Beasts of Beyond
DYNAMITE ;; 7/22 MEETING - Printable Version

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DYNAMITE ;; 7/22 MEETING - MARKO ! - 07-22-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 45%; text-align: justify; font-size: 11pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: verdana;"]♦ — marko knew that, with a twisted ankle and at least one broken rib (at least, according to ezra, who marko figured he could trust with that kind of diagnosis), he shouldn’t be going on his usual shenanigans. that is, he probably shouldn’t be out biking, which would be easy considering the condition of his motorcycle, and he shouldn’t be climbing around on things.

...look, fifty percent was still better than nothing. he loved the view from the rollercoaster, really, and although he knew going to the peak of the highest hill would be dangerous when he was struggling to walk at all, one of the camelback humps right at by the boardwalk would do just fine. besides, in the waning sunset he noticed a figure on it that he wanted to check out. he couldn’t help himself, really, but he was a curious guy and, oh, it kinda really hurt to try to climb.

he did steel himself and climb it, though, even if he nearly slipped and fell a couple times. luckily it was already pretty close to the ground, so it didn’t exactly matter too much.

the figure didn’t leave once marko clambered into a sitting position, thankfully, and it was rather exciting to see exactly what it was. a mourning dove! "hi there," he mumbled, giggling a little. he usually wasn’t a fan of doves, which were just pigeons that gained praise just because they looked nicer to humans, but they were still quite the rare sight and the undertaker absolutely loved them regardless. with careful hands, he pet the bird, trying his best not to scare it. the dove cooed. marko practically squealed in excitement, picking it up with gloved hands and setting it down in his lap.

the fact that it didn’t fly away or try to peck him more than once meant that he’d almost definitely met the dove before, but he didn’t mind that. new people were coming in from other sectors of his life, the part that wasn’t lying in the street feeding pigeons bits of lettuce for hours on end. no, in fact, actual people were starting to be around. like... human people. and vampiric people.

that reminded him of something, and checking a pocket reminded him even more. after all, notecards full of notes on things you might want to say were usually pretty good at doing that. and, oh! he’d thought of some things to say, evidently.

"hey, dudes and babes! new and old, young and… old, too! i got some things to talk 'bout!!" he hollered, hoping that people might gather in spite of it being rather hard for him to yell. maybe accidentally veering off of a cliff while on a motorcycle was a bad idea that resulted in broken ribs. at least he had the sweet little dove with him to keep him company if no one showed up.

//hi lol!!!! if uve been considering rping here but havent made a choice yet, feel extra free to just jump into this thread!! weve got hp tryouts goin on here, and we should also have a discord server up at some point lol!!
depending on the rebuild some things might change up a bit (ace if ur out there help me with that stuff blease), but hopefully not much will be different aside from the tech allowed, so well be rping throughout it until it gets finished.
im really excited to be building a community with all of u!! <3 n thats all the ooc announcements i got lol
actually thats a lie i have one more announcement. i write too much dont get scared off pls i dont mind getting short replies u dont have to spend a ton of time on them as long as we maintain a fun environment around here oml ;~;

Re: DYNAMITE ;; 7/22 MEETING - EZRA! - 07-22-2018

Re: DYNAMITE ;; 7/22 MEETING - alexander - 07-23-2018

[align=center][div style="text-align:justify;width:45%;font-family:verdana"]Alexander tries not to worry too much about Marko. They love the young blood, sure, but fretting over his injuries like some overbearing mom was sure to ruin their cool guy facade. This thought goes flying out the window the moment they see Marko at the very top of the coaster, eyes widening in alarm. Just what did that idiot think he was doing? At this rate, he might as well be as dumb as a mortal.

The vampire bares their teeth as they approach the coaster, hands on their hips. "You look very kingly up there, but if you don't get down from there right now I will drag you down by the ear." They yell as they come to stand beside Ezra, red eyes dark with annoyance and something they would never admit was concern.

Re: DYNAMITE ;; 7/22 MEETING - Rialto - 07-27-2018

"Got him covered," came a lilting voice, one that struck fear in people as much as it brought forth in others a sense of dry apprehension so dreadful it was like biting your tongue, but metaphysically. In that the amount of regret from hearing it, or having it happen, was about the same, except it didn't physically hurt. This apprehension wasn't unfounded, because Rialto happened to also be perched on the rollercoaster, having climbed up the other way, and he had his legs crossed in the very picture of nonchalance. He levelled a hand on Marko's back in case the young blood swung himself from his seat in overexcitement after being given the bird's acknowledgement - which, if Rialto knew birds (he didn't), was in human terms equivalent to a haughty order for Marko to keep patting it then become its slave - and scolded him with a severe frown, "You know, that is very dangerous. You could fall, screaming, and your pants might rip right down the centre from your flailing while Ezra catches you romantically in his arms, and then everyone here would remember it for decades."

He paused after saying this, and entirely failed to stifle the flicker of a shit-eating grin that implied that he actually kind of wanted it to happen.

Anyway, Rialto will do them all one better. After all, whatever was the point of having some disturbing classic sire system if it wasn't acted upon - taking responsibility was practically an obligation. "Come sit on my super buff knee," slender Rialto told Marko, gravely, and patted it. He even got ready to hoist Marko up with both hands, because he was an eighty-plus year old that feared nothing but dying without being in a bathtub filled with dollar bills. High places and Rialto went together like bullets and guns. "To keep you safe."

notes hello anyone that's considering joining!!! i also tend to write too much so dont worry about just focusing on the parts your character can respond to!! im Super buff down for chatting abt plots, ideas & rly! anything else \o/
pls dont fear im so looking forwards to meeting people!! i luv it.. welcom,e

Re: DYNAMITE ;; 7/22 MEETING - MARKO ! - 07-31-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 45%; text-align: justify; font-size: 11pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: verdana;"]♦ — ah, familiar faces! marko loved seeing his friends almost as much as he enjoyed the company of san creado's wildlife, even if they were yelling at him to get down from his seat on the coaster. he laughed at
the trio's concern for him, needing to cover his mouth to contain himself by the time rialto started talking. "i'll take that into consideration, man," he managed by the time he toned himself down, absolutely hating the fact that practically his entire torso felt on fire. it was a rock's fault he crashed, not his own, he reminded himself, deciding to ignore alex and ezra's arguments. he would be fine up there.

now then, to the things that he actually wanted to talk about, more than himself getting hurt. he pet the dove and looked over the notecard a couple times, scanning what little was there. okay, he got this. "so!! i have, like, three or four things i wanna say. first! i've started to catch wind that there are some new faces around, mostly 'cause i've seen 'em. let's make a bit of a rule to not bite them, yeah? only feed on tourists." how that'd end up once halloween had passed would be interesting to see, but he didn't especially feel the need to think about that yet. he just didn't want to scare off the kind of people who actually, truly belonged in the town, and that category included just about everyone who wanted to live there unless it was to hunt vampires, in which case that would be major trouble. "second! not much goin' on in terms of ranks 'n' shit, i need to think before i decide on a successor. keepin' my eyes out for good candidates, though." self explanatory, really.

"third, i want our coaster back up and runnin'. i dunno how, but we've got smart cookies around here, so maybe we can all come together and get the surviving cars back up and running. fourth, and this one ties into third! i feel like it'd be fun if we can fancy up the place and hold a big ol' celebration soon." he adjusted his grasp on the dove and glanced at rialto, hoping he wouldn't give the "artisan" any ideas with what he was imagining. "i'm thinkin' some sort of festival! maybe live music, a whole buncha games, get all the lights up and running! the whole nine yards! anyone got any ideas on how we could flesh something like that out?" in terms of bright young minds, marko was mostly only good at finding the big picture of truly good ideas. but, hey, he had to leave his footprint on san creado somehow, and if he could get people to actually go through with plans of his? that would be powerful.

//oh shidt another ooc announcement cuz im dumb but. im gonna be extremely spotty in terms of activity over the next like week and a half bc vacation. brilliant timing from yours truly lkdsfjlskj
tl;dr festival event soon and also that coaster plot. and another reminder that hp tryouts r happening lol