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CAPTAIN PINCHER ROUX | resides in the typhoon and is the demigod of rough seas. he is a muscular dark gray jaguar with frigid glacier blue eyes, marked with scars and glowing tattoos. he is the head of the roux family and is currently engaged. he is known for being a charming strategist with dark secrets. be cautious around him. —— ⚓
( it's 3am, please dont judge me ;w; )

Pincher wasn't exactly the best cook. He did know how to scale a fish and smoke them as well as a few other sea-based dishes due to his past. But anything else? He slightly struggling and had difficulty in learning especially with how he rarely had time to do anything outside of his job. Being captain was rather exhausting but it was a job that he enjoyed and was proud of especially when seeing his crewmates thrive in whatever they wished to be. It reminded him of when he had been a child that had wanted freedom of being who he wanted to be but had never been granted it. His father had forced him into one path that he had trailed for him, refusing for Pincher to be anything but "Pincher", a facade. Eventually, it became too late for him to be anything else, his body and mind becoming accustomed to who "Pincher" was meant to be. Cold. Cunning. Charming. But anything else? It seemed flawed in the icy blue eyes of his father and the same colored eyes would stare back, pleading but he would never be heard or seen unless Archer desired to. However, Pincher had destroyed the link of his father by killing him, the memory still haunting him because despite hating every part of him, Pincher had never wanted to kill the only family he had known before figuring out how many siblings he had. He wanted to be better but there were times he struggled, his mind warped on the idea as he glanced down at the raw chicken wings that lay orderly before he used a controlled fire to heat them up.

The smell filled the tavern's kitchen with his back facing the others as no one really socialized with Pincher when he was busy. It was nice they understood that he enjoyed his solitary moments, his long obsidian black tail twitching behind him as he sat, observing the flames cook the meat. Once they were well-cooked, he pulled them away and took them towards a nearby table where the other ingredients lay. He doused them in a spicy mixture of the jungle spices that he had found in the rainforest, his tongue burning already after tasting it. He found multiple food coloring dyes and began to add droplets of colors to various wings. Some were oranges, red, yellow, the whole gist of colors. He placed the droplets away in a box and glanced down at the colorful chicken wings, organizing them so they somewhat looked like the pride flag. "This is gay as shit." He muttered before leaning forward and grabbing a blue one, eating it whole since it was small for the storm gray wildcat and also because he pretty much ate anything. He glanced around with vibrant ice blue eyes and called out once he finished eating one. "Get some gay chicken wings while they're hot." Yep, this was what their captain was. A gay fuck that made his first chicken wings despite being a full grown adult.

Re: ROYGBIV — SPICY CHINKEN WANGS - goodsprings - 07-21-2018

coming from the perspective of a kitten just barely beginning to start his ascent into adulthood, pincher was someone that intimidated the beta. probably one of the very few, as captainpaw was always talkative and obnoxious toward anyone and everyone. pincher, though, had held a different tone. perhaps it was because he was the leader and demanded much more respect than anyone else truly did. he didn't feel the need to salute his father or sit up straight whenever he even came in the vicinity of a five mile radius. pincher just... drew the reaction from him.

cap had been lounging in the tavern for his noon meal. in his youthful excitement the moment he woke up breakfast had not been important enough and he had jumped head on into his responsibilities for the day. though now he was just about starving, his belly clawing his sides in protest as he waited at the doorway of the kitchen for someone to slip him something. he hadn't even noticed pincher in the corner, his back to the others.

when the jaguar stood at his ful height, though, captainpaw immediately stiffened and felt his mouth grow dry out of habit. then there was... chicken wings?

the smell met his nose and his posture fell, and he bounded toward the colorful plate. "pretty poultry~" the beta purred, his nose poking at a wing closest to him. he took a little nibble, before his head jerked back.

"hot! hot!" he bounced in place, his paw waving at the steam coming from his mouth before turning his head, seeing a bucket of dishwater and running to dunk his head in it, emerging once his tongue and cheeks had cooled.

✯ — male. the typhoon. easy. REF. BIO. — ✯


Vandal seems to have arrived at just the right time, seeing chicken wings being served and Captainpaw taking a bite and oh - oh no. "Cap, that's not where you -" Sploosh! "- fix that... damn." She doesn't even know what she's walked into at this point. Pinchy cooked rainbow gay-ass poultry, Captain is dripping with dishwater, and Vandal is absolutely loving every moment of it. For a second, she raises a talon and pinches her shoulder - nope, she's not dead, it just seems to be a really good day for everyone, and she's quick to pad over to the platter and pick out a wing as green as her tongue.

"Cap, c'mere," she beckons, blowing on the wing in her grasp until the steam has started to die down and she's sure it's something edible. While she does so, she turns to Pincher and flashes him an enthusiastic look, indicating that she very much approves of his sudden decision to cook gay-ass food that she knows she'll cherish forever. "Cooking night, huh? We should do this more often. You bring the wings and I bring the fish - the Typhoon will love us!" Isn't that a thought? Fiesta nights where they just kick back, eat a helluva lot, drink a bunch, and be fucking merry.

Once she's sure the chicken wing has cooled down, she turns back to Captain and lowers the wing towards him, confident that he shouldn't burn his mouth off and have to take another dishwater-dunk with this one. "Alright, this should be cool enough," she encourages with a flutter of a wing before handing it over and grabbing another steaming-hot wing for herself. She's dumb enough, though, to make the same mistake and take a bite without blowing - her mouth explodes with heat and suddenly she's curling her lip and blowing in and out, trying to cool her own blistering mouth from hellfire.

Damn, Pinchy wasn't kidding when he said they were hot.


rinto wasn't one for poultry. why eat meat when he could eat sugar, he thought? he tried to think of the last time he had consumed a real meal and he couldn't remember, his diet consisting of purely junk food. maybe that's why he was plump, he realized. still, the smell of food drew him over, going over. he remembered vandal- the scary but nice wolf girl- but he didn't know the other two very well. he decided he'd try some wings.

he took a red-dyed one, wrinkling his nose at the unappetizing color and biting into it. it was burning hot, enough to burn his mouth, but he only trembled. the pain... it felt good, after so long of abstaining from the thing that gave him the most pleasure. the burning, the agony in his mouth... it made him tear up, and he kept eating, enjoying the pain a little more.

rinto grinned, turning to the others. "i don't know what you guys are talking about! they're the perfect temperature! i'm in heaven!" he said happily, closing his eyes and taking another bite and basking in the burns.

Re: ROYGBIV — SPICY CHINKEN WANGS - goodsprings - 07-22-2018

through the stream of bubbly water dripping from his thick fur he noticed vandal speaking in his direction. he shook the water from his ears and gave a weak cough, spitting out the suds he had accidentally swallowed before approaching her. he gave his head one last good shake of water before sitting down next to the neon glowing mutant.

his tongue had swelled up slightly, and had now reduced to a dull sting. though it gradually ebbed away. cap might as well have forgotten about it completely when vandal set down the cooled piece for him to eat.

"green!" he piped up, green eyes wide as he leaned toward it. he gave an experimental lick this time. satisfied with the temperature, the kitten bit into it and hummed in satisfaction, leaning back and rubbing his belly.

"vandal?" her quick breathes grab his attention, and he's quick to realize she had made the same mistake. "uhh- um..." he looks back at the barrel of dishwater, but knows he's much too small to drag that over to her. he does see a loaf of bread though standing unattended at the kitchens counter, and hops up to grab a slice and bring it back to her. "will this help?"

✯ — male. the typhoon. easy. REF. BIO. — ✯