Beasts of Beyond
WHITE NOISE // O, CAPTURED - Printable Version

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WHITE NOISE // O, CAPTURED - vvintersoldier - 03-25-2018

Vladimir thought he finally did the right thing. He stayed in camp like Amunet wanted him to do, he really learned his lesson when he got caught by her when he tried sneaking out. When she had ambushed him, it honestly made him livid and the same time terrified. He wasn't sure why he didn't notice her sneaking up on him, or her scent, but her claws grabbing onto shoulders was enough to send chills down his spine. He didn't want to go through that again, so he stayed under her tree, believing he was truly alone.

But oh god, he was wrong, he was so wrong. He thought he was safe, but he was still at his most vulnerable. He was alone, Amunet no where to be seen(by his clanmates, of course). It caught him by surprise when he was ambushed, his heart rate increasing by the double. Vladimir tried to put up a fight, but in the end, Guru had ended up being superior. As how would a blind cougar actually win? Vladimir was dragged away the moment he got knocked out, taken by Guru to head back to the Typhoon- as a prize.

By the time anyone arrives, Vladimir and Guru were long gone. All what was left of Vladimir was his maroon bandana, and his scent that was quickly fading.

Re: WHITE NOISE // O, CAPTURED - Guru - 03-25-2018

<3 thanks, tracking

Re: WHITE NOISE // O, CAPTURED - charrie graveyard - 03-26-2018

[Image: 1adbe8e3-307c-11e8-af75-13667c5d2789.gif]
He wasn't supposed to be out this far. Honestly, the boy hadn't meant to wonder all the way out here, he had just been trying to find a cool tree he had climbed the other day when he found himself lost in the territory. Lance started to wonder if he should try and turn back when he came across a red bandanna, lying on the ground. The scent of Tanglewood and another he couldn't identify hung in the air. Although it could be nothing, Atlanticpaw felt a pit form in his stomach. He had a feeling that this hadn't been just a friendly visit from another group. "S-Someone help! Something bad happened! I think another group took a clanmate!" The boy yelled as loud as he could, hoping at least one person had heard him.

Re: WHITE NOISE // O, CAPTURED - Belladonna - 03-26-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 450px;; text-align: justify"][size=8pt]Oh no.

She heard Atlanticpaw's yowls from a while away, but she raced on light paws to the scene, skidding to a halt, as she spotted his bandana. "Vladimir... it's gotta be the Typhoon," she mewed, recalling Beck's words at the meeting. Glancing around, she called out, "Someone get Beck and Amunet!" Beck was obvious, but Amunet? mainly for the fact that nobody was closer to Vlad than her. And she was going to be furious.



Belladonna was right on one thing, she was fucking furious. The jaguaress would approach the scene with both of her curved ears angled forward only to spot the bandanna on the ground did she feel her claws digging into the soil underneath her, a beastly growl coming out from her slightly parted jaws which was a bit shocking since she never sounded like that or ever came off like that. She took the bandanna into her large paws only to dig her claws into the cloth feeling her sides heaving as her anger only seemed to grow and grow "Of all people. Why the fucking blind man?" Was finally what she hissed out not caring that she had swore, she was freaking pissed. They could've taken anyone from here, they could have taken her yet here they are stooping to such a low level and catching someone with a seeing impairment. Someone who had no eyes to even see through, it was absolutely infuriating and the jaguaress' tail lashed to the sides in a fierce manner ready to swipe at whoever dared to approach her. She didn't care right now and it was her fault that they had caught Vladimir, he could have went with her. He would have been safe. Her cloak concealed most of her emotions though she was obviously angry. She slipped the bandanna into her cloak gritting her teeth as she turned around to face those already there, if she had learnt anything that was warrior related it was that clans captured those who were actually worth something as a bargaining chip not some blind Russian who didn't even know how to defend himself. She drew a soft breath feeling her large reptile companion slither up one of her legs and curl himself loosely around her throat. Whoever had kidnapped Vladimir was going to be snake food.


Re: WHITE NOISE // O, CAPTURED - beck. - 03-29-2018

    While his brimming rage couldn't compete with the wrath of Amunet, it was clear that the reeking scent of Typhoon in their camp was enough to make Beck absolutely livid. Already there was anticipation in his limping gait as he skulked towards the scene, ears flat and bloodless lips drawn into a gritted snarl. He was always the type to wear his lifeless heart on his sleeves, despite the cold mask of a dissociated manipulator he frantically tried to upkeep. Hackles bristled with static before he could repair his feigned and calculating calm, he stopped at Amunet's flank. Even his blurred vision could identify the striking red fabric in her grasp, and wordlessly he stretched his burnt snout forward to sniff at the bandana. That bitch. So it turns out Guru wasn't trespassing on friendlybterms after all. Or did he cause this? Was he to blame for not protecting the few creatures who believed his desperate lies? Doubts were shoved aside by the immediate stab of anger through his being, and his apparition distorted as a result of overwhelming wrath for a minute until he could focus himself. Sharkish teeth locked in a wicked grin as he glowered at the direction where the border lay, and the poltergeist hissed through his sneer, "We'll get 'em back, don't worry 'bout it. I've been wanting to pay Pinch-bitch a visit anyways." With that he venomously spat on the mossy ground and stalked off to prepare, stubby tail flicking with imagined adrenaline.