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fox in a bottle - open, joining - Printable Version

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fox in a bottle - open, joining - Hexane - 07-22-2018

✯ — take these broken wings and learn to fly
There was a certain type of exhaustion that came with death. Hexane was all too familiar with the feeling of inhabiting a lifeless body, but true death was different. It wasn't pain. It was a void, a collapse of reality that started in his marrow and crawled along the scaffolding of his bones. All at once, he was dead.

And then they were alive.

There was no buffer, no way to record any lag between life and death. It was a simple switch, off and on again, and despite the obvious existence of the passage of time they felt no lapse between moments. They felt no memory whatsoever.

A single image held to their mind; a six pointed figure, a formula, a name. Hexane. They were Hexane. There was no meaning to the name, no connection to shadowed whispers or curses. It was just a name. It was normal.

Perhaps less normal was the sudden itch of sand as they finally edged into consciousness. It didn't feel as sudden as it should have, likely because there were no preceding memories from which to form any context or lack thereof. The beach was simply where they were.

Light yellow eyes peaked open to harsh sunlight and instinctively closed again. It was enough for a wake-up call for Hexane to finally notice the rhythmic washing of waves over their lower half, the briny smell of the sea feeling only slightly less overwhelming than the sun.

It took quite some time for Hexane to finally stand. Slowly the sun became less of an intrusion and the chill of the ocean moreso, and at last the little white castaway fox pressed themself upwards and wobbled up the shoreline. Their steps felt new. Somehow a fully grown fox held all the muscle memory of a newborn deer.

Finally away from the water but still too tired to clean up any, Hexane sat only partway up the beach and lifted their gaze to the nature beyond. None of it was familiar. The trees, the sea, the snowy pelt caked in sand. Everything down to the way they saw the world was entirely new.

With not even the knowledge of how to hope, Hexane opened their mouth. "Hello?" They weren't sure if they expected an answer, and the fur above their eyes wrinkled in an uncertain expression. "I'm. . . Lost."


Re: fox in a bottle - open, joining - MirrorEdge - 07-22-2018

Thea had been wandering, the much-too-bubbly leopard seeming to perk up at the sight of a stranger, only for her face to fall at the mention he was lost. So... not a trespasser, or somebody who'd engage her in a fight. The young leopard was slowly learning when not to and when to ask somebody to spar, even if the rate at which she was learning was a bit slow.

"Lost?" Her head tilted, and she quickly made her way over, offering the stranger that same, almost unnatural, smile. "Hi, anyways! I'm Thea! Who're you?" Tempted to barrage them with more questions such as fighting ability, she struggled to veer onto a path that, say, Suiteheart or Margaery would take. "This is the Ascendents, by the way! Nice to meet you!"

Perhaps in another life, they would've known each other. But then again, thoughts such as that usually had no place in Thea's mind. So for now, she offered Hexane a smile. Because if you smiled, it would be alright.

Re: fox in a bottle - open, joining - Margaery - 07-22-2018

The complexities of life and death were often lost on Margaery. To her, both extended a certain type of possibility- a new start or a brief slumber. She knew she only saw life and death in that light because of her immortality, immune to true death so long as a certain, unnameable weapon stayed lost, and would be the first to admit that she had long since blurred the lines between the two. Why wouldn't she have? Pain was just a simple compromise made to start her cycle anew, and while it was agonizing to die at times, her soul never remained in limbo for very long. Life. Death. They had become synonymous to her over the course of a thousand years.

It was not often that she contemplated those things though, seeing her soul's condition as nothing more than mundane and normal after such a long period of time. It didn't seem worth it to even try to delve into the far more extensive and unknown facets of her own immortality - her limits, she meant - either, which is why she dismissed the briefly forming thought in favor of a faint smile.

Another joiner? They certainly seemed to have received quite an influx as of late. Admittedly, she didn't quite know if this stranger had the intent to join, but most who did stumble upon their territory lost and even confused ended up joining their ranks. [b]"My name is Margaery Mikaelson, love," The Cosmic General greeted easily, "Where were you headed before you got lost?"

Re: fox in a bottle - open, joining - Beverly Resurgam. - 07-22-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 500px; text-align: justify; font-family: verdana; font-size: 13px;"]It seemed a lot of people were washing up on the beach of the Ascendants. Even Beverly had, though you could argue that she came upon their beach with a purpose, rather than simply being lost.

When Beverly had been born into this body, she was memory-wiped of everything that came before. All other forms, all other lives, it was gone. Because of this, she knew nothing of the concept of death, though she often wondered what it meant. She liked to believe that the stars were the spirits of those passed, and when stars burned out and died, that was them being reincarnated.

The short feline approached shortly after Margaery, standing by her side and looking over the fox. He looked confused, to say the least. "So, does being near the Ascendants territory just make everyone, like, lose their sense of direction?" she questioned jokingly. "Whatever. I'm Beverly, you can call me Bev." She didn't say anything more, just awaited a response to Marg's question.

Re: fox in a bottle - open, joining - Luciferr - 07-22-2018

And the sky was littered
with the corpses of stars,

"well in my defence I'd dint so much as lose direction as rather hurtle to the earth" The God King hummed as he made his way over to them and this newest addition - a kitsune? Unbidden a memory of his youngest nephew, Jericho, momentarily overplayed that before he shook himself.

Death was a funny thing to he and his kin,

Oh yes they could die, as hard as it was to kill them - but they didn't cease

They were not allowed to - for if they were to cease entirely, so would their embodiment and the creator-creature of old he was half of its soul, he and his sister alone were exempt from any final ceasing.

No matter how tired or how weary their soul grew,

They would ever live.

He'd thought perhaps that death against the thing that had so tormented he and his family might cause it - for the beast was Anathaema to all and thus perhaps exempt to that rule,

Nay it seemed,

He was merely displaced across dimensions once more, landing amid strangers.

Perhaps a similar fate to the rest brought here by mysterious happenstance, who knew.

The star speckled feline inclined his head to the stranger - lost he said, as too many were nowadays.


Re: fox in a bottle - open, joining - Suiteheart - 07-22-2018

"What's that old saying? You have to lose yourself to find yourself?" Suiteheart inquired, catching Beverly's question as she neared the growing group. An amused, sideways grin marked her pink lips. She let a light chuckle roll passed her maw as Anzarel quipped back.

She came to a halt beside Thea and Margaery, casting her ocean eyes on Hexane. The expression the kitsune wore was troubling. Something wrong had obviously befallen them. They seemed confused about everything that was happening, and while Suite knew being lost condoned those emotions, it seemed Hexane's uncertainty went far deeper than that. A worried look dripped into her delicate features.

"I'm Suiteheart," she greeted, allowing a small smile to surface. "You feel okay, dude?" she asked, voice gentle. She hated to be adding to the questions already thrown their way, but she needed to make sure Hexane wasn't ill - after all, that might be making things worse.

[b]suiteheart folie-mikaelson . ecliptic admiral . the ascendants . tags
© [color=black]MADI

Re: fox in a bottle - open, joining - | AGENT WASHINGTON | - 07-23-2018

[Image: tumblr_o5qz24I7UM1ubj5sjo1_500.gif]

Water wasn't his strong suit. Being someone as big as he was, there was no reason for him to go and try to swim just yet. He remembered when his comrade came out of the water. He remembers his comrade walking to the water after her hallucinations and calling out. Basically screaming. Water didn't exactly bring him any sort of good memories. Even during his time in the army, the water wasn't exactly happy memories. Enemies could be hiding in the water. The water could not be safe to drink. He was on his daily patrols, and the lion should probably be resting but he didn't give a damn anymore. Too many things had happened recently and he needed to keep himself mobile so that he didn't go insane. The Freelancer came up near the rest of the group but kept his distance from everyone else. The helmet that he wore hiding his face completely and his eyes were simply on the sand covered fox that was there. Her voice didn't sound all that familiar so he doubted that he knew her as someone like him from the beginning. He flicked his ears inside of his helmet as he sat himself down. His left arm in a splint despite the armor that surrounded it. he had refused to not wear the armor on his arm and so they had to manipulate the splint around it. "Agent Washington." Everyone seemed to have answered all of the females questions anyway. The Freelancer spoke in a tired deadpanned tone like he usually did when introducing himself. The former human said nothing else as he waited to see where the situation would go. "speech"
Tags | Updated 06/26/18:

Re: fox in a bottle - open, joining - Hexane - 07-24-2018

✯ — take these broken wings and learn to fly
Maybe it was fate that the first to greet Hex was a kind young leopard. Hexane was almost certain some kind of survival instinct should warn them against a stranger getting too close, but no such thoughts could form at Thea's appearance. Her smile sent away any possibility of concern. This was a safe place.

Unfortunately they were so caught up in the comfort of their new friend that they forgot to respond before there was suddenly an array of characters surrounding them.

Hexane could only take in about half of what was said to them; the sights and sounds were still a bit too much. They squinted their eyes again and shook their head a bit, trying to cleanse the palate of their sensory input, before looking back up and directing their answers to the empty space between all of the creatures.

"Uh- Hexane. I'm Hexane. I'm. . . fine, just. . . don't remember much." Or anything. They shook their head again slightly before a though occurred to them: greetings. Right. Looking back up to meet the eyes of each of the others in turn, they added, "Nice to meet you all." Realistically they'd likely be seeing more of each other. Not like Hex had anywhere else to go.


Re: fox in a bottle - open, joining - MirrorEdge - 07-24-2018

Thea's smile grew a bit wider as Hexane spoke, something about the voice almost comforting. Something itched in the back of the young Fireball's mind, but she pushed it away. Paws slowly shifted in the sand, and she was quick to adjust her stance so it was more stable. "Hexane's a pretty name. I like it!"

For now, she tilted her head, Beverly's question having risen a few more questions, taking the words to heart. "Really? The territory makes you do that? It didn't do that to me. Huh." Whiskers twitched as she looked back to the fox, as if they could provide the answers she seeked.

Re: fox in a bottle - open, joining - Suiteheart - 07-24-2018

"Oh, you must be pretty lucky then, Thea," Suiteheart mused, her attention falling on the snow leopard cub. It was rare moments like this that Suite would remember children could still be children. A good handful were raised cynically these days. Most children were born and raised around tragedy after tragedy that they rarely ever got to be kids.

Returning her ocean eyes to Hexane, the white feline allowed a puzzled expression to slip onto her features. They didn't remember anything, huh? That was troubling. Memory was a fickle thing; it wasn't easy to control. She had had issue after issue with her own memory. "Sorry about that, man," she said, a slight frown twisted on her maw. She paused a beat, allowing for a warm grin to replace her frown. "You're more than welcome to stay with us, if you'd like, while you wait for your memories to return. We'd be happy to have you."

[b]suiteheart folie-mikaelson . ecliptic admiral . the ascendants . tags
© [color=black]MADI