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ilijas arthur mikaelson
reckless wanderer | noble stag
While visiting Snowbound had been fun and all, Ilijas could not deny the undeniable pull he felt towards the Ascendants. He felt no attachment to the territory itself - its rolling fields of flowers pretty but offering him nothing more than a few nice pictures for his collection - but rather, one of its inhabitants. Beverly was still very much a stranger to him and yet, the underlying current of familiarity that practically overwhelmed him the first time they met was too strong to ignore. He needed to be discreet though- checking up on her while maintaining a disguise that he was confident she wouldn't see through.

That's where the elk body came in.

The body was more suited for chillier climates but it still served its purpose and he felt personally rather smug as he grazed amidst the flowers. Like in Snowbound, Ilijas was interested in seeing what sort of reaction he could coax out of these Ascendants, especially given his unwillingness to communicate in anything but huffs and snorts. Raising his head, the elk began to move through the territory, his direction uncertain. Maybe, just maybe, he was trying to show off for a certain someone - even though he was convinced she wouldn't know it was him.
cause god, i never felt young
[align=center][sub]TEMPLATE BY FAUNA[/sub]


[align=center][div style="width: 500px; text-align: justify; font-size: 9.4pt; line-height: 1.4;"]Well, lookie here- another ungulate, and so soon after their deer newcomer. Just as it had been for Ruby, Gabe didn't personally have any kind of predatorial instincts -he was a hybrid owl cat, of course he didn't- but he wondered how the larger predators of the group would feel having a meal striding about. Oh, nothing would happen, because they could restrain themselves, but it was just...interesting. If it were a mouse, he'd have another reaction, though for now, he simply assumed this was a stranger who'd gotten carried away munching, and if the elk wasn't the sort to communicate like the rest of them, then maybe the people who would conceivably eat this creature had a free dinner. To be certain of that, he had to actually speak to the ungulate, so the hybrid flew down from his scouring of the territory to land a few paces away from the stranger. On a side-note, thank fuck he hadn't gone intangible.

"Hey, big guy. Much as I appreciate the landscaping work, you're not from around here. Got a name?"

Re: DID I BUILD THIS SHIP TO WRECK? | OPEN, VISITOR - Beverly Resurgam. - 07-22-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 500px; text-align: justify; font-family: verdana; font-size: 13px;"]When first meeting Ilijas, there was not only a sense of familiarity, but a sense of connection. She felt like they were feeding off of each other's energy, like there was a string linking them together. Like the nagging feeling of meeting him before, though, she talked herself out of it being anything major.

Since they were their separate ways and back to their daily lives, that string was stretched, but she surely felt its attachment to her. As she walked about the plains of the territory, she felt that string pull on her, and she changed directions. Soon, Beverly came to see before her an elk and Gabriel. "Uh, aren't elks supposed to live in forests and shit?" she asked, her brain screaming that it was Ilijas.

There was no way it was him, though, right? He doesn't look like this.

Re: DID I BUILD THIS SHIP TO WRECK? | OPEN, VISITOR - Luciferr - 07-22-2018

And the sky was littered
with the corpses of stars,

"and I according to some shouldn't exist, yet here we are" Anzarel remarked upon joining the two - the God King sparing a nod of greeting to Beverly and Gabriel before his eyes flicked to the elk, hm, he hadn't seen many non carnivores about in truth, maybe they preferred to stray away from any predator or group with predators.

Anzarel inwardly shrugged, no matter.



If Versailles had been any bigger, she would've asked if they could just hunt the elk down and be done with it - it's clear the piece of prey isn't talking or showing much sign of sentience, although she thinks Gabe's idea of trying to get the creature to talk is a rather good one. Better be safe than sorry, right? That's what they always say, anyway; better make sure they're not murdering someone instead of just hunting a lost little ungulate.

The she-cat wanders over to stand beside the owl-cat hybrid (she isn't exactly sure what to think of him yet). Golden eyes drawn to the creature peacefully grazing, a new thought crosses Versailles' mind. It's a little... peaceful, isn't it? Set in the background the endless fields of the Ascendants' territory, the elk looks almost like an aesthetic marvel, minding its own business and simply sifting through the bountiful grass that they have to offer.

After the thought, the rest is almost instantaneous. Versailles lowers herself to her belly and tucks her paws under her chest, dipping underneath a sprinkle of gold. She's content to simply sit there and watch, letting herself get lost in the ebb and flow of the winds, choosing to ignore words being thrown around her - she wishes they could just sit back and watch too instead of talking, it would make for a much more enjoyable afternoon.

;; versailles was supposed to ask why tf nobody's trying to eat him - but i'm listening to classical music and now it's bleeding into versailles and she's just like "welp, free entertainment!"


ilijas arthur mikaelson
reckless wanderer | noble stag
Ilijas seemed initially unbothered by Gabriel's inquiry, the owl-cat hybrid's words nothing more than another ambient sound that blended with the rest of the landscape. He knew he was playing a dangerous game here, animals such as himself often preyed upon if they weren't careful, but he had a rather solid back up plan in place. His control over the single ability he possessed was a strong one and the young boy found that it was immensely easy to shift from a cat to an elk and back again. If anyone showed even the faintest signs of hostility, he'd give up his peaceful body for one a little more suited to handling a threat. It'd be easy.

But then Beverly arrived and he found himself in quite the self-made pickle, his attention obviously trained on her. A large ear would flick as he contemplated his options, sighing when he realized that simply pretending to be some unintelligent mammal had been a faulty idea at best. What exactly was he doing? What game was he playing? Were the invisible strings that connected him to the Ascendant tugging on him that hardly?

Perhaps that was why he made the decision to change back, his massive form dwindling down in size until it revealed a taller-than-most feline. He blinked a few times, those chestnut colored eyes of him gleaming with some mischievous emotion before Ilijas grinned. [color=gray]"Hey," He greeted easily, his gaze still focused upon Bev. No... he was staring... he should stop that. Looking towards Versailles, Anzarel, and Gabriel, he finally shrugged his shoulders. [color=gray]"My name is Ilijas, sometimes I like to wander around and eat grass as an elk. It's casual, I guess," He supplied. He had no interest in joining but he figured that'd be okay. He didn't have any malicious intention and if anything, he was doing them all a favor by mowing the grass.

[color=gray]"Your territory is beautiful though, I wish I had brought my camera. I could have gotten so many pretty shots."
cause god, i never felt young
[align=center][sub]TEMPLATE BY FAUNA[/sub]

Re: DID I BUILD THIS SHIP TO WRECK? | OPEN, VISITOR - Suiteheart - 07-22-2018

Family was an interesting dynamic in the Mikaelson-Folie world. The pair of mothers often adopted easily. Children of all sorts had been under the care of the mothers. The both of them were drawn to parenting, of taking care of those who weren't quite able to take care of themselves. The both of them wanted to give others a good, solid family - something both of them had been denied in their youth. This fact hadn't changed in years, and Suiteheart knew it would never change. They were both destined to be mothers.

Suite often thought of their children. Not a day went by when she wasn't thinking of all of them. Jacky, Littlesoul, Lilyspoise, Daya, Cerasus, Onison, Gale, Kira - and countless others. The ones that had gone missing... She saw them in her dreams whenever she got sleep. The white feline allowed a shaky breath to escape her parted lips as all of these thoughts circulated in her mind. Motherhood was as heart-wrenching as it was heartwarming.

On her walk, familiar voices fluttered towards her. She could easily pick them all out: Gabriel, Beverly, Anzarel, Versaillespalace, and -


Speaking of children: here was one now. It had been a few months since she last saw Ilijas or his sister for that matter. Suiteheart and Margaery had adopted he and Talanah some time ago. They had spent time with each of them, but as fate would have it, each child had an affinity to wander. One day, the pair had left. Days turned into weeks which turned into months. Suiteheart had worried and fretted as had Margy. As time wore on, the Admiral was sure she wouldn't see either of them again. For once, she was so glad she was wrong.

A large smile spread across her lips as she neared the group and the elk. "You look so different. Did you get taller?" the feline chuckled, amusement tumbling passed her lips as joy burst to life in her heart. Her voice took on a softer tone as she added, "I thought I'd never see you again... Have you seen Talanah? Is she with you?" Hope stirred inside of her. Perhaps this would be a little reunion.

[b]suiteheart folie-mikaelson . ecliptic admiral . the ascendants . tags
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