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t.v. static / plot with beck - Printable Version

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t.v. static / plot with beck - beck. - 07-21-2018

    last time i tried a plot thread, 'twas ignored, but second try woohoo. understandable if nobody wants to hang out with this loser tho. because i'm desperate, beck's open to anything except for the usual taboo list -- romance, capture, death, etc. in the likely case you don't know him, he's the founder and commander of tanglewood, an angry lil poltergeist, hella introverted, v childish but still calculating, extremely paranoid and definitely has ptsd, two-faced in that he can either be violent and unstable or kinda pathetic and awkward or a mixture of both. rarely even genuinely happy and mischievous. sometimes manipulative. he loves both pranks and traps, all types of horror movies, stealing mementos of people to add to his hoarded collection, tanglewood, and his mutated/monster venus fly trap, audrey III. what he absolutely hates on the other hand are interfering clans/trespassers, anything related to his death and past including water, and his bad eyesight.

like i said, i'm open to anything, but here's a few to prompt y'all:
- friends, but difficult to reach
- enemies, which is easier considering he thinks the world is an enemy
- let! him! add! to! his! collection! he mostly steals lil trinkets and knick-knacks because they're either a) valuable to his kleptomaniac self or b) a souvenir of someone so he won't end up forgetting them
- also pranks, let him prank people too
- recruiting folks into tangle
- hhhh i guess he can capture people? but been tryna get that positive development so i'm iffy
- He Will Fight Someone Though
- ^^ all that's just surface level, if you wanna go deeper, please hmu on site or through discord!!! i'll try not to bite!!

note: i'm really bad at juggling private threads so i'd prefer if general interaction threads were avoided kthxbye

Re: t.v. static / plot with beck - raiden - 07-22-2018

[align=center][div style="width:55%;font-family:verdana;font-size:10px;text-align:justify;line-height:140%;text-transform:lowercase;word-spacing:-0.5px;"]ohhh
i'm in the midst of creating a character (cavalrychoir) to join tanglewood so i think it'd be cool if he were to run into beck and they get off on the wrong foot which prompts a fight. not a serious one but they'd both definitely have a couple cuts and bruises- nothing that time won't heal. beck hold his own against cav and cav is the type of person to let his opponents go if they're able to give him a good fight. beck does just that and is like "yo,, we could use this dude in tangletown" so he tries to recruit him. at first, cav is like "lmao no way. and you're the leader, heck no thank" cos he isn't fond of authoritative figures bc *input history here* so beck is like "fine. wander around all alone for all i care you butt. i'm gonna go back to my rad clan filled with fun times and lovely people" (around this time we could probably end the thread unless you have some ideas ya wanna sprinkle in). cav, being the broken and lonely dude he is will ignore beck only to show up at the border a day later like "fuk you beck i'm here you better accept me you piece of shit" but he's lowkey happy to be apart of a group again.

uhh if any of this is too ooc for beck, please feel free to change accordingly c:

Re: t.v. static / plot with beck - tricky - 07-27-2018

aaaaa im so so sorry i couldnt get to this sooner, band camp has taken over my entire life this week :'')
i saw that cal already got a thread with delilah, but if you want, they can still butt heads a lil? beck likes to take his anger out on things some times, so cal could be a target for a cruel prank and a fight starts afterwards?

Re: t.v. static / plot with beck - raiden - 07-27-2018

[align=center][div style="width:55%;font-family:verdana;font-size:10px;text-align:justify;line-height:140%;text-transform:lowercase;word-spacing:-0.5px;"]oh dude, don't worry about it! i've never been to band camp (or have ever been in band in general) but i have friends who are in and and do attend band camp so i know how hectic things cane be. especially when trying to find room to squeeze in other stuff around it cx
and yeah! i'd be down for that. despite his thread with del, he isn't going to be joining just yet but he will be soon. so maybe they could have their fight before then and beck tries to recruit him as well?? he'd have a sort of 'ah-ha' moment when he realizes del is in tanglewood along with some asshole (aka beck <3333) who pranked him and decides maybe it isn't all that bad.