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Open World Human RP Planning - Orion - 07-21-2018



Re: Open World Human RP Planning - nefarius - 07-21-2018

[align=center][div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 550px; min-height: 9px; font-family:; line-height: 110%; text-align: justify; color:; padding: 20px"]I think we should go with [member=883]Elumina[/member] 's idea of creating a rift between our world and another one, so we'd have a more formidable excuse for the existence of powers and the introduction of other possible races (i.e., elves). If we go with that we'd have to figure out what was up with the "mortal" world before the rift appeared, since it's where the game will take place.

If we do this we'll at least have a little lore to go off of, and any lore from the other side of the rift is up to the imagination.

Re: Open World Human RP Planning - Elumina - 07-21-2018

Okay so what i had in mind was that aside from the open world map that Orion provided, I had the idea for this to be a rp in around the 18th century tech wise, just to try and keep with rules, and then mostly?? it was up to speed with our own time in terms of a lot of the basic culture. I already, kinda had a place for where the rift opened up and if we get a specific year for this world? I can tell you when it opened and closed.

I thought this out a lot more from when i pitched it, but its still pretty open in terms of in-depth lore and history.

Re: Open World Human RP Planning - Beatles. - 07-21-2018

not gonna lie, i,,,, think that we should have some modern tech
it doesn't have to be phones or computers? radios or MP3s for example would be- awesome
i'm only suggesting this because i roleplay on another site where there's no modern tech/basically survival mode and it's,, really kind of inconvenient at times? weapons-wise, yeah, maybe medieval or anything but guns

again i- haven't kept up with the discussions very much so i'm sorry if i'm wAY off-course here

Re: Open World Human RP Planning - vellichor - 07-21-2018

Agreeing with p much everything here so far! Elumi’s world offers a reason for why things are the way they are but leaves enough to the imagination that things won’t be restricted.

However, I’m agreeing with Beatles on tech. Obviously nothing that can be used offensively but I think things that are battery operated should be fine? They don’t give any sort of advantage but they do give more opportunities in plots and characters. I think phones and such would make communication too easy but I think battery operated things would be nice? Just to give the world a lil more variety.

Edit: whoops forgot to mention this but I think it’d be best to just say the world was up to date/pretty much behaving normally prior to the new world/rift? I just don’t think a lot of made up history is a great idea bc it can become a lot to read through and a little daunting for new members who weren’t here during its creation.

Re: Open World Human RP Planning - Quill - 07-22-2018

tracking on my main--

but also agreeing with Apricity here, I think battery operated, like walkie talkies or those small sorta flashlight radios for music would be a good way to add some minor tech in that could provide just basically more ambiance for a world. Though I also agree that 18th century/stone age like weaponry would be a better choice. Spears, swords, bows, etc. Having machine guns but no other tech would be weird xD

In regards to the rift I agree lore should be kept as minimal as possible. I think if we DID do a rift, it would have to be a story of oratory story of mouth sorta thing- which granted was a very common aspect of early human societies and lives was the lack of a written history (i.e pre history). So the pre-history of the new world could have been the expansion of the rift, in which people have many different theories and ideas as to how the rift was created and how the world came to be. Then history history as it actually is is the expansion of the various human rp groups and THEIR history and what they sorta believe. I think it would leave it a lot more open that way while maintaining the idea of a rift between worlds.

Re: Open World Human RP Planning - Beatles. - 07-22-2018

Agreeing with minimal lore! Because uhh.... Another Website I was on added very extensive and complicated lore and a lot of people ended up leaving partly (and if not fully) because of how hard it was to wrap your head around. I, personally, think too much lore is confusing and too restricting.

Re: Open World Human RP Planning - cyantist - 07-22-2018

[align=center][div style="text-align:justify;width:55%;font-size:10pt;font-family:verdana"]I think that perhaps having early guns wouldn't be too much of an issue? If people are able to throw fireballs, I see no reason why muskets/flintlocks wouldn't be fair and balanced. But that's just something that I'd like to see personally.

I think a timezone would definitely have to be established, simply so we can just gather like, how buildings look like, what kind of medicine is available? I also agree with having the rift happen before the game, perhaps a couple of generations so that powers aren't regarded as weird/would give time for groups against them to form.

Re: Open World Human RP Planning - nefarius - 07-22-2018

[align=center][div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 550px; min-height: 9px; font-family:; line-height: 110%; text-align: justify; color:; padding: 20px"]mmm i'm gonna be honest, i really want guns because i can't imagine people running around killing each other with knives and swords alone. and to at least balance it out a little since guns are powerful, if we were to implement them we could do what we already do with powers and charge a fee depending on what kind of gun we'd be yielding. first tier is more light-weight weapons like pistols, and then it goes up from there. but other than that, adding other insignificant tech things like walkie-talkies, radios, and lights would be nice. so the groups would always be in contact with each other instead of having to meet up places to pursue conflicts.

(i mean, if we don't have guns, do you really think that non-magical people would have a chance against fire-throwing dudes?)

as far as a timezone goes, i feel like it should be modern in terms of technology but also severely limited. so like, no phones or computers, but advanced enough to not be stone-age/medieval or something of the sort, i guess?

kinda feel like im just repeating myself at this point, but those are just my thoughts from what i could gather on this thread.

Re: Open World Human RP Planning - vellichor - 07-23-2018

I actually never thought about the gun thing that way! I think that actually makes sense to help even out powers a little?? Though there’d def still need to be restrictions so we don’t have any crazy explosives or machine guns or anything lol. And I think the idea of them being in the shop would work too bc is we could establish that they’re still limited and kinda rare but still exist in some capacity (though I also think just allowing simple ones would be fine too).

And agreeing about time period too. Just placing it in modern time would be the best option bc that keeps in-game history easy to track and lets us have more freedom with technology. Maybe the reason phones, some forms of electricity/transportation/etc don’t work is bc of some kind of disturbance the rift causes (kinda like Hogwarts lol).

Honestly maybe we could do a straw poll for these little things rn? Like having guns, lights, transportation, etc? It seems like most of us have our minds made up anyway and are thinking slightly different variations of the same thing. From there, it’d probably be easier to create the world knowing those things (which I believe Orion has some maps already that he’s posted as open world concepts?) and at that point we’d be able to allow groups to apply and things since we’d know the “rules” of the world. We could also vote on the rift thing but it kinda seems like we p much all agree on that.

Edit;; with the rift thing maybe like with what quill was saying we could have each group talk about what happens afterwards? The rift would need to be mentioned in most guides then and we can have an faq if anyone has questions about the world at that point (I believe that’s p much how ‘lore’ operates in the animal rp rn in regards to the world) so things are easy to find and simple to understand without having to worry about actual history being altered or added to or anything prior to the rift.