Beasts of Beyond
nú munk nár af bragði ok nær dýrum deyja [open/introduction] - Printable Version

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nú munk nár af bragði ok nær dýrum deyja [open/introduction] - adomania - 07-22-2018

[align=center][div style="borderwidth=0px; width: 55%; line-height:115%; text-align: justify;font-family: calibri;"]Eat.

It was a word that Myliu had learned during his time in the strange place where different animals took care of him, making the pain go away and the reaper go back into the shadows to appear for another date. It was one among many that he taught himself whenever they came by, the other most prominent ones being "come," "go," and, of course, "help." He liked that last word a lot. It was what had kept him alive, what they claimed to do any time they came over to give him strange herbs and medicines that soothed the pain of the wounds.

He had been in worse shape than he realized, although he hadn't been paying attention much to his state to have known just how bad it was to begin with. All he knew was that the hours soon had turned into even longer hours (days, as he was told), and those days were quick to turn into weeks and then months, until eventually he was deemed healthy enough to leave and explore the area.

And leave he did.

The last command that had been given to him was "go," and so he had went, leaving the den to instead settle down right outside of it, uncertain of his actions and where he was supposed to "go." Was he supposed to leave entirely? Or stay outside where the medicine people could find him? For now it was safer to assume the latter, as he was afraid to anger any one of the creatures that were capable of killing him with a look.

He just wished that someone had told him to "eat." He liked that word. It meant he got food, and right now... there was none, and he was feeling awfully peckish.

Re: nú munk nár af bragði ok nær dýrum deyja [open/introduction] - GABRIEL - 07-22-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 500px; text-align: justify; font-size: 9.4pt; line-height: 1.4;"]Gabriel wasn't fond of eating anymore. Well, he would be, if it weren't for his completely fucked digestive system, where he hacked up pellets of bones and whatnot after he ate, which was something he'd never get used to. Maybe he could try eating something without bones -a worm? he'd prefer not to- but until he found a suitable alternative, he was stuck with needing to hide away after a meal, so that nobody found him hunched over. To make things worse, he'd gone intangible in the middle of that once, and it was a memory Gabe knew would haunt him for the rest of his days. Eating used to be more enjoyable, although that had been before he began to see food as just a necessity; it started tasting bland, and he had little care for it. Then, when he woke up however long after the eggheads finished with him, he'd been in this body. Simpler times weren't really in sight anymore.

Making his way through with a mouse in his beak -ha, little shits were learning to fear him- he set it down, intending to eat it, when a familiar figure caught his eye. Tilting his head, he picked it up, ambling over toward the wolf, glad to see he was improving. Once he was close enough, Gabe dropped the mouse again, automatically hunkering down to seem smaller. "Hey, chico. You hungry? Dunno if you like to eat mice, but between the both of us, it'll probably like you better than it does me."

Re: nú munk nár af bragði ok nær dýrum deyja [open/introduction] - VERSAILLESPALACE - 07-22-2018

Versailles is out hunting.

She's not like the bigger creatures of the Ascendants who can bring down an entire elk in one swipe, she's hardly taller than their leg, after all. A sheep, a deer, a moose, they all sound tasty to her, enough to make her stomach rumble with unabashed want - but the largest she can take down is nothing more than a pheasant, good enough to feed several cats but not enough for anybody else. Certainly not enough for the bigger, mightier, stronger creatures - she closes her eyes and dispels the envy with a heavy breath, stopping herself from further wandering what it might be like to have a body as strong as theirs.

Versailles refocuses her attention on the hunt, each step familiar as it draws her closer to the pheasant silently clucking through the tall glass. She can see flashes of it between yellow blades, wind shifting her scent away from her prey and its scent closer to her. Her paws shift, her claws slide out, and she leaps the short distance left between them, teeth finding its mark around the pheasant's head before she can even land on the other side. It flaps uncontrollably in her grasp but she's quick to situate her legs on either side of it, giving the head a sharp tug until she knows its neck is broken.

From there, she waits until the last of its movements cease save a sorry twitch or two. Quick, clean, no bloodshed - just as her mother taught her. Satisfied, she begins the long track back to camp with her kill dangling heavily from her jaws. It's big enough that its talons are dragging across the ground, but light enough that her neck is only beginning to strain. By the time she reaches the camp, she notices... a rather small figure hanging around with Gabriel. She doesn't recognize the smaller figure, but approaches anyway.

She drops her own pheasant by her paws to watch him curiously. After a few seconds, her golden gaze switches to Gabriel and his mouse, head cocking to one side inquisitively. "Who's this?"

Re: nú munk nár af bragði ok nær dýrum deyja [open/introduction] - adomania - 07-22-2018

[align=center][div style="borderwidth=0px; width: 55%; line-height:115%; text-align: justify;font-family: calibri;"]It had been... a while since he had seen Gabriel, although it didn't seem that long ago to the child for it was hard to get him out of his mind. He had been the first thing to pop out of seemingly nowhere to greet him, who had offered him the "help" the medicine people had spoke of. Perhaps it had been some time, and he had grown up a bit during it to understand a little bit more than he had when he first came, but his sentiments towards Gabriel remained the same.

He was a big, terrifying creature who was not as bad as he looked, and he still didn't trust the beak.

But as long as it was far away from Myliu, he didn't have too much of a problem with his presence at all. If anything, he was a welcome appearance among the monotonous presence of all of the creatures that had wandered in and out of the room he had been cooped up in for what had been about a month now, and he felt oddly cheerful to have a face that was both new and old at the same time appear after such a long stretch of time.

As Gabe moved over, holding what looked tantalizingly like food in his beak, he said a few more words that Myliu couldn't begin to understand, but one of them sounded very close to 'hi,' and the other was 'eat,' and he figured that he got the general idea of what was being said to him well enough to reply with the words he knew.

"Hello," he started, uncertain but far less parched than he had been before, having used his throat to speak far more than he had been forced to in a while when he was being constantly pressed with questions on a daily basis. Still, it took him a while to process what else to say, face growing shadowed with frustration, and just as he was about to give up and start biting on the nearest surface available the words seemed to don on him. "Eat... please?" he had been taught how to be polite, although the words didn't stick with him well when it came to most people. Demanding often seemed to work better than asking, because asking meant that there was the possibility that what he wanted wouldn't be handed over to him by the end. But if he demanded, that meant it had to be handed over.

Or at least that's how he figured it worked. But Gabriel, for a reason that Myliu couldn't quite grasp yet, seemed worthy of as civil a conversation as Myliu could attempt, hence the polite punctuation to his otherwise forceful command.

Versailles, on the other hand, was not someone that he knew or even vaguely recognized. She had not been there to greet him, nor had she visited the doctors, and instantly a huff of discomfort left him as Myliu shifted on his paws, trying to discern the best coarse of action. She was smaller than most he had seen thus far, far smaller, but the creature in her jaws was big enough for him to be wary of her skill, mind already helpfully supplying him with the word 'danger.' That was another word he knew well, although it was less of a word and more of a feeling. Words were useless when it came to translating it, the cold dread that seemed to creep up his spine and tell him to either run or fight depending on his opponent.

But she made no movements towards him, edging over towards Gabriel instead and her attention fully focused on him, and after a few more seconds of watching her with obvious hesitance, Myliu relaxed and turned his attention back towards the mouse at Gabriel's feet, obviously itching to snatch it out of his space and run off with it to eat. He didn't understand any of her words, deeming them unworthy of both his attention and time. He was preoccupied with more important things.

He could only be so polite when hungry. When he was injured he had been at the creature's mercy, asking for food rather than actively taking it. Some of it, as they would be glad to discover, had rubbed off on him. Some of it. He couldn't promise that if he didn't get something fast he'd solve the problem his own way.

Re: nú munk nár af bragði ok nær dýrum deyja [open/introduction] - imperia - 07-22-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 51%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: georgia;"]"I wish I had a needle and thread, finest that could sew. I'd sew that pretty girl to my side, and down the road I'd go~"

Imperia practically skips as she wanders through the plains. For some reason, she is in an usually happy mood. Happier than usual, at least. A wide, warm smile decorates her lovely visage as she sings to herself, luminious silver eyes shutting briefly as she breathes in the scent of the brilliant wilds. Wildflowers and grass and earth all mingle together to create a wonderful scent. "Shady grove, my little love. Shady grove, I know. Shady grove, my little love--I'm bound for shady grove!" It is no secret that Imperia is a romantic. She spends most of her days appreciating the beauty of nature whilst singing love songs and daydreaming about finding the one. Perhaps it is a little naive and childish, but everyone has their thing to help them escape. Some people smoke, some people drink, some people are...promiscuous. And Peri? She just daydreams. It's not the worst pastime. In fact, it's kind of sweet in an innocent sort of way.

The girl is not paying much attention to wear she's going. A crown of crow flowers and daisies sits lopsided on her head, partially obscuring her left eye as she dances to the melody playing in her head. "Cheeks as red as the bloomin' rose and eyes of the prettiest brown. She is the darling of my heart, the prettiest girl in town!" her voice is soft and sweet, albeit a little breathless. The girl has been running around for a while now, picking flowers and reading and singing and playing in the stream. As she skips along, Miss Imperia happens upon Gabriel and Versailles talking to an unfamiliar youth. Curious, she decides to approach, momentarily abandoning her song to try and make friends.

"Bonjour! Hello!" the french girl greets with a warm smile, argent eyes seeming to sparkle. yeah, her friendliness is a little much right now. But she is just so happy that she cannot contain herself. Tomorrow she will surely revert back to her reserved self. Imperia does not get much closer to Myliu than the other two individuals, hanging back near Versailles because subconsciously she is more comfortable around females than males. Shining eyes the color of moon dust flicker over to the injured youth before her, and she sinks into a resting position on her stomach to get more on his level. "My name is Imperia, but you can call me Peri," she introduces in that gentle voice of hers. She breaks eye contact for a moment to retrieve something out of her bag, pushing the flower crown up with one paw so that she can see better. Then she turns back with a mouthful of flowers. "Would you like a flower? I have a lot." It's almost nauseating how friendly she's being. But it's not so bad. At least she is not being mean, or anything. And maybe it's because Peri has a crush. Who knows? She sure doesn't.

/ lol sorry this post is everywhere

Re: nú munk nár af bragði ok nær dýrum deyja [open/introduction] - Suiteheart - 07-23-2018

Eating was something that didn't come easy to Suiteheart these days. While only a few weeks ago she wined and dined with ease, it was harder now. Her digestive system was morphed - it had been transformed, brought on by her newfound vampire abilities. Her stomach was made to handle the blood of felines and not much more. Granted, she could eat sweets and regular prey items, but not without consequence. It made her sick to her stomach. In fact, the last time she had eaten anything normal, she had spent the rest of the day in her room, concentrating on not retching.

Even so, Suiteheart didn't learn from her mistakes. She ate what she wanted with minimal regret (much to Margaery's chagrin). The Admiral refused to let go of that mundane aspect of her life... Everything was so different now. She couldn't change completely, could she?

"Hey," the white feline called, coming over to join the group. She offered each of them a sideways smile in turn before her eyes focused on Myliu. She hadn't met him before, she didn't think. "I'm Suiteheart. Nice to meet you."

[b]suiteheart folie-mikaelson . ecliptic admiral . the ascendants . tags
© [color=black]MADI

Re: nú munk nár af bragði ok nær dýrum deyja [open/introduction] - adomania - 07-23-2018

[align=center][div style="borderwidth=0px; width: 55%; line-height:115%; text-align: justify;font-family: calibri;"]Two more people were soon to come, apparently intrigued by either him, Gabriel, or Versailles. Which one of them it was in reality he didn't know (having no idea that socialization was the norm here and most people liked to know who they were talking to.) It did little to comfort him, no matter what it was that they were saying, and even though he understood some of the words and the flowers Imperia briefly showed him caught him attention for a split second, Myliu's violet eyes were on one thing and only one thing alone. He didn't reply, didn't bother listening to things he didn't understand, and instead shifted slightly on his paws.

As far as he was concerned, it didn't matter who was here and what they were saying. What mattered was the fact that they were there, Gabriel's mouse was still next to his paws, and each and every individual there could be a possible liability to his next meal. As a result, their presence didn't sit well with him at all, and even though he would have been able to tolerate one person, maybe even two... four of them was too much.

A low growl started in the child's chest, a clear warning to back off before something bad happened. There was very little he could really do, but that didn't stop him from it either way. It had always worked before, so why would he stop?

With one last, decisive half-huff and half-growl, Myliu wasted no more time. With one swift movement, he snatched the mouse from beneath Gabriel's paws, unknowingly taking a meal that he had been offered to begin with. That didn't matter, however. What mattered was that he was hungry, and now his food was clamped tightly between his jaws as he ran to find some shadowed place where he could eat it, growling defensively all the way.

Re: nú munk nár af bragði ok nær dýrum deyja [open/introduction] - GABRIEL - 07-23-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 500px; text-align: justify; font-size: 9.4pt; line-height: 1.4;"]Gabe didn't have to worry so much about the kid falling over in a dead faint anytime soon, although overall, he was still concerned; it was hard not to be, with the image of his arrival preserved in memory, one more straw on the camel's back. He couldn't say what would happen when that back finally broke, but until then, all he could do was watch over Laz, and now this kid too. He'd keep an eye on everyone else, too, though several people already had that covered; besides, he doubted any of them would want Gabe to fill that role. Would that stop him? No, but the children were the ones Gabe always fretted over more anyway. Not because of their age. It was more that he just didn't trust other people around them, especially after some of the things he'd seen, and while he didn't know what had occurred in Myliu's past, the state the hybrid found him in was reminiscent of one too many children he'd come across in his lifetime. At least he was here. There were worse places to grow up.

"Yeah. Yes." The boy was making verbal improvements, and he did his best to show warmth via his dark gaze. "Eat up, kiddo." He intended to back away from the mouse, give Myliu the space to take the mouse on his own -from experience, passing food over himself didn't always work out- though he was distracted by Versailles, dragging a large pheasant over. An impressive catch, more so than the mice Gabe always caught. He had a grudge against the little shits. Her question was more difficult to answer, if only because there were only a few words associated with the child, and Gabe still wasn't convinced any were actually his name.

"Found him a little while back. He doesn't know many words yet, but as far as I can tell, he goes by Myliu." As he was speaking to her, he caught movement, another arrival, this one Imperia, who made her place on the other side, toward Versailles. It seemed like a subconscious choice, one he marked away for later out of habit. She was swift to introduce herself, even offering Myliu a flower, although in all honesty, Gabriel wasn't so certain how that would go. He couldn't help but notice that the child was focused strictly on the mouse, and before he could recommend that they all give him more space, Suiteheart arrived.

For Myliu, that was the last nail in the coffin, and Gabe kept very still as he growled, darting in for the mouse and retreating with it, likely overwhelmed by all the people. Not to mention he probably didn't trust them around while he ate. "Let's not swarm the maladapted kid next time." Granted, none of them had been present when Gabriel found him, but sometimes- eh. He couldn't hold them to the same standards as he held those once under his command.

Re: nú munk nár af bragði ok nær dýrum deyja [open/introduction] - BASTILLEPAW - 07-24-2018

[Image: 2NB1bDh]
[Image: 2LFVCD6]
[Image: ru8sUY1.png]
[Image: 2LLq52q]
Poor socialization: the bane of orphans everywhere. Bastille had the benefit of his mother haunting him for approximately three months, but even that couldn't alleviate six months on his own, with nothing but a bunch of angry souls to guide him. For all of Frenchie's attempts to teach him manners and the importance of being a gentleman, those mannerisms didn't seem to kick in unless he was focusing on it or put on the spot. Instead, he was blunt, unpolished, and generally spoke his mind regardless of the situation. When he did suddenly feel the need to be a better person, he could get awkward and stilted, struggling for kind and coming up with... well, socially awkward but polite. It was a strange juxtaposition, frankly, but alas: poor socialization.

He stopped close to Vi as he joined them, glancing to her reflexively, ignoring Suiteheart outright, and offering Gabriel a nod. His gaze dropped to the kiddo then, and he cocked his head to the side as the little thing tore at his meal, making no move to crowd Myliu more. [b]"Huh. Guess he's in good paws, then," he provided, not offering much else for conversation.
[B]ASTRAL SERAPH — THE ASCENDANTS — [color=#e2e2e2]TAGS[color=#e2e2e2]MOODBOARD[color=#e2e2e2]PLAYLIST