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Careful of the sky (p, washington) - Printable Version

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Careful of the sky (p, washington) - MirrorEdge - 07-21-2018

[member=1103]AGENT WASHINGTON[/member]
"Hey, mister." Thea could be found trailing lazily after the much-larger feline, bubbly as always, and easily keeping up due to Agent Washington's injury. "Mister."

It was safe to say Thea admired the agents, mostly due to their fighting skills and strength they possessed. That was something she respected, and while usually, it didn't mean much, it meant she was willing to listen, to follow their orders if she knew they could kick her ass to next week. Of course, that didn't mean she wouldn't pester them, if it meant a chance to be taught.

It was only natural, with the way Thea had been raised. To believe the strong would survive, and that death didn't matter, as long as you won. Not how reality worked, but this made her strong. The only issue was, that this view on the world was as fragile as cracked glass, and it just take one good hit to have everything in Thea's life come crumbling down. And of course, the one who had ingrained this into her head ever since she could understand words had ended up paying the price for it.

When she finally caught his attention, she would chirp, "Teach me something, please!" All happiness and smiles, at least, that was the vibe she mostly gave off. Of course, now and then, she would say something unsettling, but it was usually brushed off by the others.

Re: Careful of the sky (p, washington) - | AGENT WASHINGTON | - 07-25-2018

[Image: tumblr_o5qz24I7UM1ubj5sjo1_500.gif]

There were few animals in this place that were willing to be around the likes of him. Or even really want to speak with him. He was glad that he gave off the vibe that was telling others to stay away from him. The last thing he needed was someone talking his ear off while he was so desperately trying to get his leg to heal quicker. He wasn't used to having broken bones that took so long for them to heal, as when he lived in a place with advanced technology it meant he had little to worry about when it came to injuries. Biofoam was a genius invention, and he wasn't even sure who had even made the stuff. It had saved his life countless times by plugging up his wounds, but it certainly wasn't exactly the best experience and it was probably one of the more painful experiences that he had gone through. Either way, he didn't like being around other people and seemed to keep to himself.

Before the crash of the ship that he had considered to be his home, Washington interacted with others just like himself constantly. He was social. He had fun cracking jokes with the other Freelancers and were actually gullible about everything that they were saying to him. Washington found it something that he could relax and be himself though. They were a family. Until the Director had to rip them all apart and now they were trying to kill each other. Agent Texas was here and was probably going to make matters a whole lot worse. He was trying to avoid her just as much as everyone else so that he didn't go into another episode again. The health that he had built up before Texas arrived had almost been foolproof. He didn't have to worry about going into an episode random after that. But now? Everything was back to square one and he was impatient because he wasn't making fast enough progress to help him out anymore. It was frustrating, and he was too stubborn to go around asking others for help. He didn't trust these animals though.

Because they were just that. Animals. He was a human, just in a different body in the meantime. He wasn't about to start giving away his problems to someone who wouldn't end up understanding them. Being a soldier meant that they were forced to hide their weaknesses, or they would be kicked out. There was no room for those that couldn't fight anymore. He was always hiding how much pain he was in and he knew that Carolina was exactly the same too. They were Freelancers, he knew the mannerisms that they would carry with themselves. Too much had happened recently for Washington's mind to comprehend and he was still trying to get over it all. His broken arm was limiting the amount of work that he could do. He was working on upgrading his helmet so that he would be able to unlock some of the features that had seemingly stopped working for some reason.

He couldn't do that now with only one arm, and there was no way in hell he was about to let other see him with his helmet off either. There were plenty of reasons why he never really took his armor off, the only ones seeing him without his armor but still have his helmet on would be Carolina and Imperia. They had just happened upon him and both him and Carolina share a room together. It was meant for security why they did, as they weren't about to let some animals get the better of them if they tried to kill them in their sleep. Washington was a light sleeper, as well as any Freelancer. They had to be now, and he became a light sleeper during his first couple of years in the military. They weren't easy, but working with only two hours of sleep a day meant that he was awake more than he was asleep. Leaving barely any windows available to try and talk to him or even get in contact with him unless it fits into his schedule. That was one thing that he was able to get to work, was the calendar function of his helmet.

Displaying a small image on the front of his visor inside of his helmet when he pressed a button on the side of his helmet. There it would have a list of different things that he planned on doing, but he needed to plug his helmet into one of the machines that the Ascendants had in the observatory to do something like that. USB cords during this time frame still seemed to work. Now he just needed to get the radio and bioscan to work in the future. His days were usually filled with strange events that he didn't fully understand, and one of those being why he didn't know why the leopard was following him around. If he wasn't injured, he probably would have managed to lose the small kid. But since he could barely walk on three legs still, that wasn't happening. The former human had been trying his best to just ignore her, but he knew that was only going to get him so far before he would end up snapping. She was young, but it was obvious that she enjoyed fighting from the few interactions he had with her. The Freelancer was against killing children, but teaching them a hard lesson? He was all for it. His ears were pinned inside of his helmet and a low growl began to bubble in his throat.

Washington had already told Thea to leave him alone, and she continued to seem to ignore any order that she gave her. Maybe this was why the Ascendants weren't remotely that organized anymore. He lashed his shortened tail behind him as he finally did turn his helmet covered head slightly toward her direction. She immediately caught onto the fact that he was actually looking at her and spoke up again. This time Washington stopped and his claws flexed into the ground, at least from one of his arms as his left arm was still in the air. "Leave me alone already! I'm not going to teach you anything. Besides I'd just be wasting my time." Washington's voice was filled with frustration and annoyance. He had a headache now. Causing him to crane his neck to the right slightly until he heard a pop. He didn't see a point in trying to teach any of these animals how to fight. If someone wanted to learn something it would be best to go to Carolina. Although he guessed coming to him would make them less likely to die from the female if she got upset with them. Besides, he barely knew how to fight in his current body, as the Meta had proved to be correct when he had barely managed to escape the others arms before he could snap his neck. That moment still with him about he could have died at that moment. After shouting at the female, the Freelancer would continue walking along the border as he did his patrols. The hackles were seen on the back of his neck bristling slightly as he was losing more and more patience by the second. "speech"
Tags | Updated 06/26/18:

Re: Careful of the sky (p, washington) - MirrorEdge - 07-25-2018

"No you wouldn't!" She chirped. If she noticed the warning signs that he was not happy, and about to hand her ass to her, she didn't give any indication. Thea tended to ignore stuff like that.

Sure, they were animals, some feral, some about as intelligent as humans. So Thea probably wouldn't understand if that was the reason to feel that the rest of the Ascendents were inferior, if some were just as intelligent, if not more, than former humans. Species tended not to matter here when it came to how intelligent one was. If anything, it would seem there were less limits in this world, than Washington's. So why limit yourself like that, if you didn't have to?

"You're not gonna be able to fight, right? After that white hellhound kicked your ass?" Probably hitting a sore spot there.

She had slowly but surely been picking up words from Suiteheart, who tended to swear. The Fireball had learned quite a lot, even if most of it wasn't stuff she was interested in, it still didn't hurt to store it away.

For now, she dared to prod one of Washington's uninjured legs, jumping back in case of retaliation, a smile on her face. "Please? One thing. I don't care what it is. I just wanna be strong. Like you! And Agent Carolina!"

She was determined, but another reason behind this was these were one of the few people she'd respect, which was often crucial when it came to her cooperation. If somebody she viewed as weak told her to do something, she'd brush them off.