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please talk to me about original character ideas - Printable Version

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please talk to me about original character ideas - galexiux - 07-23-2018

Ive noticed a huge imbalance between original characters and fandom characters on the site and i personally dont see why. While i can somewhat grasp the idea of holding onto a character you love, i want to try to share the freedom of origonal characters. I love the feeling of creating something new and something that is completely mine. And i wanna share that with people and encourage them to play them on site.

So please. If you have an original character concept, any concept, talk to me about it! Id love to hear all your guy's ideas and maybe help expand on them c:

Re: please talk to me about original character ideas - MirrorEdge - 07-23-2018

I've got Thea in the Ascendents. Originally, she was this shitty character who I just held sentiment for, because I was new to rping. Now she's much more developed, and though a lot of little things are from different characters, like her name and faceclaim used to be Thea Queen from Arrow, now she's kind of more something I created on BoB, and really enjoy rping.

I get great ideas like, once in a blue moon, so when they're successful (I actually like them and have tons of muse for), it's really important to me and something to be proud of.

Re: please talk to me about original character ideas - galexiux - 07-23-2018

Character inspiration can come from anything! Including other characters! I love the idea of loving a character so much that you want to make one just like it. Remember not to make a carbon copy though. That might get you in some trouble with copyright :c

Also, shitty characters are the best characters! Characters that make you smile and laugh are important! I'm glad you enjoy playing Thea and id love to hear more about her : D

Re: please talk to me about original character ideas - MirrorEdge - 07-24-2018

Yeah, that's why I try my best to only incorporate one or two things from one character to another, like names or faceclaims, plus it feels so good when it feels like all the puzzle pieces have gone into place.

I mean, I guess I enjoy her, especially now, cause I have a lot of development planned for her, and even stuff like power discovery, needs development. She's now this really messed up kid who has it ingrained in her that she needs to be strong, and win, and that anything goes in fights, including death, and it's okay as long as she wins. Her mom taught her that from a young age, and I planned on transitioning her from that to somebody who knows there are boundaries in fights, and feel guilt and remorse for everything she's done.

Now I can feel less shame if I look back to her cringier posts.

What about you? Any characters you loved?

also thank you for listening to my life story lmao

Re: please talk to me about original character ideas - galexiux - 07-24-2018

Development is super important! Make sure to go slow. If you rush everything at once you'll have nothing left to develop nad loose interest in the character. And we don't want that :c


and uhh... --peers at my 2+ year projects-- Nope! I have nothing.

I'd love to talk to you about my projects, but I'd rather do that privately, as they can be lengthy and i made this for other people to share their ideas c:

Re: please talk to me about original character ideas - MirrorEdge - 07-24-2018

Yeah, I'm really excited to hear others ideas as well! I'd love to hear it if you want to pm me.

Re: please talk to me about original character ideas - raiden - 07-24-2018

[align=center][div style="width:55%;font-family:verdana;font-size:10px;text-align:justify;line-height:140%;text-transform:lowercase;word-spacing:-0.5px;"]uhhh
i have a character named fracturedtime (though they go by cronas) and i remember thinking "i want a character who has an absolutely shitty sense of time speaks in third person lmao" and i kind of expanded on that?? before i knew it, i didn't just have a character who was unable to measure time properly, but their entire theme became time. their name, fracturedtime, not only pokes at their inability to understand how time works, but it also could explain why they're so patient as if time doesn't apply to them (because it's fractured. just as you would disregard broken things).
so i got to thinking more and instead of only focusing on time, why not focus on things that occupy time, specifically movements. then i kind of just gravitated towards glitches in videogames and how reality seemed to affect the characters who glitched out in a different way than the character you're playing. cronas never runs anywhere as they always walked. once, they just barely trotted but that was only because someone they knew was hurt. keeping the 'glitching' in mind, i decided to take it a step further and incorporate other things that could happen to malfunctioning characters in a videogame (speaking to someone then suddenly walking away mid-conversation, similar to a cutscreen abruptly glitching and dropping you into the game with half of the backstory and a couple more quirks). they also have the powers invisibility (floating body parts), intangibility (animals getting suck in odd places) and teleportation (following an npc, the game glitches and suddenly they're yards ahead of you) though they have yet to be discovered.
so then! i was like "okay but what kind of cat fuckin,,,, glitches and speaks in third person???" not just any cat. perhaps one that was created, not born. one that lacked being able to socialize from a young age so instead of saying "i" they would say their name. one that lacked a natural birth thus doesn't know the warmth of another and because of this, they don't see the point in any sort of companionship (of course, not having emotions also played a part in this). so i went with that. cronas is the result of government experimentation that got tossed away before they could finish due to being discovered and shut down. and because they were created, they have no soul  (bc hoomans don't have that ability) rendering them an emotionless corpse that just happens to be alive. because they suddenly woke up in this world, they know little to nothing and has a craving for knowledge and an affiliation with food; if they can it it, they will eat it.
a little bit more about their name, 'fracturedtime' is what the corrupt scientist gave them as an official name. however, when speaking about them in the presence of others not in their group, they used 'cronas' (a play on cronus. ya know. the god of time). also, bc cronas is non-binary (though they don't know that yet), 'cronas' has a more masculine touch while it could also be shorted to 'crona' which has a more feminine touch. 'cro' is also an option that sounds masculine, feminine, both and neither.
um,,, soo yeah!! i could go on and on about them but i'mma stop it here lel. thanks for coming to my tedtalk.

i also have a character in the works (cavalrychoir) that's p much a broken sword and shield (one-man-army brute of a dude) looking for a new purpose and possibly a wielder. his previous purpose was to dominate others but he was brought into the light by another, had a revelation, sold his soul and became a demon for an advantage, killed the entirety of his tribe that taught him slaughtering others is alright and is now having an identity crisis. his character is still a p big wip but this is the foundation.

Re: please talk to me about original character ideas - galexiux - 07-24-2018

I love how you play on all the glitches in a game! Do you have anything planned for audio or code glitches? Maybe he can just start screaming randomly in some sort of unknown alien tongue? : o

Also please let him eat a clock. Itd be funny. Trust me make them eat a clock.

I wish i had to say more about fractured but it seems like i have nothing to comment on! They're solid as a rock i have nothing to suggest!


I have a one-man-army charecter! She's in snowbound! I love the whole sold your soul and regret it paths, though its fun to see one that doesnt regret it(?). Remember to make them a weakness! Everyone has a weakness. It's no fun if they dont!

Re: please talk to me about original character ideas - vellichor - 07-25-2018

I have a bunch of ocs (I can’t play fandom characters to save my life, bless those that can lol. I have issues keeping muse) but my most prominent is definitely Jacob. I aged him from being 0 months to being 14 now and it’s honestly been so much fun haha. I based p much every trait off a naturally occurring event (aside from the fire), including body language and speech patterns so he has a mixture of an Italian America and Southern accent. Something I really enjoy about him is that he def comes off as p clear morally but he’s actually very morally grey when you start looking at his ideology and beliefs. While he might refuse to do something awful himself, he has a p easy time rationalizing why someone close to him would just so he can have a positive relationship with them. Then because he grew up with a lot of differing opinions, he can be sort of hypocritical at times because he knows what he wants to be and holds himself to ridiculously high standards even though sometimes we behaves exactly the opposite of how he should. I just have a lot of fun playing him and it’s been wild to watch how much he’s developed over the past year tbh. He came from a very simple concept but I feel like he came out as a very complex character so I’m pretty proud of him.

The only other active oc I have right now is Eliora in the human rp. I can’t talk about her as much as I can about Jake bc I haven’t had her nearly as long but she’s basically a wood nymph-like creature that had damaged memory for many years due to the loss of her family and kinda got lost in time for awhile. During this period, she suppressed her abilities which caused her to get a multitude of odd scars/marks on her body. When she came out of it, she took on a new purpose to essentially try to help anyone that’s been the victim of injustice and felt that she owed the community that’d she stayed in for so long, so she then started taking jobs specifically to be close to people so she could help as much as possible. I’m p excited about rping her because she’s chaotic good so she has good intentions but sometimes ends up pushing things too far or handling problems in odd ways (such as turning people into trees lol). She’s very obsessed with the idea of family but has kinda accepted she’ll probably never be able to really have one due to living with a lot of humans but she loves the idea of it. There’s more I could say but that’s basically who she is in a nutshell lol.

Re: please talk to me about original character ideas - cobblepot - 07-25-2018

ok so the very first character i seriously roleplayed with was a 100% original character of mine, and i still play him today !! when i first made him he was almost completely different from who he is now though lmao- p much the only thing i haven't changed abt him is his body and his history skdks. originally, pierce was supposed to be an antisocial, awkward, grumpy lil dude who really didn't like people at ALL. he was supposed to be a photographer rather than a painter too but i scrapped that idea early on.when i first tossed him into a clan on FF, he was reclusive and not super talkative and just liked 2 keep to himself. he was rough around the edges and seemed a little mean externally, but the original plan was, once one got to know him, he would actually be really nice and he had a good heart. i liked his character at the time, but considering i started him at five months  and he was quickly thrust into a position, he was presented many other people and many situations that helped to shape his character differently pretty fast, and after a couple months, he was kind of forced into presenting in a far more friendly way, which he kind of just picked up naturally after a while. he learned to become more open and after realizing how cool a lot of people were, started seeking out interaction with others simply because he LOVES other people and learning about them.

he was born to some breeder or smth (i never went into a ton of detail on it), so he never really knew his biological family, and was adopted by humans at around the age of 2 months. they ran into some trouble with money a couple months down the line, however, and had to leave their house after it was put into foreclosure, and they left pierce in it. so naturally he was forced 2 find a new home and after wandering for a while, he came across the clan i had him in originally. even though many characters in this clan sort of adopted him as family, that sense of abandonment from both his original family and the humans stuck with him throughout his whole life, and even now, he's clingy and envious and TERRIFIED of being left behind. he's been left behind, attacked, tortured, betrayed, and lost so so much that he's also really scared of making strong emotional connections with people, but he really can't help it, at this point.

despite being a rather kind, softly-spoken guy, who seems to be on the more "lawful good" side of the alignments, pierce can be very intimidating and authoritative when need be, and he actually leans more toward true neutral/lawful neutral. for, despite the rules he often lays out for others, when it comes to those he's closest to, pierce can be far more lenient. he hadn't always been like that, but after learning that his long-time friend and his mentor had killed a girl that had captured and tortured him, he sort of learned to become a bit more tolerant of more questionable activities, as long as they were "for the greater good". he'd always promised he would never hurt anyone unless he had to, though he would never kill. pierce broke that promise in,,, november-ish i think when he attempted to kill his best friend to protect the rest of his family, and ever since then hes been trying to follow a smeared line between what he used to consider acceptable and unacceptable.

i honestly enjoy writing him sO MUCH and even though i love angst i think fluff threads n stuff with him are the best because even though he loves a lot and is super super nice theres always so much going through his mind bc even now he really struggles to trust most people and he has a vv low self-esteem so it's always interesting to include his internal monologue when it's sometimes so different from what he's presenting.

uhhh i have a couple other ocs but its 1:30 and i still gotta post lmfAO so i might come back here to chat abt them a lil later sksks