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AYE FOR AN EYE ; cronas - Printable Version

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AYE FOR AN EYE ; cronas - goodsprings - 07-23-2018

the day was just beginning for cap, and already he was pumped for what he had planned. a long day of treasure hunting was in store, but first he would need a buddy.

the beta knew that treasure hunting wasn't quite for everyone, so he had to pick carefully. he would leave vandal alone for now to create her own slice of mischief today. roxanne would probably... kiddie-proof his escapades. deldrach? he wasn't sure what her stance was on treasure hunting. maybe as long as he stayed away from the waters, but then how would he find washed up gems?

he would have to go further into the capricorn tavern, it seemed. he ducked under tables, picking up scraps every now and then that fell his way and licking his lips at the smell of fresh meat and fish. captainpaw almost forgot his original goal, until his eyes had set on someone unknown to him. a kitten around his age- perfect! he ambled om toward the javanese cat, teetering when another crewmate almost shoved him over and hurrying to hop up next to the other feline.

"hello! i'm captainpawl i'm looking for someone to help me find lost gems and gold. you wanna come?" certainly straight to the point, cap was anticipating the journey since waking up.


✯ — male. the typhoon. easy. REF. BIO. — ✯

Re: AYE FOR AN EYE ; cronas - purgatory - 07-23-2018

[align=center][div style="width:55%;font-family:arial;font-size:8.5pt;text-align:justify;line-height:110%;text-transform:lowercase;word-spacing:0.5px;letter-spacing:-0.5px;color:#5c5c5c"][ ty for making <33 ]

Cronas, as with the majority of things, was indifferent to exploring. Instead, the tired feline would go on walks and if they come across something interesting then they would take the time to further observe it. Once they have their fill, they proceed with their stroll. Never did they think of attain material items such as gems and gold, nor do they see the appeal in them. Aside from being alright to look at, the child felt nothing for them- as they do most things. If it wasn't learning, the colour blue or food, their interest in the subject in question would be close to nonexistent. Something would have to benefit them in the long-run or short-term for them to put any sort of effort into an activity. So when a particularly optimistic feline by the name of Captainpaw invited them to join him on his adventure, Cronas tilted their head to the side, strawberry in mouth, as they stared at the tom for a while. Perhaps coming to the tavern would be inconvenient after all.

For the couple months that the child had made the Typhoon their home, they realized there were a couple sites they have yet to go to. The tavern being in this collective group. It would be troublesome in the future if they were unable to fulfill a task given to them due to incompetence from not better memorizing the territory. They had no excuse to tell another should they ask why Cronas was still unable to locate some sites. Not that it was in them to lie anyways. They'd say the beach is where they visit most of the time and found no real reason to be anywhere else. Not to mention, they had all the time in the world to learn about the territory considering they didn't plan on going anywhere. Though they possessed no connections to the Typhoon and its members, they found staying here was beneficial to their path of knowledge. The various minds and perspectives allowed the javanese cat to get a grasp on what the clan is like. As much as they wanted to learn more about the world in general, they felt they should at least start somewhere first as to not get overwhelmed. If they learned too much at once, they decided, their mind wouldn't be able to soak in the newly attained knowledge properly and therefore making everything counterproductive. So for now, they were going to learn all they could about their clan. Not the members. They didn't care much for the members of their group and as terrible as it sounds, they were only using them for their bodies. Kind of. They were more concerned about the knowledge they possess, them as an individual mattered very little to the child.

This was the main reason why Cronas didn't form any relationships beyond 'we live together' with their crewmates. Another, more minor reason is because for one, they don't see the point in companionship. They're only concerned about their survival. If they had to concern themselves with the survival of another, that would mean they wouldn't be able to think about themselves which would lessen their chance of life. The Privateer didn't hate anyone, though they didn't like anyone either; they lacked the ability to feel. Their thoughts and decisions are based solely on the logic they possess so never will a biased statement come from them. They speak only the truth which could be a good or a bad thing. They've never been strong when socializing with others so they decided it would be best to swiftly finish their analysis of the Tavern and leave before anyone strikes up a conversation. They weren't there to talk after all.

After they had finished exploring, they decided to take a snack for themselves before parting ways. If they could, they'd eat the entire house but decided it would be best to save some for later. Through the many choices they had, Cronas decided to take a single strawberry from a basket of fruits on the counter. Jumping down, they were going to continue on their way but stopped when abnormally light blue eyes met pale ones. Bringing us back to where we left off, the kitten, after what seemed to be hours of staring, set down their strawberry and spoke. "Hello, Captainpaw," their voice as flat as usual. They've seen the older kitten around though they've never formally introduced themselves. They weren't counting on talking to anyone despite being in a place exclusively used for socializing. Maybe they should have came at night. Not like they would be sleeping anyways. "Cronas is Cronas." They introduced themselves with a polite dip of their head. Now that they got the formalities out of the way, he was looking for someone to help him look for gems and gold? Taking the question literally, Cronas tilted their head to the side once more - a thing they do when they're trying to understand - before inquiring. "Captainpaw lost his gems and gold? Captainpaw should retrace his steps, Cronas hears that helps." They finished with a slight flick of their tail tip.
[div style="width:55%;font-family:verdana;font-size:8pt;text-align:justify;line-height:140%;text-transform:lowercase;word-spacing:-0.5px;letter-spacing:-0.5px;margin-left:50px;margin-top:10px"] sincerely, inadvertent ignorance ・゚✧*

Re: AYE FOR AN EYE ; cronas - goodsprings - 07-23-2018


cronas' stare causes cap to shift his weight from one leg to another. he isn't sure if he said something wrong- was it the gems or the gold words that were bad? he knew sometimes he repeated words that his crewmates said, and would get in trouble for it either by roxanne or planecrash. though he had definitely said just about all those words in front of them before and nothing to scold about.

or maybe cronas didn't hear him. the tavern was rather lively this morning. ships were always leaving port transferring crewmates back and forth from the islands, and this morning it seemed they had arrived just in time for their early pints of rum to get them through the day.

the kitten replied, finally, their voice shaking a minor jolt from captainpaw. he had begun to zone out slightly, eye's glazed over in waiting for a response. cronas' voice was much different than he had been expecting. sylvina and goldie (when she wasn't sick) always sounded less than bored. he could have mistaken cronas' for a tiny adult with how dull his tone sounded. still, cap was determined to make new friends and bring someone along with him, even if they did have funny voices.

at their reply, the beta couldn't help but giggle. "no, no. it's not my treasure silly! sometimes, ancient pirates will hide their valuables from other big baddies. they'll write up maps so they can remember how to get back to it. some lucky people find it and become rich and do whatever they want!" the kitten exclaimed, causing some to peer their way before leaving them in disregard. kitten stuff.

"i gotta really good feeling about today, though. i think i'll finally find something real good, but i'll need help if you're able to." his light green gaze was practically pleading at the other cat. "it'll be real fun, i promise!"

✯ — male. the typhoon. easy. REF. BIO. — ✯

Re: AYE FOR AN EYE ; cronas - purgatory - 07-25-2018

[align=center][div style="width:55%;font-family:arial;font-size:8.5pt;text-align:justify;line-height:110%;text-transform:lowercase;word-spacing:0.5px;letter-spacing:-0.5px;color:#5c5c5c"][ it’s definetly not always like that lmao ]

As Captainpaw began to explain himself, Cronas couldn’t help but tilt their head to the other side. They weren’t expecting an explination, though they suppose due to them seemingly misunderstanding the other’s request, a brief session of clarification was needed. If they heard correctly, pirates of old would hid their treatures and other items of value from other pirates who may want to steal them. They would then make maps, explaining where to find their treasure. Sounded counterproductive to them. Why lay out a map to where something of importance is for another to find and steal? And if it’s so important, why not keep it close to them to ensure proper protection? Now, individuals like Captainpaw may find these valuables and take it for himself. Cronas wanted to comment on the stealing factor, but decided against it. They did live amongst pirates, after all. Pushing the though to the back of their mind, they once again focused on the tom before them. “Whatever... they wanted?” The Privateer echoed, now taking a seat as large ears pointed forward. They were curious as to what that could be. If Cronas found the treasure, what would they do with it? They’d definitely give it to their crewmates considering material values held no interest to them. “If Captainpaw found the treasure, what would he do with it?” Came their inquiry.

It wasn’t until the calico continued did Cronas remember their current situation. They were being asked to locate these goods in the hopes of actually finding them; if they exist. Walking around seemed troublesome and they’d prefer to observe wildlife. They’re obviously going to turn him down. Cronas didn’t have the energy nor the interest to humour another individual who will not benefit them. At least, that’s what they thought. His pleas fell upon deaf ears, though something else caught the pale kitten’s attention. “‘Fun’?” They repeated with a flick of their tail tip. “What is ‘fun’? C-can Cronas eat it?” Maybe this treasure hunt could be beneficial after all.

[ hhh mobile please excuse any errors ;; ]
[div style="width:55%;font-family:verdana;font-size:8pt;text-align:justify;line-height:140%;text-transform:lowercase;word-spacing:-0.5px;letter-spacing:-0.5px;margin-left:50px;margin-top:10px"] sincerely, inadvertent ignorance ・゚✧*

Re: AYE FOR AN EYE ; cronas - goodsprings - 07-25-2018

cronas' second period of silence had captainpaw thinking again. not that he offended the other, but this time wondering what was going on in their thoughts. were they thinking of the possibilities? or the dangers? he knew sometimes dangerous activities could throw others off, especially around their age, but he hoped cronas would at least try it. cap was much too invested in his own hobby to think of doing something else.

"what would i do with it?" he pondered the question out loud, biting into his cheek. there were many things cap wanted that weren't something in valuable currency. most of it was simple kitten wonders. like interesting discoveries or certain types of people that he could sail with. oh, yeah.

"i'd use it to get a ship! one that's big enough for all my friends and family to board on. i'd be at the mast, steering where we go and who we loot. vandal would be in the crows nest helping me navigate; she's really good at flying, i think it would be something the same. then dad could help me learn all the math stuff involved with speed and turning. how to plane rations and such. then goldie would be my first mate! when i need a break or get too busy at the mantle she would tell the crew what to do in the meanwhile. roxanne could help, too! with her pet crocodile kal as our big scary mascot to scare everyone away!" he sounded confident in himself, thinking his plane over and a wide smile on his maw. the entire typhoon could be part of his crew while they sailed the seas for lost treasure and frantic battles with other pirates they ran into.

his daydreaming is interrupted at cronas' next question. this one a bit more peculiar than the last. what was... fun? "um..." the beta pauses, a paw going to his chin. "it's when you do something that makes you happy! your heart start to go bumpbumpbump. you feel your body get lighter than air, and you can't stop smiling or laughing. being around other people can make it even better, more fun. you just feel happy and excited at the same time." t was his best answer to give, and he would definitely look through the old dictionary at home to revise his answer for next time.

✯ — male. the typhoon. easy. REF. BIO. — ✯

Re: AYE FOR AN EYE ; cronas - purgatory - 07-26-2018

[align=center][div style="width:55%;font-family:arial;font-size:8.5pt;text-align:justify;line-height:110%;text-transform:lowercase;word-spacing:0.5px;letter-spacing:-0.5px;color:#5c5c5c"]A ship? Why a ship? Maintaining the ship sounds like too much work for one individual thus making it too tedious of a task to even contemplate taking on. Their thoughts would have reflected on their face as they stared at the apprentice with empty eyes, but they just were capable of exuding that kind of thing. Emotions were way to complicated and unnecessary after all. Contrary to their thoughts, the child refrained from saying anything when Captainpaw seemed to be showing no signs in stopping the conversation once he provided an answer. Did he have more plans? Perhaps this next one was more reasonable. As they listened more, they began to realize maybe buying a ship wouldn't be such a troublesome idea after all. If he was able to gather others and everyone took on roles to maintain the ship, it wouldn't be so bad. Sailing the ocean sounded nice, they thought. to be able to traverse the large expanse of water- Cronas couldn't help themselves from speaking up. "Would it be alright if Cronas joined Captainpaw on his ship?" They'll even take on roles to tend for the ship. It was the least they could do for being allowed on, if they were allowed on.

As Captainpaw answered their question, Cronas couldn't hold back the several more that spun around in their head. Though, they felt as though those questions would be answered if they just tagged along instead of sitting here and asking him. They watched his movements closely as he elaborated further, and when he finished, Cronas had lifted a small paw and placed it on their chest where their heart is. "Cronas' heart will go 'bumpbumpbump'? Cronas' heart goes 'bump, bump, bump' not the former." They fell silent for a moment, looking down at their chest before looking at Captainpaw once more. "It sounds painful." The mellow feline never overexerted themselves to the point where their heart would pound in their chest. This only made them even more curious. The calio seems to know many things Cronas doesn't. It would go against everything they know if they don't go with him. Looking back to the older male, the Privateer spoke. "Cronas doesn't know what excitement or happiness is. They don't know much about smiling or laughing either. But Cronas will aid Captainpaw on his hunt if it'll help Cronas understand these things better." They agreed with a single nod of their head as they lowered their paw down to the floor. And if Captainpaw were to share more information, Cronas would agree to do many more things for or with him. It was a barter system; give and receive.
[div style="width:55%;font-family:verdana;font-size:8pt;text-align:justify;line-height:140%;text-transform:lowercase;word-spacing:-0.5px;letter-spacing:-0.5px;margin-left:50px;margin-top:10px"] sincerely, inadvertent ignorance ・゚✧*

Re: AYE FOR AN EYE ; cronas - goodsprings - 07-30-2018

the question stops captainpaw's readied rambles, and instead looks to the feline more in shock. they were actually interested? from their flat tone, cap was more inclined to believe cronas was being sarcastic but... he felt otherwise.

"of course! all my friends are allowed on my ships, and can stay as long as they want." he responded with a purr lacing his words. he liked to imagine his vessel would always be busy with activity between his crew and the mainlanders. shipping in goods or setting trade. capturing other ships and adding them to his fleet. though his childish mind focused more on the breeze in his face and the salty air being all could smell. ocean for miles around them and the sun above to keep them warm. it was perfect.

his daydreaming was pushed away when he looked to cronas again, expectantly waiting for their next questions. "you don't know what happiness... is?" that sounds impossible. purely unimaginable but there seems its nothing but truth the way cronas speaks to cap.

"yes! i'll help you feel fun, and happy, and excited. we'll find the best treasure out there, and i'll tell you all i know about pirating. then you can tell me some stuff about you, too!" he bounced off the stool and looked back at cronas, gesturing toward the swinging doors and heading out.

✯ — male. the typhoon. easy. REF. BIO. — ✯

Re: AYE FOR AN EYE ; cronas - purgatory - 07-30-2018

[align=center][div style="width:55%;font-family:arial;font-size:11px;text-align:justify;line-height:120%;text-transform:lowercase;word-spacing:-0.5px;color:#5c5c5c"]Cronas acknowledged the other's acceptanced of them joining his crew, but they were hardly paying attention to that. The feline's mind was trained on one word only: friend. Well, in the context Captainpaw used it, the word s plural but it implies the two were friends. This couldn't be any more incorrect. They were not friends. They were merely acquaintances that live together. The only occasion in which they've hung out is the occasion happening as they speak. Not to mention, having friends were unnecessary; a burden, really. It was useless. Not only friendships but any sort of companionship one has with another being. Cronas doesn't know it themselves, but they've grown used to taking things before or after giving something in return. Never before have they taken something and not expect to pay the other person back or vis versa. Unbeknownst to them, this happens all the time in friendships. Though even if they did know it, the whole "lacking emotions" part of them would definitely get in the way. The logical feline couldn't detect any sensible reason why anyone would allow themselves to form any sort of companionship. The only thing that came to mind was the "strength in numbers" and it was more of a perk than a necessity. Yes, surviving may be easier when an individual doesn't always have to watch their back but a cautious individual can live just as long as an individual who's in a pack. Despite the many these many thoughts that flowed through their brain, Cronas could only muster up a couple words. "Cronas...and Captainpaw...are...friends?" The pauses in their speech made it sound as though they were somewhat surprised at the calico's words but in reality, they were doing their best to summarize the thoughts in their mind and failing at doing so.

As the older feline spoke again, Cronas shook their head in response to his inquiry. They didn't have a handle on anything when it came to emotions. They sounded tedious and from many experiences, they can't seem to find the purpose in them. Feeling anything made everyone so... emotional and unstable. They've noticed in this state, making a rational decision was a challenge and often, choosing a route that's inconvenient for the sake of another's emotional state is bothersome. With every passing day, as the sun set, so did their interest in feeling anything. Granted, the empty feeling in the pit of their stomach may be a symptom of having no emotions but they decided it was okay. The void they housed within their being slowly grew with every passing week but it was bearable. To harbour such complex things like love and happiness, sadness and hate, seemed like more work than it's worth. And yet, here stood Captainpaw, exuding a radiance that confused them more than anything. But, it appears that confusion was sure to clear up with time as the apprentice agreed to help teach them about it. The positive ones, at least.

The pale kitten's ear twitched as they watched Captainpaw hop off the stool. Cronas was with him up until the "you can tell me stuff about you, too" part. They weren't sure where or how to begin when speaking of their origins. They woke up on the beach, greeted first by the vast blue ocean, the smell of salt and the glaring afternoon sun. Then they were found by a couple of their crewmates and they joined. The only thing they know about themselves is that they don't know anything about themselves. It appeared both felines were at a loss. If they don't tell him about themselves, Captainpaw won't tell them about pirating - again, this is what they think as they have a very give-and-receive "uphold your end of the bargain" mentality. Before they were able to voice this, the male was already at the door and signalling for the younger feline to follow him. Thinking for a moment, Cronas lowered their head and ate the strawberry they had previously placed on the ground before walking after Captainpaw. Once they caught up to him, they fell into step beside him, though didn't walk any faster than their usual stroll. Once noticeable thing about them is they never go beyond a slow trot, and even that was rare for them. That and their love for food.

Angling their neck to look at the apprentice, the Privateer spoke. "Does Captainpaw have anywhere in mind he'd like to go first?" They asked, wondering if they'll drop by the beach. If not, it was no loss to them as they could always go when they finished their exploration.
[div style="width:55%;font-family:verdana;font-size:8.5pt;text-align:justify;line-height:140%;text-transform:lowercase;word-spacing:-0.5px;letter-spacing:-0.5px;margin-left:50px;margin-top:8px"] sincerely, inadvertent ignorance ・゚✧*