Beasts of Beyond
HELLBENT / private - Printable Version

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HELLBENT / private - COSMIIX - 07-22-2018

The small pixie bob had left Snowbound's territory and well, he supposed that happened because of his nomadic habits that he still had after all these years and frankly it wasn't like anyone in Snowbound would miss him if he went missing for a few days. His body smelling of buttercups, cinnamon from the pastries he made, and a hint of death since he was, well, half dead yet he didn't seem all too bothered by it. He would perk up at the sight of a clearing with both of his ears angled as some gases started to escape his mouth as he took a deep breath, he stopped a bit looking down to see that his foot had fallen asleep in a way yet he limped over to the nearest place to sit down. He glanced down at a stream yo see his ghastly reflection, his paw touching the cheek wound that made him look quite ominous as his pupils glowed in the dark. He reached down enough to start lapping up a bit of water with his forked tongue, a paw of his touching the water just slightly before he rested his head on his arm looking at the bones that stood out a bit from the leg yet he ignored it watching his scars glow a bit. The skeletal tailed feline would tilt his head not thinking much as he laid there, he supposed that he'd have to eventually go back even if the clan itself was just a husk to him, the clan meant nothing to him. They never did.

Only individuals meant something to Lewis, ever since he had been in a warbound group since birth he had learnt the hard way that all clans didn't function like he thought they did. He could still remember having saved several children or apprentices during tortures only to get glares from his clanmates, how one of them always snapped at him telling him that he was only at the end of his thread risking it for these different clanners. Sometimes, he felt like he was a husk whenever he was alone yet he was somehow breathing but even that grew to be a bit uncomfortable yet he didn't think much of the past anymore as he hummed a song to himself with his glowing ocular staring down at the stream.

Re: HELLBENT / private - Luca - 07-23-2018

Luca often found himself wandering as well. He had spent so much of his life hiding from the world, and now that he had built up his confidence he was trying his best to make up for it all. This time, however, he knew where he was going. Luca was on his way to the Ascendants again, intent on visiting Shininglight once more. He wasn't going to trespass this time, but rather watch him from a distance. Luca found himself doing that a lot lately. The beat of his wings broke the relative silence as he descended, drawn over by the nearby river. The journey between the clans was a long one, so he often stopped in the unclaimed lands to rest and recover. The cool grass was welcome against his paws as he landed, folding his wings against his sides and surveying his surroundings. He had to do a double take as his gaze passed over Lewis, blinking twice before staring right at him. He wasn't used to having company this far from the other territories.

"Hello," Luca said somewhat hesitantly as he approached, his voice soft against the bubbling of the river. This stranger smelled like all sorts of pleasant things, although the faint hints of death didn't escape Luca's senses. He was well used to sniffing out death by now. There was something else there as well, the distinct scent of a clan. Much like Lewis, Luca was rather to people rather than places. He never got the point of blindly following a whole clan; he found all the politics and the rules stifling and annoying. It was for this reason that he saw no problem with interacting with other-clanners, although he knew that not everyone felt the same. He was cautious as he sat down a small ways away from Lewis, obviously taking great curiosity in his appearance. Ever since Luca was a child he had been oddly fascinated with the dead, so it was only natural that this half-dead pixie bob would interest him. "Um, I'm Luca. Who're you?" He continued, deciding to risk his luck and strike up a conversation.

Re: HELLBENT / private - COSMIIX - 07-23-2018

The sound of wings made the ghastly feline glance up only to see that there was a hellhound that was sitting away from him and well, Lewis had never seen such a not so intimidating yet lovely hellhound in his life. There was himself but he never considered himself to be lovely but rather the opposite, the half dead demon blinked his eyes at the sudden greeting feeling his cheeks grow warm for a moment before he would speak "Hiya," His gaseous tail wiggled for a bit but he noticed the bit of caution Luca seemed to be taking towards him, the deathly being would feel his glowing gaze lower itself to the stream once more only to add in a soft voice despite it being a big gruff "Uh, I promise I don't bite. . . Or mean any harm," The pixie bob hadn't exactly had a one on one conversation in,a while so, of course, he was a bit skittish or nervous trying to figure out what to say next.

Luca. Luca. Luca.

He opened his mouth before closing it for a brief moment, he reopened it slowly to introduce himself offering a small grin in an attempt to be friendly "Lewis," He was almost going to ask who the other was but he reminded himself that Luca had done that already. He didn't express much emotions as he shuffled a bit into a more comfortable position despite how some of his bones seemed to prob at the bandages around his stomach, the other smelt of a different clan and well, he hasn't exactly went to check around to see who else there was. "Uh, I'm from Snowbound. . . Where are you from?" He could make out the faint scent of salt water and other various smells that was a bit tropical in a sense. His scent of Snowbound was very faint, he didn't even stick around the town that long. He didn't want to scare anyone with his ghastly appearance, he would hate to scare any kids especially since he liked them. What else is he supposed to ask? What's your favorite color? No, too basic. What's your favorite food? A heavy maybe. He wasn't sure what to ask and hoped Luca had something to offer but he would mew in addition "I'm a hellhound too or was. . . But I just wanna say you're very uh, lovely." He forgot how to properly make friends and it frustrated him.

Re: HELLBENT / private - Luca - 07-26-2018

Luca seemed to relax as Lewis proved himself to be nonviolent. Being attacked wasn't too big of an issue for Luca; in fact it was welcomed when he was feeling especially deprived, but it was a bit of a chore to face death when he was so far from his home. If his soul were to take damage he'd have to reincarnate and spend ages trying to regain his memories before he could remember enough to get home, and the Typhoon would have changed drastically by the time it took for him to find it again. As he got older it took him longer and longer to get his memories back each time. He wished there was a shortcut, although he knew that so much knowledge at once would surely break his mind. His mental state was fragile enough as it was. But it was unlikely that he would die here; Lewis's gentle disposition didn't seem to be a trick. Luca found himself smiling a pleased smile, and he shuffled a little closer to the ghostly demon.

Apparently he was from Snowbound. Luca recognised the name easily, having heard it a lot lately from the tongues of displeased crewmates. Something about a broken alliance and random attacks, stuff he hadn't bothered looking into too much. Luca hummed idly, his tail swaying restlessly behind him. "I'm from the Typhoon," he admitted, hoping that he wouldn't scare the seemingly skittish feline off. He knew that the Typhoon's reputation proceeded it, but he wasn't all that interested in causing trouble yet. If he wanted to cause a scene he would harass people that actually bothered him. "I promise I'm not some bloodthirsty pirate though," he added after a breath, flashing Lewis a charming grin. He was a little bloodthirsty, actually, but he didn't act much like a pirate so technically he wasn't lying.

He hadn't been expecting a compliment, so the mention of him being lovely took the canine completely off guard. Heat bloomed across his cheeks and he let out a small, nervous laugh. Hellhounds tended to get a bad reputation, possibly due to the 'hell' in their name, so Luca was usually uncomfortable with people being able to pin his species so easily. He had spent years trying to collect enough angel souls to give him his angelic wings, but he could do much to change his soul itself, and hellhounds could always pick out other hellhounds from a crowd. He supposed it wasn't too bad when it came wrapped up with kind words, though. "I think you're lovely too!" He said earnestly, shuffling closer still. "I've never been to Snowbound before. It sounds cold, do you like it there?" Luca actually preferred cold places to warmer ones, mostly because he ran the risk of overheating if his temperature got too high. "You should tell me about yourself!" he encouraged, excited at the thought of making a friend outside the Typhoon.

Re: HELLBENT / private - COSMIIX - 07-26-2018

He couldn't blame the other for thinking he was some kind of threat, he was pretty ghastly looking unlike his hellhound form which made him look like an absolute goof. Lewis had only ever died once and well, he was lucky enough to still have most of his memories though stuff that had occurred in the past was certainly hard to remember since it had happened a long time ago yet the things he probably would have liked to forgotten dwindled within his mind whether it was up in the front or on the backburner. He didn't even realize the other shuffling closer to him until he noticed that Luca was closer, this seemed to make his cheeks warm up as he briefly ducked his head shyly feeling the gases that were escaping his jaws flow a bit more freely yet he couldn't help but shuffle a bit closer as well. He might as well make a friend out of the encounter. That was the right thing to do, no? Meet someone out of the clan and become friends? He hoped he was doing this alright, he hadn't even spoken to his own clanmates on a personal level and here he was reminiscing with a former ally.

Lewis didn't hear the news about the Typhoon not being happy with Snowbound's decision mainly because he didn't necessarily care nor was it any of his business. So, hearing of the different place was certainly refreshing to say the least "What's it like?" He finally asked with curiosity appearing his his gaze waiting to hear what Luca would say next though at the next bit, he couldn't help but feel an amused snort escape him trying to figure out what to say about Snowbound. Was there any stereotypes there he wasn't sure? All he knew there was a yellow chick named Atbash and then a green dude named Izuku, finally, there was him who was a walking eggplant of some sort. "And I promise I ain't a dishonest eggplant," Was that right? He might as well call himself an eggplant and he felt as if Snowbound was in debt to the Typhoon from what he last heard. At the charming smile, Lewis in turn would offer a genuine, warm smile or at least try especially with his gross cheek wound.

Did he say something wrong? Lewis had never been uncomfortable with being a hellhound and well, no one ever acted or treated him differently for it aside a few people. If anything Lewis felt more uncomfortable in this body than his hellhound form, he sighed a bit wishing he were a hellhound right about now though it was alright. . . For now anyways. His ears twitched a bit at the sound of more shuffling and came to realize that Luca was getting awfully close, Lewis wasn't against physical contact but he was so unused to it that he flinched at the slightest of touches or movement made towards him. His smile didn't seem to disappear but only grew a bit wider when Luca said he thought that he was lovely, Lewis doubted it but he figured it was only out of kindness. At the questions about Snowbound, the ghastly feline would glance down to his large paws only to answer "It is a bit cold up there, I'll admit. But I keep warm just fine as for the other question if I like it. . . Community wise, its nice but I'm not attached to it y'know? I don't necessarily go with the flow per say. . . I don't follow the clan as a whole but rather by individual though I haven't met many people there." Due to the fact, he still had to adjust and was low-key making himself an outcast.

"You should tell me about yourself!"

Oh God. What was he supposed to say? Well, he figured that he could try not to stray too far nor give Luca a whole biography about himself so he started with the simple things. He wore a smile as he spoke "Well, I love baking. . . I love eating sweets, its a bad habit of mine. I make the pastry and end up eating before anyone gets a bite. I love meeting new people. I enjoy playing my ukulele and play a bit of guitar. I enjoy doing art sometimes but I'm not too great at it. . . Uh, I love marigolds and buttercups. And ironically, my favorite color is purple," He couldn't help but snort at the last part but he would feel his skeletal tail wagging to the sides as he said "Now, you should tell me about yourself."