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plots with the little dude!! - Printable Version

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plots with the little dude!! - goodsprings - 07-22-2018


soooo captainpaw is a chill dude he loves everyone and is very impressionable and gullible. if your character tells him one thing, he'll believe it until someone tells him differently. he also has no perception of danger as he is a little kid and thinks the world is this huge playground for him to have fun with. planecrash is also his adopted father though he doesn't really see him as 'adopted' and think of him as his birth dad, no concept of what blood relations are tbh

he's def missed out on some much needed talks about mortality lol and probably about manners too

cap also has narcolepsy, and when he feels strong emotions like excitement or fear he will pass out on the spot for an unknown amount of time from 5 minutes to 5 hours

he is open to the following
- interaction threads
- friends
- frenemies
- enemies ??
- love interests
- pranks
- capture
- interactions that could cause some sort of character development/change in how he sees a certain thing in the world?
- and anything else you may think of!

he is closed to the following:
- killing
- torture
- maiming/permanent injuries

NOTE: this post will have the whole nine yards of a heart chart and notes on what he think about your chars <3 just post if i miss someone he's met!

plot away! <3

Re: plots with the little dude!! - VANDAL R. - 07-22-2018

give me captainvandal chilling on the beach pls
vandal can have cap scramble onto her back and they can visit different cool islands

Re: plots with the little dude!! - goodsprings - 07-22-2018

HEWWO YES i can make a thread rn where she just shows him the other islands and p much just teaches him the basics of "dont eat this if u wanna live. do this if u get thirsty and ur alone." ect ?

Re: plots with the little dude!! - VANDAL R. - 07-22-2018

oooooof yes pls yes pls i would appreciate™
vi: "you see that cool spiky ball over there? don't touch it. it's a sea urchin. they hurt like a bitch but the insides taste pretty good! maybe i'll serve you some sometime."
cap: "but how can you serve it if you're not supposed to touch it?"
vi: "i - well, i - don't get smart with me, kid, i know what you're pulling."

Re: plots with the little dude!! - ADAKIAS - 07-23-2018

captain is so cute i love !! him so much <3
sylvina's a jerk and would probably mess w/ him since you said he's gullible so maybe these two can have an interaction thread? possibly become friends?

Re: plots with the little dude!! - splittingatoms - 07-23-2018

these two could meet and maybe become friends? split really wants to go to space so he could bond with cap over future adventure plans

Re: plots with the little dude!! - goodsprings - 07-23-2018

pirates. in space.

do you want me to make the thread?

Re: plots with the little dude!! - splittingatoms - 07-23-2018

ye thatd be great!! thank u!

Re: plots with the little dude!! - KATHERINE PRAELIUM - 07-24-2018

maybe friends with kate?

Re: plots with the little dude!! - goodsprings - 07-25-2018

yes yes! could you make when you have the time? i've got a ton to make atm rip