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CAPTAIN PINCHER ROUX | resides in the typhoon and is the demigod of rough seas. he is a muscular dark gray jaguar with frigid glacier blue eyes, marked with scars and glowing tattoos. he is the head of the roux family and is currently engaged. he is known for being a charming strategist with dark secrets. be cautious around him. —— ⚓
There was always something soothing about painting to many. But Pincher had trouble in achieving whatever peace anyone sought within coloring or whatever creative outlet they tried to find. He preferred map-making and setting plans in order with minimialistic perspective. He was the type to color within the lines and would grow irritated if he somehow managed to fuck it up. He was a bit of a perfectionist with it came to his plans and goals but for one of the final events of Calypso's Carnival, he wanted to just relax and not let himself be driven to the ideals that his father had set for him and continued in trying to reach. Pincher believed it was time for his head to cool down anyways after everything that was happening so this was certainly going to be interesting in seeing how he would behave especially since he had drank a little bit too much a few hours ago. Stress tended to put him into doing foolish erratic things and after running out of cigarettes to smoke, the male had craved something to calm his nerves and the nearest bottle of whiskey had certainly tempted him. At least it had managed to allow him to relax, his tense shoulders slowly sinking into a more relaxed form as the sleek storm gray male was at the center of Barracuda Bay, the usual towels covering the sand when events were made.

However, there was something peculiar happening this time. There were simple lanterns made out of paper resting on little boats for each lantern. A majority of them were a simple pale yellow color but there were various types of others, ones made all the colors of the rainbow. Obviously, Pincher was a gay bitch but he hadn't meant to do it on purpose, he just needed more paper to create the lanterns. He finished making enough for everyone and now was working on his own, his ivory white paws working without much hesitation in what he was doing. Despite Pincher being rather close to the crew and comfortably with everyone, he never spoke much about himself to anyone but one of his hidden talents was his ability to make origami. A skill he had done as a child and had enjoyed it growing up though it had been a while since he had time to do any sort of his interests except smoking and drinking. The towering lean figure of the dark storm gray jaguar finished his and then went to find the small buckets of various colors of paint, setting them down all around for crewmates to use as well as thin brushes.

Clearing his throat, the cool calculative icy stare of Pincher flickered around as he called "Everyone gather around to create your lantern wishes here. Calypso's carnival had started off not as well but I'm planning to end it with a great bang. So before we enter the final stage of the event, we will be doing the water lantern wishes. Basically you can paint, draw, and write on your lantern of choice. You can write your name and one to three wishes that you wish to come true. I know it's quite cheesy but it's to bring good fortune to whatever you wish to have in your life." Pincher explained with his long tail twitching behind him as he went to a laying position to get closer to his own personal lantern, raising a brush to dip it into simple black paint and write his name. For now, he hesitated on what to write for his wish(es) for Pincher was a rather greedy man and enjoyed having a lot of things. He hummed softly, glacier blue eyes narrowed as he glared at the lantern. What should he write and why?

( ex of lantern wishes! I & II / if y/c can't write, have them ask for help from an npc or someone else )

Re: WISHING WELL — LANTERN WISHES - coldblue - 07-22-2018

Amazingly, Coldblue is among the first to arrive upon hearing his father's words. While the youth still resents the captain for many reasons, he is doing his best to no longer be openly hostile. It is tough, though, when he sees what he interprets as irresponsible parenting in regards to Pincher promoting Goldie while she was still healing. What kind of loving, doting father perceives a promotion as a suitable response to a child who literally works herself to death to please him? Blue thinks that Pincher is undeserving of dear, sweet Goldie's love and devotion, but the boy pushes away that train of thought. He is tired of the barrier between himself and his father, mainly because it prevents him from fully integrating into clan life. He is done being the black sheep of the family.

The handsome young bengal spares his father only a curt nod as he creeps closer. He inspects each lantern with a careful eye, extremely concerned with picking one with the least physical deformities. It seems that he inherited his father's perfectionism, though he chooses to ignore that connection. Once he finds one that suits his fancy, the tomcat snatches up some utensils and retreats to the back of the group, hunching over his lantern so that no one can spy on his work. Coldblue is a private creature, one who scarcely even reveals his own emotions to himself, much less complete strangers. Hence, his decision to draw his three wishes. "Coldblue" is written in neat script at the very top of each panel, one on all four sides. It appeals to his sense of symmetry.

Carefully, he grasps a brush in his jaws and, with delicate brushstrokes, depicts a picture of what appears to a group of creatures all sitting close. "Wanted," he writes in teeny, tiny letters at the very bottom. Yes, all he truly wants to be accepted. By his family, by the crew. But everyone only loves Goldie, and Pinch for some reason, so he has always felt that he is on the outside of everything. He wants only to be wanted. The second picture is of several tools one might find on a ship. Beneath, he writes: "useful." Blue wishes not only to be accepted, but to find his place. His purpose. He hates seeing everyone he cares about get sick or injured and being able to do nothing about it. On the third panel is one that resembles Goldenluxury before she was struck by lightening. "Healthy," he writes beneath that one. Healthy in both mind and body. He is tired of seeing his wonderful sibling in such horrible situations. She does not deserve to be sick or wounded, and she does not deserve to distraught over their stupid father. All Blue wants is for her to be happy.

On the final panel, he does not draw a wish, but a family portrait beneath the cursive letters of his name. It depicts both Coldblue and Goldenluxury, sitting together on the ocean's edge. Aunt Rosemary lounges beside the siblings, looking elegant and powerful. Sand beneath their paws, sea grasses swaying on a dune behind them. In the background, two vaguely canine-shaped figures can be seen. It is supposed to be Pincher and Jacob, although Blue was careful to make them so vague that if anyone tried to bring up that point, he could easily deny it.


Vandal hasn't really wished for much since coming back from Jotunheimr, mostly she's glad to be back with her family - glad to be in their presence again when she'd gone so long without them... but being alive has reminded her of the threats that still exist beyond the safety of their borders, and how those threats could come at any time. They could be raided by the traitor Atbash one morning or taken over by another tsunami the next. One can never be fully confident that they are safe, true safety can never exist in a world where danger does. Vandal thought she would be safe in Jotunheimr, in the domain of the giantess of stormy, violent seas - she had left with nothing but nightmares of her fiance's blood dancing vividly across her talons.

When Vandal approaches, she's uncharacteristically somber, stepping up next to her brother and brushing against him slightly, if only to give herself a bit of a boost. Not a word spoken or uttered, she takes a lantern for herself and sets herself down beside him, her paintbrush stilling on the surface of the paper just enough for a small blot to form. She takes it away, lowers her gaze, thinks - thinks of what she should wish for because there are far too many things she wants in life.

Her neon gaze moves to the side, looks at Pincher next to her. She watches him work for a second, reassures herself that they are safe and alive, before gently moving forward and aiming to push her nose into his shoulder briefly. She's missed them. She's missed her family - and now she sees the entirety of the Typhoon as her family; it's a good feeling, it's a great feeling, and she knows she'll lay down her life to make sure that they continue with theirs. "I love you, big dork, y'know that right?" Her soft voice scratches at her throat and she pulls away, a crinkling smile on her face, before turning back to her lantern.

Everything comes easy after that. She takes her brush and writes in beautiful cursive that should be out of place for someone as wild and unrestrained as her, but isn't. With careful, surprisingly disciplined strokes, she writes: Safety for my family. Security for my clan. Love for myself. Her cursive fits the square-shaped canvass perfectly, set in equal parts and finely-balanced. She takes the paintbrush away, but returns it to the bottom-center, to write one more wish. She's a bit of a rebel, after all, why write just three when she can write four? Besides, the recipient of this wish... has long since passed on.

Lasting peace for Aegroixe. I love you. I miss you. Goodbye.

Re: WISHING WELL — LANTERN WISHES - deimos - 07-22-2018

[Image: tumblr_opwgzxenNS1tvso1qo1_540.gif]
[div style="background-color: #210808; color: #9B5151; font-family: arial; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: 1px; text-align: justify; overflow: auto; width: 500px; height: 340px; padding: 10px;"]Hearing about this, it made Deldrach's heart thud with regret. She slowly padded towards the group, her paw grasping the lantern and a brush. She didn't speak as she worked, her mismatched eyes staring softly at the canvas before her. She wasn't the best with lettering, she knew how to write- with a neat print, but.. she wasn't the best at it. She glanced towards Pincher, then Vandal, and she let out a small rumble of distress. She didn't know what she wished for.

Her mind danced towards the thought of Haven Island. Slowly, her brush tapped against the canvas, then drew smooth letters. She fought to keep her poise- at least grim poise- and not let her emotions show and stray. She couldn't afford that, not now, not so soon after Haven Island. A grave, for Jumbalie. The writing was a little messy, but it was readable. She then thought to what happened earlier in the hallucination. She then grimaced, eyes narrowing and she wrote. A pyre for Primus. It was clear the different between a grave, for Jumbalie, and the pyre for Primus, was the anger.

She skipped over to another side, not revealing the last two. She didn't mind people knowing about Jumbalie, and that she had passed. But.. the one she had wrote, the dark side of her mind was fit into it. She wrote two more, this one more carefully. The Jaglion flicked an ear. Family. Maybe she was being sentimental. Maybe she was just missing Jumbalie and hating Primus after he changed. Light. It wasn't really quite sure what Deldrach meant by this one. She sat back, waiting for the next part.

Re: WISHING WELL — LANTERN WISHES - goodsprings - 07-22-2018

captainpaw was at an age where his wishes weren't as sentimental or deeply meaning as his crewmates. many of them were adults, or even those his age that had gone through a lot of tragedy young. the young tom was always happy and content with planecrash being his father and those he knew or befriended keeping watch over him when he was busy. his definition of family did not go by blood, but by who he loved and returned the same affection.

vandal was family because she was always nice to him. even if it may get him scolded sometimes, her advice was fun and easy to understand. she always encouraged him to do as he wished and to not listen to anyone who were to put him down or stop him. the context sometimes may not be... the safest, but it would surely be a great life lesson once he's older.

roxanne was family because she was smotherly- er, motherly. always leading him into a better direction with things and bringing him away from situations too intense or too 'adult' for him. planecrash seemed to like her as well, and anyone his father trusted he did too.

deldrach was family because she prevented him from walking into danger. though he didn't understand at this age, when he is old enough to look back at his childhood and think of that moment, he'll have her to thank for not letting him get swallowed up by a reef shark or stung by an unsuspecting jellyfish.

truly captainpaw realized he had everything he needed. his philosophy on wishes was to dream of things he wanted. he didn't have a cool hoard of gems and gold. or a massive man-o-war to call his own with it's own name. he also wouldn't mind some cool wings to fly around with, and maybe some glow in the dark eye's that were purple. very silly, kitten stuff was what he wished for.

captainpaw bit gently into the lantern so not to tear the paper, and dragged it toward toward his own space to write on. though... he then realized he didn't know how to read or write.

"dad?" he looked around, his tail twitching in oncoming anxiousness. "i need help..." the last bit was said slightly less loud, not wanting to seem incompetent in front of his crewmates.

✯ — male. the typhoon. easy. REF. BIO. — ✯

Re: WISHING WELL — LANTERN WISHES - Verdigris - 07-22-2018

  [font=trebuchet ms]Lantern wishes? He was uncertain of what sending away lanterns on the water had to do with making wishes come true, but then if throwing away his bottle after the entrance ritual had granted him some peace of mind, maybe there was something to sending objects out to sea after all. Paper walked up and stared out over the field of lanterns, briefly entranced by their warm colors and soft glows. The arrangement of hues was oddly comforting, as silly as that might have sounded.

  Finally, taking a blue lantern, he headed over to a vacant patch of sand and set the lantern down. As he took a seat, he could feel Mira scrabbling up his back and perching atop his head. The young reptile was growing quickly; even if he had a few years before he became an adult, he’d dwarf the rest of the crew’s members in no time. He was still small enough not to drag Paper’s head into the sand by weight alone, though.

  Staring at the lantern, Paper pondered. He was supposed to write down his wishes, but he wasn’t entirely sure how to put them into words. Wishing to become Dealer, or even to become Captain, had the potential of being fulfilled in the worst possible ways- he wouldn’t put it past the cosmic forces at work to grant his wishes by killing everyone else in the way, and while a younger him might have been okay with that, the him of now certainly wasn’t.

  With a sigh, he closed his eyes. What did he truly want more than anything else- enough that he would give up everything else in pursuit of it? What did he want enough to forsake everything, unlike with his attempts at becoming Dealer, or at advancing through the ranks?

  His eyes flickered open. On one side of the lantern, he wrote “Papercutter” across the surface. Then, he turned the lantern over to the other side, and wrote a single sentence on it.

  “I wish to make them all proud.”

  Pushing the lantern out into the water, Paper watched the waves carry it away, a light blue speck in a dark blue ocean. Insignificant in the grand scheme of things, perhaps, but it meant something to the one who wrote it, even as it disappeared into the horizon.

  If he did as the Typhoon expected of its crew, then everything would come from that. If he did even half as much as Miragelight had thought he could do, then that would be enough. The safety of his crewmates, and the strength he needed to get, would both follow along.


HEARTFELT PROMISES { .:*・°☆ } ——— [size=10pt]TAGS
Marcel didn't know how to paint, to read, to write, to draw, whatever really. He had no creative or imaginative bone in his body once so ever and frankly he actually somewhat hated himself for it. Learning on his own was not only a bore but a given struggle and like hell he would admit to his weakness and get someone to teach him, he was perfectly fine trying to learn on his own. Or in his own opinion he was. He was too stubborn and proud to let someone teach him things he really wanted to learn and frankly without a teacher he'd probably never learn them. Besides, it was time to push those thoughts out and join a momentous occasion and frankly his first one too. He had only joined the Typhoon a week ago and this would seem to be the first tradition of the group that was fun filled. This wouldn't be his first tradition of the group completely with his first ever being the one involving Haven Island, the one that made him deal with some... personal issues. After that was his blood division ceremony which wasn't bad but also wasn't good either. These people seemed to love making ceremonies that made you suffer.

When Marcellus heard this call he thought instantly that this was a ceremony where they probably shot people into the sky somehow to see how many lanterns they could catch when they landed and frankly the thought made his face move into one of nervousness but he limped over anyways to see that there was paint and lanterns. Looking up at Pincher with confusion, wondering why there wasn't anything dangerous here, he listened to the instructions being explained and then looked back at the lanterns. Surprisingly it had been nothing dangerous, a true shocker. The male looked around to see if he could find anyone to help him and he ended up finding an NPC who finished his lantern and was sitting idly. The king cheetah padded up to him and got the NPC to write on his lantern for him, instructing the male on what to say.


rinto took a deep breath, padding over. the bandaids on his legs irritated him and he wanted to claw them off, but then the clan would see his scars. would any of them care though? he narrowed his eyes in thought as he observed the scene. lantern... wishes? he saw everybody doing it, and he was filled with an immeasurable sadness. he realized that everybody had at least one friend here, but he didn't really feel any kinship to anybody. thinking of what he'd want to wish, he grabbed a pen and was about to write when he realized he couldn't write.

his eyes got watery as he looked around. marcellus didn't know how to write, but the others seemed to. pincher was preoccupied with his son, he didn't want to bother him. picking up the lantern and his pen, he carefully made his way over to vandal, trying not to cry. he felt awful, being useless, being unable to write. "h-hey, vandal, do you think you could help me? c-could you write something like, 'i want some friends?'" he spoke, voice trembling. "sorry, that's... really stupid," he thought, looking down at the ground, embarrassed.

[member=1498]VANDAL R.[/member] 


Vandal lifts her head from where she'd been staring at her own lantern, sniffing softly and raising a paw to brush away the tear that's started to trace a line down her cheek. "Y-yeah, 'course I can, Rinto." She offers him a watery smile and takes the pen from him, but stops at his request. For a second, she's quiet, but soon she's offering another a grin, softer this time, before aiming to gently nudge Rinto with her shoulder.

"Hey now, i's not stupid. 'Sides, you already got tha' wish. You got me, don't ya? I'm your friend," she reassures in a tender tone, the shine in her neon eyes meaningful and bright despite the sad, glassy sheen. She figures it must be overwhelming, to be put into a Clan so suddenly without any connections - Vandal didn't have that phase, she'd woken up to her brother calling her by old name - she doesn't completely understand what Rinto's going through, but she's there for him no matter what. "C'mon, le's think of another wish, a'right? Close your eyes, Rin, try to think of somethin' you really want right now."



Lantern Wishes. Caesar couldn't help but roll his eyes at the concept, and yet here he still was nonetheless. The demon's tail flicked as he watched others write down their wishes and raised an invisible eyebrow. Hey, why not? It wouldn't hurt to actually try things, would it? Besides, this seemed mostly harmless for the most part and for one, the Officer wasn't going to be a grumpy fuck and ruin it for everybody. That'd be a bit hypocritical of him, considering he was participating (not that that's stopped him before). Caesar grabbed a paper and a pen, writing his name on it.

His first wish? Fame. It was a simple wish, but one Caesar desired. It was the very reason he came to The Typhoon, given their reputation of being pirates. Pirates raided things, they stole things, and that was the very drama and chaos Caesar lived for. But his crave for fame just didn't end there; no, his next wish would tie onto his dreams of fame.

Power. That was his second wish. Power in the sense of holding a rank in this damn group. He already somewhat had that wish, being an Officer, but he wanted more. Caesar wanted to be in Pincher's place - or hell, Argus's. He deserved to be the Quartermaster, but he supposed it would take time for Pincher to finally realize his mistake of promoting the white she-wolf. And if these lanterns work as well as they do, then it should change Pincher's mind, right?

But Caesar didn't mind if these lanterns brought his actual abilities back. He wanted all of his dream demon abilities to come back, such as telepathy and mind control. However, the meaning of 'power' to him did fall under fame, and that was perhaps it fault for not specifying. The demon did truly mean power as in rising in the ranks here, as that was his only goal in The Typhoon: to rise within the ranks and cause as much chaos as possible.

Now for his third and final wish? Caesar... wasn't sure if he was honest. Reset. The demon wanted to move on from his past, and he was kind of hoping maybe believing in these lanterns would help his mind be at ease with the things he has done. The Officer truly regretted destroying his Home Dimension, but he'll be damned if he let that show. In fact, Caesar wrote the word tiny, in hopes that nobody would see it.