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Lady was hungry.

It was the type of hunger that just about consumed a person, eating at them from the inside out. She was tired too, paws clumsily leading her thin - too thin - form down from the jagged peaks of the mountains and back towards civilization. She had no concept of what that was though, just that the warm and inviting smell of bodies made her mouth water and her stomach rumble. Feline. They smelled feline. She would have to have some luck with one of them, right? As tiny and nimble as they were, they were no match for her powerful jaws and superior size and strength. She'd snap one of them up. She knew she would.

But even the feral creature had her vague doubts, paw steps halfway uncertain as she descended further and further upon Snowbound's village. At one point, Lady would have truly been a danger to its inhabitants, a lethal beast made for killing that did not understand the moral implications of simply taking another's life. She had been humbled though, perpetual hunger reducing her to nothing but a swaying wolf, tail almost tucked between her legs. Hungry. Hungry. Hungry. It was all the direwolf could think about, faint now. 

Days. It had been days.

She hadn't realized how weak she was, the change in altitude all but ensuring that she would collapse halfway to the village. Death... it was an unknown concept to her, her only experience with the omnipresent force being the victims she killed and offered up to it. It didn't occur to her as she laid there, golden eyes half-lidded, that she was close to death. Starved. She was starved. Days... weeks without nutrition had finally taken their toll on her. But even through the agony that ensnared her body, that hunger relentless and evil now - at least to her - she could still detect something vaguely familiar. The snow muted almost everything but no... there was no denying it- a piece of her childhood, as tattered and foggy as it was, was here.

She needed it.

Needed to see it.

And so Lady did the only thing she could think of, the last bit of strength used in righting her body into a sitting position so that she could release a long and low howl.

I'm here.

Acknowledge me.

Re: PORCELAIN. IVORY. STEEL. | JOINING - Character Graveyard. - 07-22-2018

[align=center][div style="text-align: justify; width: 45%; font-family: arial; font-size: 11pt; letter-spacing: -1px;"]Kirishima was always hungry. Since he was still growing, he supposed that was normal for him. He suspected he would remain hungry a lot until he was fully grown. However, he never got hungry enough to where the hunger would began to eat at his insides slowly. Plus he was in good shape- aside from his missing limb, of course.

He'd heard the dire wolf's long-yet-low howl and he had turned and headed in her direction, a curious look in his eyes. The first thing he had noticed about her, was how thin her figure was. He would frown before taking a seat. "Hello? Are you hungry? We have food and hot chocolate." Kirishima would offer.


[align=center][div style="width: 500px; padding: 10px; height: auto; overflow: auto;"][div style="width: 400px; padding: 0px; line-height: 14px; text-align: justify; font-family: helvetica;"]it was always intriguing to find another of his species. another dire wolf, so long since he had last encountered one. it was instinct that drew him to the howl, ears perked as he scaled the slope, padding through the snow to where lady was singing. he stopped a generous distance away from her however; blind eyes drifted over her momentarily. a chuff escaped him, a simple sound to announce his presence, as he figured that this one was feral like ghost.

bubonicplague took a few slow steps forward before pausing again. she was hungry. starving. close to dying. the dire wolf's tail waved slowly as he stood there, calculating. he supposed the most snowbound-y thing to do would be to take her in, to get her some food and some warmth, but he wasn't sure she would understand. he shifted his weight from paw to paw before eventually letting out a bark.

'come.' he bobbed his head. he hadn't spoken the tongue in what felt like forever. hopefully she would catch it. 'we will feed you.'

/ ninja'd rip..too lazy to fix tho fdgjk

Re: PORCELAIN. IVORY. STEEL. | JOINING - rhosmari - 07-22-2018

[align=center][div style="0px; width:450px; height:auto; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; line-height:13px; color:black;"]Death wasn't a concept that he thought about. It wasn't something that needed to be thought about to a creature who was feral and the only intention was for him to survive. To eat, to hunt, to protect his pack. But his pack, he didn't know where his siblings had gone. He missed his beta Grey Wind the one that he looked to for assistance when things were rough for them. His brother was always so level headed when things were looking to be their worst. Shaggydog and his rough antics though he proved to be an amazing hunter. Then his sisters, they were both sweet and fair, though Nymeria had a wild stroke about here and one he didn't understand how to quell. Summer was quiet and obedient to the pack order and Lady was ever a companion for him. His sister stayed with him through thick and thin and he allowed a low breath to leave him. After leaving the cold lands of home because of their disappearances he had wandered for a while till he had found another canine worth his salt. Chromeo he didn't understand but he had helped him when he was injured, blood sleeping through thick pale fur. A Wound Healer that much he knew and then he also became a Food Giver, often providing him with meals while his wound slowly healed over. It was interesting and so he sought to see this one as an equal, perhaps another alpha? The idea wasn't so clear to the large beast but he was something to protect and so he did though all of their journeys. Even to the place of Much Water they had gone and then ended up here. Again where snow seemed to be the dominating feature. It was interesting.

Yet the brute was unfamiliar with this pack and the way that they function. Most he intimated to back down and show submissive behavior as was his right being the alpha of his own pack. But some tempted fate with him and that could cause a lot of problems in the grand scheme of things. Still the large male moved through the ever encroaching snow, feeling it press against his upper legs just slightly as he moved across the landscape. It was familiar territory for him and though he was still getting used to the place the snow helped. He was going hunting, something he did when there was low food for himself and the other equal that he had decided to stay accustomed with and live with as well. But the hunt was interrupted by a long howl. One that made his head jerk up to the sky. For a moment there was no movement from the massive canine, head cocking to the side. That howl was familiar and one he had not heard in so long that he almost forgot it. Almost. Lifting his head he allowed his own howl to ring out from his throat, deep sound resonating through the forest before he was pushing through the snow, shoving it away from him. Lady, Lady, Lady, it was his sister. He started at a slow trot before soon he was galloping through the snow with ease.

But as he came upon the scene after following where the sound had come from there were already individuals there. Creatures he didn't trust and he allowed a snarling growl to leave from his throat. A clear warning for those in the area to back off. His tail was held up high as he located his sister then, gaze swarming over her frame as he slowly approached, lowering his tail a bit. Gently he allowed a whine to leave his slightly parted muzzle as he spoke to her, immolating her name through that sound. 'Lady.' He attempted to nuzzle her gently with his snout before another whine of concern left him once more as he moved to her side to allow for her to lean against him if she so wanted to. He could smell her exhaustion and he could see that she was weak and withered. What had happened to his littermate? He hadn't forgotten about the audience though and he narrowed his eyes a bit, fur along his spine bristling just the slightest amount.

tags | vocalizations | body language:

Re: PORCELAIN. IVORY. STEEL. | JOINING - guts - 07-22-2018

The air was quiet until the howl suddenly sliced through the silence, his head lifting and his ears perking up at the sound. It was a desperate sound, one that tugged him forward despite the wariness that warned him of what danger might have laid ahead, the only thought on his mind being to make sure his clan-mates were safe. Not all animals were like them, it seemed, and it was possible they could run into some feral beast. It was odd to him how that worked, but he never voiced those questions. He didn't question a lot of things anymore.

As he arrived on scene, Aizawa watched silently for a moment, watching as the two wolves reunited. The new female looked extremely emaciated, he noticed right away, his eyes dragging over her timid form. His brows furrow, trying to think of something. Then he pauses at the growls and the glint of teeth, eyes narrowing as he takes a step back, making sure to give them room. He knew the female probably couldn't do much, but the white one he wasn't sure what it was capable of.

"Give them some space," he commands to the others gathered. He didn't want anyone getting injured just because they got a bit too close to the feral canines. They could focus on getting her fed later, once they were sure they wouldn't be their meal.



i should've said what i hear
i should have let myself fear
Feral creatures. Atbash had been aware of Ghost's presence here, although she didn't really think much of it. Not to the point she figured that he might draw other feral animals here, and now that the fact was brought upon her, she wasn't too sure how she felt about this. Atbash's fur prickled as she neared the scene and she stood next to Aizawa, definitely heeding the guy's warning. "Should we go get them something?" The Hailcaller asked, noting how starved the she-wolf looked. It was sad, really, and Atbash felt a pang of pity and sadness for Lady as she watched what went on.
bio | female | hailcaller [leader] of snowbound
© madi


[color=#889966]☾ ☾ ☾
It was Kirishima that stole the direwolf's attention first, a low growl emanating from her skinny form when she realized that this piece of prey was speaking to her. Shaky legs tried to propel her forward, teeth bared and ready to dig into the flesh of the three-limbed Snowbounder. She overestimated her strength though, too weak to do anything but stumble back to the ground, a pitiful whine tumbling from parted jaws. Hungry. Hungry. Hungry. But she lacked the ability to hunt, the pain that gnawed on her stomach prohibiting her from even standing for too long. She was partially ravenous, her typically gentle (well, as gentle as a feral direwolf could be) disposition forgotten the moment that anything with flesh and blood and meat occupied her view. In comparison to her siblings, she was the most tame, but now... Now she was just a feral beast who needed to kill before her hunger killed her.

Bubonicplague's arrival caused her ears to flatten against her head, lips once more pulling back to reveal deadly canines. A direwolf? But this one wasn't kin. This one wasn't part of the pack. His bark promised food though, her stomach practically rumbling at the thought of once more digging into something that would provide her subsistence. She had scavenged for too long, picking at the bones left by far more successful predators... could she trust him? But it had been her trust that had gotten her into this situation in the first place. She had become so reliant upon the girl - the stranger- who had fed her constantly, relying on her for meals and care until she simply disappeared, leaving the young Lady once more by herself. She had struggled since that brief period of time, always falling short. Always.

But that girl had been feline, not canine, and for the most part, Bubonic was similar to her. Trust. She wanted to trust him. A snarl distracted her though, honey-colored eyes falling upon Ghost. Kin. Littermate. Brother. She whined as he nuzzled her, practically falling into the support he extended to her graciously, not believing that weary paws had led her here- back to her family. Back to her pack. Well, she supposed it really was just Ghost. She had detected only his scent, not Shaggydog's or Summer's or Greywind's or Nymeria's... Just his. But that was okay. One was better than none. One was better than none.

She was vaguely aware of Atbash and Aizawa's presences, the words spoken by both of them falling on relatively deaf (more so uncomprehending) ears. Hungry. Hungry. She barked, wishing that someone would present her with something to dig into. While Ghost seemed wary of these tiny felines (and the other direwolf), he had not made any moves to kill any of them... Something was amiss and admittedly, she couldn't quite understand why her brother made no moves to slaughter them where they stood. Unless... Unless they cared for him like her girl had temporarily cared for her.

But there was no time for to even try to wrap her mind around what exactly was going on here. Not until she was fed.

Not until she was fed.