayers: no need to worry friend! I planned to write a sorta 'newbies/new joiners need to know' thread so I can explain bits and point out such and such so as not to allow newcomers to feel singled out or run off due to the nature of the clan - and like I said above, everything would be with permission c: (I might add a note that bringing gifts of gold or proving yu are no friend to other clans or smthn would probablly ease the way or smthn hmmm)

- thread hub: not sure if we would for ordinary ones but for contest ones and big raids etc possibly - maybe also an attack directory for anyone wanting to join a band currently attacking or they need reinforcements etc.

- slaves: oh this isn't a huge main thing, just that it DOES exist in the clan, its there for ostly NPC slaves r if peeps DO want to end up a captured slave (that maybe eventually escapes and earns that kill tag on their head etc) or play a slave in this culture (who knows maybe they get enough by they become seen as an 'unblooded' instead in a plot or some such) - these are all things to add to the group's wrld and give more plot fuel.

(07-23-2018, 02:18 PM)galexiux link Wrote: This group idea slightly troubles me. I’m all for dark plots, but I’m scared of this sorta becoming a hotspot for tons and tons of dark characters. Negativity feeds off more negativity. That much dark energy in one place is bound to attract some weird characters. I fear it becoming the early Exiles back on Feralfront. It was just… a place with constant torture threads and raid threads. There are ways to make dark and aggressive groups without going directly to the “blood and murder” ideals. My biggest fear is the players over the actual group itself. I feel like the group is a very interesting concept but I also feel it would need a lot of attention OOC’ly. If the current leader was willing to study the traditions and ideals of the clan, I feel it will do amazing. I’m excited to see it. But… I fear a leader that only puts up meetings and never plans anything (cuz there are some leaders like that. They’re rare but they’re there). The group’s rich history and ideology will fall to ruin and basically become the exiles 2.0. I feel anything in fictional writing should come with a cause vs effect outlook. If [leader] runs clan smoothly with dark traditions > clan is in track. If [leader] is unsupportive of developing clan and traditions > characters will try to do it themselves uncoordinated and things fall apart.

Plus, I personally think the slave thing is going a bit too far. I love dark capture plots as much as the next guy but… slavery rubs me the wrong way. It doesn’t feel right. Maybe if this site had a more mature audience but it is 13+... Also another thing to consider. Why are they killing so much? To please the gods? To please the gods why? With my Aztec example in my review above, the aztecs sacrificed because they believed if they didnt, the sun would die out.

Over all. Even if I personally won’t be joining, I am excited to see this group if it were to come to the site. I feel with proper care and attention, it can be an amazing hotspot for development and conflict. I just have a few concerns about it such as potential bad leadership, influxes of darker “uwu kawaii killer” (for lack of a better term) characters and the whole… slave ordeal. Hopefully my thoughts can help you in some way and I’m excited to see what you do with it c:

again thank you for the critique, I'll do my best to address points

- Dark characters/MURDER DEATH ideal: yes this is true, but in truth this is what this clan is mainly for, an area where those who want to play darker characters can and have some room to play in this sandbox BUT that doesn't mean everything is 'murder/death' all the time, they're hostile and insular yes but that doesn't mean to say they can't get along or do menial things like a hobby of reading - plus theres a lucrative mining industry, religion and festivals for the gods other than the mre bloodier ones because for all they are harsh (and there is a backstory there on why) they do celebrate ideals like Life, Strife, Death, Renewal, New years and such (but the holidays would have different names here) - you can be a dark character and fit in true, but you can be a fluffy bunny who's the darling of the clan's people even though said people might appear vicious beasts to anyone outside the group, their is no law against things being not grim c:

- ON the culture/ideals and such: i WILL be doing my best on that even if there are days where I can't post, I do plan to be around and like said above, I'd likely share the burden if need be - but on the culture/ideals you needn't worry too much as I have a whole list about festivals/traditions/ideals/codes that I'm hashing out for them because i WANT this group to stand out and succeed - and yes the mythology and history is gonna get a very in-depth look i'll likely keep adding to. point being even when I step down at whatever time there will be ground work and a clear picture for anyone after me.

ahhhh also thanks for the excitement! I'm a lil nervous but looking forward to getting in-depth with it c:

- on characters trying to take it back from an unsupportive leader: well NOW we gonna get some history there in this clan's lore  but yes, I would fully endorse a clan uprising against a leader in such case, possibly something of an upheaval given the whole 'leader seen as divine' and thus would probably create a lotta plot fodder for the chars that'd be much more religious but still seeing they must do so etc - in the history there will be mentioned of such an uprising in itself.

- on the slave thing: well it will be strictly only on labour/menial tasks and nothing else, again it might not even come up in plot but its just an established area in the lore if someone does want to tackle that in a plot or such - but i'm fully open to missing it out entirely if those interested in the clan want a vote on it yaya/or nay like.

- sacrifices, yes indeed it IS to please the gods and yes there is lore for each god already in base notes, i simply didn't outline everything here because I wanted to get a base iddea out to see if it garners interest but yes, each god has sacrifices and not necessarily are all bloody - but there will be lore about WHY they do such and WHY they worship these gods and how the religion came to be etc.

thank you for your words and critique - and undoubtedly there will be 'that character archetype' because, well, there always will be on any site tbh but I do want to build it up and give it enough life that any leader onwards would be able to follow easily etc and that interesting characters CAN develop - and that this place will be the cause of strife for the other clans because we do need just a true chaotic clan in my eyes.

plus I've always liked making the more lore driven stuff cx

Re: Interest in Animal Group Idea? - madster - 07-23-2018

hnngh i can't really offer an in-depth review rn but... i love it pls we need a clan like this!!

Re: Interest in Animal Group Idea? - Luciferr - 07-24-2018

Thanks for the interest ! I'm gonna give it till tomorrow or Thursday to see if anyone still has any questions/concerns and then I'll go ahead and finish posting the guide c:

Re: Interest in Animal Group Idea? - vellichor - 07-24-2018

I honestly really like this idea! I'm not a huge fan of super dark clan for myself bc most of my characters could never fit whOOPS but I really think the site needs something like this rn and I can see a lot of people being interested in it! the only concerns i would have have already been mentioned by others in this thread but I think this would give some nice variety to our groups rn for the animal rp. I really like the idea of getting a group in here that really instigates bad situations so we can get some more drama lol.

Re: Interest in Animal Group Idea? - Luciferr - 07-26-2018

aight thanks guys! I'll work on this later tonight and hopefully have the guide up tomorrow then! sorry if it's a lil slow i'm a tad unwell atm.

Re: Interest in Animal Group Idea? - galexiux - 07-26-2018

Gl luci c;