Beasts of Beyond
1715 JACKDAW ; vandal - Printable Version

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1715 JACKDAW ; vandal - goodsprings - 07-23-2018

dawn was just beginning to filter through the tom's bedroom. light peaked through the cracks in the walls, dappling the ceiling and floor with beams of light. an unfortunate stream of light had hit the tom directly in the eye, causing him to groggily open his eyes and roll onto the his other side.

a soft, tired groan rose from captainpaw as he began to drag himself out of bed, yawning and stretching leisurely across his bed before tumbling out of the sheets. planecrash was already gone, most likely out at his lab again. the beta didn't mind at all, though. he knew his father was safe at least, and he liked that.

with long, stretching strides captainpaw made his way out of the shared room and out into the open jungle. his paws knew the path back to the shore by heart now. following the same trail as he did every morning. the gnats buzzed at his nose and ears, and he lazily swatted them away as he tried to wake himself up. always the morning routine before beginning his day. he reached a small pond that had gathered around the roots of a tree, and splashed his face into it and jerked back, the cool water giving him the rush he needed.

"brrr..." he huffed, standing upright and shaking his head and continuing his path toward the shore. today though, he wasn't really sure how to start it. there was much left of the jungle to explore, but he wasn't quite sure he was ready to take it on yet. he knew daring adventures were the goal of his everyday life, but getting lost this early in the morning was not on his checklist just yet.

[member=1498]VANDAL R.[/member]

✯ — male. the typhoon. easy. REF. BIO. — ✯

Re: 1715 JACKDAW ; vandal - VANDAL R. - 07-23-2018

Vandal hasn't moved out from her room in the Capricorn simply because she isn't exactly sure where she should live yet, and it's not as bad as it had been during the first few nights. She's gotten rather used to the constant hustle and bustle of the downstairs bar, and has even grown to find the constant noise reassuring in a way - it fills the uncompanionable silence with nonsensical babbling that she can easily drown herself in, get lost in. Of course, it comes at the price of not getting enough sleep whenever a particularly riotous group decides to drink the night away, but she digresses. Waking up every couple of hours is better than waking up from the nightmares that come with the silence.

Of course, this always leads to her nursing a tankard of coffee and rum in the morning, which she happily nurses while talking to the patrons. It's easy to get lost in the ebb and flow of casual conversation and openness, although she's received more than a few glares as a result of it - she doesn't really get along with everyone, much as she'd loathe to admit it, and soon she's wandering out with a warm belly and a mirthful expression on her face as another customer threatens to have her flayed alive (not that they would try it; being the Captain's sister certainly has its benefits).

Next on her agenda is a good run in the morning, stretching out her long limbs and wings and letting the energy come alive under her skin. She's only a few pawsteps from the tavern when she unfurls all four feathered appendages, black as night as they churn the air and shoot her high into the skies - and flying feels familiar, feels safe to Vandal, feels amazing as she soars through the infinite heavens like she's shooting for the stars. The wind feels crisp and cold on her pelt, refreshing with every breath, and she laughs - she laughs because it's a beautiful feeling, to be in the air, to simply fly and be free from her earthly binds.

She decides to fly over the entire island just to get a scoop on what's going on down below. Vandal sees a couple of familiar faces mingling, eating, talking, among other things, but what particularly catches her eye is a lone and wandering Captainpaw headed towards the shore. Planecrash isn't with him again, and Vandal takes it upon herself to swoop down and accompany the young Beta on another new adventure - and Vandal loves new adventures.

"Captainpaw!" Vandal makes her descent, folding one pair of wings, and then another, letting herself drop the last few feet down before landing on talons and paws. When she straightens up again, she lets out a merry bark, taking a deep breath before letting her gaze wander back to him. "S'wrong? You're lookin' a lil worried there, champ. Got somethin' on your mind?"

;; i'm screaming this is mostly just rambling

Re: 1715 JACKDAW ; vandal - goodsprings - 07-23-2018

shhh i love how u write filler its like herself narrating whats happening

there's a quiet moment that captainpaw enjoys as he reaches the end of the treeline. his paws dip into sand, the familiar coarse feeling making his chest heat up like he was near a hearth. the young tom was quite content like that, feeling the sand rough against his paw pads and the salty air overcoming the thick forest scent.

all was quiet... for a small time.

vandal's shout had almost startled him, a small jerk of his paw before he relaxed. the voice easily recognizable. his neck tilted up to see the mutated maned wolf begin to dive toward him. he jumped up and down in a tiny circle as she came down, cheering and chanting her name until she completely landed. the beta ran toward vandal and nuzzled into her leg, looking up at her with bright green eyes.

"hello! i'm feeling alright, just thinking about what to do today. i think i overexplored the beach for now. the jungles um..." he didn't want to admit he was scared to go in any further than to get home. even with a companion as strong and brave as vandal, the unknown darkness crept up on him like spindly claws around his chest, freezing him in place whenever he went too far.

"i don't wanna go in it today." cap decided on, leaning back his rump to sit and ponder. "i see so many other places, though. i'm not big enough to get up there yet. maybe when i can i'll find better treasure- i think sylvina is snatching it up before i find it!"

✯ — male. the typhoon. easy. REF. BIO. — ✯

Re: 1715 JACKDAW ; vandal - VANDAL R. - 07-24-2018

The smile unfurling on the maned wolf's face is almost instantaneous, happy to bask in the young apprentice's enthusiasm and joy. A small burst of laughter erupts from somewhere deep within her chest when Captainpaw all but runs to her leg, lighting up the air with merriment. Vandal's quick to lean forward, nuzzle the top of his head right back in a friendly gesture, before straightening up and scanning the far horizon with twinkling eyes. She hears what the young apprentice is trying to say - no jungle, no beach, still big on adventure, and she knows just the thing.

"Yeah, th'beach can get pretty drab, but y'know what doesn't?" An impish smile tweaks her lips, and suddenly the wolf is ducking, sharing a secret. One talon rises, scratches gently at her chin, before pointing through the sparse trees left between them and the shore, toe extended straight towards the horizon. She knows, just beyond, that there are a few scattering of islands that could hold something of value - whether that be a particularly colorful seashell, a message in a bottle, or something more, it doesn't matter. A discovery is a discovery, and adventure is adventure.

"The ocean, my dear Captain, has many secrets untold." Vandal knows that very, very well. Both above water and underneath, the ocean is an endless treasure trove just waiting to be discovered. One would only need sharp eyes, dedication... and a partner-in-crime. "And wouldja look at that, you've already found yourself a vessel." With that, the maned wolf springs forward to the beach, bounding straight into the water and spreading her wings to help her float along the surface. "Well, Captainpaw! Ready t'board the S.S. Maxine the second time 'round? Adventure's waiting!"

; i - captainpaw is so cute i'm cryinggjs

Re: 1715 JACKDAW ; vandal - goodsprings - 07-24-2018

her nuzzle gives a warm sense of safety, as if he were curling up next to that big source of warmth in his first few memories. it lingers when they both pull away, making him feel dizzy with happiness. he loves his family here so much, he couldn't imagine a more perfect life for a kitten.

he's absolutely enamored by vandal as she taunts him lightly with her next words. what doesn't get drab? what doesn't get drab?! there's a moment of anticipating silence, tension growing as his wide green eye's are blown into thick black pupils.

"the ocean." his heart flutters for a moment, his tail lashing as he cheers on and runs in a small circle around her, skipping to his own jolly beat.

"the ocean, the ocean, the ocean!" he's a fit of giggles as he follows after the mutated maned wolf, her tail just brushing the edge of his nose as he tries to keep up with her. he falls back a few feet, but he knows she'll wait for him. he stands back at the shore as he watches her wings unfold, looking like a living raft. a perfect, trusty vessel for sure.

"all a'board the ss maxine!" cap howls, marching dutifully through the water, wading once it reaches his knees and then stepping up onto her back. he follows the line of her spine, his balance as for for a feline. he rests his paws just at the nap of her neck and crouches down, tail curling around the bone of her left front wing and giving a confident nod. "set sail, my trusted vessel! off to the pirates cove we go!" his voice is loud and filled with the confidence of an experienced sailor, before he lowers his head once more and giggles.

✯ — male. the typhoon. easy. REF. BIO. — ✯

Re: 1715 JACKDAW ; vandal - VANDAL R. - 07-25-2018

Vandal smiles when she feels the comforting weight of Cap on her back, tail curling around the base of a wing to keep himself steady and balanced between her shoulderblades. As soon as he gives the go signal, she's off, kicking at the water with powerful limbs. She rises up and down over the waves, expertly maneuvering them across the open ocean in search of their first bounty.

She already has an idea.

She remembers having seen a small island not too far from theirs with a towering stone structure in the middle of the forest - she'd been meaning to go, but hasn't found the time until now, and she figures Captainpaw would like her first discovery to also be his. A shared experience between partners-in-crime. She easily heads towards the direction of the small plot of land, her lips carved into an exhilarated smile.

She's missed being out in the ocean, the endless expanse of horizon where there's only heaven kissing earth everywhere you turn. Soon, however, a figure blurs into the distance, a long stretch with a slight rise that she knows to be the island. She doesn't speak, doesn't acknowledge it's presence; she wants Cap to be the first one to see it, to discover it for real. "Alright, Captain! We've sailed pretty far from the shore. You can rise up to your hindlegs and put your paws on my head. Do you see anywhere we can land the ship?"

Re: 1715 JACKDAW ; vandal - goodsprings - 07-27-2018

before this, captainpaw had never set foot in such deep waters before. once the water reached his chest he would halt there and keep himself in the shallows to play. his heart pounded in his chest as he could see the sand beneath them less and less. a mixture of fear and elation bubbling inside him. he hadn't even told planecrash where he was going- though that might be good if they actually wanted to go. he could surprise him with what they found when they got back! maybe then he wouldn't be as upset when he found out.

the young tom kept an alert perk of his ears, eye's scanning the horizons ahead of them. he trusts his 'vessel' to hold strong and mighty against the currents, a confident grin on his maw.

something catches his attention, though, and squints his eyes to see better. he's about to ask about it, but vandal beats him to it. he does as she says, standing up slowly and placing his front paws between her ears. "aye!" cap responds with a nod of his head. "land spotted in the north, sixty-three degrees to the right. we are going..." he looks behind them, watching her legs paddle at the water. "twenty-five knots, if we head on straight we can be there in fifteen minutes." his head turns down to meet her gaze, a toothy smile unable to leave him.

"am i a good sailor?"

✯ — male. the typhoon. easy. REF. BIO. — ✯