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in the darkness i will meet my creator — power discovery! - Printable Version

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in the darkness i will meet my creator — power discovery! - imperia - 07-23-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 60%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: georgia;"]A brisk wind whips across the beach, tugging and pulling at Imperia's fur, as if trying to steer her away from the violent waves pounding against the shore. But she does not relent, content with her wandering along the beach no matter how foul the weather. The air is sharp with the scent of salt and rain, distant rumbles blowing in with the breeze as massive, inky black clouds build on the horizon. She has yet to see the brilliant flash of lighting, even as the heavens seems to thunder and roar, so she is not afraid. "The sea is never still / It pounds on the shore / Restless as a young heart / Hunting," recites the girl as she dreamily drifts across the uneven pebbles. Her mind is elsewhere, lost in some distant dreamscape to entertain her vivid imagination. Given the poem, it is not unlikely that she is imaging herself as some aristocratic heroin in a Victorian romance novel.

"The sea speaks / And only the stormy hearts / Know what it says: / it is the face / of a rough mother speaking." Imperia does not even know where she learned this poem. Perhaps it was long ago, or only two weeks prior. But it doesn't matter, for her brain works in strange ways. It latches onto things it finds interesting, and never lets it go. Poems, stories, songs, random facts—all are stored within the valuable banks of knowledge within her mind. Forgive and forget does not apply to her. While she always forgives, Imperia never forgets. She remembers, forever and always. Sometimes this particular skill can be cumbersome, as her brain never seems to rest from the overflow of information, but it does come in handy. And sometimes it is best used to build on the drama of an oncoming thunderstorm by reciting a poem about the sea.

The young she-wolf does not seem to notice how rough the sea has become since she began her walk, the waves pounding the shore with such a ferocity that would rightfully scare any creature of common sense. But something has a hold of her. Something that Imperia cannot quite explain. It silences her, the poem ending before even reaching the third stanza. Luminous silver eyes glaze over, and her limbs begin to move of their own accord. Imperia is vaguely aware of a thin, glowing thread no wider than a needle sprouting from her chest and disappearing somewhere at sea. Small thought it is, she can feel it tugging on her, pulling her into the waves. I should not be doing this, she thinks to herself, but Imperia is no longer in control. Something is guiding her here. Steering her into wild, untamed sea.

Salty water laps at her ankles, and then begins tugging desperately at her shins. One moment she is on the beach, and the next she is submerged all the way to her chest. How bizarre. None of this even feels real. Suddenly, a shadow is cast over her head, what feels like rain, drip-dropping onto her head. Peri only has time to glance up before several tonnes of water crash over her head.

The sea swallows her whole, thrashing and spinning her around until she looses all orientation. Which way is up? Which way is down? It's all the same, grey water. Salt burns her eyes, and her muscles strain as she swims desperately in any direction in a futile attempt to reach the surface. A shadowy blackness begins to build up on the edges of her vision, and her lungs scream for air. I am going to die, she thinks, almost if stating a simple fact. She should be hysterical. She should be terrified. And yet, she feels oddly detached. Imperia knows she's dying. She can feel the pain in her bones as the weight of the ocean slowly crushes her as she is sucked down, down. But all she can focus on is that tiny thread which still drags her deeper and deeper into the depths. She can still see it, even when everything goes black.

Wake up, my child.

An ancient voice the sound of earth shifting and cracking startles her from the peaceful sleep of death. It is unlike any other noise she has heard before. Silver eyes blink one, twice. All is dark, like ink spilled across paper. Seconds feel like hours, years, and slowly Imperia becomes aware that it is not all darkness. Gone is the sea. She now floats amidst the stars. There is no need to breathe. No need to think. She You must be wondering why I brought you here. The voice says again, both terrifying and gentle. It comes from nowhere, but it is everywhere. Imperia can feel it in her bones. "..Yes..." replies the girl, her voice small in the vast emptiness of space. She is vaguely aware of incomprehensible distance between herself and the stars, but something tells her that if she reaches out, she might be able to touch it. Curious, she does exactly that, and experiences something akin to a delayed sense of shock when it winks out of existence upon her touch. Strange.

"Where is here exactly?" For some reason, she does not feel all too concerned that an unknown entity ripped her from reality and suspended her in space just to have a chat. Peri is more curious about where she is, than anything else. Everywhere and nowhere, the voice replies cryptically. But that does not matter. I brought you here to offer you a gift, my most devoted one. Most devoted one? Does that mean that she is speaking the Maker? Her God, her Goddess? As much as Imperia believes that the Maker has intervened more than once in her own life, she never once considered the thought that it might make her special to have the creator of everything intervene on her behalf. She just thought it was how things worked, that the Maker had a plan for her that served the purpose of maintaining the balance of the universe, or something. Faith doesn't always have to make sense, you just have to have it.

But now her god—goddess—is speaking to her directly. The realization is enough to steal away Imperia's voice, and she is left staring out into the void as the Maker's voice once again rattles her bones with it's immense power. Her speechlessness seems to have amused the deity. You are precious, dear, it says. 'Tis a shame that not more people realize it. Were it anyone else besides the creator of the universe, Peri might have disagreed, but she holds her tongue and the voice continues. Take this blessing, sweet child, and use it to continue your good work. She wants to ask what that is, but is then filled with a sense of understanding. Helping people, that is what the Maker means. Peri does not even seem to realize that the feeling was not even her own, but a foreign one. The thread which brought her to the place now glows even brighter before. What looks like a ball of light builds in the distance before it comes rocketing down the tiny thread and striking Imperia's chest with such a force that she blacks out once more.

She is vaguely aware of one final goodbye from the voice, but she cannot seem to remember what it was as she drifts through...something. A first it is peaceful, as if she is drifting aimlessly across water. And then, out of nowhere, she is literally launched through the air. The sea spits her mercilessly out onto the beach, and she tumbles several meters before rolling onto her back. Rain sprinkles her face, washing away the salty tears. With a groan, Imperia staggers to her paws, wincing at the stabbing ache in her skull. "Mon dieu," she groans. As wonderful as meeting her god was, the she-wolf wishes that it would have been less painful. There is no sign of the blessing anywhere—she checks at least three times. Same silver fur, same pebbles underfoot, same waves on the horizon. Nothing has changed. Only the pounding in her skull and an odd warmth behind her eyes. Otherwise, Peri is at a loss.

tldr;; Peri is being her usual nerd self while a storm is brewing when something unseen to the naked eye drags her out to sea. She drowns, only to wake up in space?? Her patron deity, the Maker, speaks to her. They grant her a blessing (aka power) before returning her to shore. You literally do not have to read any of this if you just wants your character to witness peri getting sucked out to sea and then literally launched out barely even five minutes later.

Re: in the darkness i will meet my creator — power discovery! - MOONMADE - 07-23-2018

[size=9pt]Moon had never come to the beach before. He wasn't fond of its eeriness, when all that could be heard was the wash and drag of waves too powerful for their own good. No voices, no laughter. It left something to be desired; For Moon, at least. Silence was something he wished he could live without, and yet, it crept up on him like this, on days where the Sun was hidden under a layer of grey and sleep was a foreign thing. Restless, exhausted, he wandered the undergrowth near the shore, a safe enough distance from the Ocean's grabs. No way did he want to smell like wet cat, anyway.

It was from a passing glance that he spotted Imperia, and everything got that bit better. She was wading in the water, up to her legs. A silver, otherworldly thing, she looked like she belonged there. It was a very poetic site-- something to make the cut for some hippie's Windows Screensaver, and even though Moon didn't have an eloquent bone in his body, he could see the symbolism, the aesthetics, whatever, in the scene. Something from a movie.

So he carried himself towards her, taking his time in a stroll on restless paws both because he hadn't slept and also because he was fully aware she wasn't so happy with him. Her outburst the other day hit pretty hard, sent him into a spiral of weird emotions and reminiscing that made no sense. But he was ready to get back to his typical self, crack a bad joke and pretend it never happened. At least, as he trailed forward, he had a pretty scene to watch.

He looked back and she seemed shorter, smaller, the waves stronger. Something cold crawled up his legs and into his chest and he watched her, there one minute, gone the other. That's when he stopped fucking strolling. Water his is body hard and cold when he propelled himself into it, but he barely recognized the shock that took over his system. Where was she? She'd been just there, he swore. "Imperia! Peri!" Voice laced with barely concealed desperation, the lion thrashes through the water till he has to swim and, still, she's no where to be found. "Where are you? Where the fuck did you go?" The water slips up his head, over his mane, into his mouth. This has got to be some elaborate joke; no way do the Gods hate him enough to take away the one person he cared about, the instant he started caring about them.

And then she broke surface. With force that looks painful, she's thrown from the water and she lands on the beach. He thinks, there's some fucking killer whale in these waters and it's after taking her for a joint and spitting her out and now she's dead, she's dead, she's dead. But then he sees her lift herself to her paws, and she's very much alive. Those dumb eyes were still at it.

He stumbles from the water, thoroughly soaked and dripping, and comes to the wolf's side. There's anxiety in his veins, and he snaps. "What in the hell was that? You think you can just-- Doggy paddle into that shit? This isn't some kiddie pool, Peri!"  Perhaps he should calm down slightly, he thinks, a far-away thought. He does, forcibly, and as he speaks he's slowly less frantic, slowly more worried. His chest heaves. "What the fuck just happened? Are you- are you hurt?"

Re: in the darkness i will meet my creator — power discovery! - Suiteheart - 07-23-2018

The ocean had become a home to Suiteheart. Saltwater coursed through her veins. Her heartbeat moved in time to the gentle rise and fall of the waves against the shore. Water of all sorts moved at her beck and call, but the sea moved the easiest of all. Truth be told, Suite had slowly but surely become the personification of the great expanse of water; gentle and kind on most days while unforgiving and stormy on others. She was powerful, strong, soft, welcoming. She had slowly become her power, she knew.

It was no surprise that the white feline had made her way to Pebble Coast. Any free time she had was spent here. Her ocean eyes moved to the sea, and she was quite surprised to see Imperia and Moonmade (one in the water, the other near it). She opened her mouth to say a greeting when all hell broke loose. The sky opened and then the waters were pulling Imperia into their depths.

"Peri!" she gasped, sprinting to the water. The white feline used her water elementals to move the water, in hopes of locating Imperia. She could see Moonmade searching desperately, and she moved closer to him. 'Where the fuck is she?' she thought, willing the ocean to give her friend back. The water around her moved and bounced up and down, but it didn't relinquish the she-wolf. A sinking feeling hit Suiteheart, but she refused to give up.

All at once, Suiteheart felt the waters shifting. Her ears pinned backwards. Suiteheart could feel something changing - something moving through the water at an immense speed. And then, there she was: Imperia. Baby blues watched as the ocean spit the silver girl onto the beach. Another gasp escaped her, and she propelled herself forward, towards Peri.

"Hey, hey, take a seat, Peri," the drenched feline advised, worry and confusion bright in her tone. She looked over Imperia, searching for any wounds the other girl might have. Suite closed her mouth as Moonmade let out a flurry of questions. Once he finished speaking, she asked, "How did you - how did the sea push you out of the water like that?"

[b]suiteheart folie-mikaelson . ecliptic admiral . the ascendants . tags
© [color=black]MADI

Re: in the darkness i will meet my creator — power discovery! - imperia - 07-23-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 51%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: georgia;"]It takes several moments for Imperia to even notice that someone else is present, like there is a delay between her optic sensors and her neurons. Her skull feels as if it is filled with water. Noises and muted and her vision is blurred. Slowly, she turns to face to person, and seems to be taken aback when she sees two blurry figures staring right back at her—one considerably larger, and the other no taller than her chest. Several more heartbeats pass before she can actually see who they are. "Oh, hello," she greets as if the ordeal had not even happened, blinking rapidly with a mild look of confusion. "Why're you here?" Luminous silver eyes sweep over the familiar faces: Moon and Suiteheart. She stares for a long while, but not at them. At their auras. A dark smokey cloud the color of coal shrouds Moon's figure. A similar hue surrounds Suite, though the older female's is more grey that naught. Fear. Anxiety. Concern. Imperia is fairly certain that the lack of oxygen is making her see things, or maybe it was when she smacked her head on the rocks; but a part of her seems to feel like this is the blessing her goddess was speaking of.

A vague notion that someone is yelling at her drags her attention back to the people standing before her, and she realizes that she missed almost the entirety of Moon's anxiety-driven rant. Upon Suite's instruction to sit, Imperia sways slightly as if she were still out on the water before unceremoniously falling backwards onto her rump. Rivulets of water spill from her sodden fur, dripping into her eyes and completely soaking the immediate area beneath her.

"Are you- are you okay?"

"I think...I'm concussed," she admits with a groan. Her jaw feels like it rusted, her tongue a dead weight in her mouth. Water would be nice. Is it still raining? "I'm seeing...colors..Is that strange?" Color vision is not strange, of course. What she meant to say is that she is seeing emotion as colors, but her mind is not entirely in the right place at the moment. An intense ringing suddenly fills her skull, and Peri winces for a single, debilitating moment. Ughh. "I'm sorry if I scared you..I was just taking a walk and then..and was like I was being pulled?" It is not that the memory is fading, it's just that it does not feel real at all. Will they even believe her if she tells the truth? Peri doubts it. Still feels like a dream. A very vivid, very painful dream. "There was a string, and it dragged me down, down. I couldn't breathe—I thought I was going to die, but then I woke up and I was...I was in space...or something."

See? It sounds weird just saying it. She feels like a lunatic. Like she ate some bad meat or something and now she's paying the price. But those blackness hanging around them is still there, so it must be true, right? She is lost in her thoughts once more, but Suiteheart's question manages to snatch her attention before she has the chance to pass out. "I'm not sure...I was floating for a while and then She was done speaking to me so I was sent back...I guess that included being rocket launched?"

Re: in the darkness i will meet my creator — power discovery! - tori - 07-23-2018

I WANT TO BE FOREVER YOUNG! { .:*・°☆ } ——— [size=10pt]info
Alex was, to put it bluntly, terrified of that ocean. Not the coast so much, and the shallows were okay and sometimes fun to wander around in and watch whatever sea life wandered about in there, crabs and such. But the depth was the stuff of his nightmares. Something about the cold, the breached contact, the idea of struggling only to die anyway, basically....everything. It was a primal but otherwise strange fear to have, considering he'd never lived near a major body of water until now. It was just something that existed in his psyche.

Of course, seeing Imperia both get dragged under and spat back out by some unseen force did nothing to help that fear. It just made it worse. What the hell even lied under those waves anymore? Some monstrous creature of the deep?

As he cautiously made his way over, Alex let out a faint whine, ears pressed against the sides of his skull. His soft brown eyes widened in fear and worry, switching his attention from Peri to the ocean multiple times. His tail smacked against his leg, lowered in the same fear related instinct as his ears were, plastered to his head. He was shaking, big shocker, violently to at least make his clattering bones audible.

"You....ocean....what..." He spat out a mix of words, trying to form a proper sentence, or at least be coherent. He couldn't hold a conversation in a normal situation, how was he to find the words for one when Imperia just got shot out of the fucking ocean?. "You flew out of the OCEAN!" Alex shrieked after a moment of silence, the raised volume of his own voice immediately sending him into a coughing fit. He'd apologize for the outburst later, when everything settled and made more sense.

Re: in the darkness i will meet my creator — power discovery! - MOONMADE - 07-23-2018

[size=9pt]Jesus. This is not Imperia. Not how he'd seen her, anyway. She'd always had an edge to her, an uneasiness and a fragility. She was so susceptible to her surroundings, to emotion. He'd learned the hard way, fucking up on many occasions and baring witness to an unstable Peri as a result. Slowly, he was learning the signs and teaching himself not to be like that, because, if anything, it didn't do good things for Frenchie's pulse and he didn't want to have her passing out on him.

Now, though, she's... Distant. Her gaze sweeps over them and it's detached. When she speaks, her words lack the edge he knows she'd of had if it was just an ordinary accident in the sea. It looks to be something far more than that, but in the moment, he tells himself it's just the concussion. It's more to ease his own worry than anything. "Just-- Wait here a second. I'll be right back." He takes off for the undergrowth, where he knows there's both freshly gathered rain water and his days work; numerous herbs piled on top of each other. He takes one look at the poppy seeds and decides against it.

"Okay," he says, swallowing hard when he returns. He's got a convenient container of water in his maw, and he drops it in front of the she-wolf. "Drink up. There's no chance I'm giving you poppy seeds, like this. I don't really wanna' see stoned and concussed Imperia." They'll get her back to camp and settle her down, then he'll figure out what to do with her.

While he was gone, he'd missed most of her words, but he came back in time to catch her last few. Worried but desperate to conceal it, he roots through his herbs in search of something to help her, only glancing up occassionally. What she speaks of is so incredibly weird he's uneasy himself, but he tries for nonchalance. "Sounds like an acid trip. As long as you've not broken any ribs and you can actually see, I think we're okay. Whatever the fuck happened, once you're feeling not so fucked over, you'll be able to make more sense of it."

He's still staring at the wolf, chewing his lip with barely concealed concern, when Alexander has his outburst. And frankly, Moon can relate. "Yeah, kid," he muses, tone distant, "haven't you heard? Peri's half mermaid."

Re: in the darkness i will meet my creator — power discovery! - BASTILLEPAW - 07-23-2018

[Image: 2NB1bDh]
[Image: 2LFVCD6]
[Image: ru8sUY1.png]
[Image: 2LLq52q]
Divinity whispered like a prayer down his spine, little silver tendrils sinking into his bloodstream. Bastille's head shot up in the middle of training, the awareness shifting and igniting in his bones as he picked up on something. The murmur of something ancient, a weightlessness, floating: he could feel something profound and gripping running through him, a tether drawing him, his empathic senses humming with it. He was dazed as he started to follow the call, more caught up in the foreign emotions than he should be; normally he had so much better control over it, could feel himself distanced from the emotions he picked up on, but the lines felt blurry as he grew closer. Peri, he recognized, once he was close enough to register the sensation of her aura — her emotions were bleeding into his, a dizzying sense of awe muddling his thoughts.

Bast was shaking his head, as if to ward off the intrusion, as he stepped onto the beach. There were others there, and as he joined them, their emotions bled into him as well: surprise, confusion, concern, urgency. They pushed and pulled at him, and he stared at Peri blankly for a moment as he pushed through them, found his grounding. [b]"She was speaking to you?" he echoed, catching only the tail end of her explanation. His voice was a bit rough, and he blinked as if coming out of a daze as speaking helped him clear his senses.
[B]ASTRAL SERAPH — THE ASCENDANTS — [color=#e2e2e2]TAGS[color=#e2e2e2]MOODBOARD[color=#e2e2e2]PLAYLIST

Re: in the darkness i will meet my creator — power discovery! - Roy Mustang - 07-24-2018

[Image: Jz5nvpm.png]
It seems like some gods are more pleasant than others. Roy wasn't sure if he'd really consider 'Truth', that almost exact replica of white silhouette himself to be god. Sure, Roy remembered it's chilling voice call itself by many names, god being one of them. But it also called itself 'you' while pointing at him, so to speak- Truth takes the form of whoever it's facing. Roy would call it a deity, it contains a lot of power, it regulates alchemists gates and punishes those who perform the taboo- human transmutation. But Roy wasn't about to worship it, hell no. Roy hated Truth, and he was sure it knew that well. Even if it knew Roy didn't intend to get involved in that accident months ago, it still took his entire body as a toll. It did the same to Riza. It fully intended to send them here the moment they both stepped foot on that activated array.

Roy hated water. Why did Roy hate it, if you might ask? It's not because he's afraid of the ocean, or if he can't swim. Instead, it involves his flame alchemy- if his flint claws get wet, then he's useless. In the past, he's tried to perform his alchemy during rain, but to no avail. He can't create sparks with soaking wet ignition gloves, or in this case- wet flint claws. And Roy hates, hates feeling useless. It's probably one thing that Roy genuinely hates about himself, and feels so insecure about. When Roy arrived at the pebble coast, he wasn't exactly sure why he was showing up here. In the past, Roy Mustang hasn't had the best experiences while at the coast. Plus, the storm that's brewing isn't helping either, sooner or later he's going to be soaking wet from rain. He should have stayed inside today.

Roy was planning to turn around and head back to the observatory, when all thoughts trailed away from him as he watched Imperia draw to the ocean, to those strong, out of control waves. He wasn't sure what to say or do, as before he knew it, the wolf entered the waves, and seemed to be struggling to keep her head above the water. Roy knew how to swim, well back as a human, it would be a bad idea for him to jump in the water to attempt to go after her. He'd only drown himself, god he's so useless! But to his surprise, five minutes later, the wolf suddenly jumped out of the water and onto the shore. The male's eyes were widened with surprise and shock, gaze locked on the Cleric. He wasn't sure what he just witnessed- he thought Imperia drowned and now, it looked like the sea spat her out!

He blinked as he listened to the confused wolf speak up herself, ears pricking up as he listened closely. This sounded a lot like the gate, but he knew it wasn't the same. Roy knew what it was like to fall unconscious and wake somewhere else- back when he woke up in that white void. But again, they didn't seem to be exactly the same, as Imperia woke up in space. Never once in Roy's life did he imagine someone could travel to space, it just seemed impossible! And she said someone, specifically a she, spoke with her, and sent Imperia back when she was done. Roy wasn't sure what to think of it, really. His blue eyes narrowed, the Flame Alchemist deciding to speak up himself. "Who was speaking with you? Do you remember what they said?" He questioned as his ears drew back to his cranium, falling silent after as he waited for answers to ease his mind.

Re: in the darkness i will meet my creator — power discovery! - ★ HAZEL - 07-24-2018

i never had nobody touch me like i'm glass
The concept of divinity never occurred to Hazel. Some might think that as a child, she would have looked for some sort of outlet, something to hold on to in her troubled life — but she didn’t. She didn’t have a reason why. She said Deus, but it didn’t mean anything to her. Hazel lived in her godless mindset because it was living in a twisted sort of freedom, and warped freedom was better than her prison cell at home. The concept of a higher power dragging her along a predestined string that led to her fate was confining and...terrifying, to be honest.

But every now and again, something would brush against her soul. It wasn’t something she could pin down or name; it was a whisper, a wisp: a fleeting sensation of an echo. It was the drag of sound through a tunnel, of marble and monuments and touching the horizon line; it was ancient and smooth and smelled of saffron. It was akin to deja vu in the sense of being thrown out of mind, knowing the scene and the sights but unable to put your finger on it. Like smoke, like the infinite depths of something cold but not quite chilling. Like replicating embers and crushing mountains. It was a godless feeling of chaos and absurdly out of place comfort. After, Hazel would be winded and dazed, at a loss. Her skin would tingle, her veins would burn, and she’d be restless, the look in her eyes not quite there.

Didn’t matter. Hazel’s belief in divinity was absent until the matter absolutely crossed her. Until then, she had little issue with what people believed in, so long as they weren’t forcing it on her.

Yet again, it was Bastille’s presence that dragged her in, though she chose not to linger on it. Hazel was rarely this close to the coast line. Her irrational fear of water was too strong — the merciless pull of the current, the unforgiving creatures that lurked where she couldn’t see. No, the water was not for her. But she was there anyway, pulled by a bond with a boy that she couldn’t seem to pin down. She arrived after Imperia had been spat out of the foaming depths, but the salt on the wind and the dazed look in her eyes still set Hazel’s teeth on edge, still locked her limbs.

Concern managed to override most of her fear, miraculously; people were already bombarding the poor girl with questions and not only was it overwhelming for Hazel to hear so many voices at once, but it was probably distressing to Peri, as well. “Can we give her some space, please?” The feline borderline demanded. “Peri just went through something really traumatic — can we wait to ask her who spoke to her when she’s not soaking wet and concussed?” Her request probably would have been more effective had she not been so out of the way of the crowd, the idea of squeezing between a bunch of bodies already suffocating enough.