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hellloo - Printable Version

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hellloo - vvintersoldier - 03-11-2018

Hii :00 I am here! ;o; I think I am gonna make a punisher themed character Big GrinD

Re: hellloo - cafune - 03-11-2018

flops on
hi sky
(it's checkers)

Re: hellloo - cougar - 03-11-2018

henlo sky!
i am also here
excited to see the punisher character you might make because marvel yEET

Re: hellloo - Orion - 03-11-2018

rolls over
Welcome to the site! I haven't watched the Punisher yet, so I'm lowkey crying... I did start the new JJ season though.

Re: hellloo - Kicksie - 03-11-2018

♡ — skyyyyyy <33
welcome to bob aaa
I’m so excited to see your punisher character!

Re: hellloo - vvintersoldier - 03-12-2018

/gets flopped on by checkers
hello! <33
and hey there cougar!! n_n and yasss marvel, i am excited about the punisher themed character too :0

lol i haven't watched the punisher yet. xD i just finished daredevil Big Grin

kicksss <33 and thanks!
ahh i am excited to see your characters as well ;o;

Re: hellloo - COSMIIX - 03-12-2018

/rolls over
henlo marvel buddy! welcome to BoB

Re: hellloo - Orion - 03-12-2018

ohh no then you’re going to see show spoilers before you watch!!

Re: hellloo - vvintersoldier - 03-12-2018

Hello marvel buddy ;o;; and thanks!!

Also I haven’t came across any spoilers yet. XD

Re: hellloo - april . - 03-12-2018

heya sky!! <33 welcome to the site, glad to have you! c: