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HOLD ON | {OPEN} - Printable Version

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HOLD ON | {OPEN} - | AGENT WASHINGTON | - 07-23-2018

[Image: tumblr_o5qz24I7UM1ubj5sjo1_500.gif]

He was too tired. Everything had happened in just a matter of a couple of days. He had a broken arm, and now Carolina was some sort of small animal. She also shouldn't be alive. Something that confused him more and gave him even more of a headache. He wasn't even sure if it was a good idea to stop his routine for the likes of an entire day, but here he was. He needed a fucking break. It was almost funny as if he was always on a schedule that made it seem like he was going to end up being paid for all of it. He could care less about the likes of money that was for damn sure. He had so much else to worry about. He also had forgotten what it felt like to have a broken bone in a body that wasn't used to the likes of broken bones like his human body was. Pain tolerance doesn't exactly seem to transfer all that much. Taking a break wasn't something a soldier was really allowed to do either. They kept working, and if they passed out from exhaustion that just meant that they were doing their work. Healthy? Of course not. It never was. Ever since the appearance of Texas, the headaches hadn't gone away. The pounding in his head was constantly there along with the voices. He had never told anyone about his condition. Hell. He had lied to the medics when he had been forced to go see them by Bastille. Washington just wanted everything to go back to normal already, with him being human and away from such a place like this one. The armored smilodon was laying up against the side of the Observatory. The lights on his armor showing exactly where he was in the dusk lighting. He was laying down on the ground, trying to adjust the splint that was around his arm. He knew the basics, but not enough to really help him out with a broken bone. Sticks. He had thought it was some kind of joke when they were fixing his arm. Eventually, he got too frustrated with the splint that he just laid his arm down on the ground. He hated this. He hated feeling WEAK. He hated all of this. He raised his right arm, which wasn't the broken one, and groaned as he put his paw to the top of his head. What he would do for some actual painkillers instead of the plants that they had laying around. Washington also was hungry, but he wasn't in the mood to get up and eat something. He felt like shit, and he doubted there was anything anyone could do to make him feel better. "speech"
Tags | Updated 06/26/18:

Re: HOLD ON | {OPEN} - Margaery - 07-23-2018

[b]"Hello, love."

Margaery's voice was soft, contemplative even, that honeyed charm of hers next to nowhere to be found as she took a seat before Washington. It was getting harder and harder to maintain the charming facade she had worked so hard to make in the first place, her sorry attempts at internalizing all of her problems finally wearing on her. She didn't know Wash very well, that much was true, and typically she was not one to so easily show her own vulnerability, but she couldn't pretend that she was okay anymore. And by the looks of it, there seemed to be something just under Wash's surface that haunted him too. Solidarity. She was probably doing this out of some need for it. And so she sat back and tried out her best smile, though it was weak and tiny and tired, it was genuine. "Do you want some help with the splint? I'm no medic, but I can probably secure it in place if you just hold it still," She offered with a little bit of a shrug.

"It's up to you though."

Re: HOLD ON | {OPEN} - Suiteheart - 07-24-2018

Suiteheart was drawn forward by Margaery's voice, tugged forward by the bond she and her wife shared. As she neared the chocolate point and Washington, she couldn't help but notice how exhaustion seemed to hang in the air around the both of them - which wasn't good at all. She moved closer towards the pair, gently pressing her side into Margaery's for comfort. Her attention washed over the smilodon, concern slowly dripping into her ocean eyes.

"Washington, dude," she said, "you look like hell." It didn't take an experienced medical eye to know he was in pain. His posture was tense, stiff. If she could actually see his face, she might have guessed his teeth were gritted or that his eyes had been shut as if to squeeze the pain away.

The white feline left Margaery's side as she shifted to examine the break of Washington's arm a little better. The limb rested awkwardly on the ground. However, the break didn't seem too terribly bad. "I know how to set breaks, if you need it." The splint of sorts that was already around his arm was good, but it needed to be reinforced.

[b]suiteheart folie-mikaelson . ecliptic admiral . the ascendants . tags
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