Beasts of Beyond

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[align=center][div style="borderwidth=0px; text-align: justify; width: 520px; padding-bottom: 17px; overflow: stretch; font-family: verdana;"]The island was felt bare that night, a cold chill resting between the undergrowth, sweeping the sands dry. But on that wind, sea breeze and tropical, there was a storm. It ruined all of the progress of the wind, wetting every inch of the Typhoon's territory. Rochelle sat in all of it, feeling the coldness for once, feeling like her body was being stripped away until their was nothing but her and the water. It's how it should be, she thought at least. But there was a calling to her, the rain storm brought on a rumbling feeling inside her heart, like the downpour was coming from within her.

It was time. Her eyes glanced downwards, lips parted, taking in a shaky breath. She was in a trance, walking towards Haven Island with a sway in her gait. The jungle juice was waiting for her when she arrived, stepping underneath a willow tree, feeling the embrace of it, sheltered from the torrential rain above. She was so unfocused, mechanical, almost, as she swigged the liquid down, tasting the brine and the jungle elements dance upon her tongue. To others, it was bitter, but Rochelle closed her eyes in satisfaction, rather, feeling harmonized with the organic nature of the juice. And in one overwhelming wave, she began to cry. The wolf had been trying to keep it down, tried to shelter her fear and anxiety. She was afraid, terrified of the memories that would come to haunt her once the juice put her to sleep. So she sobbed, curing up by the trunk of the tree. Alone. She felt like a little girl that lost her mother ... and deep down ... that's who she knew ... she ... truly ... was ...

The sound of the rain slapping the earth around her seemed to ease up, and a humid warmth filled the air surrounding her. Her body felt soft, small, sleepy. Had she slept through the whole night? Had the juice not worked? Trembling, quivering, she opened her eyes. She saw her mother. Dread seized her entire body, the other wolf towered beside her strangely, smiling warmly back at her. Was Rochelle ... a pup again? "Oh Rochelle ... my sweet Roe ..." The tawny wolf murmured, nestling the words into her ear softly. Rochelle closed her eyes, full of happiness. The entrance ritual had treated her well after all, taking her back to the past, yes, but of a time in history she remembered fondly.

"Oh Rochelle, won't you give your papa a smile?" Papa. She never did remember him, would she finally learn who he was. Without hesitation, she opened her eyes up towards the voice, and she could feel the rain outside getting louder again. No, she was about to wake up! Blinking, the image cleared, and she was on Haven Island again. Her heart sank, though it jumped even further down when she saw who had spoken to her, her father, was still there. She knew this man ... this god. Hydris, a god of evil ... of pollution and sickness, the true devil. "My Rochelle ... you were born to be a feisty one, just like your pops ..." His voice was unsettling deep, staring holes into the cowering wolf. Rochelle couldn't take this ... was he ... was he truly her father?

Unable to cope, she lashed out. She charged the male, lashing out. He did nothing, and she went at him, rabid, selfish, destructive, evil. It wasn't until she opened her eyes through the terror, the anger, that she saw her claws grasped at nothing, sitting in a puddle. It was daylight ... the skies had cleared from the storm before, but shallow pools of rainwater had built up. All Rochelle could see was ... Rochelle. It was like this other being was looking back at her, someone ... different. Anger in her eyes, no remorse ... she was looking at a monster. The umber furred lupine swallowed thickly, looking up and gathering her surroundings. The night on Haven Island was complete, but she wasn't sure if all of her had survived. There was a slice of her identity that was dead now ... the child of a murderer and a vile god. It was like an appendage that needed to be taken off of her.

So she walked back to Paradis Island, haunted like a ghost. Her eyes were staring blankly ahead of her, a hollow shell. She needed to rid herself of this burden, send it off to sea for it to be reclaimed by the gods and returned to the ocean. Stepping back into camp, she popped the cork of the bottle, laid out the paper, and wrote the simple message: Rochelle, daughter of Hydris, god of evil and pollution. She returned the paper to the bottle, and gently laid it on the coastline, allowing the water to retrieve it, and steadily take it to the depths of the ocean. Once she could no longer see it, she closed her eyes, trying to find her peace between the waves.

At once she turned back towards the camp and said, "From now on, I would like it if everyone could just call me by my last name, Fischer. Please ..." The girl inhaled sharply, honey eyes now wet with tears as her words came out, almost begging, " ... please don't call me Rochelle ... please." She bit down on the inside of her mouth, lips trembling as her eyes averted the gazes she was sure she would get. The name Rochelle was far too much of a burden to keep any longer, it was something she should've changed before she even got to the Typhoon. Fischer was ... was allowed to escape the sins of the past. Fischer felt she would finally be able to be welcomed in the eyes of the gods.


Fischer. It seemed like someone else completed their initiation. It seemed odd to change your name to Felix, your name was who you were. Yet, if Fischer didn't wish to be addressed as Rochelle anymore, who would he be to say no? He knew what it was like to want to part with your past.

Only, Felix would not part with his past. No, he wore it like a mantle, always there to remind him of what he is, what he must do. It's a painful reminder, but perhaps that means that he will never forget it. "Fischer? Hmmm... It suits you. Felicitations." He mirrors the pun that she used after he'd finished the ritual, offering what he hopes is a reassuring smile. She looks distressed, yes, but he also doesn't know where to start with that either. So offering congratulations and what might be classed as bad humour is the best he can do.


[Image: tumblr_opwgzxenNS1tvso1qo1_540.gif]
[div style="background-color: #210808; color: #9B5151; font-family: arial; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: 1px; text-align: justify; overflow: auto; width: 500px; height: 340px; padding: 10px;"]Seeing Rochelle return from the isle, and knowing that Rochelle had been there for her, Deldrach rose, padding over. It was warm out here, with the sun rising overhead. She chuffed gently as she drew closer, then paused a respectful distance away as she spoke. Deldrach blinked. Fischer. Her steady eyes watched Fischer's own, her head turning away as people looked on. Deldrach let a rumble exit from her throat, padding closer.

"We can most certainly do at least that much. Let me know if you need anything." Deldrach didn't have much to offer, but to pay her back for the comfort back on that day- then Deldrach would do that much. She sat, offering a shoulder if Rochelle needed it. Her steady eyes flickered towards Felix, then away, knowing he'd probably start acting weird all over again if she kept looking at him.


You will always be a monster, there is no turning back from it.
But what type of monster you become is entirely up to you -

From where Lucifer resided toward the back of the gathering group as the fem called out her request, the great black inclined his head and nodded "I'll no defame your choice of name, its important after all" goodness knows Lucifer had many and had worn others and discarded them when he no longer was that creature he'd been cavorting as.

Vaako, Visceral, Abyss, Khabeleth - many names for many lives and many unknowing his true name, Luciferus Grimm, Lucifer, a name his mother had given him and one he would always be true to.

names were an important commodity - they had meaning and power.



Blue is his own way.

The young tomcat strolls over with a rather disinterested expression, though anyone with sharp enough eyes could spot the curiosity glimmering within his frigid blue gaze. "Sure, not like I knew you before anyways." He shrugs noncommittally. Blue likes to play at being a jerk, even if he isn't as mean as he pretends to be. It's just easier to keep everyone at a distance this way--he has never had a friend besides his sister and his aunt, and he is not about to start now. At least, that is what he tells himself to soothe the pain of having zero people who like him outside of his family. With parents like Pincher and Guru, it is amazing that his sister Goldie has any social skills at all. Coldblue definitely got the unsociable dickwad genes from both of his parents.

With a huff, the youth finally seems to get over himself and begins to warm to the idea of talking to people he is unfamiliar with. Coldblue is like an old car: it grinds and groans when you first start, but as the engine starts to run and the machinery begins to warm, it runs without a problem until the next time you need to start the damn thing. Not that anyone around here knows what a car is, anyways.

"My name is Coldblue Roux," he says, considerably a lot friendlier than he was just moments before. Goldie would be upset with him if he did not at least try to make friends, or whatever. "It's nice to meet you. Congrats' on completing the initiation." While it is not entirely genuine, it is clear that Blue is attempting to be kind or something to that degree. Mostly, he's just glad that he was born here and never had to bother with the stupid ritual.


HEARTFELT PROMISES { .:*・°☆ } ——— [size=10pt]TAGS
His ritual ceremony just like almost everyone else's, was the worst experience of his life. Besides from actually living out. Every step he took on that island from now on only haunted him with the experience he had that taunted and tormented him. He was mostly recovering now but other than that he had been a total wreck and frankly wasn't planning on ever staying on that island unless his life depended on it. Even then he'd probably be too hesitant. A part of him would of rather died than deal with the pain that the island had bring to almost anyone who stopped soil on it. He didn't know frankly if it was that juice or the island that did that stuff to him and he also really didn't want to know or find out. The king cheetah was done with that island and all he could wish for was the best for anyone who had to go and complete their ritual since that must of been a really painful experience. For now however, Marcel would enjoy his Haven Island free life comfortably, enjoying how he wouldn't have to stay on that island ever again. He would fight back if someone forced him to stay their.

Marcellus was curled up in his little shack, his head resting comfortably on his paws with his tail tip tucked neatly under his neck. His eyes were closed tight and shut, the light of sunrise beginning to shine through the shack and onto his spotted and splotched coat. Today he wanted to sleep in but he had been woken up by the voices nearby, his eyes narrowing to shut even more before he finally opened them in frustration. Looks like today wasn't his day to sleep in. The king cheetah made his way to his door where he pushed it open to see Rochelle and a few others. He could clearly see the emotions she bore on her face and instantly he was shocked, thinking something bad had happened for a moment until he got closer and heard her request. A new name? Was it really that bad? The male walked over to her side where he sat down. "You're a crewmate now. Congratulations, Fischer." He was approving and accepting of the name change, besides he had no right to disapprove. He didn't know Fischer on a personal level but he would like to for sure. "Well do you need anything? Food? Water?" He could tell that the wolf was really shaken up so he would offer to get her anything that she may need right now.