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as tave myliu [open/joining] - Printable Version

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as tave myliu [open/joining] - adomania - 07-21-2018

[align=center][div style="borderwidth=0px; width: 55%; line-height:115%; text-align: justify;font-family: calibri;"]"As tave myliu."

Soft paws carried the child through the land, firm and determined despite the small size of who they were attached to: a small, scarred body, looking half dead from both exhaustion and infection, dull eyes invisible under a skull that hid them from sight. It had been weeks, now. Perhaps even months, actually, Myliu had long since lost track of time and could only really tell that his age was three months now.

"As tave myliu."

As tave myliu. The first and last words ever spoken to him, the only ones he knew, the ones he based his entire identity off of despite not even knowing their meaning. It was sad that he could not recall who it was who said them to him. Perhaps it was a mother? An aunt? Sister, maybe, but in all reality it could have been some stranger for all Myliu recalled of them.

He remembered them dying, but not much else, murmuring that phrase over and over again until it was all that the child could remember.

As tave myliu.

Three words that kept him alive despite the fact that he couldn't even speak them. Three words that made the pain alright. Three words that the child would take to the grave, if someone did not come to see him soon enough, for his paws were getting tired, and the wounds were getting worse, and the sentence was starting to sound like the call of the heavens rather than that of reality as he continued to stumble through the territory, looking for something he could not even understand.

Re: as tave myliu [open/joining] - GABRIEL - 07-22-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 500px; text-align: justify; font-size: 9.4pt; line-height: 1.4;"]There were so many kids abandoned to the world, dragged through the fire and expected to find their own feet when they'd no model to rely on, or anything to take hold of for support. Gabe had been lucky as a child to have his mother, along with his many sisters; other children were completely alone, with no concept of warmth or home, who knew life only as a war to survive rather than a path capable of sunlight. When he saw Lazarus the first time, the day before he'd given himself over to the eggheads because he'd lost the ability to keep on going, what he felt was- tumultous. He'd admired the kid's determination, his spark, but in the same breath recognized that he had no choice but to be fierce. The blaze in Lazarus' eyes was forged and lit by the cruelty of a planet that would rather favor the already loved than the deserted. It wasn't easy for anyone, he knew that, but terms like "simple" and "difficult" didn't factor into the day-to-day of a survivor. It was a single-minded focus, like tunnel-vision.

So he would do what he could to give Lazarus a chance to smell the roses he'd never seen before, to show him how to ask and receive rather than demand and take. He deserved another chance, and while Gabriel knew that he would never completely leave behind the grime and grit of a childhood on the streets, Laz would at least recognize that it was in the past. That he had a future. Not everyone was so lucky, and there were many nameless faces lost, unremembered. If he were capable, he would spare them all, but he was one man, and he'd already learned that fighting the world was a battle lost before it began.

They were sober thoughts, and would occasionally plague him when the old familiar fatigue burdened his spirit. He couldn't go for a run as he used to -damn talons- so instead, he would take to the sky, instinctively chasing air currents and gliding with them. Rarely would he look down, but when he did, he rarely found anything of note. This time, however, his keen gaze found a small figure, and when he lowered, the image became clearer. It was a canine child, battered and wandering. Gabe didn't hesitate to take the plunge, not caring for how his landing wasn't as graceful as it could have been, eyes only for the wounded creature. Gabe lowered himself to appear smaller, tucking his wings in and hiding his talons as best he could to seem unthreatening.

"Hey, chiquito. Slow down there, huh? Will you let me help you? Déjame ayudarte." The hybrid spoke lowly, not quite softly but not at a regular pitch, either.

Re: as tave myliu [open/joining] - adomania - 07-22-2018

[align=center][div style="borderwidth=0px; width: 55%; line-height:115%; text-align: justify;font-family: calibri;"]It was how life looked like these days, it seemed. Families were displaced whether it was willingly or not, through death or abandonment, and the children who managed to survive rarely ever turned out alright. Perhaps Myliu was too young to understand it yet, to have the events that had transpired have a great impact on him as of yet, but that hardly meant that the child wouldn't face the repercussions of memories he soon would understand later on. He had already been forced into a role that shouldn't have ever been his to begin with, and the scars that marked his body both small and large were a testament to that.

Myliu was one of the faceless, one of the many children who couldn't even remember their own name before they were shoved into the world on their face and told to 'grow up.' It was either that or die, and despite not understanding it... living was still an instinct. No one wanted to die. Myliu didn't want to die, as he didn't want others to die as well.

Gabriel's sudden appearance was far from expected, especially from a child who had yet to truly comprehend the meaning of 'up.' He had been staring straight ahead, minding his own business and trying to find someone ahead instead, and when 'ahead' suddenly brought into sight a strange creature that looked like it all but crashed out of nowhere, it was only normal that the child fell back with a sharp, startled cry, then proceeded to try and make himself look bigger in contrast even as Gabriel tried to do the exact opposite.

Myliu was hardly threatening, even with the small skull mask covering his features. He barely reached to Gabriel's torso while trying, let alone if he hadn't been, but still he tried because it was the only thing he knew. With claws unsheathed Myliu backed up, mind racing with options that sounded far more favorable than staying here and getting eaten...

Then relaxed the moment that Gabriel spoke.

It had been... so long since he had heard another voice, one that wasn't actively threatening and screamed danger. A soft whine escaped him, fur lying back down as he tried to understand what it was being said to him, but finding he couldn't Myliu gave up trying and instead focused on the sounds, nose scrunching up underneath the mask as he opened up his maw for what seemed like ages to speak, voice hoarse with obvious misuse.

"Ayu... ayudarte," the child murmured softly, trying the foreign sounds out with an innocence that could only be attributed to something of his age. Perhaps he had been left alone, perhaps he was lost... but he was too young to understand it all, happily taking in the fact that there was a big creature infront of him speaking things that Myliu had never heard of before. He didn't know what these words meant (none of them, not just the Spanish) but they sounded nice, and the man... he didn't sound as threatening as he looked like, nor as threatening as any of the others that Myliu had met in his short life.

With a soft huff, Myliu sat himself back up on stubby legs, determined to waddle closer over to where Gabriel was to peer up at him from underneath the skull that adorned his head. He wished he could talk, at that moment, to be able to tell the man that he didn't understand and that he was tired, and that the woman he remembered was far away and he was trying to find help for her. She had been sad, that much Myliu could tell, and despite not knowing her he didn't wish for her to be sad.

Instead, all he could convey where a few more soft huffs and grunts, noises that meant nothing to the outside world but everything to him, as he finally achieved his goal in moving closer to where Gabriel was and all but flopping forward to softly chew on one of the talons he had been trying to hide.

Re: as tave myliu [open/joining] - GABRIEL - 07-22-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 500px; text-align: justify; font-size: 9.4pt; line-height: 1.4;"]People were fragile in that way, susceptible to the grasp of decay and to the various distortions of personality that led someone to believe it was of no issue to leave a child alone- or worse, those who enjoyed the prospect of cruel suffering. In his time spent with the small band of people attempting to make a difference, he'd stared at many such people, although he'd also seen those who were at a complete loss, their spirits adrift in search of purpose. He hadn't realized he would become one of them, but such was the toll of life. It manifested in a multitude of forms; some were driven to lashing out at those around, some fell to their listlessness, and others burned out as Gabriel had. As despicable as it was for a person to abandon a child, he would not claim that the issue began and ended with that individual. If only it did. Blame would be so much easier to place, and there would not be as many shades of gray embalming them all. Then again, Gabriel had accepted years ago that nothing worth having would be simply earned.

It wasn't like that for the lost children, though, who had no real capability of independence, merely shadows of it. Lazarus had autonomy in providing for himself, yes, but independence involved a degree of choice-making. In terms of survival, the only other choice was death, which was no decision at all.

He was impressed by this child's tenacity, as he had been with Lazarus'. There were a few odd characteristics -why the mask?- but hell, Gabe was a walking hybrid of two creatures who were hardly the sort to tango with one another. He was one of the last people who would dish out criticism over a physical attribute, especially when Laz had those two little antler nubs sprouting by his ears. A worn skull wasn't the strangest thing he'd come across, even on a child.

The hybrid observed carefully as the boy puffed himself up, doing his best to appear more threatening; it was a valiant effort, but if Gabriel had wanted to eat or harm him, he would have only been amused. Instead, onyx eyes lowered slightly, warm yet heavy with a cryptic emotion. A moment later and they cleared, focusing once more, catching the uncertainty, and when he echoed part of Gabe's words, it occurred to him that the boy might not understand much of either language. If he could at least reply in them, he did not, although he didn't seem discomfited by the owl-cat's voice. He would have to find another way to communicate with him regardless. "Yes, ayudarte." Gabe nodded, and intended to guide the canine to camp for one of their many medical-experienced members to take a look, but before he could make an attempt, the pup meandered toward him, oddly endearing for an injured child wearing a bone mask.

He emitted a series of sounds, huffs that Gabriel assumed were intended to convey something, but of course he couldn't interpret. Not to mention he was a bit preoccupied with the small teeth suddenly at his talons. Why'd he have to go and pick the sharpest parts of him? He'd have been fine if the kid gnawed on his leg. Incredibly cautious, he gently removed the talons from the boy's grasp. "You can chew on those later, kiddo." He wouldn't understand, but Gabe had to say something for himself, at least, and he gave the wolf a thoughtful glance. The hybrid couldn't have him walking back, not with his little paws in that condition, and taking him by his scruff wasn't possible with his beak. All he could think of was carrying him, and Gabriel wasn't entirely confident in the outcome of that. Still, he had to try.

Gabe shifted around, and crouched down lower, to a height he hoped the child could work with. His head twisted -that part was all owl- to tap at part of his back with his beak, attempting to beckon the pup up.


Re: as tave myliu [open/joining] - Luciferr - 07-22-2018

And the sky was littered
with the corpses of stars,

it was a cruel world that hurt children and left them bereft.

He and his kin in their rule had always sought to make sure their dominion was safe for those lost - where homes could be found, or if not, they in their long lives would foster them for a time until there was when they could be spared from the front lines with their people,

Sadly that had never been often in that almost never ending conflict - and far too many a tragedy had left too many a young despairing youth in its wake.

Anzarel for all that some might call him cold and others had sneered the title of executioner at him - they could never understand the burden he took up willingly, he would spare his sister their scorn if only to bear it upon his shoulders, a self proclaimed atlas that they all were in their own ways - Anzarel like many of the grimms had a very large soft spot for children.

And often given their lifespan that extended to most mortal's in truth - but it always hurt them to get close only to know they'd one day watch them fade.

Mortal's burnt so brightly and brilliantly, but all fires faded and died.

Anzarel came upon the two with an old sadness in his eyes, the ancient entity shaking his head silently with a look to Gabriel "we should get him settled - I can double back to get a room ready - and find a medic for him" he'd seen too many like this child, he'd seen his eldest nephew like this child once - haunted and exhausted back from his ordeal.

If he could help, he would do his best.


Re: as tave myliu [open/joining] - adomania - 07-22-2018

[align=center][div style="borderwidth=0px; width: 55%; line-height:115%; text-align: justify;font-family: calibri;"]There was very little that Myliu understood of this world, limited to what he had learned in three months trying to fend for himself. It was why the prospect of danger was the one thing the child was fully experienced in, and why, despite having willingly fell forward to chew on any part of Gabriel he could get his jaws on, he wasn't keen on getting close to the beak.

He didn't understand what it meant to help, didn't understand that some people did not wish for his untimely death. It was never that simple, and although Myliu had yet to learn the ideas of deception and trust, wariness was engraved into his mind, a reflex that made him back up the moment Gabriel knelt down lower and twisted around to attempt to goad the child into climbing up onto his back. But he had no eyes for his back, no eyes for the attempts to help. Instead, the child's piercing gaze remained fixed on Gabriel's beak, lips pulled back into a semblance of a snarl that was hidden underneath the mask.

In retaliation (or whatever it could be called), Myliu returned to nibbling on Gabriel's leg instead, as the talons were apparently off limits, and he didn't want to test his luck by biting them again.

Anzarel's appearance did very little to calm him down, for as the towering creature appeared Myliu's huffing turned into a low growl deep in the child's stomach, gaze settled firmly on him with obvious distrust even as he continued to remain attached to Gabriel by the teeth, bite increasing in intensity as the wariness settled in and transformed into the need to defend himself even though the hybrid was not the source of the anxiety, nor a good candidate for chewing to begin with. Both of them could easily kill him, and the realization made his growl louder... even though he still refused to detach himself from the nearest chewable surface.