Beasts of Beyond
BAND-AID SOLUTIONS / 07.21 meeting - Printable Version

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BAND-AID SOLUTIONS / 07.21 meeting - beck. - 07-22-2018

    It was second-nature to doubt himself by now, but he was always certain about one thing: he was a shitty leader. Couldn't even keep people in his pathetic little group without having to beg for them to not abandon him. But many of them left without saying a word. How was he supposed to keep members around if they kept ditching at the drop of a hat? The logical solution was to bribe them, associating participation with reward in their brain. As if they were a pack of Pavlov's dogs. After hatching a plan with Morgan, he tried to collect himself enough before announcing to his peers in vain.

    His limping gait lacked the weekly jitters of a meeting as he dragged himself to the statue, yet he still forced a fatigued smile onto his snout -- although his crooked smile looked like a grimace of pain more than anything. Something had broken in him, yet nothing too uncommon fortunately. Just a slight hiccup in the stubborn consciousness keeping him in existence. The overwhelmed feline remained tensed even as he gave up on yelling for the clan's attention and let out a sharp choppy whistle to round them up before numbly staring up at the brown sky rumbling overhead. Maybe it was a light monsoon in the distance, maybe it was a hurricane clambering its way over to wipe out the filth of the swamp once and for all; Beck wasn't in the mindset to care. Once he tore his sights from the weather to check if everyone was present, he straightened out his spine to begin his expected rambling, speaking disjointedly while he gnawed on his pallid lip, "Meeting welcomes, right? Right. New folks... Axle, yep, with the muzzle, Dorian -- he's fancy, very fancy. Elliot's got a cool cape. Also Courier, Courier -- two eagles, Serqet 'n' Was. And last minute addition, Flux." His broken speech didn't seem to bother him much, as he started to babble out his promotions with an aloof expression, "Arrow -- arrows hurt -- Arrow can be a chaser now, and so can Stockin', and Aya. Nayru? Nayru is gone, maybe dead; we gotta have more medics, nurses, whatever. Asked Abathur and new gal Mirabella if they wanted to be nurses, and they said yes. Iota and Malphas, ya better start catchin' 'em up with trainin'. Thanks to the usuals, Fen, Iota, Malphas, Vigenere, and Zimavich -- y'all get shout outs." A wild look burned within his filmy stare as his stubby tail thumped against the statue's base and he raspily mumbled, "Freyja is demoted, haven't seen her for weeks."

    Was that it? Huh, weekly meetings were certainly shorter than the biweekly schedule he had settled into before. Still locked in his partially-lucid daze, Beck abruptly scrambled to his feet, teeth bared as a snarl between a sneer and a threat. "Oh! If anybody sees that Meta-bastard, I want you to scar him up real good, maybe gut him, then get him outta Tanglewood. He's exiled! Exiled!" the commander giddily shrieked out, falling back into a fit of deranged giggles that quickly became tearful laughter. Slouching back against the statue's base as his teeth gritted and his shallow chest heaved to recover the air he just expended, Beck rubbed at his eyes with both muddy paws, sniffing to his deputy in defeat, "Just give 'em the stupid food already, Morgan." Hopefully, the Pavlovian reward was enough to make them forget about his public relapse into his early days of the afterlife, otherwise Morgan would have made everyone ice cream for nothing.

tl;dr: big welcome to the joiners this week! [member=1501]AXLE[/member] [member=1524]DORIAN[/member] [member=1491]elliot.[/member] [member=1465]COURIER[/member] [member=1407]SERQET[/member] [member=1413]Was[/member] and [member=1602]FLUX[/member] !
[member=1350]ARROW ![/member] [member=1430]STOCKING[/member] and [member=1444]aya[/member] are promoted to chasers
nayru was dropped, so to make up for the loss, [member=1431]ABATHUR .[/member] and [member=509]mirabella[/member] have stepped up as nurses alongside iota and malphas
shoutouts to [member=234]FENRISULFR G.[/member] [member=253]iota[/member] [member=37]MALPHAS[/member] [member=601]VIGENERE CIPHER.[/member] and @ZIMAVICH.
[member=863]Freyja[/member] is demoted to a regular rogue
[member=1255]THE META[/member] is exiled for sabotaging the alliance with the ascendants

Re: BAND-AID SOLUTIONS / 07.21 meeting - aya - 07-22-2018

[div style="margin: 0 auto; width: 55%; font-family: arial; font-size: 11pt; text-align: justify;"]Oh! She was promoted! Aya beamed, quite proud of herself. Chaser was an interesting name. She'd chase things all right. The tortoiseshell was curious about Beck's manner, but she couldn't say it bothered her much. "Thanks!" She called to Beck.

Re: BAND-AID SOLUTIONS / 07.21 meeting - arrow - 07-22-2018

"Ayyyy." Nodding to herself as she strolled over, Arrow both made a mental note of all the new names and inwardly sighed at hearing her name in the list of new promotions. Looks like she wouldn't fall into the faceless crowd after all. She grinned at the little comment Beck threw in with her name. "Yeah, they sure do."

So, Aya and Stocking would fall in line with her as the new chasers it seemed, Malphas and Iota had some new students, including the one and only Abathur the spider. Oh, this was going to be interesting. Imagine working under the person that was scared of you the most. Freyja...didn't know 'em.

"Meta...Meta-fuck." She frowned, she never actually met Meta or whoever, she just knew what they had done. Not cool, man. Not cool. "Oh, and uh, congrats my dudes."
we should be lovers instead  ━

Re: BAND-AID SOLUTIONS / 07.21 meeting - Luciferr - 07-22-2018

But Heed this lesson well,
When the weak court death, They find it -

"I'll be sure to leave a mark if I meet him again" was fenrisulfr's dark promise - he had no liking for shit stirrers of this sort, the white hellhound would end up extra crispy if he crossed the regent's path again.

as it was he cast his gaze around with a smile "Welcome and congratulations" for those joined and those promoted such as aya - though he worried that Nayru had disappeared.

[sub]TANGLEWOOD - REGENT - TAGS - REF (9FT) - EXTREME[W]isker[/sub]

Re: BAND-AID SOLUTIONS / 07.21 meeting - SOCKING - 07-22-2018

✯ — if you don't fuck with us then motherfuck you
thanks to malphas, stocking's broken leg was nearly healed, and she was faring quite well.

slinking over to the crumbled remains of the statue, yet keeping weight off of her back foot, stocking stood to attention. this was, perhaps, her first meeting since arriving here. the fallen angel tilted her head towards becky, ears flicked forward and listening tentatively.

she, of course, like aya, stocking was as equally surprised to hear her name on the list of those promoted. lips quirked into a small little smile, stocking spoke.
"thank you, big boss man, and congratulations to anyone else promoted."
✯ — female. tanglewood. moderate difficulty. REF. BIO. — ✯

Re: BAND-AID SOLUTIONS / 07.21 meeting - madster - 07-22-2018

at the call, malphas padded over, sliding over and gently brushing fur with stocking, glad her leg was slowly recovering. he didn't expect out of this meeting, but was glad beck was doing them more often. then, beck announced the promotions, and right in the middle, he said nayru is gone, maybe dead, and then the world around him shattered. his chest began to hurt and his vision blurred, and he keeled over. "beck, what do you mean? nayru is... she's.. not.." he thought. he hadn't seen her in a while, but she was busy doing all those rituals, right? she was fine. she was okay.

nayru was gone. he felt light-headed, beginning to breathe too much, and then he passed out. it was quick and pathetic, as hyperventilating had deprived his brain of oxygen. he crumbled to the ground near stocking, useless.

Re: BAND-AID SOLUTIONS / 07.21 meeting - Morgan - 07-22-2018

Morgan stayed silent as he watched his Commander spit out his usual speech. On the canine's back was a tall tray with sticks poking out of the top; if one were to pull one of the sticks, it would come out with some vanilla ice cream. He simply waited until it was his turn to do his job, then stepped forward with a grin on his face. "I've got free ice cream!" he shouted, hoping to get anyone's attention.

He walked up to each of the Tanglers who had spoken already, floating some sticks of ice cream over to them as he passed by. The samoyed congratulated the promoted ones, nodding at each with a wagging tail. He stopped at Malphas next, but just as he was about to send a frozen treat his way, the feline collapsed. The tray fell off of the dog's back as he lunged forward to try catching Malphas, throwing a soft cushion of sparkling snow under the falling Tangler. "Malphas-- Malphas!"

Re: BAND-AID SOLUTIONS / 07.21 meeting - VIGENERE CIPHER. - 07-22-2018

Re: BAND-AID SOLUTIONS / 07.21 meeting - calliope - 07-24-2018

At first, the meeting seemed nice, given the promotions and welcomes. Mira decided to ignore the comment about the exiled member, despite the nervousness gnawing away at her. What if they came back? It wasn't like she could do anything. To take her mind off of it, she accepted the ice cream from Morgan, mumbling a quiet 'thank you.' That was when she noticed Malphas hyperventilating. Just as quick as she had gotten the treat, she had discarded it to focus on more important matters.

Oh no, no, no. This was bad. Really bad. Morgan had at least thrown a soft landing place out for him, which gave Mirabella a small bit of reassurance. "V-vignere! Is he breathing?" It was always important to check, especially considering that the nurse's breaths before he collapsed. She rushed over towards her two clanmates, considering that she'd do better helping as much as she could, rather than just sitting there and asking questions.
