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GRAMMATICALLY INCORRECT + p, imperia - Printable Version

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GRAMMATICALLY INCORRECT + p, imperia - MOONMADE - 07-21-2018

[size=9pt]The Underground Complex is pretty eerie. There's lots of white walls, blue light and metal. It feels like a lab, and Moon feels he's being tested on. Without consent. Like he was abducted and now he's strapped down, getting probed by aliens of emotion.

He's sat in a room, whichever room it was, and he's staring at the wall. But it's not just a blank wall. He knows that'd probably be more angsty and pretentious, but this wall is painted with the Leo constellation and he's... Projecting. Yeah. That's what he's doing, and it's fucking with his head. But he's locked in and there doesn't seem to be any hope in getting out any time soon, so now is as good a time as any to think about his mom.

She was a Leo. She was also a Lion, which is kind of ironic. But he's not thinking about that. He's thinking about golden fur that smelled like roses and antiseptic, fresh kills and Juniper. They'd never hugged- she didn't like physical contact like that, but the scent followed her everywhere and every time she passed him, busy, he'd breath it in like it was his life source. He remembers being a cub and watching her from afar as she fixed up someone else's wound. He'd make a show of gathering herbs and shit for her and she wouldn't even spare him a fucking glance.

It's dark stuff to think about and he realizes this and sits up, physically shaking it all off. Reminiscing on a dead witch isn't going to help him get out. There's no use in sitting in a room and rotting, surrounded by bad paintings, bitter. So he drags himself to the door and slumps against the wall, there, and lifts his good paw to the door. He sticks one claw through the lock, fiddling with it noisily, but he knows it's in vain. He's tried it before. So he's down to his last hope, and he's seen the movies before; this is the part where he loses it, closes his eyes, and breaks into song. And who is he to break tradition? Besides, he knows this one the humans sing, and it's kind of fitting. Lowly, he begins. "I'm just a poor boy, I need no sympathy, because I'm-" his voice cracks, and he starts to laugh at himself, quietly. If he's going to die here he may as well abandon all shame. "Easy come, easy go, little high, little low. Anyway the wind blows, doesn't really matter to me... MAMA!"

If it comes down to it and someone actually opens the door to come in, he just fucking hopes they have the common sense that he didn't to know that once it closes, they're in there for good.

/ [member=598]imperia[/member]

Re: GRAMMATICALLY INCORRECT + p, imperia - imperia - 07-21-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 51%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: georgia;"]It is no secret that Imperia loves to wander. Four walls and a roof only serves to close her in and confine her. She has spent enough of her life trapped in the accursed cave with only her sickly mother and her cruel father for company. Granted, it was far better company than what could have been found outside. One horrible father is much preferred to a whole pack of bullies and antagonists. But it was imprisonment all the same. Shackled by fear and shame and anxiety, Imperia scarcely left the relative safety of that cave. After she ran away with the help of what she believes to be divine intervention, freedom never felt so good. Back in that prison of rock, she could scarcely walk six paces in any direction before bumping her nose on the cold stone. Imagine the overwhelming feeling of joy she experienced as she ran and ran through the mountains, and the mountains gradually changed to woods, which changed to plains.

Ever since that day, Imperia has found it difficult to remain in one place for long. She likes to pick flowers and study plants. Sometimes she will take a book and read by the stream, or she'll go out on a patrol to meet new people and welcome them into the Ascendants. Although she prefers the outdoors, Peri enjoys wandering through the buildings, too. She's been avoiding the Underground Complex for weeks now, and for obvious reasons. The thought of being trapped beneath tonnes of earth and rock does not sit well with her. But she's a curious creature by nature, and the explorer within her just could not resist any longer.

Calloused paws whisper across the tiled floor, each practiced step carrying the delicate creature deeper and deeper into the depths with the grace of a doe. She hums something soft and sweet to quell the anxiety; a tune her mother used to sing to her when Pierre was gone hunting. Poor Marguerite was too sickly and weak to do much, but while her body continued to fail, her voice was always beautiful. Whenever Peri sings, she feels as if her mother is right there with her. only ten minutes have passed when a voice drifts down the corridor, capturing her attention. It is not a beautiful voice by any means, but something about it is familiar...

She follows it to a random door amidst a whole row of doors. The voice is loud now, practically shouting. And she thinks she knows who it is. "Moon?" she asks as she pushes the door open and begins to step in. "What are you doing down here by yourself?" Someone could ask her the very same question, but at least she isn't staring at a wall in a dimly lit room.

Re: GRAMMATICALLY INCORRECT + p, imperia - MOONMADE - 07-22-2018

[size=9pt]Moon quickly gave up after that verse. His voice wasn't too great, and, to be completely honest, he didn't know the rest of the lyrics. He hummed the tune, monotonous, as he lay there, tracing the constellation with half lidded eyes. Everything was silent if he didn't, and he wasn't so fond of silence. It would only add to the vibe of the place. He'd go mad sooner than he'd starve.

But then there were paw steps. Light and treading the ground like it was thin ice. There was a smell, too, that drifted down the corridor and under the door and Moon stood up fast, eager like he'd just been taken off the death roll. He didn't know for sure who it was, only that the scent was slightly familiar-- herbs and flowers-- but, realistically, he knew very few people in the Ascendants and so it could only be one of 2. Let's just say he was hoping it was one over the other.

The door opened, and with it came Imperia. Tail lashing behind him, the lion steps back to make space for her and grins, "Frenchie! Thank fuck. Jesus, I was gonna' die in here. I could feel my expiry date closing in." He's ecstatic. Finally he can get the fuck out of here, and with his Dame in Shining Armour, no less. They hadn't really gotten to know each other, and he liked her a lot more than he cared to admit. There was something lovely about her; Moon wouldn't be surprised if everyone who came in contact with the wolf felt the same way he did. "You're gonna' think I'm more of a dumbass than you already do, but I'll explain later--" Cutting himself off, the lion steps forward towards the door, but he'd been distracted by Imperia and he failed to realize it was already swinging closed. Quick and stealthy, like death swooping in and taking them both up in its talons, the heavy door clicked shut. It was such a resounding sound, the finality to it almost poetic.

He went completely silent. He stared down the door with a maw that hung slightly open, as if willing the it to defy gravity and locks and just open. But it didn't happen. Moon turned his gaze on Imperia, completely devastated, and then carried himself to the far corner and slumped against it, again. He let his head tilt back, shut his eyes, and heaved the most melodramatic sigh to ever be heaved. "Alright," says the lion, "Get comfy. And, like, lower your standards. We're officially rotting; may as well get to know my coffin-mate."

Re: GRAMMATICALLY INCORRECT + p, imperia - imperia - 07-22-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 51%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: georgia;"]Suffice to say that the overjoyed welcoming manages to startles the poor girl. Silver eyes widen, startled, and her paws skitter backwards of their own accord. Moonmade is not exactly terrifying, by any means, but Imperia is the sort of creature who is very in tune with her flight instinct. It has kept her alive thus far, at least. A frantic heart still thunders in her ears as she attempts to calm herself, focusing on the barrage of words launched at the moment she entered. As usual, she finds herself becoming amused at the nonsense which flows from Moon's mouth. "Expiry date?" she repeats softly, fascinated by his dramatics. Unfortunately, she has yet to realize the true meaning behind his words. Imperia is not stupid. In fact, she is far from it. But she is nervous and in the moment of fright only a couple seconds earlier, she moved out of the way of the door, allowing it to swing closed without anything to stop it.

"Oh, I don't think you're a stupi--" she is trying to reassure him, but is interrupted by the metallic clang of the door swinging shut. Much like the handsome, if not disheveled, lion, Imperia turns to stare wide-eyed at the closed door. She begins to panic. Not like how she was before when Moon startled her. This time, she clearly begins to tremble, silver eyes becoming watery with emotion. "No, no, no.." it is spoken as a low, frantic whine as the girl desperately tries to open the door, but to no avail. She stares at the door several seconds more, her lithe frame tense and rigid. This is why she has been avoiding this place for so long. She hates being confined. She hates it more than anything else in the entire world. All she ever wanted was to wander free, and now she's trapped once more.

She does her best to calm herself, taking a shaky breath and slowly turning to face Moon. So this is why he was in here all alone. Small paws make nary a sound as she drifts over to the male's side, sliding onto her stomach and a sigh (not nearly as melodramatic as Moon). The sound of his voice draws her attention once more, and Peri peeks up at him from beneath long lashes. "I don't think I had very high standards to begin with.." she says softly. It is strange being trapped in here with him. Not in a bad way just...she feels a little shy.

Re: GRAMMATICALLY INCORRECT + p, imperia - MOONMADE - 07-22-2018

[size=9pt]So maybe he's being a little childish. A little inconsiderate. He realizes this when the shewolf's eyes well up, and at first he thinks they're just sparkling more by the day, but then he looks closer and it's not that. Those are tears. Instantly, he fixes himself. No slumped shoulders, no ridiculous tantrum, no pouting. He needs to be more self-aware, jesus-- look at her. "Hey, hey," He says, voice warm as he sits up. "It's okay-- it's fine. I've been here for hours, now, and the worst that's happened to me is some kinda' painful flashbacks." He tries for a smile, head ducked to Imperia's level. He had no idea she'd freak out like that. He feels like an ass. "We'll play Never Have I Ever, or, like, Would You Rather.

But she's settling slightly, it seems, and now they're both slumped against the far wall. If she were to voice her thoughts, the one about being trapped in a room together feeling weird, he'd be inclined to agree. It does feel weird. He's not completely sure why-- Moon isn't exactly socially gifted, but he's never been shy either. Not that he feels that way now; this is more of a self-awareness. Which is also quite alien. He spots flowers in her hair and he can feel the dirt on his hind legs and yep, there it is again, that feeling. But then Imperia speaks, and golden ears perk up. "What a relief." He says, and maybe there's some fumes leaking from the weird vents in the room, or something, because he didn't mean to say that. But then he thinks, whatever, he's gonna' die soon. May as well own up. He takes a deep breath again, fully relaxing into the wall, and stares at a cobweb to the left of the door, voice lazy when he speaks. "So. Take your pick. I'd say duck, duck, goose but we're kinda' lacking in the player department.""

Re: GRAMMATICALLY INCORRECT + p, imperia - imperia - 07-22-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 51%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: georgia;"]The change in posture does not go unnoticed, albeit subconsciously. Imperia unfurls herself from the curled position in the corner, slender head rising ever-so-slightly to meet Moon's gaze. The thundering of her heart still drowns out much of the background noise and her posture is still timid, but at least she no longer shivers. She sucks in several deep breaths, listening quietly to the larger male's voice as she tries to relax. This place is different from where she was born. Sure, Peri is trapped in a dimly lit room with no way to escape aside from sheer luck or divine intervention, but at least her father is not here. Moon would not hurt her--she tries to keep that in mind. It helps a bit, but not as much as convincing herself that if they're patient enough, someone will come looking. There, that's it. Just think positive thoughts. Optimism is commonly viewed as a sign of naivety, but Peri is of the belief that it is one of the few things that keeps people sane in stressful situations.

Full moon eyes the color of steel flicker between Moon's warm gaze and her paws, which are daintily crossed in front of her. She finds it hard to make eye contact. Not so much when they are out and about, surrounded by others and wide open spaces. But the space is so small and it feels far too intimate and they're sitting too close to prevent Imperia's rather vivid imagination from running wild. An awkward smile tugs at black lips as she spares a glance in her companion's direction. She has been silent for several moments now, but she finally is composed enough to reply. "Would You Rather sounds pretty fun..." she trails off, chewing her lip. Never Have I Ever strikes her as the sort of game that could get very dirty very easily. And given her unsurprisingly vanilla status, the likelihood of her having never done anything is very high. Regardless, she's never really played these types of games before anyways. She has always been the odd man out--the one the other kids excluded. Because of that, she is almost always unsure of how to relate to people her own age.

In a brief moment of courage, she meet's his gaze and says, "Um, I have snacks if you're hungry. It's not a lot, but I think you've probably been here for a while." There is a faint smile gracing her lovely visage, mild amusement shimmering in those big, watery eyes. Imperia twists her neck to unclasp the leather satchel from her torso and arranges it at her paws. She pulls out several dried meats and a sizable flask of water.

Re: GRAMMATICALLY INCORRECT + p, imperia - MOONMADE - 07-22-2018

[size=9pt]Huh. He's realizing more about her by the second. How easily she startles, how she won't look him straight in the eye, how she's so wholly innocent. He feels like if he brushes off her he'll instantly corrupt her and he doesn't really want that. It simultaneously makes him feel hesitant and giddy, and he eyes her awkward smile and outright laughs. This kid-- she's his opposite in every single way.

But then Moon sees her chew her lip, and her choice of game, and he raises a brow and now he's laughing again. Maybe they're not that different; he can tell whats on her mind. Rolling his gaze away from hers, he returns to watching the old, knitted web in the corner and speaks. "Good choice." A safe one, at least. He stares for a while, pondering, before coming up with an idea. "Okay. Would you rather give Feathers a mud massage, or--" the lion pauses, a literal giggle escaping his throat as he thinks of Yesterday's scenario, "Me."

His words end with a resounding sense of finality, and he flashes a grin. The lions golden cheeks are red underneath, but not so much with bashfulness as with the general heat of the fucking cage of a room they're in. Moon's used to saying shit like this, anyway. It's how he ends up in trouble.

But then he spots the snacks she's pulled from her satchel -- God bless that thing -- and a part of him regrets putting her on the spot, because he hasn't eaten in a while and his lips are starting to get chapped, too. It's literally impossible for Imperia to climb any higher on his list of favorite people. He takes a bite of one she offers, and it's bliss. "Jesus. Who sent you? Is this the grooming process? Are you guys fattening me up for the oven? Because it's not gonna' work. I've got a fast metabolism."

Re: GRAMMATICALLY INCORRECT + p, imperia - imperia - 07-22-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 51%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: georgia;"]Yes, there are quite a few things about Imperia which can only be known through observation. But she makes herself so small, her voice so quiet, that very few people ever notice. Maybe that is her own fault. Her fear of suffering at the paws of clanmates once more has closed her off to the point when she oftentimes goes unseen. It is a lonely existence, but it is safe. One of these days she knows that she will have to overcome her fears, but it takes a lot of time and effort to reverse the effects of trauma. She is horribly shy by nature, and the harassment she endured as a pup only exaggerated the condition. Even so, she is kind and friendly to everyone she meets. Which is more than what many people can claim about themselves.

The corners of black lips twist upwards into a sheepish smile, argent eyes peeking up at Moon once more beneath the cover of dark lashes. She is a little scared of what might come out of his mouth--and rightfully so. Although the choice between given either Gabriel or Moon a mud message is strange enough to discomfort the innocent she-wolf, it is not nearly as bad as what she imagined he might say. Thank the Maker. "You, I suppose. We already had to do it to Gabriel," she replies with a subtle shrug, her decision almost painfully pure. Imperia does not seem to have noticed the suggestiveness in his tone. She notices a change, but Peri is not well-versed when it comes to sarcasm and joking that she tends to just lump it all into one. So now it's her turn to come up with one? Imperia thinks for a moment, a crease forming between thoughtfully furrowed brows. "Would you rather...lose a limb or lose an eye? Tail is not included." Is that morbid? Peri doesn't think so. She actually thinks a lot about what body parts are most expendable and makes plans for how she would accommodate such a handicap.

It seems that almost everyone she has met appreciates her tendency to carry snacks on her person at all times. Indeed, it has definitely come in handy. Especially with the Freelancers like Agent Carolina and Agent Washington. She remembers the first time she met Washington--he was staring in disgust at a raw peace of meat. For some reason, that entire group does not seem to be able to stomach the action of consuming raw flesh, so Peri has gone out of her way to cook them meals at least twice a week.

Imperia seems to blush at Moon's comments, head ducking shyly. She does not know what to do with herself or how to respond. She is so used to being ignored or overlooked that direct compliments tend to make her uncomfortable. She enjoys them, she just doesn't understand them. Thankfully, Moon did not so much directly compliment her as he did spin it into a joke. Which is good, because his humor calms her. She even laughs--soft and melodious. "I promise there are no nefarious schemes, I just like making sure I'm always prepared to help someone out." She glances away, as if gathering courage, before meeting his gaze once more and adds, "I don't think anyone would want to eat you, anyways." There it is. A smirk. A teasing glimmer in those big, beautiful eyes. It is gone as soon as it arrives, but it definitely happened.

Re: GRAMMATICALLY INCORRECT + p, imperia - MOONMADE - 07-22-2018

[size=9pt]He's not surprised with the reply. He'd known she'd choose him-- that's a given when Gabriel's the other option. He'd set it up that way, and he'd been expecting it, but hearing her say it made him grin, anyway. Somewhat because he'd been her choice, but also because she was so bizarre in the way she replied. A shrug of the shoulders and utter naivety to the undertones of his words. Not that he'd meant it in that way, anyway, but he'd been expecting to get shoved, or something, for his words. Instead he was meant with utter indifference and logic. It was funny, for some reason. A very Imperia response.

He wouldn't like to lose an eye. There's no hope one of those pirate patches would look good on him. As for a limb-- he lifts his one bad paw, still cut up, and considers it. "I mean, this one is already looking kinda' mangled." He purses his limps and then gives a deciding nod, glancing back at Imperia with all seriousness. "You think Roman will cut it off for me if I ask nicely?" He's teasing; Imperia's so caring and worrisome, he knows she's bothered his paw hasn't healed properly yet. Whilst it was still a somewhat fresh injury, his recklessness and lack of regard for himself wasn't exactly helping the process, and it wasn't looking too great. Still, he appeared completely unbothered, and dropped it to the ground carelessly once again.

He listens closely as she replies, watching her the whole time. She's flustered, and he doesn't even know why. Did he say something? It's not like he'd made any weird implications, and he's not that self ignorant to not realize, if he had. Maybe it's the compliment, which wasn't even much of a compliment in the first place. Her reaction is as intriguing as it is sad. Moon makes a subconscious note to compliment the she-wolf more often.

His thoughts, somewhat serious, come to a grinding halt, however, at her next words. His brows shoot up, surprised at her attitude. Who knew? "What?" He says, feigning offense as he knocks his shoulder into hers gently. "You don't think I'm tasty looking? What the fuck, Frenchie. Way to flatter a guy. I had my ass seasoned for the feast, and all."

Re: GRAMMATICALLY INCORRECT + p, imperia - imperia - 07-22-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 51%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: georgia;"]Is it really so strange for Imperia to be so innocent? Maybe if she was younger, it should not. But out of all the young people in the Ascendants, the young she-wolf is among the oldest, if not the oldest. Most children are exposed to more...grown up concepts once they reach adolescence. Usually it begins with the mischievous children with the least strict parents who eagerly soak up all the taboo knowledge they can before spreading it through the other youths. Peri never got that opportunity. The children in her pack did not accept her as one of their own so she kept to herself, spending her days with her mother or reading whatever romance novel came her way. She is most fond of fantasy; princes and princesses and knights in shining armor. Her favorites are the ones where heroines grow and develop from needing to be saved to empowering themselves and learning how to save others.

The girl listens to Moon’s response with obvious interest. She is surprised that he would sooner give up a paw than an eye, and even more so if he deigned to explain his reasoning. Imperia probably would have to admit that he'd look just fine in an eye patch. Cool, even. Like a sea prince. "Interesting...Though, I'd rather lose an eye. I like to explore--that's be much harder if I was down a leg." Plus, she is a runner. She runs out of necessity, but also because she enjoys it. Peri likes how the wind tugs at her fur and the pleasant fatigue after sprinting for miles. It is one of the few physical activities that she is good at. Imperia was not planning on bringing up her personal answer to the Would You Rather question, but it was a good distraction from the distress she feels from looking at Moonmade's paw. She is doing her best not to lecture him about it's improper care, but given that they are both trapped in a room together, her resolve is bound to fail sooner or later.

Her eyes seem to sparkle at the mention of Roman. Anyone unfamiliar with her behavior might think she has a crush, which is entirely plausible given her daddy issues; but, in truth, she admires his medical knowledge. "It's possible," she replies, sounding a bit too enthusiastic about the prospect of an amputation. "Maybe he'll teach me how to do it? He is so smart." Yeah, maybe she does have a crush. But it's childish and sweet, like a student in an unrequited love with her teacher. Peri is also just a nerd. She absolutely loves to learn new things, and the more knowledge one has to offer to her, the more she likes them. It's easy for one so romantically inexperienced as she to confuse admiration with romance.

By now, Imperia seems to be warming up to Moon. She is still a bit shy and only occasionally meets his gaze, but her expression is open and honest. She seems to radiate a warmth, a pleasantness. Although she definitely praises the Maker that blushes cannot color through her fur when the lion brushes his shoulder against hers. The dainty she-wolf is unsure if she is just unused to touching others or if she is still feeling claustrophobic or if it's something else entirely... Whatever the cause, it takes a moment for Peri to recover. It doesn't help, because Moon does a pretty good job convincing Peri that he is offended. "No, no, I don't mean that as an insult--I mean I guess you're tasty? I--" she stops, extremely flustered, and glances up at the male with a faint frown. "You're teasing me." Imperia says this more for herself than for him, and immediately covers her face with her paws. Ugh, so embarrassing.