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LOVE ME DEAD / open, joining - Printable Version

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LOVE ME DEAD / open, joining - ANDRAS - 07-21-2018

rinto had left home with the intention of joining a clan. he knew there were four big ones- the ascendants, which he had heard was pretty chaotic, snowbound, which was a cute little clan, tanglewood, which was filled with radioactive alligators, and then there was typhoon. he heard it was a bloodthirsty clan of swashbucklers. for some reason, he decided he'd join the typhoon. why? he wasn't exactly sure. he knew he could satisfy his masochistic desires easily in a clan like that.

he was a little thing, a domestic housecat with a little chub. he was a brown tabby with white socks on his back legs and a trademark pink scarf. on his front legs there was several long cuts, and looked somewhat new. pastel bandages had been applied rather sloppily to try and cover up the scars, strangely enough. he had a dainty little pink backpack, with various items inside.

he arrived at the gate, looking mesmerized. he rang the bell and announced "u-uh, hi, i'm rinto! i'm a loner, and i would like to join, please!" he asked nicely, basking in the cold sand in the moon's light. 

Re: LOVE ME DEAD / open, joining - VANDAL R. - 07-21-2018

While Vandal's sure she's heard the Typhoon's reputation of being a bloodthirsty clan, she certainly hasn't seen much of it - not with the rainbow chicken wings and the alcohol cake, not with the overall fun and merriment that seems to be chiming in every damn corner of the island - and she's completely fine with it. She's always been the kind of girl to just go with the flow and see where the current takes her. Everyone wants to do a siesta? Coolbeans! Everyone wants to kill someone and string up their innards along the border? Alright! Sounds good! Vandal's not choosy, she just wants to have some fun.

She approaches the border, notices the brown tabby adorned in something she can only describe as a pastel explosion, and offers them a bright smile - hey, they need more bright things in their life, one could get real sick of looking at a literal endless sea of blue. "Welcome and it's nice to meet you, Rinto! I'm Vandal, Crewmate of the Typhoon, your assistant for today. How can I help you? Tour? Food? Backscratch?"

The maned wolf cocks her head and offers an impish smile at the newcomer. Is Vandal having fun? Definitely.

Re: LOVE ME DEAD / open, joining - ANDRAS - 07-21-2018

the first to approach rinto was a dark wolf lady, and he begun to sweat. how scary, he thought, but the words she spoke relaxed him. she was nice. or it was a really good facade, and the more he thought the more nervous he got. what if this was an all an elaborate trap, and the typhoon was just going to drag him in and eat him? he was awfully plump and meaty, too, so he was prime eating material. he imagined himself as a rinto-filet-mignon and gulped.

vandal could probably tell he was nervous as he refused to make eye contact with her and trembled slightly. "uh-uh, you're not gonna eat me, right? this is a clan that doesn't eat people?" he asked nervously. "please don't eat me! eat this instead," he took off his backpack and opened it, taking a few things out of it- a pink knife, clean and cute,
a box of more bandaids, and then finally a plastic-wrapped cookie. he slid it to vandal in a peace offering and put the knife and bandaid back in, swinging the backpack over his little shoulders.

Re: LOVE ME DEAD / open, joining - bubblegum - 07-22-2018

[Image: tiny_pixel_goldie.png]
goldenluxury "goldie" roux — female — the typhoon — tags

the sick girl was drawn by the call of a stranger, though she took her time to get there. she was purposely going at a slower pace now, as much as she wished to move around quickly and get lots done. there was much to be done and she was already way behind. but, her family and crewmates already had to deal with her health problems enough. they were right in accusing her of working too much, even if she didn't like to admit it.

she didn't want to make them upset again. maybe this would make them happy with her - if she could find a nice middle ground where she still did things but wasn't overworking herself. she spaced out her walks around the territory to one or two a day, that way she wouldn't be yelled at for moving around too much. she was shivering from her sickness a bit worse than usual and now wore a small blanket around her instead of the scarf she was normally wearing.

her ears perked upward at rinto's sudden frantic questions, to which she'd giggle slightly at. she stood next to her aunt, coughing quietly away from them. goldie eyed the bag, seeming interested in the cookie but didn't say anything about it. instead, she looked to rinto with a small smile. "nah, we won't eat ya. well, 'less ya cause too much trouble - then i can't speak for my crewmates." she joked at first, flashing a small grin to the male. "but, anyways, welcome to the crew, rinto! nice name ya got there. mine's goldenluxury roux, but everybody mostly calls me goldie."

Re: LOVE ME DEAD / open, joining - rochelle - 07-22-2018

[align=center][div style="borderwidth=0px; text-align: justify; width: 520px; padding-bottom: 17px; overflow: stretch; font-family: verdana;"]”I ... really hope no one eats each other ...” The swift comment came from the tall umber wolf who watched the petite feline with a steady, warm gaze. Her fur was being embraced in the moonlight, she dark brown turning a cool black, a hint of gray in the light. Her words came out a lot more graceful than they were on their own, an elegant tone paired with the calm appearance of the girl. There had been struggle within her, but she was allowing herself to let it go in order to seem somewhat presentable to the new joiners.

The lupine stepped beside Goldie and Vandal, dipping her head to each, ears flicking gently. Then, she gaze back towards Rinto, smiling, almost a bit sheepishly. ”Welcome to the Typhoon ... I’m ...” She hesitated for a moment. Could she really introduce herself as Fischer now? Could she truly part from the burden of her former name, Rochelle? Blinking solemnly, she braved it through. ”I’m Fischer. It’s really nice to meet you, Rinto. Let me know if I can do anything to help you get settled in.”

Re: LOVE ME DEAD / open, joining - Luca - 07-22-2018

Luca wasn't even aware of the Typhoon's reputation at first. He had only joined the clan because he'd never stayed on an island before and wanted to try something new. After all, he got awfully bored of routine. Four hundred years of life had started to give Luca a taste for excitement. It was a slightly odd feeling after being closed off for so long. Just a hundred years ago he had been locking himself in Kamasaki's mansion, relying on her to bring him what he needed to survive. But look at him now! He was trotting around on his own, making friends and enemies. Mostly enemies. He was independent and strong, and he wished his dad could see him now. Knowing him though, he'd probably still find something to criticise.

The hellhound came over at the sight of his companions gathering at the border, settling a bit behind Goldie and peering over her at the nervous newcomer. His eyes scanned the feline's body, lingering on his backpack and bandaged legs before finally making eye contact. There was something eerily familiar about this adorable little feline, something that Luca couldn't quite place. He licked his lips, flashing Rinto a smile. "We wouldn't eat a joiner, at least," he confirmed. He hadn't seen anyone engaging in any casual cannibalism, although he guessed that didn't mean it was impossible for his clanmates to be into that sort of thing. "Welcome to the Typhoon. I'm Luca Rosario, feel free to come to me if you... need anything," he continued, throwing in a wink at the end for good measure.

Re: LOVE ME DEAD / open, joining - VANDAL R. - 07-22-2018

Vandal notices the nervousness in the other, the frantic movements, the trembling beginning from the core of their bones, and a part of her misses being able to have that effect on others. Back in Rán's domain in Jotunheimr, she'd become quite a figure in the ranks of souls she'd collected for herself, strong enough to strike fear in the newcomers with little more than a smile. She misses it, thinks fondly of the time where her steps caused them to tremble - but she doesn't think she's all too keen on going back to it. She's in the Typhoon now, she's with her family and friends. She'd rather have their love than their fear.

"Eat you? Honey, there's something else I'd rather eat, trust me, and no offense or anything but that ain't you," comes Vandal's mirthful response, voice chiming in amusement as she lowers her head into a bow in greeting. The light of the shield knot glowing on her chest dances on the fur on her chin. While her head is tucked like that, her gaze lingers around her, crinkles slightly in a smile at Luca and Ro-Fischer, before sweeping back towards Rinto. "We can give you a tour or get you all set up in a place of your own, your choice, and..." The maned wolf's gaze drops back down at the cookie, and then she's moving it towards her, before changing its course at the last second to give it to Goldie. "We appreciate your gift."

;; see vandal can be kind... sometimes

Re: LOVE ME DEAD / open, joining - purgatory - 07-22-2018

Re: LOVE ME DEAD / open, joining - ANDRAS - 07-22-2018

rinto listened to the various crewmate's points on how they certainly weren't going to eat him, and he relaxed somewhat. they were certainly kind, he realized- for what he heard of this bloodthirsty clan, they weren't going to take an opportunity to have something to eat for a little bit.

rinto was about to say something when his pink eyes focused on luca, the gorgeous hellhound. his chiseled body, his beautiful face and the grin on his face was too much for the newcomer and he nearly collapsed. he spoke, kind and flirty, and winked at him at the end. he felt his face heat up, at a loss of words. why was this god speaking to him? he felt so comfortable as if he had done this before, as if him and luca had been lovers in a previous life. seemingly as without thinking, the little cat spoke. "i love you," he said out loud, looking at luca.

then reality snapped back to him. "i-i mean- forgive me, i think the heat's getting to me," he said, despite it clearly being night. "y-yeah, where can i sleep? i-i'm really... tired," he said, eyes half-closed.

Re: LOVE ME DEAD / open, joining - goodsprings - 07-22-2018

captainpaw, curious about all of the commotion going about, wandered toward his crewmates. the scent of a newcomer had piqued his attention first; something sweet and homey. like fresh baked sugar cookies in an old cabin. his nose twitched at the pleasant thought, his paws moving on their own until he was face-to-face with the chubby tom. perhaps maybe a bit too close.

his mouth spread into a smile, tiny fangs peaking passed his lips. "i love you too!" he purred, mistaking rinto's statement for them collectively. "i can show you where we sleep if ya want. we got lots of beds and comfy sheets. there's a really nice hammock i take naps on sometimes if you wanna come see later.[ oh! if you're hungry too, i can show you my favorite spot in the kitchen! it's super easy to snatch food people drop; so it doesn't go to waste, of course." the kitten rambled on easily, his tail tip twitching delightfully.

✯ — male. the typhoon. easy. REF. BIO. — ✯