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NOTHING ABOUT ME IS ORDINARY || Caesar's Prompt Storage - Printable Version

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NOTHING ABOUT ME IS ORDINARY || Caesar's Prompt Storage - CAESAR CIPHER. - 07-23-2018

This thread is used as a storage for The Typhoon's Monthly Development Challenge, so please don't post!!

1. Happiness - July 23, 2018
2. Death - August 3, 2018
3. Anger - September 17, 2018

Re: NOTHING ABOUT ME IS ORDINARY || Caesar's Prompt Storage - CAESAR CIPHER. - 07-23-2018


Happiness was a weird concept for Caesar, if he was honest. The demon didn't really experience happiness for the most part, save for the times he had gotten promoted in The Typhoon. Although that was more of a matter of pride than it was happiness. Caesar just never really experienced the emotion anymore; not after he destroyed his Home Dimension. The Typhoon brought a sense of pride, sure, and was happy there, but his way of showing happiness was just to, well, be a dick and hold a monotonous tone and look to his face. Caesar just didn't know how to express it, either.

But back home, did Caesar ever feel happiness? Somewhat. Caesar was happy as a child, although it was more of a 'ignorant is bliss' type of deal. As a child, he didn't know the harshness of the Seventh Tier, let alone how Dimension FiveX was run. He was happy as a child with his mother and father and siblings; he enjoyed rough-housing with his brother and sister and playing in their father's field. He enjoyed playing pranks on his family and loved curling up next to his mother at night, where she hummed her children asleep.

However, Caesar grew up, just as all children do and learned of his Dimension's ways. He learned how they treated outsiders, like Atbash, and grew to despise the Dimension. When Vigenere got Chosen to be apart of the King's Guard, Caesar felt anything but happiness. He felt rage. Envy. He was angry at Vigenere for accepting their offer despite knowing how their Dimension treated others, and he was angry for not being Chosen himself. He could have changed the Guard! He was better than Vigenere, and he soon started to envy his brother. So he sabotaged his brother's rank, stripping him of his position in the Guard. Unfortunately, this stunt ended up exiling the rest of the family.

So did Caesar experience happiness even then? No. Caesar was in a constant stage of anger and revenge. He wanted nothing but to destroy the King and his Court, and although he thought he could finally be happy again, he was not. In fact, causing Dimension FiveX to rot from the inside out only caused him more hurt. He left his parents to die, to be burned alive, and he had to push that feeling of grief and remorse away. And perhaps that's why Caesar doesn't feel true happiness anymore; he's too preoccupied with pushing his other emotions away.

Re: NOTHING ABOUT ME IS ORDINARY || Caesar's Prompt Storage - CAESAR CIPHER. - 09-17-2018


It was no secret that Caesar was an angry person and that his anger usually got the best of him. After all, he was known throughout The Typhoon for having an explosive and firey personality and the powers to match that. It seemed like his Crewmates had to walk on eggshells to avoid him snapping at them and he was honestly glad they felt that way (assuming they did). The Officer liked having people be wary of him and he was glad that he was known throughout The Typhoon as somebody you shouldn't mess with unless you wanted a face full of flames. Despite what his Crewmates may think, anger actually was something that Caesar could easily control and ironically enough, those flames is what cooled him off the easiest.

Fire has always been a source of comfort for Caesar and he uses it as a way to calm down from his angry fits. He lights himself on fire and relishes in the feel of the flames burning his fur and skin, and the way blood slowly seems from the blisters that form on him. The sound of the flames are also comforting to the demon, which was strange, considering how he used flames to destroy his Home Dimension and actually regrets doing so. Truth be told, the flames also helped him get rid of the pain he felt when he thought about his former home. They relaxed him, to say the least.

Anger was something Caesar used to mask his true emotions. He hid the way he felt about things because he didn't want to be seen as weak and being pissed off all the time helped distract him from how he truly felt about his past. It was why the Officer was so mean and grumpy all the time; he was constantly fighting back memories and regret. He was angry at him, in all honesty. Caesar wanted to erase the past and make things return to normal but unfortunately... that wasn't going to happen. The past happened and it wasn't something that could just easily be erased and he had to live with the fact that he killed millions as well as his parents.

That fact hurt a lot. But once again, anger is what Caesar used to mask how he felt about his actions. It was the only way he thought he could hide the way he truly felt and unfortunately it meant his Crewmates would be caught in between if they happened to catch him on a bad day. On the inside, Caesar felt bad that his Crewmates had to face his frustrations at himself but again, they distracted him from the memories and the pain that his memories and emotions caused. A sad fact but a fact nonetheless.