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fly me to the moon - open, joining - Printable Version

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fly me to the moon - open, joining - splittingatoms - 07-22-2018

There were a lot of things that Split didn't know. But he did know that he didn't know a lot of things, which made it very easy to know everything. That's where folks got all tripped up, thinking they know stuff they don't. If Split found something he didn't know, he just had to figure it out! And he was very good at figuring things out.

Which is why Split had followed the land-ladder over the ocean for so long. The little kitten didn't know what a train was, had never heard of train tracks. But he did know what a ladder was, so upon finding the crisscrossing pattern along the dirt, he knew exactly what it was. He just didn't know why anyone would have a ladder on the ground.

And so he toddled along, a bit slow in his chubby youth but managing all the same. The ladder was sunrises long. It never ended, not even when Split could see larger land growing in the distance in the middle of the sea. He needed to find the end of this ladder. If he could get something this big to stand straight up into the sky, he might be able to achieve his dream.

But also he would need some help, because Split was very small and increasingly tired. Once he reached the island on the other side of the landladder, he promptly flopped over in a fluffy round lavender ball and mumbled, "Sleepy." He had probably earned a small rest since he was about to discover the answer to a great mystery. It was tough being so smart and so small.

Template by Quill

Re: fly me to the moon - open, joining - PINCHER - 07-22-2018

CAPTAIN PINCHER ROUX | resides in the typhoon and is the demigod of rough seas. he is a muscular dark gray jaguar with frigid glacier blue eyes, marked with scars and glowing tattoos. he is the head of the roux family and is currently engaged. he is known for being a charming strategist with dark secrets. be cautious around him. —— ⚓
Pincher once had a soft spot for children until he came to the cold realization of how impactful they could be if getting too close. He had not been this way in the beginning of his time, his dream of having children always sticking to him even when he would be out traveling about with his father. He dwelled in the idea of settling down and having a wonderful family, one that would bring joy and happiness into his life — something he had been missing for quite a while with the constant demands of his father and uncle. They had wanted him to move on from the "stupid idea" of actually being there for someone because both of them tended to sleep with strangers and then leave without much of a heartache, their hearts tainted with the idea that the ones they had "loved" were enough for them. Their hunger was unsatisfiable and they wanted Pincher to join in as well once he became mature enough, demanding that it would help him get used to taking and leaving, a disgusting plan they did everytime. He remembered seeing women sobbings and demanding for them to stay with him but the twin brothers never listened, only allowed cruel wicked smiles to lace their lips as they would simply push them away and head off into the horizon to continue their eternal journey of ambition.

Pincher had never wanted to be like them. He had fallen in love with someone, a lovely female with rich golden eyes and the voice that reminded him of the soft small waves that would crash against a shore. It was relaxing and every word flowed out like liquid. But that beauty slowly rotted like fresh fruit as time ticked away, her kindness shriveling up and exposing the dark flaws that Pincher tried so hard to love but couldn't. Then his firstborn sons, Theo and Donovan had been killed by bastards that had sought their blood and after that, Pincher was never the same. He became numb to the idea of love that he simply became what his father had wanted him to be. He would grow distant when many tried to seize him to take care of their children and he would run off before getting attached. That was until he became captain of the Typhoon and had children with Guru. Despite having it been only a one-time thing, he was grateful for her because she had brought him the children he had longed for yet had been afraid to admit in wanting. Coldblue and Goldenluxury were his pride and joy despite Blue holding a disdain for him, Pincher loved him nonetheless. Goldie's relationship with him was deep rotted with care and love for each other, always appearing affectionate and warm that had softened the cold heart of Pincher. He felt happy. And now he had a litter of daughters to take care of and hoped that he would be enough despite being incredibly busy most of the time.

For now, he was trekking through the ivory sandy hills of the beach that outlined the island, his vibrant calculative blue eyes locked onto the entrance of the island with his dark jaws clamped around an unlit cigarette. The demigod tended to visit the entrance more than usual because of the potential joiners arriving quite often now, a good progress he liked to see. He enjoyed seeing the diverse members that arrived and hoped that despite being seen as some stereotypical blood-thirsty criminals, that they weren't so bad...if you were one of them. The muscular towering figure of the jaguar stalked closer and caught sight of a small lavender colored ball of fluff, confusion lacing his facial features as he mumbled "What the fuck?" He forgot there tended to be various kinds of colored fur now so the wildcat blinked, leaning his head to softly bump his pale salmon pink nose against the child. "Hey half-pint. Wake up." Pincher ordered but not with as much as intensity he gave to his crewmates.

( welcome to the typhoon !! <3 )

Re: fly me to the moon - open, joining - splittingatoms - 07-22-2018

Split wasn't expecting a surprise attack. Which is maybe the entire point of surprise attacks, but nonetheless he didn't expect it. Upon feeling the nudge of a nose, the chubby kitten jumped up. Sort of.

Given the strength of his little legs and the momentum of his position, Split more of rolled over onto his back, where he flailed his paws like a beetle stuck upside down. "Don't attack! Just- wait, I gotta-" The fluff of his belly covered his face as Split tried to bend his upper half in a sit-up position. The end result was the kit managing to roll over sideways and push himself back up into proper form, so he technically achieved his goal.

Staring up at the much larger creature in front of him, Split blinked, then smiled. "Hi! I'm Sphit- Spiff- Shlip-" The kit suddenly sneezed with enough force to send flying a few tufts of fur that had been stuck in his mouth. He stared wide eyed into space as if his whole life had flashed before his eyes, but quickly recovered and looked back up at the jaguar.

"Hi! I'm Sp-li-ti-ng-a-to-ms."
Split pulled his name into way more syllables than necessary. It wasn't clear if it was for his own benefit or the other's. "It's good that you're a big friend. I need big help." Split gestured to the railroad tracks that he did not know were railroad tracks, completely unclear in his meaning.

Template by Quill

Re: fly me to the moon - open, joining - purgatory - 07-22-2018

Re: fly me to the moon - open, joining - MARCELLUS - 07-22-2018

HEARTFELT PROMISES { .:*・°☆ } ——— [size=10pt]TAGS
He had seen robots, other big cats, hell even domestic felines but never in his life had he seen a kitten. A lone kitten with no one else to turn to, come up to their borders. Where the hell did this kit even come from and how did he even manage the long walk through the Water? Oh well what mattered was that this kit was on the border now and needing some type of assistance. Or so he was asking Pincher. The king cheetah limped up to stay beside his Captain, looking down at the kit with confusion. "No one's gonna hurt you. Where did you come from, kid? What do you need?" He tried his best to maintain a calm and reassuring voice though he doubted this kid even needed the reassurance. He just walked a whole bunch of miles through water to get to the island The Typhoon resided on which on it's own was crazy for a young child. "If it helps, you may call me Marcellus. He gave the kid his name to help put a name to a face so he wouldn't be addressed as something formal like mister or some other crap.

Re: fly me to the moon - open, joining - VANDAL R. - 07-22-2018

Vandal has seen a lot of things but not too much to be satisfied. She's a seeker at heart, wants to see more, and a lavender ball of fur is certainly something she hasn't seen before. Granted, she's seen a lot of odd-looking creatures in her lifetime - gods, demigods, restless spirits, cherry-red wolves, pastel-colored cats - but never a lavender kitten. It should come as no surprise that the primarily black maned wolf is happily surprised by this discovery, bounding over to stand next to her taller brother and flashing the curious little thing a smile.

"S'great to meet ya, Sp-li-ti-ng-a-to-ms!" She gives the young little thing an enthusiastic bow, the glowing neon-green markings on her body burning brighter to match her words. The Typhoon seems to be getting more and more kids with each passing day - and, despite being a warbound group, she doesn't see much of a problem with it. Hell, she actually enjoys having them around. She's always liked kids, stunning as it might seem to others. "Vandal Roux, at your service! You're a cute one, ain't ya?"

Re: fly me to the moon - open, joining - splittingatoms - 07-23-2018

The site of even more friends rushing in was amazing. Split stared wide-eyed with a massive, open mouthed smile stretching his face. His plan would be super duper easy to complete with so many others to help!

First thing's first, he had to say hi. Introductions were important. Split waddled up close to Cronas and plopped down in front of him, then said, "Hi Cronas! Everyone that's nice is friend. What's a Pincher?" The kit made no correlation between the name and the large feline who had first greeted him. With the next two to appear, Split couldn't help but bounce a bit in excitement. Marcellus was very polite, kinda like a businessman, but Vandal reminded him of a charming prince. These were very fun new friends.

Split did his best to wear a serious expression even though he couldn't hide his smile as he turned to Marcellus to answer his questions. "I'm from way across this landladder!" The kitten gestured to the not-a-railroad that stretched across the sea, then quickly raised his front paws high above his head. Or, as high as he could reach, which wasn't very high because of his chubby stature. "And I need everyone to help me pick it up bigways!" Split didn't know the word for vertical, but hopefully his stance helped get the point across.

He placed his front paws back on the ground and kneaded them in excitement. "It's real real long so it might be heavy but everyone can help. When it's'not on the land it's'not a landladder, it's-" Split leapt up front sitting to standing on all fours, nearly toppling over but saving the motion, "-a skyladder! And it's so so big, I know 'cause I walked it, so it's def- defit- deef- it's long enough to work." Split gave up on pronouncing the word definitely, but the intent was there.

The little kit then began wiggling and bouncing a bit, unable to contain the excitement racing through his tiny form. "It's gonna be tall enough to get all the way to the moon! We gotta get this landladder upways so I- we can go to the moon!"  It took Split a moment to remember that others could also come with. He was happy to share his dream with his big friends.

////thanks everyone!!

Template by Quill

Re: fly me to the moon - open, joining - PINCHER - 07-25-2018

CAPTAIN PINCHER ROUX | resides in the typhoon and is the demigod of rough seas. he is a muscular dark gray jaguar with frigid glacier blue eyes, marked with scars and glowing tattoos. he is the head of the roux family and is currently engaged. he is known for being a charming strategist with dark secrets. be cautious around him. —— ⚓
Pincher couldn't help but fall in love for the kid. The way he had such innocence and wondered reminded him of when he had been a child with his life had just been adventure and curiosity about what the world offered. He guessed that was why he couldn't help but have a light smile on his dark muzzle as he stepped back to let the little child bounce around. Splittingatoms? What an odd name but as he mentally said it within his head, it sounded rather nice when you got used to rolling your tongue to the syllables. His jer black ear twitched as he noticed the others had arrived to greet the child and he noticed Cronas, Marcellus, and Vandal all greet the lavender colored child. Pincher leaned back onto his powerful back haunches and raised a back leg to scratch at an itch that irritated his neck.

He was rather pleased with seeing another child stumble into their crew because well, it was refreshing. Most needed some joy in their lives and children always were able to offer that or well most children. He listened to Splittingatoms begin to ramble about pulling the railroad tracks up to create a skyladder and Pincher's electric blue eyes widened at the idea as he smiled warmly as the captain chuckled "Oh no, we can't do that, Split. If we use the ladder then no one else can come see us." Pincher decided to go along with what the child believed in because why not. Despite being a rather serious stoic male, Pincher didn't mind playing along when he was in a good mood.

( i will die for split om gg )

Re: fly me to the moon - open, joining - bubblegum - 07-25-2018

[Image: tiny_pixel_goldie.png]
goldenluxury "goldie" roux — female — the typhoon — tags
the sickened girl was slowly but surely getting back into the groove of things. she knew she didn't have much choice but to rest now, which she hated. but, at least she was definitely getting better. she walked around with her eagle, sniffling and taking her time. lynn was practically her size and still very much growing, but he seemed determined to use her as a ride. which, normally she wouldn't mind, but right now, it hurt to have anything touch her back. that's where the worst of her burns were, after all.

goldie was brought by the sound of voices, particularly her papa's. she grew nervous being away from him too long anymore, even if she was attempting to be more independent. she gently prodded at lynn, the young harpy eagle quietly tweeting at her before following her next to her papa. she sat next to him, ears perking upward at splittingatom's explanation of a ladder.

the young girl seemed impressed. "you really got that big of a ladder? i wanna go to the moon!" she said quickly, kind of excited at the thought of it. that must be a really tall ladder. what if they fell off? "oh, it must be tirin' to climb, though!" the girl said next, glancing to the sky. yea - that'd be taller than the trees and the mountains. she looked back to the kitten, realizing she hadn't introduced herself. whoops. "m' name's goldenluxury roux, but most folks call me goldie! it's nice to meet ya!"