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butterfly knives / o, joining - Printable Version

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butterfly knives / o, joining - FLUX - 07-22-2018

One might think that a marsh would take some getting used to. It wasn't exactly an environment known for its cleanliness, for more reason than just the tendency of mud and algae to cling to anything or anyone who stuck their roots there. Marshes were the compost dumps of nature. It was where every stream and river dumped its swill to get filtered and made pretty and acceptable again, leaving all the filth behind in the swamp.

But for Flux this was love at first sight. The dusty grey cougar slunk along the thick roots of the wetland trees, making her way further into the shadowy environment. Swamps, marshes, whatever the name they went by they were gorgeous. It was where all of nature came together and melded into one. Just the thought tickled Flux, brought a wide smile to her lips that she couldn't contain. There was nothing more beautiful than a shared experience.

Unfortunately if Flux wanted to join in any kind of experience, she'd have to find some sentient creatures. Lichen wasn't nearly as fun to talk to. Against her instincts the cougar shook some of the dust from her pelt and stepped into the sunlight. Another creature might preen themselves and pull a silver shine from a dull grey coat, but Flux preferred to blend in. Muted colors made the more fantastic aspects of life shine brighter. Or something.

With a purr, Flux swept her golden gaze across her surroundings before letting out a scream. "Hey! Hey hey hey! Feelin' kinda lonely here, you swamp dudes planning a surprise welcome party or something?"

Re: butterfly knives / o, joining - aya - 07-22-2018

[div style="margin: 0 auto; width: 55%; font-family: arial; font-size: 11pt; text-align: justify;"]On this particular day, Aya was up in the trees of the swamp rather than the swamp itself. What she was doing was highly classified and absolutely not immoral in any shape or form, but whatever it was was cut short when she heard what to her sounded like someone in pain. Sliding down from the trees and landing somewhat sloppily in front of the panther, the tortoiseshell's yellow gaze flickered over her and found that she didn't look injured at all. Oh, Aya thought. That's just her voice.

"Hey, dusty. I'm Aya. Do you have a reason to be here or am I going to have to harvest your organs?" She was joking, probably. This was evident in her laugh afterwards, tail swishing as she waited for a response.

Re: butterfly knives / o, joining - Luciferr - 07-22-2018

But Heed this lesson well,
When the weak court death, They find it -

"Those organs would spoil in this heat - well unless you asked Morgan to set up a freezer" a second voice chimed in as the giant form of the char coloured canid joined aya appraising the stranger - possibly joiner given the words, hm.

/short sorry, but welcome ! c:

[sub]TANGLEWOOD - REGENT - TAGS - REF (9FT) - EXTREME[W]isker[/sub]

Re: butterfly knives / o, joining - SOCKING - 07-22-2018

✯ — if you don't fuck with us then motherfuck you
flux's scream had definitely roused stocking from where she had been truffling through the swamp in search of food for plip. though she had kept well away from the swamps given what had nearly happened last time she'd went searching for one of her stockings.

hissing in disgust for the mud that clogged her pawpads, and slowly making her way over to the gathered group, stocking's ears flickered in the direction of the duo tanglers.
"if you harvest any organs, please share with me," plip needed something to eat, after all. given that they were a carnivorous plant, a mutated one at that, stocking had no doubt that cougar organs would be something of a delicacy for the potted plant. she had grown fond of the plant, but finding food for it was a hassle. or maybe it could survive well enough on it's own for a few days without any food. she sure as hell knew nothing about plants.
✯ — female. tanglewood. moderate difficulty. REF. BIO. — ✯

Re: butterfly knives / o, joining - Morgan - 07-22-2018

"Enough of that," Morgan uttered as he stepped in. "We're supposed to welcome newcomers, not kill them." He turned toward Fenrisulfr and winked with a samoyed smile. "Besides, It takes far too much effort to make a freezer for something like that. We could fit some more useful things like fruit into one instead." The samoyed looked around before stepping toward the stranger, taking a moment to register her unique presence. "So, who are you? I'm Morgan, and these are Fenrisulfr and Stocking. I think Aya introduced herself already."

He turned back to look toward town before facing the newcomer once more. "I'm guessing you're here to join Tanglewood. If so, we can guide you to town. If not..." His voice trailed off; he had never really threatened a newcomer before, so he hadn't thought of a way to continue. "Well, it's nice to meet you anyway."

Re: butterfly knives / o, joining - calliope - 07-22-2018

Without hesitation, Mira had rushed over upon hearing a scream. Was someone hurt? Scared? She had to find out. The realization only hit her when she made it over to the situation; the stranger was just trying to get others over here. Geez, people shouldn't send off false alarms like that. Although, it seemed like the others took the whole thing worse than her, considering they were talking about harvesting her organs and all. Was it a joke? Probably, but still, it was worrisome.

"Uh - hey! Sorry about them!" Mira decided to apologize on their behalf, regardless of if  Flux had realized that it was probably just a joke. "My name's Mirabella. Welcome," she introduced herself, voice as nervous and rushed as usual. She wasn't entirely sure if this was a joiner or a passerby, but they'd figure out the situation soon enough.


Re: butterfly knives / o, joining - madster - 07-23-2018

after mira came malphas, her de facto mentor. malphas, too, had brought his medical supplies in fear that somebody was hurt, but she was fine and just screaming for no reason. had the radiation gotten to her or something? he heard the idle chatter and rolled his eyes. no wonder nobody wanted to join tanglewood, everybody here was a fucking lunatic. squinting, trying to prevent a headache from forming. "i'm malphas. nurse here." he grunted, aloof as always, but as he grew more confident in his occupation, he stopped directing people to iota. at the thought, he winced- he wished he could still tell people to go see nayru instead, but that was something that couldn't happen as she was gone.

Re: butterfly knives / o, joining - FLUX - 07-23-2018

Flux remained uncharacteristically quiet during the gradual introduction of the "swamp folks" that she'd called out. Golden irises flitted from one creature to the next, boring into them with an odd intensity as she tried to commit every detail of her new acquaintances to memory.  This was always the fun part of meeting new friends.

As Morgan finally approached, Flux relaxed her stare a bit to get through the greetings. "Name's Flux, though I don't mind being called Dusty" She gave a quick wink to Aya. "Also don't mind some nice organ harvests, really too bad I still need the ones in here." With a sharp laugh Flux patted her stomach.

The manic grin on Flux's expression softened a bit to get more serious. "Anyway yeah, I'm here to join. Nice to meet you all, Aya, Fenrisulfer, Stocking, and Morgan." Flux nodded to each of the others in time with their name, resting for a while on Morgan. She didn't know the ranks yet, but this Morgan sure seemed important.

At the sight of the next to rush over Flux immediately went back into study mode, though she quickly shook of her intense expression. This serval seemed a little too skittish to be staring too intently. How adorable. With a more natural grin, Flux nodded to Mira as well. "No worries hun. So nice to meet you, I'm Flux." The cougar was already enjoying her time here greatly, and by the time Malphas appeared next she felt entirely ready to meet the entire group. "Mmm nice to meet a nurse, I'm sure I'll be seeing plenty of you around here." Her tone made it completely unapparent whether she was planning on receiving or causing injury.